View Full Version : The new breed (Zereth, Rivin, Jezreal, open)

Je'gan Olra'en
Sep 11th, 2003, 06:39:11 PM
The room was midsize, round, bowing down in two concentric terraces/seats to a mostly-flattened floor. The ceiling was in the shape of a cone, stretching up, up, to a tiny pinpoint of light through which could be seen a handful of blindingly sharp stars. A handful of large pillows lay propped against the walls, their shapes odd but useful. Je'gan Olra'en had found this room quite by accident, and, as it seemed to never be used, the young man had decided that he might as well use it however he required.

He sat almost doubled at the waist in a small reading nook inset into the wall, one of three. A thin but utterly fascinating book on alchemy theory lay propped against his knees. On the pillow beside him lay a dirk, battered and scarred from his first encounter with a Jedi, and a lightsaber, relic of the second. Neither one occupied his attention at the moment; the book had him quite engrossed.

OOC/ The basic idea behind this is just to get the new apprentices familiar with each other, mybe toss around a few ideas, etc., etc.

Jezreal Darkshard
Oct 22nd, 2003, 06:31:19 PM
Jezreal's staff made a taping noice each time it hit the ground as she walked, She had heard of a interesting room and had decided to check it out

She brushed a strand of blue hair out of her face as She walked down a hall, Jez soon came to the room entrance and walked in

She Je'gan with a his nose in a book, Jez walked over to him "Is that a good book?" She asked him.

Je'gan Olra'en
Oct 22nd, 2003, 07:22:25 PM
"Great book," he replied, not shifting his gaze in the slightest from a rythmic back-and-forth scanning of the page he was on.

After a moment he blinked, and half-closed the book. His eyes met Jezreal's.

"Alchemy's always interested me." He slid his legs off the side and stood, stretching for a moment. "Sorry," he yawned, then shook his head fiercely to clear it from the rush of blood that fogged his vision.

"Je'gan Olra'en. A pleasure to meet you, miss...?"

Jezreal Darkshard
Oct 22nd, 2003, 08:06:30 PM
"Jezreal Darkshard" She said with a smile "Its nice to meet you Je'gan"

Jez looked at him with her blue eyes "I dont read many books anymore, I usealy am too busy with my training."

Je'gan Olra'en
Oct 23rd, 2003, 03:56:27 PM
"Well, it's nice to meet you to," he replied. "Care to trade lives? Sometimes I feel that I get too much reading time, you know?"

Jezreal Darkshard
Oct 24th, 2003, 12:40:57 PM
Jezreal smiled "I would happily trade you if it was possible" She said to Je'gan "how old are you Je'gan?"

Je'gan Olra'en
Oct 24th, 2003, 02:20:33 PM
"Eighteen, last I checked," he replied. "You?"

Dark Lord Rivin
Oct 24th, 2003, 02:27:25 PM
Rivin has been sitting in the darkest corner of the room quite content to sit there all alone, but the conversation has been distrupting his thinking so he desids to reveal his postion and asks...

"Do you mind....I'm trying to think over hear and I do not nead petty ramblings disterbing my thoughts."

Jezreal Darkshard
Oct 24th, 2003, 03:04:29 PM
"Im seventeen" Jezreal said before Rivin had spoken "oops, I am sorry to disturb you" He said to the man in the corner."

Je'gan Olra'en
Oct 24th, 2003, 03:27:09 PM
Je'gan nodded; 17-ish was about what he'd guessed.

And then...

"If you would make yourself more noticeable, Rivin, people might annoy you less." A hint of bite entered his voice. "We didn't know that you were even there. At least I didn't; m'lady Jezreal might have had sharper eyes than mine. But really...hide yourself and then lash out for being annoyed by those who had no idea there was anything to annoy?"

Dark Lord Rivin
Oct 24th, 2003, 04:35:06 PM
Rivin stands and walks over towards the other two in the room.

"If it came to trusting your eyes to notice what lurk in the shadows around here, It's a wonder that you are still alive. I though that I was at a palace of sith! Not in a hall of children meddling with a power that they don't understand, let alone use! The force can show you everthing that your eyes will not reveal to you. It shouldn't have mattered if I was hiding or not."

Makoto Neo
Oct 24th, 2003, 05:32:20 PM
"Children's petty arguments were insufficient of Sith teachings, if I am informed correctly. This is not a slaughterhouse, hell-bent on driving our student's to the brink of exhaustion and then further to death. Death has been put into reserve for the weaker of beings; Jedi and Lesser," A smooth voice reversed, "There is a period in which apprentices are allowed to relax and rest their minds, disconnected from the Force for a breif span. They are not expected to be attuned every waking moment, that would make them insufficient."

