View Full Version : A step in new direction...(Kelt)

imported_Jacali Danner
Sep 13th, 2003, 05:31:15 AM
It had been on Jacali's Danner's mind a lot in the past few weeks as her training seemed to lessen as the days went by.

She knew how busy Dasquian was and well, things seemed at a stand still. Jacali would never disrespect the Master, by any means it just wasn't the way she was.

But, there were times that she just needed to talk to him and often he wasn't around.

After much thought and reasoning, she'd come to a decision. It was time to find a new Master and the first one to come to mind was Kelt Simoson. After all, he wasn't training anyone at the time that she knew of and they got along well.

So, now all she had to do was ask.

Earlier, she had sent him a message to meet her in the Room of a Thousand Fountains. The surrounds were subtle and relaxing and that was what she needed while she talked to the Jedi Knight.

She sat on the cement edge of one of the many fountains and dipped her hand into the soothing, swirling waters while she waited.

Kelt Simoson
Sep 13th, 2003, 08:15:25 AM
' Jacali...' Kelt said in greeting as he ventured up towards her.

He had recieved her message only a few moments ago, and has his and Aarons apartment was only a few minitues walk from the Fountains he found it easy to get there within a decent time.

' Are you okay?' kelt asked, worried Jacali had a problem.

imported_Jacali Danner
Sep 13th, 2003, 09:33:08 AM
She stood and bowed. "Master Kelt, I am fine...sort of." She sighed. "I've requested you to meet me here to talk about some things that have been happening...or not happening in my training with Master Dasquian."

She bit her lip. "Things have been slowing down quiet a bit and training is rather sporatic to say the least."

Jacali sat down. "But, that's not all...in times when I need to talk to my master, he's often not there and well....it just kinda makes me feel....ignored."

Kelt Simoson
Sep 13th, 2003, 02:47:02 PM
' I fully understand Jacali. Dasquian as of late has been very busy with council situations, and the like. he tries his best...' Kelt said with a smile, hopefully reasureing. But he felt that was not Jacali's main topic.

' I feel there is something more important Jacali, you are not happy being his Padawan are you?' Kelt asked, but did not need a answer, through the force he already knew.

imported_Jacali Danner
Sep 13th, 2003, 03:43:24 PM
The Padawan sighed and shook her head. "No, I'm not and that's why I've asked you here." She pulled on a loose string on her tunic for a second, before her eyes met his.

"I would like to request to become your Padawan, if you would take me on that is." There, she said it. Now all she had to do was wait on her answer.

She hoped he would agree. "I mean, we've had training sessions together before and we get along good...I wouldnt' be any trouble..."

Kelt Simoson
Sep 13th, 2003, 05:24:45 PM
' Of course i will take you as a Padawan Jacali. But have you thought about this? This is a very important decision that canot be taken lightly...' Kelt spoke gently, and sat down beside her on the bench next to the fountain.

'It is a very bold step'

imported_Jacali Danner
Sep 14th, 2003, 05:18:40 AM
"It's not a spur of the moment decision, Master Kelt. I've been thinking about it for sometime. And I do understand that it is a very bold step. A step that I'm very willing to take. One that will be in my best interests, if I want to be trained.

I mean no disrespect towards Master Belargic, but perhaps he's taken on more of a load he can handle...I don't know. But, what I do know is that I do want to become your Padawan."

She sat up straighter and nodded.

Kelt Simoson
Sep 14th, 2003, 05:31:07 AM
' Though i do not take Padawans on lightly, i will take you as my student at your request. Im sure you understand that as i am a council member now i will have the same duties as Dasquian has, but i promice i shall make every effort to train you, as i, oathed, in the ways of the Jedi.' Kelt said, placing a Hand on Jacali's shoulder.

' But first i would request to you that i have a word with Dasquian personaly, i dont wish to have him upset with the idea, is this okay with you Jacali?' Asked Kelt, a smile upon his face.

imported_Jacali Danner
Sep 14th, 2003, 05:40:52 AM
Jacali nodded. "Of course, Master Kelt. I will talk to him, I don't wish to upset him either, I hope he understands."

He had agreed! She was going to be his Padawan. Things couldn't have gone better.

But, now she'd have to talk to Dasquian and that would be hard, but she knew deep down it was the right and respectable way to do things and she would.