View Full Version : How Many Husbands Do I Have To Kill??

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 9th, 2003, 11:01:06 PM
Ever wondered how everything can be going as smooth as a babies butt and then the slightest little hiccup can send everything spinning out of control?

That would be the question Daiquiri would ask herself several times over.

It started simply enough with a routine and legitimate delivery to Corellia. She was on her own with this run and since it was nothing out of the ordinary, her new partner - one Captain Jacob Nives - had taken off in the opposite direction with his own drop to make.

The widow Van-Derveld's plans were to make her delivery, collect her fee, do some shopping and just maybe stop by the Sith Order to say 'hello' to Lady Vader and possibly share a drink or two.

With the cargo of spanking new droids and several barrels of lubricant safely delivered to the rightful owner and cost of her run snug inside one of her pants pockets, she strolled into town looking for a good place to grab something to eat.

One sign in particular caught her eye. T'Mari's. Coruscant boasted a T'Mari's as well and it ranked in her personal top ten places to eat. It wasnt the most expensive but the food was excellent with a lot of flavor and a chef who knew how to blend the two harmoniously.

In she went. Underdressed she might be but when Daiq pressed the $100 credit chit in her hand, the hostess led her to one of their better tables. It gave a good view of the other patrons and of the street outside, which suited the mild mannered Sith quite well. This was only her second time on this planet and she was eager to catch a few of the sights and the styles of dress.

Service here was as good as the restaurant on Coruscant and in hopes of gaining her favor as the hostess had obviously done, the waiters and servers bustled back and forth, making sure that Daiquiri had all she wanted and that she had it quickly.

Languid in her relaxation of partaking in another faultless meal and the enjoyment of drinking Corellian whiskey straight from the source, she almost didnt notice the man who passed outside on the sidewalk. Her hand froze as she held her glass to her lips and craned her neck to get a better look as he walked by another set of large windows. Smacking the tumbler down on the table, she jumped up and hurried through the establishment, finally drawing even with the man and getting a good side view of his profile. Vega!

Only it wasnt really Vega. It was the same nutjob who had shown up at the Van-Derveld estate a few weeks ago, claiming to be the dead lupine and demanding his nuptial rights with his 'wife'. Interesting indeed that he should be here.

The false Vega was almost out of sight now. Digging several credits from her pocket, Daiq tossed them onto a counter as she headed out the front door of the eatery and rounded the building at a trot. The Sith didnt want 'Vega' to see her.....she only wanted to try and find out more about him - who was he, where did he come from and why the dren did he think he had become imbued with the spirit of her late husband?

A swirl of a black cloak ahead showed the widow that he hadnt gotten too far ahead and that now she would have to be careful he not spot her amongst the bystanders and shoppers that filled the sidewalks.

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 10th, 2003, 07:33:22 AM
It was as though people recognized him as someone important. Corellia had been under the thumb of the Sith Order for time enough now that the population knew to avoid people in cloaks. Generally a dark robe was a distinction of someone who, should you just look at them funny, might stab you on a whim. Vega was no different, and the arrogant carriage he kept himself with only added to this powerful and indeed superior aura.

I bet you’re proud of yourself now.

He had paused on a street corner to his bearings. Corellia was very different to Coruscant, despite the technological similarities. Beside him stood a small group of people, which only he had the pleasure of seeing.

Top dog now, eh? chimed a man in red spandex, Killed anyone eyet?

“No,” the Lupine replied dryly- as though he couldn’t quite be bothered to speak to these lower lifeforms.

“I’ve reserved that first and special honor for you, Pepito.”

You’re not really powerful

His head turned, canted at an angle, “Is that so?”

Do something to prove it.

One of the other people, an old man, moved to say something, but Vega walked on across the road. A speeder had to swerve almost off the road to avoid ploughing into him. A grin tweaked his lips.

“There you are.”

You didn’t stop that car!

“So you say…”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 10th, 2003, 08:04:59 AM
Turning the collar of her black leather jacket up, Daiquiri hoped it would help just a little in hiding her long mane of blonde hair.

She kept pace with 'Vega', ducking behind others if his head turned her way. As she watched and tracked, it looked to her that he was either talking to himself or having a conversation with someone she couldnt see, for his head would turn, his lips would move then on he would walk.

People anywhere near him gladly eased out of his way as he approached and mothers would pull their children protectively behind them as they scuttled off to safety. Was it the cloak itself lending this false Van-Derveld an undue respect or the fact that the Sith Order resided somewhere close by and the townspeople had learned through experience to avoid anyone out of the ordinary?

Vega hooked a sudden left, stepping boldly right out in front of an oncoming speeder. Perhaps the driver of the vehicle was just as crazy as the one crossing the road or maybe he had a score to settle with anyone who looked 'Dark' but whatever the reason, the driver floored it, pouring on the power.

Vega didnt budge. Daiq could see the drivers face now, twisted in a manic grin as his quarry grew larger.

What prompted her to take action was something she'd have to answer later. Throwing both hands out, Daiquiri channeled the Force in a massive push at the speeder, sending it swerving nearly out of control and narrowly missing its prey.

The lupine continued on as if nothing had happened while she hung back, staring increduously at him. Had she and Jacob both missed something about this man? Was there more to him than met the eye or was he truly as wacko as they both suspected?

Vega entered a shop and disappeared from sight. Not willing to wait and see if he would emerge, Daiq crossed the road after him - looking left and right - and slipped up to the store's entrance, carefully peeking in through the glass.

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 10th, 2003, 08:21:28 AM
Inside was some kind of apothecary. It was, he had been told, frequented by members of the Sith Order interested in alchemy and such like. There were bottles and boxes of scores of odd concoctions and produce. It all had unusual names uses, which usually didn’t seem plausible – cheese to cure headaches or some such. He smirked as he leafed through a book, claiming to hold recipes for healing teas before slamming the decaying thing shut and making his way towards a large display close to the window.

If he hadn’t been so interested in what was stacked on the shelves there, he could have quite probably looked up right into Daiquiri’s prying gaze. Luckily for her, he didn’t notice, and was engrossed in a conversation with someone – invisible – about one of the items he’d just lifted up.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 10th, 2003, 02:05:02 PM
The interior of the store was dark...she didnt need to go inside to know that and the glare from the sun reflecting off the windows made it next to impossible to for her to see exactly where Vega was.

Approaching the window closer, Daiq cupped her hands around her eyes and peered in through the window and quickly pulled back. Vega was right in front of her, his head bent as he shuffled the items on the shelves.

Tomes, bottle and small metallic boxes sat in untidy rows, littering shelf after shelf. Curious as to what he might be purchasing, Daiquiri took the chance to peek in again.

He had moved and now she once more had a good profile of the man as he picked up and perused several of the items. This 'Vega' wasnt a bad looking man and he had a nice, athletic build about him.....but why had he chosen her deceased husband to emulate, of all people?

Daiquiri rolled her eyes as she leaned back against a wall of the building. This was ridiculous! She was acting like.....like a frelling coward. This man couldnt hurt her, so why was she hanging outside, stalking him??

She turned and opened the door, stepping into the dimly lit shop and making her way slowly up behind him.

"Are you going to buy something or just touch everything in the store?"

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 10th, 2003, 02:11:49 PM
“Why don’t you mind your own business,” he replied, in the same droll he had spoken to Pepito in.

It was only a few seconds later that he realized he recognized the voice. His head turned as his eyes settled onto familiar legs, following up curves, over hips, midriff, bust and finally to her face. His lips turned into a smile, one that told of paranoia, pleasant surprise and a dash of confusion.

“Hello, Daiquiri.”

Suddenly all of his pomp and arrogance returned, as he gave his entourage a quick glance.

“Come to apologize?”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 10th, 2003, 02:35:03 PM
"Apologize? No. Im here on a run...already delivered, actually. I saw you and thought Id come and say hello."

She watched his eyes dart to the side and wondered again for the umpteenth time just who or what the dren he was looking at?! But this wasnt the time or the place, something she wanted to remedy.

"I uhh....think we need to go and talk....somewhere. My ship is here....we could go there."

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 10th, 2003, 02:38:05 PM
Talk. We all know what that means!

Vega wasn’t sure whether to smile at or slap Switz, and so he did neither. Instead he simply stared back into Daiquiri’s eyes for a moment, searching for any sign of mal-intent or deceit. There appeared to be none. Perhaps she had in fact come to her senses, despite her unwillingness to admit to her mistake. With an inhalation, a sigh, to mark that he had resolved his thoughts, he nodded.

“Very well then, Lady Daiquiri. Lead the way.”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 10th, 2003, 02:43:05 PM
"Why do you call me 'Lady Daiquiri' if ... IF we're married?"

They emerged from the shop and she gave a tug on his cloak to steer him in the right direction. The landing pad where the Days was sitting laid due north of where they now were.

Daiq looked over at him, watching several expressions flit quickly across his mobile features.

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 10th, 2003, 02:45:27 PM
Vega looked upon the ship and nodded.

The Better Days. Heard a bit about this one have we?

“Yes,” he murmured, “Not much though.”

