View Full Version : Dazed and confused.

Boyd Locke
Sep 13th, 2003, 04:40:27 AM
Morning dawns on Coruscant.

I woke to find that, yet again, several mice were plundering my kitchen. Stammering about with a broom I removed the vermin from my quarters, and tried to salvage a bit of breakfast.

Found several rejection messages in my inbox - Under qualified. Over qualified. Positions already filled. With vast galaxies to manage, doesn't anyone need technical know-how?

Droids. Must be the droids. Thieving, work hungry droids.

Wandered out to catch the community shuttle, and found my way to the local unemployment office only to find that no one has posted any new positions, and that this month's check has been significantly decreased.

Over come with apathy and a severe lack of sugars in my blood I settled back into a seat on the community shuttle and fell asleep.


I awoke, realizing that I was now facing down, while still quite seated. The shuttle was falling. I watched as several windows whizzed by revealing people studying, some meditating, and others fencing with...

Waking for the third time this morning was quite a bit harder than the last two times. My head felt like it had been split open, and I couldn't move most of my appendages. Slowly I came to realize what had happened.

After I had regained the use of my legs, I decided that the best way to get home today would be to do it the old fashioned way, by walking, but where was I?

Passing several doors marked with a strange circular writing, curiosity overcame my previous apathy and the shock of nearly dying in a shuttle crash. I turned to the next person I saw - a nice looking elderly man dressed in dark brown robes with an air of wisdom about him.

"Sir, where -"

"You must be quite a sturdy young man, surviving such a tumble." he said, interrupting my question, apparently quite preoccupied.

"Yes. I am eenveencib - What? You know about the crash?" I said, caught quite off guard.

"Yes. I felt it, and had started out to provide assistance." he said, quite calmly.

"Felt it? How - it must have happened a kilometer away - and how did you know I - " I stammered.

"Patience. I sense that you seek direction."

"Yes - "

"Take the next corridor to the left, bear right, enter the large room at the end of the hall, and ask the person you'll meet there for assistance."

"Ok - "

"They can help you. But for now, others may still need my help. Good bye."

"Thanks - Mr.?" I questioned.

The man did not reply as he rushed off. So, in a quite confused state I set off down the corridor to the left. As I came to the end of the hallway I saw several people standing in a group chatting.

Who was I supposed to speak with?
My head was still splitting with pain, and now it was splitting with questions.

Dasquian Belargic
Sep 13th, 2003, 04:46:25 AM
One person split off from the group, and the others seemed to take this as a signal to part also. The man in robes, similar to those of the man Boyd had just encountered, looked over in his direction. There were a couple of different expressions that people in the recruitment center wore – usually it was either confusion or anxiety. This man was two parts the former, one part the latter.

“Hello. I’m Jedi Knight Dasquian Belargic.”

He smiled a warm welcoming smile.

“Can I help you with something?”

Boyd Locke
Sep 13th, 2003, 05:00:49 AM
"Hello." I said, turning to greet the Jedi who had greeted me.

"Quite the day I've been having - an old man told me I could find help here."

It seemed to me that this was quite the facility, large, impressive, now jedi? But now pieces started to fit. Odd. The last time I'd seen a Jedi, aside from the one in the hall, was ten years ago when I'd attended a family reunion.

I was hoping to find some immediate direction, but maybe I was supposed to end up here - for some other purpose.

"Are the Jedi are looking for a technically minded, 22 year old humans?"

Dasquian Belargic
Sep 13th, 2003, 05:14:48 AM
“Yes, that is what we’re here for.”

Dasquian paused a moment.

“Do you only need help, or do by ‘help’ do you mean that you wish to become a Jedi?”

Boyd Locke
Sep 14th, 2003, 01:45:59 AM
"I wish to become a Jedi."

Dasquian Belargic
Sep 14th, 2003, 01:56:05 AM
And now the inevitable,


Boyd Locke
Sep 14th, 2003, 02:58:29 AM
I tried to mentally organize a list of reasons why I had just stated that I wanted to become a Jedi.

"Well, firstly, I believe that the force runs through my family."

Though it seemed to have missed my father...

"Secondly, my current station in life has no direction. No transcendent purpose."

"Last, and most importantly, I believe and have been told that I need direction."

I paused, trying to read the Jedi's reaction. What I gleaned from the warm countenance was inconclusive.

"I'd like to be like my grandfather."

Dasquian Belargic
Sep 16th, 2003, 11:21:44 AM
“In your opinion, what is it that Jedi as individuals and as a group strive to accomplish?”