View Full Version : Two Shakes Too Clever (Ryla and open)

Rigel Bismarck
Sep 10th, 2003, 09:49:10 AM
All Jeminy could hear was the slapslap of his bare feet in the sewer water and the blood pounding in his ears.

Then there was something else, a sound which filled him with dread. "He's over here!"

The blood pounded harder and his breath ran faster. There was nothing but darkness, the stench of waste, and a desperate need to get away. He didn't want to leave. He'd liked it here; liked the school and Miss Micha. And Fluff, and Nowy, and Pont and all his friends.

The bad men were going to take all that away.

Something big burst out of the tunnel entrance nearby. Jeminy ran even harder, but it grabbed him under the arms and lifted him up so he couldn't run. "We caught him, Commander Bismarck," it said.

Jeminy struggled, but it was no use. At ten, he just wasn't big enough to get away. "Leggo!" he said, hoping whoever it was would do so.

Instead, the water nearby sloshed and someone clicked on a light. It shone so brightly Jeminy had to stop struggling to shield his eyes. "Yes, that is the last escapee," said the man behind the light. "Do be so good as to sedate him and take him to the ship, Sergeant."

"Yes, sir." They were taking him away! Jeminy began struggling again, but something pinched his neck and everything began to feel heavy. His eyes closed for him, leaving only a vague impression of the man behind the light dancing in his mind.

Bismarck cut the light and smiled in the darkness, in spite of the dank stench surrounding him. This last child made eleven that he could take into direct custody. It would make the bargaining much easier later on.

Too bad the New Republic and their pet Jedi would be on the short end.

Ryla Relvinian
Sep 10th, 2003, 08:13:59 PM
The trip over had been fairly dull, and I mostly passed the time by instructing Iago through the basics of diplomacy. Of course, it also served as a refresher for me, as I had not been called to do this sort of negotiation in quite some time. I was confident in my abilities, however, and considered myself to be striving towards the perfect balance of peace and results. I knew enough not to hope for an idealistic result, but at least some of the territories under dispute would be resolved, and perhaps the people could go back to somewhat of a normal life.

Of course, normal was indeed a relative term, especially regarding the man I was to be in negotiations with. I checked my datapad, pulling up a file from the Archives on him.


Admiral Rigel Bismarck, commander of the Black Star Fleet, recently incorporated into the Balmorran Empire.

Highly intelligent tactician, tendency towards violence and retribution. Has been known to use such unsavory methods as kidnapping, extortion, blackmail to accomplish his goals…


I sighed, putting the datapad back down on my lap. Standing against him was an assembly of the planetary leaders… peasant rabble, as far as he was concerned, and hardly worth any trouble. I was not so sure that reason was going to work with this man, given his tendency towards megalomania. He would surely never play on an even ground, and that thought made me wonder just what he would be hiding up his sleeve.

The final journey was complete, and we carefully docked aboard the large starship. As we awaited the final confirmation of our arrival, and clearance to board, I turned to Iago, giving him a quick smile. “Now remember, many of the people we will interact with today will be potentially hostile. You must always be on your guard. I have no doubts about your skills in battle, but let this be a time for you to build your senses. Do your best to reach out for other’s emotions.”

Rigel Bismarck
Sep 11th, 2003, 11:42:43 PM
"The Jedi shuttle has docked with the Scythe, Admiral."

"Excellent. Do we know who they are sending?"

There was a slight shuffle as the Lieutenant consulted a sheet of flimsy. "The lead negotiator is a female named Ryla Relvinian. She's accompanied by a Padawan of hers- identity unconfirmed, but she's only been known to have three, so it must be one of them."

Ryla's was a completely unfamiliar name. Rigel had expected someone more suited to debating with an Imperial claiming ownership of several states of territory on a Republic member planet, such as Figrin D'an or Morgan Evanar. Still, Ryla would need to have formidable skills or she would not have been sent.

"Sir? Shall I have a briefing room prepared?"

A briefing room? Yes, the Jedi would be expecting typical Imperial hospitality, quite probably a confrontation involving several experienced diplomats with a Moff heading them. Perhaps even an invitation to the bridge at some point to truly awe them with the firepower of a Star Destroyer...

"No." That would be too easy. "Instruct the kitchen staff to prepare sandwiches and invite the Jedi to an impromptu dinner right here."

"Here? In your office, sir?"

Bismarck smirked. "Quite. I'd also like a ysalamiri brought up. And order everyone who escorts her that admiring Madam Relvinian's attractiveness is permissible."

"Sir? I'm not certain I understand."

"Madam Relvinian is a woman and a Jedi, Lieutenant," Rigel said. He steepled his fingers together and smiled over them. "Imagine how you would enjoy yourself naked and able to hear the thoughts of everyone in the room with you- which happens to be filled by Taylor Millard's notoriously lustful Female Fifth Armor."

The Lieutenant gulped. "I see, sir."

"Good. Hurry along now, Lieutenant. We mustn't keep the Jedi waiting."

The Lieutenant hurried out, leaving Bismarck alone.

Alone and still smirking.

