View Full Version : Famous last words (Bismarck, open)

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Sep 11th, 2003, 02:31:20 PM
"This. Is. Boring."

It was a simple sentence broken into single words, emphasizing the extreme boredome of the woman that had spoken. The woman who currently draped her upper half over the second floor banister of her host's home on Balmorra.

She looked down at the man who'd been asked to keep an eye on her (for lack of a better word), while Taylor Millard took care of matters elsewhere; bringing together the government of his war torn planet. Of course she herself still regarded the Grand Admiral with a somewhat reserved nature still, even after the events a few weeks after the war itself ended, but slowly she was becoming her old (and yes - somewhat conniving) self. And right now, staring down at Rigel Bismarck, that mentality was shining brilliantly.

Bismarck had been asked to make sure she didn't get herself into too much trouble, and he wa doing a superb job of it, inviting her to his home and treating her to lunch before effectively 'locking' her inside. It was devious, and she glared daggers at the man below her, grumbling something about Imperial stiffneck paper-pushers with seniority complexes and power trips.

Of course her choice of words was far less than appropriate.

And so now, staring down at Bismarck, she sighed.

"Is there anyhing to do here besides play chess?"

Rigel Bismarck
Sep 11th, 2003, 10:42:40 PM
"You wound me to the quick my dear," Rigel Bismarck protested with false injury in his tone. He had not, however, looked up from the game of chess he was playing. "Simply because I enjoy victory and conquest in any form does not mean I have no other enjoyments on hand."

His fingers deftly plucked a piece from the board and moved it. There was a beep, and the pieces vanished. "Checkmate," Rigel smiled. And victory.

He looked up at s'Ilancy, who still had not moved. Now, however, she featured a definite aura of disappointment. "However, given the prominence of your upper lip in its' current pout, I suspect nothing I have onhand will really satisfy your current craving for a rush."

Rigel folded his hands together and set them in his lap. "So, s'Ilancy-Millard: what is your poison today?"

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Sep 12th, 2003, 01:58:17 PM
The Lupine looked down at him, her fingers involuntarily curling and uncurling before she ran a hand through her hair. Sometimes... just sometimes... she wanted to slap him. The two had had these sort of conversations before, and each time they'd ended the same way - with him promising her some sort of adventurous outing and then never delivering.

She snorted at his words. "You say poison like it's a bad thing, Bismarck.

"And for the record, I'm not married to him yet, so you can stop calling me s'Ilancy-Millard."

Another glare was sent his way, as she straightened up, heading for the stairs that would bring her down to the first floor. That he seemed obsessed with playing chess whenever she was his guest somewhat annoyed her; of course the day that he actually pursuaded her to play a game with him was the day she'd intentionally smash her thumb with a hammer.

Rigel Bismarck
Sep 20th, 2003, 12:14:05 PM
"For the record, the notion of killing oneself through ingestion of toxic chemicals leaves a rather nasty image," Bismarck countered. "And also, for the record, you've given no indications of backing out of the proposed union. So I ask you: what harm is there in acquiring a good habit early?"

In some ways, Rigel had to admit that s'Ilancy seemed like an unruly younger sister. She had little regard for discipline and order, didn't care whether things got done unless the need was overwhelming, and seemed to have nothing truly useful to do. In fact, she had been a fairly un-gracious houseguest, particularly where it concerned the excessive consumption of fine and costly alcoholic beverages Rigel kept onhand.

Which gave a certain persuasive logic to the notion of allowing her to roam around wherever she pleased so long as it wasn't his house.

But then again, allowing her to get into trouble without any lifelines would be just the sort of thing Taylor Millard might well have him shot for.

"You honestly would care to leave this magnificent villa Taylor provided me in favor of wandering a city seeking out trouble?"

Sep 20th, 2003, 12:53:07 PM
-Quicksilver had not had a contract in months. he has, instead, saw fit to entertain himself by other means, the only way he could.

The poly-holographic camoline grid reduced his image to nothing more then a blur, his bio-tech synthetic nature made him silent as a ghost too.

He landed on the roof, just above a guard on the balcony below. Quicksilver reduced his movement to a snails crawl as he waited for the guard to radio-check and walk off down the rest of the long balcony; Quicksilver used the opertunity to swing over the edge and onto the ceiling of the floor below.