His eyes turned away from his cohort to his lady and reformed the thin, somewhat unnerving, smile on his lips.

“After you, m’lady,” he said, with a motion towards the ship that was as yet inaccessible.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 10th, 2003, 02:54:28 PM
He hadnt answered her question.

" 'Not much' what?"

Slipping a hand into her pocket, she keyed the comm and waited while the Days lowered, then extended its ramp. Entering the ship first, she headed to the small kitchenette and motioned for Vega to have a seat.

"Would you like something to drink or eat?"

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 10th, 2003, 02:57:35 PM
Modest. Vega nodded.

Shabby, is more like it. He nodded once more.

Such a small and unimpressive vessel would simply not do for his wife. He sat down, none the less, making sure that his cloak was beneath him. He inhaled sharply.

“A red wine… early Naboo vintage, if you have any,” he replied with a slight inclination of his head.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 10th, 2003, 03:01:35 PM
"Perhaps I should have asked a bit more plainly. I have JD, rum and Corellian whiskey. Would you like any of those?"

She went ahead and pulled down two tumblers and the bottle of whiskey, puring herself a generous amount...Daiq had the feeling she would need it.

She looked at him expectantly, waiting for his reply.

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 10th, 2003, 03:04:04 PM
“Then I shall pass.”

Vega waved a dismissive hand. He brought his fingertips together, forming a steeple with them. He rested his chin atop his index fingers and locked an unwavering gaze on his wife.

“What is it that you wish to speak to me about?”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 10th, 2003, 03:09:29 PM
Sliding into the booth across from him, she met his green-eyed gaze with the blue of her own as she swallowed a goodly amount of the amber liquid from her glass.

"Well.....several things. For one, you still havent answered why you call me 'Lady Daiquiri'. Two...the Vega I shared a bed with always drank JD......and thirdly......who do you keep talking to??"

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 10th, 2003, 03:11:56 PM
“Is there something wrong with addressing you in a polite manner?”

Vega inquired, glancing briefly to some point just behind Daiquiri to the left, where he could see Karl and Reno examining the rest of the ship. Daiquiri didn't seem to mind, so Vega didn't object either.

“As for JD, perhaps my tastes have changed. Death can do that to a man.”

He shook his head and smiled, although it wasn’t apparent why.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 10th, 2003, 03:16:02 PM
"Fair enough for two of the answers. What about the third? And whats over my shoulder that you keep looking at?"

Downing the rest of the contents in the tumbler, she re-poured another, her impatience threatening to rear its ugly head.

"Vega.......for how long do you remember being you? How far back do you remember me?"

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 10th, 2003, 03:18:45 PM
“Just people,”

He waved a dismissive hand, moving right on to the second question.

“I don’t remember being with you, of course. I wasn’t always your husband. I have only come to be him as he passed on to become one with the Force. His soul and my soul are one and the same now,” he gave his chest a thump for emphasis.

“And all that was his becomes rightfully mine, spouse included.”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 10th, 2003, 03:27:00 PM
Just people.

That explained alot. How many would be determined later. Right now she was curious as to this 'inheiritance' he seemed to think he gained.

"It doesnt work like that....Vega. I dont automatically become your property. I dont know you....the vessel in which 'Vega' resides. What makes you think I would still want to be your wife? Can you honestly say that you want me?"

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 10th, 2003, 03:29:48 PM
“Regardless of physical appearance, I am your husband.”

Without forewarning, he seized Daiquiri’s hands in his own, bringing them together. There was a certain something in his eyes that was bound to make anyway feel uncomfortable.

“And I will love you like a husband should do.”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 10th, 2003, 03:35:13 PM
Gently, she began extracting her hands from his.

"I think it does matter, Vega. Maybe Im not what you find attractive. What if you meet someone else that you find breathtakingly beautiful? You wouldnt want me, then."

She took another long pull from her glass.

"I dont think that youve thought all of this through thoroughly."

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 10th, 2003, 03:40:03 PM
“That is of no consequence. Till death do us part.”

Vega smirked, suddenly realizing the humor in this.

“Well, until death do us part, again.”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 10th, 2003, 07:28:10 PM
A quick smile played on her lips. Again. That had been funny. But she was stilled faced with the task of how to make him understand that he wasnt who he thought he was.

"So, no matter what ever happens, you will consider us married.... forever....for all time?"

His dark head nodded once in the affirmative. She took another swallow.

Daiquiri began to question him more and the flare of growing anger flashed in the green of his eyes. Why was she starting to feel so uncomfortable?

"Stay calm and look at it from my point of view. You cant blame me for all the questions I have."

A pause and draining of her glass. A re-pour then continuation.

"My husband is supposed to be dead. I held a wake for him, saw the casket buried in the ground. Then suddenly, some guy Ive never seen before is leaning down and kissing me. 'Honey, Im home and oh, by the way, Im Vega back from the dead."

His gaze wavered once and that was to shoot a harsh frown over her right shoulder. Had any of what she said gotten through to him?

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 11th, 2003, 10:30:23 AM
“I didn’t expect you would understand,” Vega replied, indignant.

“But you will grow to become used to it. Human beings evolve to suit the changes in their surroundings and routines. This is no different.”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 11th, 2003, 01:36:56 PM
"You didnt expect me to understand? Gee, thats not too complimentary about your 'wifes' intelligence."

Three drinks was enough...any more and she might be in trouble. Capping the bottle, she leaned back and propped her feet over the edge of the table.

"What brings you here to Corellia?"

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 11th, 2003, 01:39:00 PM
“I came to seek instruction from the Sith Order here. Lady Vader has kindly obliged my request.”

Vega smiled thinly and took the bottle which Daiquiri had been pouring her drinks from. He sloshed a small amount into her glass and drunk it for himself.

“She is going to help me to become as great, if not greater, than your former husband was…”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 11th, 2003, 01:49:09 PM
"She is? Youve already spoken with her?"

His statement surprised her. Lady Vader was a Sith Master and one of the highest standing...maybe she had sensed something Daiquiri herself could not. For her own part, she had never felt the slightest quiver of any force ability in this man.

"Vega....would mind if I did a small mental probe?"

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 11th, 2003, 01:52:26 PM
For a moment, he considered refusing the offer. Ahrona whispered counsel in his ear that would suggest such a thing was a bad idea, but he could see no problem in it and thus nodded.

“By all means, my mind is yours to read as you wish.”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 11th, 2003, 02:06:46 PM
Physical contact wasnt neccesary for the probe but Daiquiri reasoned that although she couldnt sense anythingbut LV had agreed to take Vega on as an apprentice, then just maybe a closer look was required.

"Lean toward me."

She did the same and lifted both hands, placing her figertips gently on either of his temples. Closing her eyes, she concentrated and focused her energy on him.

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 11th, 2003, 02:11:42 PM
A little tingle of something worked it’ way up Vega’s spine as Daiquiri’s fingers touched his skin. Touched – he liked to think of it more as caressed. His smile grew, only now it hade become much more lewd. It probably wasn’t a good time to be picturing Daiquiri in situations, not when she was in his mind literally.

“Is there anything in particular you need me to do?”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 11th, 2003, 02:20:51 PM
Pepito....Reno and Karl.....Ahrona........Atticus...Atticus...lightni ng
.........Watch officers......females and a knife........Volfstadt....a swing in the garden....Daiquiri...Daiquiri................Daiqu iri on the bed, doin --

"Thats enough of that and hold still."

....Lady Vader........Sith Order.....daiquiri.....Daiquiri....Daiq rubbing--

She broke the contact and sat back with a scowl.

"Can you not think about anything else?"

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 11th, 2003, 02:24:33 PM
“It’s hard… to when…”

His eyes eased half open, as a faint lethargy overcame him. Vega made no attempt to hide the fact that his mind was currently rolling over the curves of the woman before him, the dreamy smile he wore the telltale giveaway. He began to concentrate harder on the image in his mind, hoping that it would drift its way over to Daiquiri without her needing to have contact.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 11th, 2003, 02:39:26 PM
"Umm....Vega? What are you doing? And please, put your boot back on and stop running your toes up and down my legs."

The lids rose slowly, revealing a new intensity in the green of his irises. Words werent needed to convey what he was thinking now.

"You know....are you hungry? I'll be glad to buy you dinner back in town."

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 11th, 2003, 02:44:44 PM
The smile twitched on his lips. His next few words, matched with this expression, summed up his entire being at that moment.

“I must confess… I am hungry.”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 11th, 2003, 02:49:59 PM
Daiq chose to play exceedingly dumb.

"Great, lets go! I didnt get to finish mine earlier...thats when I saw you and followed...."

Dropping her feet to the floor, she stood up and took several quick strides toward the ramp.

"You ready?"

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 11th, 2003, 02:53:21 PM
Like a tiger prowling towards its pray, Vega rose half to his feet, palms still pressed against the table top. There was a heavy haze of something in his eyes through which he viewed Daiquiri – prey. A chase to be had. If she would not come of her own free will, then he as the superior one of the two would have to take a more rigorous course of action.