Ryla Relvinian
Sep 14th, 2003, 12:16:30 PM
As the ship made the final checks, settling us in the docking bay, I spent a few seconds making sure I looked all right. While at the Temple, many of us wore clothing that was of a more relaxed nature, naturally gravitating to the styles of dress that reflected our diverse upbringings. On a mission, however, I always wore the formal Jedi tunics, a multi-layered affair that conveyed a sense of authority and wisdom. Over the tunics I wore my great robe, keeping the folds of fabric around me in an attempt to retain some secrecy.

Iago was still getting used to wearing the full robes, and I finished helping him straighten his tabard right before the door opened. We boarded the starship, and we were greeted by a less-than-formidable looking Lieutenant who immediately stared at my face. Oh well, I thought to myself, at least he isn’t staring at my chest… yet.

As he introduced himself, giving a slight bow to me and then to Iago, I quickly amended that statement. I nodded to his greeting, responding with the usual formal introductions.

“I am Jedi Master Ryla Relvinian, and this is my Padawan, Iago Kent.”

The Lieutenant mumbled something in reply, and then proceeded to direct us down the hallways and into a room. I was readying myself for what I guessed the negotiations would be comprised of when the door opened to reveal… an office?

This was certainly not what I was expecting, but I quickly smiled at him as he left the room, shutting the door behind him. There were two chairs set down in front of the massive desk in the center of the room, with one high-backed chair behind that. We stood, however, waiting for someone to enter the room.

Iago Kent
Sep 15th, 2003, 01:33:50 PM
Iago shifted from one foot to the other as they boarded the shuttle. He wasn't exactly a major fan of most Imperial shuttles...too...mechanical. His own personal shuttle was much more organic in design...and better on the eye. Here...there was too much gray.

Iago's bearded head moved around the shuttle, then to his blue-skinned master.

It was rather nice to have her around. It put a bit of color into the drab interior.

"I still wish," he whispered in his master's ear, "I could wear the clothing of Almania. This is a bit too light for my taste, Master. No offense intended of course, I know we're supposed to wear this...but it's still a bit uncomfortable."

Ryla Relvinian
Sep 15th, 2003, 02:33:28 PM
I gave Iago a bit of a smile, thinking back to when I had first seen him in the training rooms. He looked a touch uncomfortable in his new layered tunics, and I suspected some of that discomfort was from the lack of his sword on his hip.

"Yes, although you'll probably get used to wearing them. At any rate, they do remind one of the duties we all swear to by becoming Jedi. It makes it just that much easier to adjust your actions accordingly, don't you think?"

Iago Kent
Sep 16th, 2003, 01:07:47 AM
Iago nodded. He knew Ryla was correct, and it'd take him a bit to get used to the Jedi. Parts of him were still used to running into things half-cocked prepared to destroy anything and everything he could find.

Now it was a bit different. He had to be...diplomatic. Something he knew he wasn't always.

"Yes, Master. You are quite correct, Master," his voice was as pleasent as he could make. Besides...she was right and Iago knew it.

Ryla Relvinian
Sep 16th, 2003, 02:56:37 AM
I smiled inwardly at his response. Even after all these years, it was always a bit of a shock to be referred to as Master... of course, I was sure that I would be on even less of a sure footing should our guest of honor, Admiral Bismarck, ever arrive.

"I know we have not spent as much time as I would like on your diplomatic training, but you must watch and listen here as best you can, using both your skills with the Force as well as your intuition, for I fear that there may be things inhibiting our progress..."

There was indeed something in the room that had blocked the Force, and it centered around the high-backed chair behind the desk. Thankfully, I felt none of the symptoms of my previous encounter with Force-blocking creatures, but then again, last time they had been sitting on top of my head, so this was a decided improvement.

We continued to wait for our guest...

Rigel Bismarck
Sep 20th, 2003, 12:29:06 PM
A side door to the office slid open and through it walked a man with a tray, on which were prepared several sandwich wedges of varying types and a large pitcher of water with several ice cubes clinking in it. He set the tray on the desk and inclined his head to the pair. "Admiral Bismarck has been unfortunately detained," the waiter explained. "He requests your patience for a few more minutes while he handles what has come up and offers you refreshments as you recover from your long journey here."

The waiter then turned and fled the room, as though remaining one second longer would have put him in some kind of trouble.

Ryla Relvinian
Sep 24th, 2003, 05:59:30 PM
I gave Iago a look of amusement, my quiet response vaguely sarcastic.

"It seems our host is doing his best to put us at ease..."

We had eaten on the trip over, so I was not particularly hungry, so I did not touch the plate on the desk. I was still at ease, but I could not discern Iago's disposition at the moment.

Rigel Bismarck
Oct 5th, 2003, 04:09:48 PM
Before Iago could properly answer, the door proper to the room opened, and in walked a human male of average height with brown hair. His eyes were dark black and they examined Ryla and Iago with a hawk's precision before he spoke.

"My apologies for the delay," said Rigel as he briefly inclined his head. "I was forced to discipline one of my officers over an incident in gunnery- but come. No need to go into trivialities. You Jedi have come a long way to see me on business and there is no need to dally away our time."

Rigel shook hands briefly with his visitors, then moved to the other side of his desk and sat down. "Will you partake of some refreshment with me?" he asked politely. He nimbly selected a sandwich from the tray and took a bite. "I assure you, they are not poisoned."