Crawling along the ceiling, he found himself above a grand flight of marble stairs, winding down to the floor below.

Perched on the ceiling he observed two figures playing a game.-

"...Sheesh,...all those guards......just as well it's not a contract.....this would've dragged on all night..."

-He thought to himself.-

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Sep 23rd, 2003, 12:03:03 PM
She stared at him, her eyes neutral as she sat in the chair across from him, hair tied back loosely and her casual clothes in stark contrast to his. Looking at the vacant chessboard, the Lupine lounged back - resisting the urge to prop her booted feet up on that damn chessboard. His words were digested and mulled over in silence before s'Il lifted her eyes to his.

"Yes Bismarck, your house is nice. It's wonderful and gorgeous, and I love spending all my time here. And you know, you're right. What am I thinking? why would I want to leave here? This place is perfect." A funny thought crossed her mind, and her voice suddenly took on a more serious tone as an idea began to spark in the back of her mind.

"In fact, I think I'll move in with you."

Rigel Bismarck
Sep 24th, 2003, 01:07:02 PM
Rigel froze as he was. "You wouldn't dare."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Sep 24th, 2003, 01:23:54 PM
Keeping a straight face, s'Il matched stares with him. It was easy to see her words had incited quite the reaction from Bismarck, and while it wasn't a flamboyant reaction, it was a reaction none-the-less.

"Oh yes I would," she countered back.

"You said yourself it's a magnificient villa. Why wouldn't I want to live here? Besides; just think Bismarck, we could spend so much time together."

Rigel Bismarck
Sep 24th, 2003, 01:26:35 PM
Rigel spluttered. "Woman, do you realize what you're saying?" he protested. "Taylor Millard would have my head if you did that."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Sep 24th, 2003, 01:45:23 PM
The Lupine gave him a placid look, simply leaning back even more and enjoying the moment. So much, in fact, that she gave in to her temptation - and with a very deliberate motion, lifted her legs to rest her feet atop the chessboard, crossing them at the ankles.

"Think of all the fun we could have," she said simply.

Rigel Bismarck
Sep 24th, 2003, 01:58:17 PM
Bismarck's expression went flat- his powerful mind had kicked into gear, deducing very quickly that s'Ilancy would hardly find his lifestyle very fun at all, but would find enough spite in her to move in and stick to it. He would have to find some logical grounds on which to dissuade this most distressing notion.

"Individual definitions of the word 'fun' aside," he began. "I have a great deal of trouble imagining you having a taste for salmon fillets in a garlic butter sauce with a side of wine or cognac at dinner, or enjoying a recording of Avidendi's Pochialotto. What do you expect to take a liking to, exactly?"

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Sep 24th, 2003, 05:36:05 PM
"Are you calling me unrefined, Bismarck?"

Her query was no-nonsense, as she settled herself more comfortably. "I deal with those same things whenever I'm around Millard. Don't you think I'm used to it by now?"

Her metallic eyes stared at him, and she flicked an imaginary piece of dust from the arm of the chair with disinterest.

"And for that matter," she finished conspiratorially, "who says we always have to do the things you like...?"

Rigel Bismarck
Sep 28th, 2003, 04:58:41 PM
If s'Ilancy had not been slated to become the wife of his ultimate superior, Bismarck would have dismissed these as idle threats. Woe that such was not the case, as s'Ilancy seemed quite bent on uttering these threats of a miserable life until she got what she wanted.

"All right," he said, giving in at last. "What did you have in mind, exactly?"

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Sep 29th, 2003, 02:47:18 PM
It was almost cute to see the look on his face as he seemed to accept his fate. She even offered him a grin, but with his returned scowl, s'Il only sat deeper, a smug look on her features as she let her mind further 'sculpt' her little idea.

"What's the matter Bismarck? You don't look so good," was all she quipped, mentally going over where the nearest Turismo venue was taking place; it'd been a while since she'd taken the rover out, and it might do the thing some good to see some action.