“Oh come now… I know you’re smarter than that.”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 11th, 2003, 03:08:00 PM
She held her hand against the button that would open the ship to the outside. But she didnt engage. With a heavy sigh, she turned and looked back at him.

Her Vega, the real one, used to look at her that way before Vicet, the Demi-Goddess of Chaos chose to end the intimacy in their marriage.

Jacob looked at her in the same way....yet still nothing had happened. They both feared the worse from any romantic encounter. So, without words it had been mutually agreed that until a cure could be found from the curse placed on the original Vega Van-Derveld, all marital activity would cease.

The discussion of taking lovers had been brought up and thoroughly discussed and agreed upon. Daiquiri and Jacob would each take a lover but only if the other married partner agreed on the choice. There had been no agreement reached on this imposter.

Clearing her throat, she pushed the button to open the ramp.

"Lets talk about that over dinner...please?"

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 11th, 2003, 03:18:55 PM
The predatorial stance subsided into something more relaxed as Vega slipped away from the seat and towards Daiquiri. He gave her one more bawdy, perhaps even irreverent, glance before striding out down the ramp.

“You aren’t acting at all like yourself, Daiquiri,” he mused a loud, looking back over his shoulder for a moment.

“What’s gotten into you?”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 11th, 2003, 03:23:18 PM
Biting back the snide remark that came to mind, Daiq shrugged and followed him down the ramp, keying it shut from the comm in her pocket.

"Ive had a lot on my mind, you know....what with just burying you and all."

In silence she walked beside him, speaking only when spoken to and casting quick glances up at the man beside her.

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 11th, 2003, 03:26:10 PM
“It irks me that you aren’t happy to see me,” he remarked, “I am irked.”

For a moment after that he said nothing, walking in silence with his usual arrogant stalk. Turning to look down to her, he added:

“I would have thought that after burying me and not having seen me, you would be dying to catch up.”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 11th, 2003, 03:30:53 PM
"Yeah, Im thrilled. You know.....not everything is about you!"

Shoving her hands deep in her pockets, Daiq strode on ahead of him.

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 11th, 2003, 03:35:47 PM
“If you say so,” Vega smiled knowingly.

Most of their walk was spent in silence, though they quickly came back to one of the restaurants off of the main street. Vega held the door open for Daiquiri as she walked inside, trying not to look at him – and if she did, glaring. He simply forced his smile to remain and ducked beneath the doorframe after her. Stood behind her, he canted his head over her shoulder, breath on her neck.

“What are we having for dinner?”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 11th, 2003, 03:38:31 PM
Her teeth clenched but not in anger. Gods, his breath was so warm.

Shifting her body so that he wasnt directly behind him she spoke over her shoulder, refusing to look at those haunting green eyes.

"What ever you'd like."

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 11th, 2003, 03:42:58 PM
“What I would have liked was back there on that ship.”

His eyes moved up, as a waiter approached. Vega straightened his posture.

“But since we are here… I suppose I shall have to choose something else.”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 11th, 2003, 03:51:29 PM
"Thats odd....this whole time, I thought it was me you wanted."

The waiter motioned for them to follow and Daiq nodded her approval for the choice of tables and stood by her chair, waiting for Vega to seat her.

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 12th, 2003, 10:24:51 AM
Vega obliged, pulling out the seat and sliding it back in as Daiquiri sat down. Then taking his seat, gathering his cloak as he sat, he looked up expectantly to the waiter. Menus were dished out, which Vega began to thumb idly through, as if interested in what was inside. After a moment or two he clapped the book closed, already resolved on what he was having – meat. Bloody.

“So then. Let us talk.”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 12th, 2003, 01:42:06 PM
Daiquiri re-ordered the stir-fry...perhaps this time she would be able to finish it.

"Do you remember your life from...'before' Vega? Your name was Atticus, right?"

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 12th, 2003, 01:47:40 PM
“There was no before Vega,” he replied, a hint of his having taken offense in his voice.

“But yes, my name was Attticus… Atticus Almasy. I was a priest.”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 12th, 2003, 01:55:22 PM
She sighed.

"Are you going to take offense at everything I say? There was a before Vega so deal with it."

Their drinks were brought to them and they paused uncomfortably as the waiter set them down then left.

"A priest of what?"

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 12th, 2003, 02:01:23 PM
“Of a religion.”

Vega stated, matter-of-factly, as though it was the most obvious thing in the universe – which, when you thought about it, it was. He lifted his drink and took a small sip.

“My faith is of little consequence to you. It is a private thing which I do not wish to discuss.”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 12th, 2003, 02:12:27 PM
His last statement was very interesting. My faith. Vega never had a faith in any one thing and that Atticus still professed to having his, it seemed that the two 'personalitites' werent quit as melded as he would have others believe.

Daiq wanted to test this a bit more.

"I thought husbands and wives shared everything. You used to."

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 12th, 2003, 02:18:06 PM
“Then we have both changed,” he replied with another calm, controlled and emotionless smile.

“More than likely than not for the better.”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 12th, 2003, 02:28:58 PM
This was getting better by the minute! Now, he was politely telling her to mind her own business. If he had truly known what he was getting into, 'Vega' would have disappeared the second Daiquiri floated one of her too sweet smiles over at him.

The poor man hadnt a clue.

"So it would seem, darling. What else has changed in our relationship that I should be made aware of, hmm?"

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 12th, 2003, 02:32:22 PM
“I’m sure we can deal with those bridges as we come to cross them.”

He smiled over the rim of his glass.

“Perhaps a little burning will be in order.”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 12th, 2003, 03:11:26 PM
"Burning...that sounds interesting. Do you mean that literally or figuratively?"

Her smile matched his as she took a drink from her glass. Lazily, she winked at him.

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 12th, 2003, 03:15:16 PM
“Either, or both. Whatever you fancy, my dear.”

He didn’t return the wink, but it really wasn’t needed. His words alone were suggestive enough; in the tone they were spoken. His eyes drifted back down to his glass, to the wine in it. He was glad he’d left the others back on the ship. It gave him a bit of time to himself, so that his mind could be his own … or as much his own as it could be when he was living someone else’s life.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 12th, 2003, 03:23:34 PM
Suddenly, she leaned forward, her blue orbs piercing his, her voice dropping to be heard only by him.

"And what do you fancy, my sweet? What gets your blood boiling with passion and anger, Vega?"

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 12th, 2003, 03:31:28 PM
Vega too leant forward, locking his jade gaze with Daiquiri’s. Beneath the table, he had shifted forwards also, with one cold hand unabashedly stretching out to explore her inner thigh.

“You shall see when the time comes.”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 12th, 2003, 03:36:18 PM
The intimate touch made her catch her breath...she hadnt expected that! To her own amazement, she allowed his hand to stay. What this man lacked in sanity, he more than made up for in boldness.

Her doubts were gone. Crazy or not, agreed upon or not, she had made her choice.

"I wonder if they do carry outs?"

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 12th, 2003, 03:39:44 PM
Despite the fact that the waiter was returning, Vega didn’t seem like he was about to stop and in fact moved on quicker with the suited man there. Though he spoke to him, his eyes didn’t leave Daiquiri’s. There was that same nature there that was present in Vega in situations like this. It was uncanny how well he could copy him sometimes, yet other times slip entirely into another character … or perhaps it was Vega, simply how Daiquiri didn’t usually see him.

“We’d like to have our meals to take out, if that’s possible.”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 12th, 2003, 03:46:45 PM
Her knees closed on his hand, trapping it there as Vega spoke to the waiter. Daiq's heart had begun to race in a way that it hadnt for some time and she didnt want anything or anyone to change her mind. Least of all a slow worker.

"Do it quick and I'll let you live."

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 13th, 2003, 02:07:22 AM
The waiters eyes widened. The woman was a Sith too! Two of them sitting together, both potentially angry, was not a good thing. It would be best to get them out before something in the meal upset them and the whole building was burnt to its foundations.

“M-ma’am,” the young waiter stuttered, “You haven’t ordered your food yet.”

“Well then, that makes things easy doesn’t it,” Vega drawled, glancing up to the man with such an expression that made him flinch slightly.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 13th, 2003, 02:18:48 AM
"Had you been older and smarter, this wouldnt have had to happen."

From beneath the table, her blaster spoke once, leaving a burning hole in the young mans' shirt, belly-high.

"Perhaps the waiter who took our order will get here with it now."

Daiq brought the gun up and laid it on the table as she and Vega once gain gazed across at one another.

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 13th, 2003, 02:25:54 AM
There was a general gasp from the rest of the restaurant, as the waiter stumbled backwards. Things like this happened frequently and yet no precautions had been taken on the part of the staff. They didn’t dare question their overlords for fear of further punishment. What was one gunshot wound for one man compared to a massacre of hundreds? It was just better this way.

“Hurry up.”

Vega looked to the waiter, who had stumbled back into two of his co-workers arms. Someone was shouting something in the kitchen and eventually two boxes were produced, in an expensive looking bag. The waiter set it down, bowed, and backed away still doubled over. Vega stood up, snatched the bag into one hand and made to leave.

