View Full Version : A Return to Arms (Kack)
Dasquian Belargic
Sep 12th, 2003, 10:19:37 AM
Dasquian and his Padawan Kack arrived in one of the small combat halls, having just met in Yoghurts Bar and Grill. The Jedi Knight smiles to his apprentice as they stop, and motions towards him.
“What would you like to fight with Kack? Sabers?”
Kack Mebuff
Sep 12th, 2003, 04:14:32 PM
Kack looked up for a moment and seemed to think.
"Whatever you choose, Master. One must be prepared for all forms of combat."
He smirked.
"I brought my saber as well as Ruunya. In case you wanted to saber battle or use regular swords. I doesn't really matter."
Dasquian Belargic
Sep 13th, 2003, 05:36:41 AM
“I’m the only sword I have is ornamental for the most part,” Dasquian smiled slightly.
“So sabers it is.”
Dipping his hand to his waist, Dasquian retrieving a slim cylinder and brought it into his left hand. A deep orange beam burst from the hilt. Slowly, he set himself into a two-handed defensive guard.
Kack Mebuff
Sep 13th, 2003, 01:12:32 PM
Kack also reached down and retrieved his saber. He held it with a firm grip in his large hands. The purple blade extended with a crackle.
He stretched out his arms and prepared for the battle to come.
"Ready?" he asked.
Dasquian just nodded.
Kack swiftly leapt through the air and attempted an in-air attack, which was easily blocked. As he landed he kicked back towards his Master's stomach.
Dasquian Belargic
Sep 14th, 2003, 01:38:57 AM
Dasquian cut his saber blade down towards the on-coming kick, which would have to be retracted unless Kack wanted a nice new burn wound.
Kack Mebuff
Sep 15th, 2003, 11:09:34 AM
Kack swung his leg away from Dasquian as to avoid the missing foot that would result from the saber blade.
He then rose up to his feet and swung across at his Master. The two sabers sparked as they made contact, a flash of purple and orange.
The two combatants almost seemed to move in sequence with each other. The battle looked almost like an intricate dance between the two swordsmen.
As the Jedi came to a grid lock and leaned toward each other, Kack headbutted Dasquian square in the forehead.
Dasquian Belargic
Sep 16th, 2003, 11:14:11 AM
Dasquian recoiled and countered by twisting his saber and thumping the butt of the hilt against the Padawan’s chest. With a little Force added into the mix, the maneuver sent him backwards a fair distance.
Kack Mebuff
Sep 16th, 2003, 12:07:59 PM
Kack regained his footing and returned to his assault. The sabers swung, slashed, blocked, but Kack was using this all as misdirection and while he swung his saber with his right hand, he swung hard with his left landing a solid punch on Dasquian's chest.
Dasquian Belargic
Sep 19th, 2003, 09:56:06 AM
Dasquian once again exploited the fact that flesh, when met with a saber, creates disastrous results. As he angled the beam to meet Kack’s own, he set it at such an angle that it would be the course of the punch also. As though to reinforce his superiority, he gave his beam a push forward, with the Force behind it.
Kack Mebuff
Sep 19th, 2003, 10:16:57 AM
Kack's hand barely missed the saber. Thankfully, his instincts, coupled with the Force had kicked in.
He stepped back, for a moment. He needed to gain some sort of momentum against Dasquian ... and quick. This spar was starting to look more like a beat down. And it wasn't in Kack's favor.
The padawan paused for a moment and concentrated. With mere seconds he could feel the Force flowing throughout his body. It coursed through him like blood through veins.
Suddenly, he dashed forward at what one would almost think was the speed of light. A flurry of saber attacks whirled around the two Jedi. Then out of nowhere, Kack used his Force push to knock Dasquian backwards. It wasn't a powerful move, but it was effective none the less.
(OOC: I probably won't be able to post this weekend because I will be out of town and may not have access to a PC ... just wanted to let you know.)
Dasquian Belargic
Oct 1st, 2003, 10:04:51 AM
Dasquian, with a two-handed grip, counter the blows with his own quick reflex. The push set him a little off guard, but it wasn’t so much as to knock him over. His footing shifted, and as Kack’s flurry came to an end, he made a sweeping arc from low down – knees bent down – up as though to saw his apprentice in two.
Kack Mebuff
Oct 1st, 2003, 11:16:32 AM
Kack caught the arc mid-way through with his own saber blade and forced it down to the ground. The blades scarred the ground as they were pushed to the floor.
The Force still pumped through Kack's body and he was not prepared to lose this battle so soon.
He then released his master's blade and flipped backwards.
Kack then swung forward with a quick spin attack, the lightsabers clashed and spun in numerous directions. Sparks scattered through the air as purple impacted with orange.
Using the Force Kack then lifted Dasquian off the ground and sent him flying through the air.
Dasquian Belargic
Oct 3rd, 2003, 09:59:09 AM
Dasquian rode the wave with expertise. By applying a burst of energy in return to Kacks, the Force was balanced out and dulled and resulting in the whole thing like little more than the Knight jumping backwards.
“Think about your strengths and weaknesses Kack… how to exploit the former and hide the latter.”
Kack Mebuff
Oct 3rd, 2003, 01:06:50 PM
Kack listened to Dasquian plotting his next move. It must be swift and executed with perfection. His strengths ... his strengths ... his strength. The Force pushed Kack to the next step.
He dashed forward and grabbed Dasquian he went to slam his Master onto the ground, but Dasquian was of course prepared and began to perform a flip, but as he was in the air, Kack took advantage of his Master's position, and kicked him hard in the ribs. The Jedi Master sailed across the room.
Dasquian Belargic
Oct 8th, 2003, 09:44:08 AM
Dasquian landed with a cough, some air knocked out of his ribs. What Kack had neglected to realize was that by kicking the air-borne Knight, he had left himself open to being knocked off balance. A wave of Force energy struck the Padawan, and he found himself falling face down onto the ground.
Kack Mebuff
Oct 8th, 2003, 07:20:25 PM
"Damn," Kack cursed to himself as he hit the ground hard.
He then proceeded to lift himself from the ground.
Kack then bum rushed Dasquian as he, himself, got to his feet. Using the full force of his body, plus the aid of the Force he tackled the Jedi Master and the two sailed through the air.
Dasquian hit the ground with a hard thud and Kack's fall was broken on his Master's body. Kack then attempted to slash down as Dasquian lie on the ground in pain.
Dasquian Belargic
Oct 14th, 2003, 05:12:25 AM
Dasquian brought his saber upwards and at the same time used the Force to push Kack so that he would be forced to fall backwards. The result was their sabers meeting, and the Knights pushing his apprentices away before he rolled to the side and into a crouch – his position perfect for sweeping the saber blade down as though to cleave Kack in two from the head downwards.
Kack Mebuff
Oct 14th, 2003, 12:05:49 PM
As Kack fell back he forced himself into a roll and thrust his saber up to catch Dasquian's mid-swing.
Kack slid to a standing position and swung fiercely at his Master. Though his attacks were full of force, they were not full of anger. Kack kept his mind clear and his warrior spirit was filled with honor.
The padawan flipped backwards and charged forward with a broad slash towards Dasquian's chest.
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