Rigel Bismarck
Oct 5th, 2003, 03:59:40 PM
Rigel glared at her. "If you insist on prolonging this game, I will be forced to poison you and dispose of your body," he said acidly. "I assure you I have no restrictions whatsoever on doing this, just as you have no qualms about wandering into unliscensed shockboxing matches, or whatever it was that got you in trouble."

Rigel waved the specifics away with a hand, trying so hard not to concentrate on what s'Ilancy might choose for the evening's events that was paying little attention to what he was saying. "Dreadful business, that."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 5th, 2003, 08:44:50 PM
A look of feigned hurt passed over her features, and s'Il pulled her feet from atop the chessboard to stand, rising in one fluid motion. Her whole body gave off an air of surprised shock, and her brows knit as she skirted the low table to look down at him...

... and before he could make any objective moves, lowered herself into his lap, wrapping an arm around the back of his neck, her fingers tapping innocently on his shoulder.

"Bismarck," she started, her voice sulkingly low, "would you really poison me... ?"

Rigel Bismarck
Oct 5th, 2003, 09:09:42 PM
"I would poison Satan if he was an impediment," Rigel told his lap's new occupant.

A thoughtful look crossed his face and his tone changed. "You really can't underappreciate what a good poisoning will do for a situation," said Rigel. His arm wrapped itself around s'Ilancy and he tapped her on the nose. "One of these days, my dear, I will have to teach you about some of the more fun ways to dispense of enemies."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 5th, 2003, 09:23:31 PM
"Poisoning is kind of sadistic though," she protested mildly, "don't you think?"

She levelled her eyes at his, doing her best to make herself comfortable in his lap. "Or is that the only other option you Imperials utilize, other than sending in stormtroopers to do your dirtywork.?"

Rigel Bismarck
Oct 5th, 2003, 09:39:17 PM
"I quite enjoy the application of some creative sadism, thank you," Rigel told her. "It works so much more effectively than assaulting foes of the Balmorran Empire with bad limericks or caustic wit. Chemicals and guns keep them in line, my dear. Chemicals and guns."

"Now, is there a reason you've taken up residence in my lap or do you just find my charm that irresistable?"

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 5th, 2003, 09:44:55 PM
The Lupine gave him a placid look, her metallic eyes flat and completely unemotional as she let her head fall back to rest on his shoulder. "Oh, you're irresistable. Definately that."

She flicked his ear with her index finger. "Now. How about entering a little race with me?"

Rigel Bismarck
Oct 5th, 2003, 09:51:56 PM
"How about I poison you?" Rigel's eyes rolled. "My dear, if I could perform in a pilot's capacity I would undoubtedly have been shuffled into a TIE and killed in the line of duty a long time ago. If you and I race I'm likely to get us both killed."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 5th, 2003, 10:04:37 PM
Another flick to his ear.

"You won't be driving... you don't honestly think I'd let you drive, do you?

"No Bismarck, I need a navigator." Leaning up, she turned to face him, situating herself in his lap while giving him a cheshire cat's grin, "And you're it."

Rigel Bismarck
Oct 5th, 2003, 10:09:06 PM
Rigel's face creased with puzzlement. "Who exactly are we going to be racing, then?"

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 5th, 2003, 10:55:49 PM
"There's a race tonight, starting from the lower district and ending in a little town about thirty miles northwest of Bin Prime - I don't remember its name offhand though."

The look on his face was actually rather cute, and she took the moment to tap his nose, just as he'd done to her.

"It'll be fun.

"Trust me."

Rigel Bismarck
Oct 6th, 2003, 01:16:39 PM
It didn't sound too bad. Plus he would at least be in the speeder and could do something if things got out of hand.

"I will concede to this plan so long as you never say that again," scowled Rigel. "I won't have those being our famous last words."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 6th, 2003, 02:31:18 PM
A smile, then she stood from his lap, grabbing his hand and pulling him to his feet as well. Her energy level seemed to go from zero to ten in the span of a second, and the light in her eyes could easily be read as either happiness or mischief - or both. One could never tell with her.


She pulled him from his game and the chair he'd parked himself in toward the foyer.

"This is gonna be fun, you'll see," she remarked absently, reaching out for the doorknob, still towing him behind her.

Rigel Bismarck
Oct 19th, 2003, 07:38:18 PM
"This is gonna be fun, you'll see!"