He didn’t tip.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 13th, 2003, 02:33:24 AM
Standing, Daiq fished about in her pockets and carelessly threw the credits in the general direction of the table.

Slipping her hand in to Vega's, they sauntered to the door, radiating superiority with every step. Daiq swung the outter door open and held it by her fingertips as he passed through behind her.

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 13th, 2003, 02:37:48 AM
With the doggie bag in hand Vega strode out into the street, leaving the panicked wake behind. He looked to Daiquiri, who had gained an almost frenzied eagerness in the space of a few minutes. Deciding that it wouldn’t hurt to be a bit of a tease, he kept his walking pace slow and removed his hand from hers, setting it instead beneath her cloak on the small of her back – rubbing little figure-eights with his fingertips.

He sniffed, “Doesn’t this smell… revolting.”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 13th, 2003, 02:43:08 AM
Keeping pace but turning towards him, she slipped an arm around his waist.

"Not really....but then youve managed to change my mind to a completely different point of view. Throw it away if you wish."

Craning her face up, her lips brushed across his jaw.

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 13th, 2003, 02:47:04 AM
“I wasn’t hungry anyway.”

The bag hit the floor with a distinct crunch-squelch. It didn’t bare thinking about exactly what had caused that noise. Vega tilted his head up away from Daiquiri’s. His theory was that the longer she was forced to wait, the better the experience would be. Thankfully for both of them the ship was only a short distance away. The Lupine motioned his free hand up to the ship and soon enough the ramp was down.

“After you.”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 13th, 2003, 08:09:02 AM
What game was Vega playing at now? First, he was the one who was slathering after her and now that he had gotten the response he had craved, he was pulling away?

Daiquiri fumed.

And what was he waving his hand around for? From her pocket, Daiq keyed the ramp which promptly lowered and they strode inside, the ramp obediently lifting behind.

Turning, she grabbed hold of the armour at his shoulders and roughly pushed him back against the bulkhead.

"Lets get this off, shall we?"

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 13th, 2003, 08:39:07 AM
With the majority of his armor being decorative, it was easily lifted off over his head. Fastenings hadn’t been done particularly tight so in no time his jerkin had been removed, hitting the floor with a heavy thud. Vega barely had to move, with Daiquiri taking entire control of the situation and man-handling him. He didn’t have any arguments, of course, and was quite happy to let Daiquiri sate her hunger for a mans touch, which she had apparently been starved of for a long time.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 13th, 2003, 08:54:47 AM
Remnants of clothing and actual pieces which had managed to survive their hasty removal, littered the floor from ramp to bedroom.

Sleep had not been on the menu for the night but eventually they both succombed out of sheer exhaustion.

Daiq rose first, slipping Vega's large undershirt on after picking it up from the decking on her way to the kitchenette. She was famished and set about whipping up a large breakfast for the two of them.

Soft snores reached her ears and she smiled. For someone not possessing the force, Atticus had performed admirably in the stamina department.

Pouring herself a cup of coffee, Daiq sat down at the table while the sausages browned.

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 13th, 2003, 09:01:35 AM
In sleep, Vega dreamt.

First of God and of his transition between Atticus Almasy into Vega Van-Derveld. He saw his cadre as he was applauded for his achievements. Truly he had left behind his old life now and become something greater, something far more powerful. An immortal – he dream he was an immortal, a god, a king, the ruler of every living man and woman, and could easily believe that it was all true.

In his mind, he really did believe. He had turned Daiquiri to his favor and lead the Sith Elders to believe he really was Van-Derveld. It was almost a disappointment to wake up, until he realized that it all hadn’t been a dream. His eyes drifted about at the small room, where his clothes were bundled up in one corner. His back stung – he got up and turned so that he could see his back in the mirror, with vague imprints of where fingers had dug against his back.


Off of a chair by the bed he picked up and pulled on his trousers, noticing his shirt was gone and realizing moments later where it was.

“That smells good.”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 13th, 2003, 09:12:46 AM
"You didnt have to put those on for my account."

She grinned widely as she now had the chance to actually look at his physique. He wasnt much smaller than Jacob but Vega didnt have the years of training and hard work on his body that produced the thickly corded muscles.

Maybe LV will get him to sweat in some workouts, bulk up more.

"It does smell good, if I say so myself. Mugs are up there and the pot is on the burner."

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 13th, 2003, 09:21:48 AM
He didn’t need coffee – he was wide awake. In the time BV – before Vega – he had hardly slept at all, so to have been so shagged out and slept for so long had totally recharged him and returned all of his energy. He was, however, hungry. Passing behind Daiquiri he gave her a quick kiss on the shoulder before ambling across to where the sausages were cooking. A little sniff and he nodded, glancing back at his wife, who was looking quite fetching in his shirt.

“How are you feeling?” he asked conversationally, slipping down into the chair opposite to Daiq’s.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 13th, 2003, 09:29:29 AM
"Would saying 'if I were a cat, Id purr', tell you anything?"

Daiq was still grinning and had the feeling that she would be all day. The pure physical contact alone - flesh on flesh - had revitalized her spiritually and left her feeling....oddly complete.

Odd how much you miss something so common once its stripped from you.

Blue eyes traced his movements.

"You have some lovely new tattoo work on your back and shoulders. Hurt?"

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 13th, 2003, 09:36:32 AM
“What’s a little pain?”

Vega gave an absent shrug of his stung-red shoulders and a lazy smile. He wasn’t strung quite so highly now that he’d conquered this task, gotten over the hurdle, so to speak. A thought suddenly struck him, and he looked around for a window.

“Are we still on Corellia?”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 13th, 2003, 09:41:21 AM
Daiq laughed at the sudden change of his expression.

"We're still firmly planted, yes. Did you think I was going to kidnap you during the night, sweets?"

Stretching one foot out, she ran her toes up his pant leg as the food continued cooking.

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 13th, 2003, 09:52:58 AM
“I should be so lucky.”

Feeling the little touch against his calf, Vega surmised that he quite possibly was so lucky.

“I thought that we might have gone to Fascinataru.”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 13th, 2003, 10:03:44 AM
A golden brow arched over one blue orb.

"Why would I take you there? Youre in training and I dont fancy facing the wrath of your Master."

Standing up, she leaned down and lightly nipped the lobe of one ear before moving to the stove and dishing up their meal.

Setting their plates down, she did the same, then glanced at him.

"Would you mind getting us something to drink?"

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 13th, 2003, 10:11:57 AM
Vega gave a gruff little sigh, having just sat down. He ambled across to the pot and mugs and sloshed out two cups hap handedly. Pacing back to the table, he set one down before Daiquiri and the other at his own ‘place setting’.

“… It is my planet, after all. I thought you would have wanted me there. To see our daughter…”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 13th, 2003, 10:25:07 AM
Oho! Wouldnt that go over well!

Half standing and leaning across the table, she captured his lips in a tantilizing kiss before dropping back down.

"No pouting. Youre a grown man. As for wanting you, I could go another 10 rounds on the mat."

She ran her toes up along his inner thigh as she took her first bite.

"And I dont think your Master would be too happy with her new pupil just up and leaving. No, I think Corellia was a good idea for you."

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 13th, 2003, 10:26:21 AM
It was a moment before he spoke, as though he was taking the time to savor the kiss.

“… Are you going to stay here with me?”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 13th, 2003, 10:31:52 AM
Her mood sobered somewhat as she looked into those green eyes. Finally, she shook her head.

"For a couple of more days, then I have to go. One of us has to work."

Daiquiri winked at him, hoping to lighten his mood which was getting too serious.

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 13th, 2003, 10:33:13 AM
Vega’s lips twisted, twitching a little at the edges. That had not been the answer he’d wanted.

“How long are you planning on being away?”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 13th, 2003, 10:40:13 AM
She paused, the tines of the fork just out of reach of her lips.

"I dont know. Like I said, theres work to be done, matters to take care of. I'll be back, though. I wont forget youre here. Vega."

Setting her fork down, she rose and crossed to him, settling down sideways on his lap. Cradling his head, she planted small kisses in his hair.

"Dont look so sad. Its not forever."

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 13th, 2003, 10:45:36 AM
It looked like he wasn’t going to respond, and instead just sulk. His eyes had grown a little heavy and the frown was still present, but he did turn his head to return some of the kisses. Sighing, he reached up to take one of Daiquiri’s hands in his own. Now that he had her here, he didn’t want her to leave. He’d never really had a steady lover or partner in his life and was actually quite looking forward to it – especially after last night.

“Don’t take too long,” he brushed two fingertips against her lips.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 13th, 2003, 10:49:34 AM
She kissed each fingertip softly then smiled gently at him.

"Im not gone yet, you know. I said 'a couple of days'. Maybe after we finish eating, you should go see if your Master will let you take the time off?"

Picking up his fork, she offered him a bite of sausage and eggs.

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 13th, 2003, 10:55:53 AM
“That won’t be necessary…”

Snapping the little morsel off of the fork, he swallowed it down in one and felt his stomach rumble – somehow hungrier now that it had been given a taster of what was to come.