Jezreal Darkshard
Oct 24th, 2003, 11:48:05 PM
Jezreal glared at Rivin while he spokem then She heard a voice "who is that?" She asked when She could not see who was talking.

Je'gan Olra'en
Oct 25th, 2003, 06:48:50 AM
"Exactly," Je'gan snapped, mentally nodding to the unseen speaker. "Your words contradict themselves, Rivin. Of we apprentices, 'children' who are 'meddling with power they don't understand' are the only ones who would use that power twenty-four-seven. Senior to Jezreal and I you may be, Rivin...but don't seek to impose your standards on us." His tone made it eloquently clear that his opinion of Rivin's entire attitude was pretty much through the floor.

Lord Van-Derveld
Oct 26th, 2003, 09:46:04 AM
“Yes, Rivin. If you do not like what you are hearing or seeing, do feel free to leave.”

Another figure had entered. He carried himself with a gait that spoke volumes of power; the carriage of a Sith Master. He wore dark robes that would have befitting of an Emperor, and a defiant smirk curled into his lips.

Dark Lord Rivin
Oct 27th, 2003, 10:51:11 AM
Rivin looks towards Makoto's voice.

"I'm sorry if I may still be ignorant of the ways this place runs, but All I know is how I was trained, which was very effective I might add. 4 hours of sleep, 2 hours of rest split throught the day, 1 hour of Study, half an hour for eatting through the day, and the rest was training with the force."

Rivin looks to the others in the room.

"I may be thinking that all sith training should be like that, but I know that is not the way things are done here. I am not imposing my standards on anybody, just making subjestions on how they could improve themselves. Even though it is tough and tireing, my standards will bring the use of the force to a person with little to no effort rather quickly"

He then looks at Van-Derveld.

"And If I see and hear too many more things that urrk me, I may just do that."

Je'gan Olra'en
Oct 27th, 2003, 04:52:14 PM
"Tut tut," Je'gan interjected before the imposing man could respond. "Really, Rivin, your attitude isn't befitting conduct towards fellow Sith. I suggest that you apologize to Jezreal. Now."

Dark Lord Rivin
Oct 27th, 2003, 05:43:53 PM
Rivin sends a cold stare Je'gan

"My attitude is befitting conduct towards fellow Sith, and if you had studyed and history of The Sith, you would know that. Sith throught the ages have always had conflicts such as this, and worse. The fact that I have not go to remove your head with my sabers tells you that I am acting in a kind manner for a Sith to Sith interaction."

Rivin walks towards Je'gan, his left hand hovering near one of his sabers.

"And as for apologizing to Jezreal, I will not. I do not apologize for my opinons, and will not start now. It's not like YOU could make me."

Jezreal Darkshard
Oct 27th, 2003, 05:51:15 PM
"leave him alone Rivin" Jezreal said as she walked up behind Rivin "if we are so inferior then why are you even talking to us" She said as She held her staff a short distance from Rivin's head.

Je'gan Olra'en
Oct 27th, 2003, 05:54:10 PM
Je'gan waved her back. "Senseless conflict solves nothing, Jezreal.

"Rivin. Forget opinions. You started this not by stating an opinion, but by dismissing a conversation between Jezreal and myself as petty and rambling."

He peeled a thin leather glove from his right hand and with whipcrack speed slapped Rivin across the face with it, drawing blood at the other man's lip.

"Training grounds. One hour. Be there."

The acolyte threw an apologetic glance at Jezreal and stalked from the room.

Dark Lord Rivin
Oct 27th, 2003, 05:59:57 PM
Rivin gets hit by the slap,but doesn't flinch, He then Glances back at Jezreal after he watches Je'gan storm out of the room.

"I don't recall ever saying that you were inferior? I just pointed out that the standards here seem rather lax. And I will not harm Je'gan, unless he wishes to make something about this. I will not stop him if he does. And by the looks of things, He does wish to make something out of this. "

Jezreal Darkshard
Oct 27th, 2003, 06:04:49 PM
Jezreal glared at him again "your old ways might get you killed one day Rivin"

She turned around and ran off after Je'gan.

Dark Lord Rivin
Oct 27th, 2003, 10:26:07 PM
As Rivin watches Jezreal run after Je'gan he says quietly...

"At least then I would die my way."

Rivin then heads out the the other doors in the room and makes his way to the training room.

OOC:Continues In the training grounds (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=32808)

Lord Van-Derveld
Oct 28th, 2003, 03:00:35 AM
Vega smirked and shook his head.

“If Lady Vader were to hear about this,”

He muttered to himself, his expression turning to that of an impish grin before he too departed.