Rigel sighed. It was the fifth time s'Ilancy had repeated that phrase and he was starting to disbelieve it.

The speeder slowed to a halt near a large throng of people. Both Rigel and s'Ilancy got out of the speeder. s'Il lounged against the side of the vehicle and Rigel waited by his own door, hoping his companion knew what she was doing. His eyes wandered taking in the sights of the area.

Everyone was huddled around a large bonfire. Their clothes were tattered and holed halfway into fitting a trend. The light flickered off nearby buildings; the cracks in their walls and the dilapidated streets around them.

"Fun, yes," he murmured. "How could I have possibly thought otherwise?"

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 19th, 2003, 11:28:26 PM
Coming around the side of the speeder, s'Il looped her arm into his, pulling him with her to a warehouse on the other side of the bonfire - pulling him through the group of people surrounding the flames in search of warmth.

"You need to put more faith in me, Bismarck," she remarked as they came out of the small crowd easily and headed for the door. "Besides. This isn't exactly where the race starts. This is just where I keep the car. Private warehouse, you know?"

Millard didn't even know what she kept in the warehouse she'd bought; of course he didn't know about it yet.

placing her hand on the palm scanner built into the wall by the door, she waited for the folowing clicks to sound as the door unlocked itself, and opening it, she pulled bismarck inside.

The door closed, leaving them both in inky blackness before s'Il spoke - her words were in Selonian however, but it was clear what she'd said as the lights came one, revealing the masterpiece that she and Silus had rebuilt from scratch.


Something that both had taken out racing multiple times - and won with.

The Lupine loved the feeling of having constant contact with the ground; unlike speeders, these older models gave her the feeling of actual speed.

And she was about to show Bismarck a real need for speed.

Rigel Bismarck
Oct 20th, 2003, 11:19:05 PM
It wasn't bad.

It didn't exactly awaken in Rigel the sudden wild desire to cruise countrysides at the highest possible velocity. However, the machine before him was certainly well-assembled and kept. It occurred to Rigel to wonder how many hours s'Ilancy put into it in a month.

Then again, those hours could probably be spent doing something of actual worth. Rigel decided not to think about it.

"Curiously strong security over such an antiquated vehicle," Rigel noted. "How much is it worth, exactly?"

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 24th, 2003, 12:42:51 PM
Sending an exhasperated sidelong glance to Bismarck, s'Il only shook her head while running a careful hand over the hood.

"It's worth enough," she said simply, reaching for the driver's side door handle. The door came open with hardly a sound, and the Lupine turned to look at her companion before lowering her frame into the sleek body of the speeder.

"Besides," she finished conspiratorially, "you honestly don't think this is the only valuable - or money making - thing I keep in here, do you?"

Rigel Bismarck
Nov 3rd, 2003, 02:27:58 PM
"The very notion you make practical use of your time astonishes me, my dear," Rigel said smoothly. He had crossed the distance between his standpoint and the passenger door of the speeder, but paused before opening it and smirked across the roof at his companion before either of them got in. "It seems to me gratifying your whims of the moment is the likely way you spend most of your time."

The door opened both easily and noisily with little more than a gentle tug, and Rigel manuevered his way inside the vehicle. He then looked around. "If I am to navigate, shouldn't I have a map of some description?"

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Nov 3rd, 2003, 02:35:54 PM
With the turn of an old-style key, s'Il let the powerful engine rumble to life, feeling its strenght as it idled. It felt wonderful. The interior of the speeder itself was sleek, black, and all leather, giving the inside a distinct fighter-cockpit feel.

At Bismarck's question, she pushed in the clutch, shifted into first, and let the speeder begin to roll forward. On the far wall, one of the bay doors began to open, and without a second thought the Lupine gunned the engine, sending the vehicle jumping ahead.

"Oh, well, about that navigator bit - " A sheepishly mischievious smile followed, " - I already know the course... I just need someone along for the ride in case we got busted.

"Someone like you."

Rigel Bismarck
Nov 3rd, 2003, 02:44:52 PM
The forward jerk sent Rigel's head whipping forward, then backward into the headrest. He rubbed the spot of impact with his fingertips.