“I come and go as I please.”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 13th, 2003, 11:07:33 AM
Squirming off his lap to sit beside him, they finished their meal in comfortable silence before Daiq got up to clear the table off.

"Other than spending time alone, is there anything else you want to do today?"

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 13th, 2003, 11:10:58 AM
“No,” Vega shrugged the shrug of a huffed child.

“I do have a training session with Lady Vader later on today, however, so I may have to leave in a few hours.”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 13th, 2003, 11:33:34 AM
On her elbows, Daiq leaned on the kitchen counter, blowing him small kisses.

"Dont pout! Put those lips of yours to good use and come over here and kiss me til Im breathless. I can clean this up after youre gone."

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 13th, 2003, 12:09:21 PM
Happy to oblige, Vega pushed up to his feet and twisted Daiquiri around away from the counter before – with surprising ease – lifting her up to sit on its edge. The Lupine slipped between her thighs and embraced her with rough kisses. Was there anything better than sex and coffee in the morning? Eventually, when both were quite literally breathless, Vega pulled away and without a word made for the bed room and his clothes.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 13th, 2003, 12:15:42 PM
Daiq took several deep breaths. Whoa!

Her eyes ran up and down his form as he went to get dressed, the scratches and bruising standing out much clearer now.

It occured to her that at some point, Vega would need the undershirt that she had on. Obligingly, she pulled it off and waited for his return, wearing nothing but a smile.

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 13th, 2003, 12:19:49 PM
Sure enough, Vega returned, looking a little red faced – whether it was from the kisses or from embarrassment wasn’t clear. He gave Daiquiri an appreciative once over before taking the shirt and pulling it on. Pausing, he gave Daiq a light slap on the rear for good measure before once again disappearing into a bundle of armor and clothing.

“Perhaps we can continue later,” he called out, voice slightly muffled beneath the jerkin he was struggling, and getting lost, in.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 13th, 2003, 12:32:37 PM
Sliding from the counter, she came up behind him and with nimble fingers, quickly helped set his armour in place.

"Now, youre presentable. Go and be careful."

On tiptoe, she set a kiss on his lips before turning and heading to the 'fresher.

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 13th, 2003, 12:41:14 PM
Vega made for the ships exit and lowered the ramp himself while Daiquiri was off getting ready. It was a cold morning and even with all his trappings on Vega shivered a little. When he arrived he would head to the training area, but all the while his mind was lingering back on the ship. It had been a good day, yesterday, but also bad in some ways, with the news that he his wife would not be staying on Corellia. Still, at least she’d been here for today…

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 13th, 2003, 01:00:44 PM
A shower, clothes and a cleaning up of the ship was in order while Vega was off training.

I hope LV isnt too hard on him....or that she just comes out and tells him the truth. It would be easier on him, plus he wont believe it coming from me.

The rest of the day was spent wandering through the town and buying a few things that she thought Vega would like and that he needed, like more clothing.

She also purchased groceries. Why spend what little time she had left with going out to eat when they could spend intimate moments together on the ship?

Dinner was well underway when Vega returned, with Daiq being careful to not overcook his serving of meat.

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 13th, 2003, 01:09:40 PM
He was still red when he walked through the door, only now it was from fatigue. Groaning, he slid down into one of the chairs and realized how uncomfortable it was. Seeing as Daiquiri wasn’t in the room, he moaned again, this time to try and attract her attention rather than it being out of actual pain.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 13th, 2003, 01:16:03 PM
"Are you hurt? Bleeding?"

She appeared from around a bulkhead to look at him. Good ol' Lady Vader had certainly taken some wind out of his sails from the look on his face. Daiq was curious now if he still wanted to continue with the re-training.

"If youre neither, then get up and come take a shower. I have one child..I dont need another."

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 13th, 2003, 01:18:32 PM
The bridge of Vega’s nose wrinkled as his brow creased down towards it, teeth gritting. With added force he shrugged off his outer cloak and made towards the refresher. He looked inside it for a moment, and then glanced back at Daiquiri.

“Sonic or hydro?”

The former would be quicker, but the latter usually meant that the shower wouldn’t just be for one.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 13th, 2003, 01:21:56 PM
"Hydro sounds sooo promising but since dinner is cooking and almost ready, youd best make it sonic."

Daiq grabbed the front of his tunic in passing, pulling him roughly up against her and kissing him in the same manner.

"The hydro can come later tonight."

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 13th, 2003, 01:24:32 PM
And so he stripped, for the sake of a few seconds. The shower hummed loudly and then as if by magic all of the grime, dirt and dead skin was gone. Turning, he picked up the bare minimum out his outfit and tugged it back on.

“What are we eating?” he called out, as he walked the short distance between the refresher unit and the kitchen, still doing up zips and buttons. Once in the kitchenette, he asked in a more hushed voice.

“How was your day?”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 13th, 2003, 01:28:19 PM
"It was good...alright in a slow and semi-relaxing sort of way. I take it yours was somewhat less so? Oh, go look on the bed...thought you could use those."

Ladling the food onto the twin plates, she poured his Naboo wine and her whiskey into matching glasses and set the whole on the table as he walked off.

"For you, Steak - very rare!"

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 13th, 2003, 01:34:16 PM
Vega peered into the bed room, where he saw a number of items of clothing laid out on the bed. Again, his face wrinkled into something of a frown. He strode forward and examined what was there more closely and found that, in actual fact, it wasn’t that bad.

“Thank you,” he said over his shoulder before turning and heading back to where his meal had been set out. At least the service would be better here than at the restaurant.

Sitting down, he carved into the still bloody meat and swallowed the lukewarm piece. It was nice and he washed it down with a small sip of the wine.

“Training was mostly physical today,” he explained, between bites.

“So forgive me if I am less than rigorous later.”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 13th, 2003, 01:43:38 PM
"Youre welcome."

Her own steak was smothers in a mushroom gravey and both had generous helpings of veggies served along with them.

"How is your Master today? Did she have any comments or suggestions for you?"

Daiq laughed quietly when Vega came out with 'less than rigorous'.

"I think I can handle the 'rigor' for both of us tonight. Is the food to your liking?"

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 13th, 2003, 01:50:15 PM
“She said I was learning well and quickly, but that my combat needed brushing up on.”

Vega was neglecting his vegetables to the point that, if they were human children, social services would have taken them away by now.

“The food is excellent,” he swallowed another piece of meat.

“What are you working on here, anyway? You never did say.”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 13th, 2003, 01:54:01 PM
"It was just a routine delivery...legitimate, if you can believe that. Authentic papers and everything!"

Daiq watched as he shuffled the veggies aside.

"Sweets, you need those you know. Youre going to need your strength for the next couple of days and nights."

Taking another bite, she paused and rubbed the back of her hand acros her forehead.

"Does it feel hot in here to you? Ive sweated off and on all day."

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 13th, 2003, 01:56:08 PM
He looked at the carrots and peas and such things with distaste and shook his head.

“Hot?” he looked up.

“It is a bit … close, yes.”

Vega silently wondered where all of the others were and what they had been doing all day while he’d been training.

“You haven’t been bothered by anyone today have you?”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 13th, 2003, 02:03:36 PM
Daiq frowned but shook her head.

"No, no one stopped by. Why?"

They finished their dinner and together cleaned up the kitchenette, making short work of it.

"Im going to go lie down, I think. I dont know why but Im not feeling too good....have a bit of a headache."

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 13th, 2003, 02:11:06 PM
Vega frowned. He’d come back tired but had expected something from Daiquiri and now she had a headache? That was bound to be code for ‘I don’t fancy a frell’. He scowled and followed her, sitting down on the edge of the bed.

“Do you want me to get you something for that?”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 13th, 2003, 02:14:46 PM
Reaching up for him, Daiq pulled him down close, her lips brushing his.

"Just stay with me? Actually, Id feel better if I got these clothes off and crawled under the covers. Help?"

Vega stood and pulled her to her feet, the garments disappearing quickly. Sliding between the sheets, she looked up at him.

"Sweets, join me, please. I dont want to be alone."

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 13th, 2003, 02:16:42 PM
He looked down into those pleading eyes and couldn’t say anything but ‘okay’. Disrobed, he joined Daiquiri beneath the thin sheets and lay on his side, holding her in close.

“I hope it wasn’t the food” he said quietly, trying not to laugh.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 13th, 2003, 02:29:35 PM
She smiled up at him and poked his belly with one finger.

"I'll have you know that you never complained before."

She wrapped herself around him, knowing that one thing would lead to another but it was alright. He was tired and once would be all it would take to please him.

They fell asleep in each others arms but her dreams were distorted, filled with images of strange beings she had never seen before.....and of one particular, who danced around in a red devils suit.

The fever grew.

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 14th, 2003, 04:03:41 AM
Vega awoke with a start and groaned as he heard someone shouting outside the bedroom. The voice was that of Pepito, who he imagined was capering about as usual. He could hear Tagani trying to calm the idiot down, but it was mostly useless. Looking down at Daiquiri, he hoped her sleep was deep enough so that she wouldn’t be woken as he slipped out of bed and went to deal with the children.



“Will you be quiet?” he snapped in a loud whisper.

