View Full Version : Task Force Orishma (Trojan Horse)

Sep 11th, 2003, 11:58:38 PM
Reshmar Walked out the Bridge of the Mon Orishma refreshed and ready for the day before him. His orange/red skin moist and shinny from the condensation of the humidifiers. the Bridge Crew Stood at attention awaiting to be recognized by Reshmar. At the Head of the Command Deck Standing beside the Command Chair was Commander Retua. Retua Had been the Xo under Scott and now filled in as Fleet Ops Commander in Scotts Absence. Commander Scott was off on Coruscant getting his final command training before his promotion. Reshmar did not know where Scott would be posted but he knew The man would Make the best of his new command and do the New Republic Proud. Task Force Orishma had formed up on the Mon Orishma and all vessels were checking in with there ready status. Reshmar could hear the Communications coming in.
While orbiting Calimari the Mon Orishma had gotten some much needed tuning to her shielding and redundancy systems. Minor variations in the power distribution system were fixed and the New Xj X-wings had been inspected after there short breaking in period. The vessel was at peak status and ready for the job ahead. Below Him Reshmar felt the decks begin to grow in vibration as the Engines began warming up.

"At Ease"

Reshmar let his command crew relax and proceeded with there duties. He walked up and was greeted by Commander Retua. The Calimari Commander was shorter them Reshmar with darker brown skin coloration. He had served with reshmar since his return to service over a year ago. Their bulbous Eyes rolling as they greeted each other.

"Good afternoon Admiral. How was your Swim?"

"Very refreshing Commander. Very refreshing."

While at Calimari, Reshmar also had a private swimming facility installed in one of the command Meeting chambers. Though it was small and not very deep it still offered his Calimari crew a nice refreshing dip when needed.
Reshmar Sat in the command chair and began looking over the data streaming into his command monitor. Ships status, Supply information, navigational information. All routed to his command chair and it monitoring systems.

"Is the fleet ready to leave Commander?"

Commander Retua who had turned to get information on a system which wasn't opperating properly turned to Reshmar.

"Yes Sir all vessels have reached there position in the formation and await the order to move out."

Reshmar turned to look out the forward view port at the blue ball below. His home, The place he love over all others. Now he leaves it once again.

"Forward half thrust Commander. Get us clear of the Gravity well, then jump."

"Yes sir"

Commander Retua walked to the Back of the command deck and ordered the communications officers to inform the rest of the task force to move out. He then walked to the Chair vacant to the left of Reshmar. Here the Opps panel and weapons monitoring displays light up with reds and greens and blues. He sat in his Chair and began monitoring the Systems and information scrolling on his monitors.
The Giant Organic looking vessel made a lerching noise as its engines engaged and the mass of the vessel fought against the thrust. The trip away from the planet did not take long. The entire task force had reached the outer marker which represented the limit of Climaris gravity well in less then 20 minutes.

"Ready to Jump Sir."

Rshmar looked out into the darkness at the tiny points of light so far away. His chair rotated around to face Commander Retua.

"Jump to hyperspace Commander. Set a course for Coruscant."

Sep 12th, 2003, 08:12:30 PM
Tie felt the ship lurch as it entered hyperspace. He wondered where they were headed too. He headed to a console and foundout that they were headed for Coruscant most likely to receive their final orders before the mission.

Sep 13th, 2003, 01:04:42 AM
Reshmar watched the black star field stretched into the blurred Lines of hyperspace. The threshold between the two was almost unnoticeable. He stood and walked to the Weapons control center and to where Commander Retua Sat.

"Commander You have the bridge I must go and work on the final details of our next mission. Notify me ten minutes before we revert to normal space so I can prepare a transmission."

"Yes sir I will do as ordered."

Reshmar began Walking away and over heard Commander Yamagi Asking the Operation Officer what the Mon Orishmas destinations was. Reshmar paused and turned to the Operation officer.

"Ask Commander Yamagi to meet me on the forward observation deck."

The Dark orange Calimari nodded and informed Tie of Reshmars request. reshmar walked to the turbo lift and watched the door wisp shut. He pressed the button for deck 18 and rod the Lift to its destination without any interruption. The door wisps open and Reshmar walked down the long corridor to the Forward observation Room. The door slid open and the massive clear plasteel observation window gave a beautiful display of the lines of Hyperspace.
Reshmar came here when he could. He liked this room. It made him feel small and put him back into perspective of just how unimportant and insignificant he really was. He walked to the front of the room and stared out into the mismatching of light and darkness letting his mind relax and wonder. Here he will wait till Commander Yamagi arrived. Dazed in a peaceful relaxing gaze.

Sep 13th, 2003, 06:55:12 AM
Tie received th summons and made his way to the Forward Observtion room immediately. He saw the Captain sstaring out the window into space.
"Commander Yamagi reporting as per orders sir." he infored the captain.