His face took on a decidedly sour tone at s'Ilancy's last words. "Oh, thank you Madame s'Ilancy," he said, rolling his eyes. "I do so appreciate your fond willingness to risk my neck and my job in one fell swoop. I can see the Balmorran Solar headlines now: smuggler wife of Grand Admiral Millard caught on night outing with subordinate Admiral. Reports add that both attempted to charm their way out of speeding tickets. Smuggler fires blaster at police in all-out wild chase."

"Yes, that would just do, wouldn't it?" he groused.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Nov 3rd, 2003, 02:55:39 PM
Reaching up, s'Il patted his cheek gently. "See there? I knew you'd understand."

Then, returning her hand to the steering wheel, she executed a sharp right turn while in the same motion downshifting to give the speeder a little forward jump. The vehicle shot down the road, streetlights reflecting smoothly over the glossy surface and tinted windows.

"Besides," she went on as they cut a path deeper into the lower districts, "as long as you're not the first car or the last car out if they bust the place, then we're fine."

Another sharp turn.

"You worry too much, Bismarck."

Rigel Bismarck
Nov 3rd, 2003, 03:09:35 PM
"And you show a reckless lack of caution," Rigel countered.

The feeling of being shanghai-ed was beginning to dissipate; he could have made some movement to leave long before now and hadn't. He assumed it was his own curiousity wanting to see where this led.

So far, that seemed to be to more run-down sections of city.

It was to his credit that Rigel was not fooled at all. He knew the direction they were heading was merely a slum front- inside the unkept structures existed all manner of illegal equipment or immoral occupations. It was the kind of occupation Rigel turned his nose up at, even if he did recognize it as a tactical tool with uses against the New Republic.

"One day you'll end up naked and dead in a gutter, with nothing accomplished and no one to mourn you, mark my words."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Nov 3rd, 2003, 03:26:04 PM
A snort.

"Puhleaze, Rigel - I'm usually naked as it is, and I've already been dead twice. I'm a Thyferran Duchess, and have been accepted by the house Van Derveld."

The vehicle ran smoothly through the dirty, unkept streets of the lower district, and s'Il slowed just a little, turning down a darkened alley and heading even farther back into the depths of Bin Prime's underworld.

"Oh, did I mention I led the ground war during the Civil War? You of all people should remember that."

A finger jabbed at his side. "And that's just so far."

Rigel Bismarck
Nov 3rd, 2003, 03:44:38 PM
"Bah," Rigel snorted. "Being swept up in events is not a substitute for a life with actual goals. When was the last time you spent years working on something grand and actually saw it come to fruition? And don't tell me that I'm sitting in it because, as smoothly-oiled as this machine must be, it will hardly go on to have a profound effect on the galaxy. I guarantee you nothing of any galactic import has come from the winning of a race, and that tonight's little outing will be a one-night stand, nothing more."

The speeder seemed to be nearing a large circular court that sharply contrasted with the narrowness of the alleyways. There were other similarly vintage models of speeder parked around it with accompanying drivers standing nearby. It had to be their intended destination, at least for the moment.

"And might I add," said Rigel smugly, jabbing back at s'Il. "That had it not been for my starfleet, your ground war would have come to its end in the form of turbolaser-vaporized carbon monoxide and ozone? Credit where credit is due, my dear; credit where credit is due."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Nov 3rd, 2003, 03:57:08 PM
"Don't think I won't pull this car over and make you walk home," was the quick retort, "cause I will."

Steering around the other speeders, s'Il kept going - past lounging drivers and blaring sound-systems. It was a display of the older days where merit seemed to be based off the output of amplifiers and stereos. A time that s'Il herself loved. She was fascinated with the entire thing, and every chance she had was spent in just such an environment.

Bismarck's words had hit a chord though, and as she drove, her brows furrowed in semi-annoyed anger.

"And besides - who said I want to make myself widely-known in this galaxy? Hell, the less known I am the better. So what if I don't want to be the harbinger of something huge and grand? Just means I don't have a superiority complex... "

Bringing the vehicle to a stop away from the main crowd, s'Il let it idle as slowly, one by one, more cars gathered in the same spot. This was going to be the starting point - the end of the race being a good distance off, in a small village about 30 miles from Bin Prime.

"... like some people I know."