Nuuuah… I feel like singing… who else wants to sing?

Pepito looked around at the others, who were strewn about the kitchen in various places.


Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 14th, 2003, 05:27:19 AM
Her body trembled and sweated in the throes of the sickness, her temperature remaining high. She could hear loud voices but only from a great distance and nothing they said made any sense.

Daiquiri didnt know when Vega rose or if he even came back to bed and she would know nothing for another 48 hours as the virus continued its assault, wreaking havoc in her mind.

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 14th, 2003, 05:34:04 AM
Vega came and went on the first day, just leaving Daiquiri to sleep with the rationale that a little rest would cure everything. On the second, however, he became concerned. He sat on the beds edge with a cold cloth, dabbing her brow. She would toss and turn but never returned to a conscious state of mind. It was unsettling, at best, and he couldn’t come up with an explanation.

OH Noooooo she’s going do die!

“Shut up.”

Just when you found her too! The IRONY!


CHEER UP! You can go out and frell the other fish in the sea now.

“Frell you, Pepito,” Vega barked, looking up at the man sat on the rooms light fixture.


He shrieked, jabbing out a hand and almost falling from his perch in the process. Vega twisted around to look down at Daiquiri.


Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 14th, 2003, 05:48:36 AM
The light shone in from the open bedroom door and she blinked against its harshness.

The fever had broken a few hours before and now she was left feeling weak and disoriented. Uncurling from the ball she had slept in, Daiq turned as Vega's voice drifted through her slowly waking mind.


The cold cloth again stroked her face and she smiled at the tenderness of the touch but then winced as a loud yell hit her now overly sensitive hearing.

"Vega.......sweets, will you please shut him up? And make him get down before he breaks my light."

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 14th, 2003, 05:52:42 AM
Break your light? What cheek! Well I never! *thud*

Pepito hit the bed, landing cross-legged. The mattress didn’t move on impact.

Vega swiped a hand into the air towards the door, “You! Out!”

But I onwy wanted to make suwe she wath okay…

The lithe figure’s bottom lip tremble.

“You heard me,” the Lupine hissed and quite surprisingly Pepito obliged.

“I’m sorry about that… how are you feeling?”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 14th, 2003, 06:05:52 AM
"Better. Tired but hungry."

She watched as the red-suited figure disappeared through the door.

"Why do you put up with him? I like Ahron so much better."

With his help, she sat up, pushing the covers aside. Vega sat down next to her and she leaned into him, truly needing his strength now.

"Would you help me into the bathroom? I dont think I can make it on my own."

His arm slid around her waist and gently, he led her to and in the 'fresher, tending to everything and even waiting right outside the shower door for her to finish.

He toweled her off, got her dressed and with a smile, swept her up in his arms and carried her into the kitchenette, setting her gently down at the table.

"Now, what would you like to eat?"

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 14th, 2003, 06:13:35 AM
... Ugh?

“No, you don’t get any food.”

Vega glanced sidelong at Reno and Karl, whose weight alone was tipping Vega and Daiquiri’s end of the table up off the ground slightly.

How about some pancakes?

Tagani sauntered in and was about to sit down when she saw Pepito had commandeered the whole couch. She sighed and retreated to leaning against the wall, while Pepito reclined in luxury.

Who had 5000 credits on her not surviving? drawled Switz, who was stood right behind Vega as usual, Come on, pay up.

“Will you all be quiet!! She just needs something that’ll stay down. Someone go get some bread.”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 14th, 2003, 06:47:35 AM
"Go on, all of you. Dont think that I wont leave everyone of you - except you Ahron - behind when I leave! I want some peace and quiet, do you hear?"

Daiqs blue eyes narrowed as Switz came into focus.

"Who bet that I wouldnt live?!"

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 14th, 2003, 06:52:02 AM
No one wanted to own up, but Reno lifted a chunky hand and pointed directly at Switz. Soon enough everyone had joined in, and Pepito had singled the lank-haired waif out with his duraplastic pitchfork. Ahron was blushing behind his beard.

… Sod off.

Switz disappeared in a wisp of black. Vega had stood up, since no one else was moving and gotten a few slices of bread and a glass of water. He brought them back to Daiq and sighed, shaking his head.

“I’m sorry about them. They follow me everywhere.”


“Don’t lie.”

… Ugh.

“… You kiss your mother with that mouth?”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 14th, 2003, 07:15:22 AM
"Switz, I hate you. Die."

He had already disappeared before she uttered the words but felt all the better for saying them anyway.

"Thank you, sweets."

Vega had brought her something light, which was probably just what she needed but images of bacon and eggs, biscuits and gravy kept playing in her mind.

"Love, would you go into town and get me a real breakfast? The whole works....and take those lugheads with you, their grunting is getting on my last nerve."

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 14th, 2003, 07:22:50 AM
“Alright,” he sighed and stood up again.

“Tagani – you stay here and look after Daiquiri. Reno, Karl, you come with me. Pepito… you go stand outside.”

They trooped down the ramp, with Ahron looking expectantly about as if he should be receiving some orders too.

“You watch Pepito.”

Ahron groaned. The group of three set off into the city. Vega disliked traveling with the two brothers, they made him feel awkward, as though he should be watching his back and rear at all times – especially when they looked at him like they were now. They went into a small café and Vega ordered the two to buy something, but the staff seemed to be ignoring them.

“One full breakfast.”

Back on the ship, Tagani had slid down into the chair opposite Daiquiri.

I hope you’re feeling better. Don’t mind Pepito. He is a silly boy and just likes getting attention.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 14th, 2003, 07:34:02 AM
Daiq smiled at Tagani. She wasnt so bad, really, in the little Daiq knew her.

"He'll be getting the wrong attention from me. Im not as tolerant as Vega. I'll spear his backside with that plastic pitchfork if he messes around too much.

From outside the ship, they could hear Ahron's soothing tones trying to quieten down Pepito who was now singing a bawdy tune about herself and Vega, at the top of his lungs.

Daiq and Vega sittin' in a tree!! What are they doin'? A lot more than just kissing!

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 14th, 2003, 07:39:37 AM
Oh dear, Tagani blushed, absently fiddling with the cuffs of her white gown.

Ohhhhh my love… my darling… I hunger HUNGER for your touch!

Tagani was probably rivaling a strawberry in color now.

“What do you mean its going to take twenty minutes?” Vega fumed.

The café staff was looking edgy.

“I want it NOW. You have five minutes to comply otherwise I set these two on you,” he added, jerking a thumb back towards Reno and Karl – at whom the staff stared blankly.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 14th, 2003, 08:04:45 AM
How had Vega stood it all these years? Daiquiri would have killed that little slaymo a long time ago!

Such was the beauty of the virus that Daiquiri now carried. There was no logic to the pattern of what it chose it pluck from one's mind and latch onto, drawing from memory or wishful thinking and making one believe it was so and had always been.

Vega was now her husband and Jacob was the gardener at Volfstadt whome she'd made love to a few times. Darius and Katina.....well, they were related but she wasnt quite sure how.

Hera was a good friend, Remkah was alright but nothing special in her book while Cyrus Haman was the next sexiest thing to Vega and Sorsha. Sorsha!!

Just the thought of the Sith Witch was getting her worked up and Daiq knew that she was still too weak to take her excitement out on Vega. Her thoughts paused......she had told Vega about Sorsha....hadnt she?

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 14th, 2003, 08:11:24 AM
When Vega returned with the breakfast-inna-bag, Pepito had stopped singing and had climbed onto something to get a better look inside the ship. Apparently something interesting was going on inside. Ahron was looking his pious self, saying nothing.

’Lo, lad. Wouldn’t go in if I were you.

Vega sneered and shook his head, walking up the ramp, not noticing Pepito thrusting at the air.

Hot stuff, baby, lookin for some hot stuff…

“I’ve got your breakfast,” he called out as he rounded the corner into the kitchen.

What he couldn’t see, but the others could, was what was being played out in Daiquiri’s mind, involving a certain blonde Chaosian.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 14th, 2003, 08:25:38 AM
Her cheeks were flushed and a slight film of moisture was beading her upper lip as Vega entered.

"Im so glad youre back! Oh, it smells good! Want to share, sweets?"

Eagerly, she took the offered bag and fork that Vega provided and dove into the food, eating like she had been starved for weeks.

Through mouthfuls she asked what his plans were for the day.

"Do you train today or what?"

Her eyes darted to the bedroom and back to him.

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 14th, 2003, 08:31:18 AM
Tagani, who had been sat across from Daiquiri the whole time, was looking everywhere but at the Sith. She had virtually invented the chastity belt so was feeling thoroughly embarrassed about what she’d just saw.

“No I don’t…

…lookin' for a lover who needs another, don't want another night on my own…

… Lady Vader said I had progressed well and so I have a day free…

…wanna share my love with a warm blooded lover, wanna bring a wild man back home…

… to do whatever I wish.”

Taking a breath to calm himself and try to block out Pepito, Vega shook his head. What was it about this lot that stopped him from offing them? Only the Force knew.


The Lupine jumped.

“It’s a frelling wonder how we get any sleep!”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 14th, 2003, 08:41:39 AM
"Speaking of sleep....Im not needing any more right now."

It was true. By leaps and bounds, Daiquiri was feeling major improvements physically. Nowhere near full strength yet but still 100% better than when she woke a bare hour ago.

Wiping her mouth on a napkin, she gave her husband a seductive wink.

"Would you like to do some 'private' training with your wife?"

Maybe she could slip in a mention of Sorsha sometime during their 'spar'.

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 14th, 2003, 08:47:56 AM
His anger washed away with a grin. Pepito could be as loud as he wanted. They would be louder. Leaving behind the wannabe nun and others, some of whom left the ship in anticipation, whilst others – namely their red-suited friend – came aboard and got a front row seat with their ear to the door.

This is going to be goo-

SHH. Shh. What was that?

Sounded like… boots coming off?

Pepito rubbed his hands together greedily.

“So everythings- … -alright now?”

Vega fell back down against the bed, with Daiquiri above him.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 14th, 2003, 08:54:51 AM
"More than 'alright'."

Turning quickly, Daiq slammed her hand against the door, knowing that Pepito just got an earful of that!

"Beat it you pervs!"

Lowering herself on the bed, husband and wife spent an enjoyable intimate afternoon in each others company. Daiq had looked for a way to breach the topic of the witch but nothing had come to mind. She would just have to come out and tell him.

"Vega...love....did I ever mention Sorsha to you before?"

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 14th, 2003, 08:57:10 AM
Sorsha, sorsha, sorsha. Where had he heard that name before? She was a killer, he knew that. Perhaps it was in the news, in a report of a massacre of some such. There were so many people out there – he couldn’t be expected to know all of them.

“No,” he shook his head, “You haven’t. Why?”

For some reason, he felt a pang of suspicion.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 14th, 2003, 09:06:35 AM
"I met her through Hera quite a while back, before you and I even met. She and I ......spent some time together and Ive really been feeling that I need to go back. I dont know....maybe something is wrong and she needs my help."

A sideways glance at his face told her that Vega wasnt pleased with that bit of information.

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 14th, 2003, 09:13:04 AM
“Spent some time together?”

Dingding we have a winner. Vega scowled. He noticeably shifted a little bit away from Daiquiri.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 14th, 2003, 09:17:35 AM
"Vega, it was before I met you! How can you be mad about that? I wouldnt care how many lovers you had before we got together!"

Her expression was one of hurt as he siddled away from her. Being dark, you'd think he wouldnt mind something a little 'different'.

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 14th, 2003, 09:19:48 AM

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 14th, 2003, 09:19:58 AM

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 14th, 2003, 09:20:24 AM
“But from what you’re saying it sounds like you want to go back to her!” he professed.

Ooohhh trouble in paradise!

Anyone want to bet on when he’s going to storm out here?

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 14th, 2003, 09:44:29 AM
"But not to stay! I just need to see her for a day or two! She needs me, Vega, I can feel it!"

Daiq rolled on top of him, her lips claiming his in a demanding kiss.

"I love you! Youre my husband and no one can change that! Vega, please be understanding."

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 14th, 2003, 09:48:01 AM
For a moment he let himself be taken by the kiss before he planted both hands against Daiquiri’s shoulders and forced her away.

“I am not your husband? Do I not need you? You would not stay here with me yet you are willing to go out of your way to see her just because you feel like she needs.”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 14th, 2003, 09:56:19 AM
"I'll be back, Vega, I swear it! And once I return, I wont leave again, not without you! Please forgive me....I was foolish before and I didnt mean to hurt you!"

From her own stupidity of before and her anger now, she half turned and slammed her fist against the bulkhead, not caring that the skin across her knuckles stretched and tore.

Blood dripped slowly onto the sheets as she scowled at the pillows.

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 14th, 2003, 09:58:27 AM

Vega’s expression was indifferent, now neutral on the matter. He had got the reaction he’d wanted – Daiquiri had realized her error.

“And I am to remain here, I assume, while you are away with your… lover?”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 14th, 2003, 10:09:08 AM
His voice had grown cold and Daiq shivered at the chill. She wasnt asking this for herself but for Sorsha, couldnt he see that?

“And I am to remain here, I assume, while you are away with your… lover?”

Vega knew already, from the way he said it. Sorsha wouldnt want him there - she hated the Lupine with a passion and would probably try to kill him.

Her voice dropped to a mere whisper as she laid back down and curled up in a ball, her back to him.


Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 14th, 2003, 10:19:02 AM
“I see.”

Vega exhaled, nostrils flaring slightly.

“Then I hope you enjoy yourself,” he added bitterly.

“Without me.”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 14th, 2003, 10:29:16 AM
She couldnt leave, not like this, not with her husbands disapproval washing over her like waves on a beach.

Rolling over, she flung her arms around him, burying her face against his side.

"Then I wont go! I'll stay here with you....for I cant abide your anger!"

Daiquiri muffled her sobs the best she could.

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 14th, 2003, 10:37:37 AM
Vega forced himself to not smile as he gently ran a hand through Daiquiri’s hair. As he looked up he saw a face peeking in the doorway, although they snapped away once they saw Vega’s eyes on them.

“Shhh… I forgive you.”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 14th, 2003, 10:42:34 AM
It took a bit but the tears finally subsided, leaving her feeling spent.

He was so gentle with her....how could she have been so stupid as to want to leave? Yet even now, she could feel the pull of Sorsha's mind on hers, calling, calling to her.

Pressing one ear tightly against Vega, Daiq slapped a hand over her other, trying to shut out the siren song.

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 14th, 2003, 10:45:14 AM
Vega’s heart thumped loudly, quite quick paced from his anger moments ago.

“You don’t need her and she doesn’t need you,” he assured her.

“I am everything you need.”

The rush of power was wonderful. Having total dominance over someone like this make his whole body tingle.

“Now stop crying, and kiss me.”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 14th, 2003, 10:55:04 AM
Daiq wiped her eyes with her sleeves and obediently returned to where she had been...over him and with their lips plastered to one anothers.

Their lovemaking was passionate - with Vega dominating and Daiquiri subservient, trying her best to make up the pain she had caused.

They cooked dinner together, sharing kisses and touches, whispering so that the others wouldnt overhear and again spent most of the night wrapped up in each others arms.

The siren's call got louder.

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 14th, 2003, 02:10:35 PM

Vega slept soundly.

Daiquiri… daaaiquiri.

Wake up. You know you want to go see her.

The Lupine stirred a little.

Go on. He won’t know, won’t be able to stop you, if you go now.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 14th, 2003, 02:19:48 PM
Cracking open one lid, she glared sleepily at Pepito, who was making lewd gestures at the dozing Vega.

"Why are you waking me up....do you know what time it is and that youre only alive because he likes you for some strange reason?"

Daiq sat up in bed, careful not to disturb her mate.

"And yes, he would know. Im not going to lie to him or sneak around behind his back. Thats something you would do."

Pepito sat on the edge of the bed and right on top of one of Vega's feet. She glanced to see if he woke up but obviously his sleep was so deep that he didnt feel the extra weight.

We'll keep him occupied for you. He wont even know youre gone.

She shook her head.

"I think Vega would notice that the ship was gone....dont you?"

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 15th, 2003, 10:33:15 AM
Oh no… noo nooo nooo. Not if you were quiet enough!

A pale grin stretched across Pepito’s face, stretching his rouged lips.

If you go now, he’ll have no way of following! Go on. Don’t you want to see Sorsha?

The man rocked his head back and formed a tight ‘o’ with his mouth, girating his body as his chest rose and fell like an empire.

Ooooh Sorshie baby!

Vega turned over, his nose wrinkling.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 15th, 2003, 10:50:07 AM
She flung herself out of bed, her fingers curling around the hilt of her lightsaber. The red of Pepito's suit colored her mind as she swung around, thumbing the blade to life with its familiar

Pepito was gone when she turned and the room was bathed in the golden glow of her blade. Daiq's voice challenged him to return, to stop goading and running but to no avail. That coward wasnt going to show his face now.

Vega stirred beside her on the bed, looking up questioningly.


She nodded.


Jacob Nives
Sep 16th, 2003, 01:47:15 PM
The ‘Backstab’ hissed down onto Corellia. Unfamiliar territory. Jacob sniffed the air – it was stagnant and reeked of death. It reminded him of Munto Codru. With a stifled yawn he disembarked his ship and trotted off towards where he could feel Daiquiri’s signature. His mind expanded outwards and with it carried a message on the Force.

Hey Daiq, everything alright? You were late for the rendezvous.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 16th, 2003, 02:02:42 PM
The days passed quickly and soon two weeks had passed and Daiquiri showed no sign of leaving. At times it was physically painful not to be able to answer Sorsha's call but with Vega's arms wrapped tightly around her, the pain would fade after some time.

She had let Karl and Reno accompany her into town for some shopping, instructing Ahron and Tagani to stay behind and please try to keep Pepito in line while she was gone.

The trio returned a couple of hours later and Daiq was eager to try on the new clothes she had bought. One of her purchases had been a form fitting dress, revealing patches fo skin in all the right places and she was contemplating wearing it for her husband tonight when he returned from training.