Rigel Bismarck
Nov 3rd, 2003, 04:07:36 PM
"It only counts a complex if one is not actually superior," Rigel replied loftily. "And quite obviously, I am just that."

This comment got s'Ilancy's attention and she turned her attention away from the outside of the vehicle long enough to see an amused smile playing around Bismarck's mouth and a sly look in his eyes.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Nov 3rd, 2003, 04:16:17 PM
"... uh huh... " was the only thing she said, staring at him.

A few more minutes of silence, and s'Il turned back to look out the tinted window, her eyes traveling over the other contenders. The race itself was slated to start soon, and propping her elbow up on the door, she rested her chin in her hand before speaking once more - though this time her voice, while light, held a very convincing degree of confidence.

"You know, Sweety, all that bragging has to make me wonder if you're just trying to make up for something."

Rigel Bismarck
Nov 3rd, 2003, 04:34:25 PM
"Why, my dear, that was low," Rigel put a hand to his chest in feigned injury. "Don't tell me you're tiring of my presence already? And here, I thought you wanted me for a house-mate."

Rigel laughed and leaned back in his seat. He had to admit verbal bantering and biting with s'Ilancy had a remarkably satisfying quality.

A question occurred to Rigel and he looked outside. "Are there actually any rules in this sort of thing?"

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Nov 3rd, 2003, 04:41:10 PM
At this, s'Il turned to him, the look on her face likely the most genuinely innocent look Bismarck had ever seen cross her features in all the time the two had known eachother.

"Rules... ?"

Rigel Bismarck
Nov 14th, 2003, 05:11:12 PM
"Note to self: no boundaries," Rigel noted.

Then suddenly, he was thrown backwards into the seat cushion, again, as the race kicked off.

The Admiral of the Balmorran Navy scrambled into a forward sitting position. "By the Emperor's bones, warn me when you're about to throw me around!" he thundered. After managing to settle into his seat, he asked another question. "Where does the course go?"

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Nov 16th, 2003, 06:31:48 PM
Slamming the speeder into third, s'Il popped the clutch and let the vehicle leap forward, eating up ground with a ravenous appetite. The engine growled beatifully, and she grinned to herself at Bismarck's words. The Lupine refrained from looking at him though, instead concentrating on the road ahead of her.

At his question though, she jerked the wheel to the side, taking them down into a rarely-used back alley. Three other speeders followed closely, their headlights coming close to the rear bumber of the Skyline. "Well," she started, nudging the wheel to narrowly avoid a dumpster, "the course itself is pretty loose - "

Another sharp turn that brought them onto one of the main thoroughfairs... and right in front of a police barricade. s'Il spun the wheel, tapping the brakes lightly, and the speeder snapped to the left, taking off once more down another alleyway.

" - the main thing is getting through the city without getting picked off by the cops."

Rigel Bismarck
Nov 30th, 2003, 05:09:56 PM
"Policemen? They were waiting for us? And you knew? Are you trying-"

Rigel broke off with a sigh. "No, I've already asked that question. Fine- I have landed in this situation, and now I must make the best of it."

He pointed abruptly. "Left!"

s'Il jerked the car into a sudden turn out of the alleyway. "What was it?"

Rigel smirked. "Well, I wanted to go left. I like main roads."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Dec 1st, 2003, 09:46:25 PM
If she could have, the Lupine would have pushed him out of the car. Sometimes...

Instead, she settled for swiftly releasing the steering wheel in order to slap Bismarck up the side of his head before pushing both her feet down on the brake pedal - red and blue flashing lights flairing before them, and as the Skyline skidded to a halt, s'Il threw it into reverse.

"You moron," she half sighed, half growled, "the main roads are the most heavily guarded."

The speeder made a rapid retreat as two squad cars advanced, and whipping the steering column once more, s'Il sent the car into a spin that took it in a 180 degree turn, facing them away from their oncoming pursuers. Kicking the car into first, she released the clutch while mashing the gas pedal down, sending it jumping forward with renewed energy.

"Now we're going the wrong way," she went on as the Skyline thundered back up the main road. "Way to go, Bismarck."

And with a disgruntled look on her face, she yanked the car right, tearing back into a narrow alleyway.