Turning this way and that in front of the bedroom mirror, Daiquiri paused as a voice entered her head.

A rendevouz? With Jacob? Why would she meet with the gardner from Volfstadt?

Shaking it off, she resumed her modeling.

Jacob Nives
Sep 16th, 2003, 02:06:31 PM
No answer – that was unsettling. Never the less he pressed on. He had no doubt that she was fine, really. She could handle herself… but then this was Corellia. If that strumpet Lady Vader had done something... Jacob composed himself – he had to appear normal. He pulled his hood a little further over his face, soon enough making it to the static ship.

He couldn’t sense any danger, so went up to the side of the craft and cupped his hands to his lips.

“Daiquiri!! Daiquiri, are you in there?”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 16th, 2003, 02:13:31 PM
Daiq spun to the face the open doorway of the bedroom, then walked out toward the ramp, her brows knitted in a worried frown. If Jacob were here on Corellia, that could mean there was trouble back at the castle.

Looking down at the gardner from the top of the ramp, Daiquiri noted that he was alone.

"Jacob, what are you doing here?"

Jacob Nives
Sep 16th, 2003, 02:17:57 PM
A bright smile came over the Lupine’s face. She was fine.

“I was worried when you didn’t arrive at the meet. Is everything okay? How did the drop go?”

He trooped up the ramp to Daiquiri and reached out to embrace her.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 16th, 2003, 02:41:37 PM
Her frown lightned but she stepped back when his arms reached for her.

"The drop went well...but how does that concern you? Havent you always been paid on time? Why are you away from Volfstadt? I didnt give you permission to leave."

Jacob Nives
Sep 16th, 2003, 02:45:24 PM
His brow quirked slightly. Maybe Daiquiri was feeling playful.

“Oh, I’m very sorry, ma’am.”

His head bowed, though Jacob looked up at her through fallen blonde tresses with a lewd grin and a mischievous glint in his eyes.

“I was under the impression that my services were required.”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 16th, 2003, 02:52:51 PM
Surely he hadnt traveled all this way just for a romp between the sheets. This was going to have to be nipped in the bud and now.

"Jacob....there wont be any more of that. It was fine while Vega was 'missing' but now that hes back, there wont be any more sleeping around. I love my husband and thats all there is to it. Im sorry you wasted a trip here for nothing."

Jacob Nives
Sep 16th, 2003, 02:57:09 PM
The impish expression slipped away. That wasn’t funny. He straightened up his posture and frowned. The Lupine lifted one hand, showing off the wedding ring it bore.

“Have you forgotten who your husband is?”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 16th, 2003, 03:07:01 PM
"I dont know how you got his ring, but Im very aware who my husband is....Vega Van-Derveld."

Daiquiri held her hand out, palm up.

"I'll take the ring, if you dont mind, then I think it best if youre gone before he returns."

Jacob Nives
Sep 16th, 2003, 03:10:33 PM
Jacob’s face twisted slightly, “… That’s not funny.”

He folded his arms over his chest, one hand brushing some stray hair from his eyes. He was not amused.

“We’ve got to get back to the ‘stadt soon… we can play this game later.”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 16th, 2003, 03:21:50 PM
"Youre very mistaken if you think Im going anywhere with you, Jacob and I'll thank you to remember your place. As well as I like you, youre still just hired help."

Her eyes of blue met his of cyan in a no-backing down stare-off.

"Get off my ship."

Jacob Nives
Sep 16th, 2003, 03:25:18 PM
“Or what?” he replied defiantly.

“You’ll throw me off?”

For a fleeting moment, he wanted to pursue the aggressive course – but reminded himself who it was that he was dealing with and all of the pain he had already put her through, thanks to the Crinos. He was easily frustrated, lately, and it was showing in the way he behaved as well as his attitude towards things.

“… I already feel alienated from you. Don’t add insult to injury with this.”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 16th, 2003, 03:33:13 PM
"Im sorry, Jacob but its how it has to be. You knew when our affair started that it was just that...an affair. Vega is my husband....you have to accept that and move on!"

This was not how she had planned to spend the rest of her afternoon, arguing with the help who should have been back on Fascinataru.

"Why dont you let me pay you in one lump sum and then you can look for employment elsewhere?"

Jacob Nives
Sep 16th, 2003, 03:36:04 PM
“Frell you!”

He turned and for lack of something to throw at the ground slammed the heel of his boot against the metal ramp. He snarled and huffed out a loud breath.

“Come see me when you’re not acting like such a dren, Daiq. I don’t need this.”

Despite having said this, he didn’t move. He wanted her to apologize. Any second now she would say that she thought he would enjoy the game or that she was playing. He knew it. She would. Come on, say it…

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 16th, 2003, 07:51:23 PM
"Youre fired."

Her tone dripped icicles.

"Your severance pay will be sent to the 'Stadt, along with a warning for the guards to toss you and your belongings out into the snow."

Nives expression was one of disbelieving shock. She strode toward him, throwing the palm of her right hand out. Jacob staggered back from the invisible push.

Jacob Nives
Sep 17th, 2003, 07:27:42 AM
“I don’t know what’s wrong with you today,” he mumbled to himself as he recovered from the stagger and looked back up at his ‘wife’.

“I’m sorry I have to do this, but it’s for your own good.”

His own hand rose and with a flourish sent a wave of energy out into the air. It hummed and bristled in the moments before it struck Daiquiri and floored her in an instant. Her body was scooped up in strong arms as he turned and made away from the Days – the ramp rising with a hiss at the Force’s command.

The Fenix wasn’t too far away and no one gave him trouble, despite the fact that he had an unconscious woman slung over his shoulder. Despite the fact that he was angry when he had set the craft onto autopilot to return to Fascinataru, he still remained by Daiquiri to watch her and hopped that the bump to the head would have literally knocked some sense into her.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 17th, 2003, 07:43:39 AM
The last thing Daiquiri had seen before she dropped was the angry, dancing feet of Pepito who was trying in vain to stab the intruder with his plastic pitchfork.

Opening her eyes now, the midsection of a man blurred into focus as she blinked off the lethargy that seemed to invade every bone in her body. Struggling up on one elbow, her gaze followed the body up to a face. Nives.

Sitting all the way up, Daiquiri Van-Derveld cast her gaze around at the unfamilair vessel. How had she gotten here?

"What happened......and what am I doing here with you?"

Jacob Nives
Sep 17th, 2003, 07:48:55 AM
“I knocked you out. You were acting like-…”

The temptation to say idiot was there, but he ignored it.

“You weren’t acting like yourself. I think you should see a doctor. I’ve already comm’d ahead to the ‘stadt to let them know you’re coming and need a check up.”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 17th, 2003, 07:56:17 AM
Pushing off the cot, she faced the larger man and jabbed her finger in his chest viciously.

"Isnt it about time you took a hint? Who the frell do you think you are to do this to me?!"

His words replayed in her head as did the moment when Jacob had taken a step towards her back on the Days.

"You knocked me out? I thought it was Reno or Carl who had done it!"

Daiq had clearly heard the heavy, shuffling footsteps of one of the 'twins' behind her. Maybe he had been trying to come to her rescue. At least she wasnt alone. A kind, smiling face peered at her from just behind one of Jacob's shoulders.

"Ahron! You came with me!"

A pleased smile split her cheeks.

Jacob Nives
Sep 17th, 2003, 07:59:26 AM
A rough hand took hold of Daiquiri’s shoulder and pushed her backwards, back into the bed. Who exactly had she been talking to? Ahron? Perhaps she had taken a large bump to the head than he’d thought.

“You’re in no fit state to be up, love. Rest a while.”

It pained him, it really did. It was clear now this was no game and that something really was wrong. Surely she hadn’t come to believe the own lies that they had told about Jacob, that he was nothing more than a gardener.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 17th, 2003, 08:07:59 AM
Poor, poor Jacob. He believed himself to be in love her, though Daiq had clearly spoken that their time together was for mutual pleasure only and not to be taken seriously.

Ahron hovered nervously behind Jacob. This man was bigger and stronger than Vega and Ahron knew there was nothing he could except lend comfort to his friend.

As Daiquiri looked up at Nives, her eyes took on a hooded look as her mind sought ways out of this predictament. Maybe if she tried to seduce Jacob, Ahron could sneak up behind him and crack him one of the head.....it was worth the try.

Like a shutter on a camera, her expression flickered. Smiling now, she patted a spot beside her on the cot.

"Come sit down with me, Jacob."

Jacob Nives
Sep 17th, 2003, 08:12:59 AM
The sudden change, although pleasing, was vaguely unsettling. Jacob was still aware of the fact that something was not quite right with Daiquiri and that it was likely that this was some attempt to lull him into false security. None the less, he could not refuse and took a seat beside her, keeping a stiff upper lip and distanced air about him.


Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 17th, 2003, 08:16:11 AM
Again, Daiquiri sat up but slower this time and smiling shyly at him. An air of distrust echoed around Nives but she didnt let it stop her. Gently she began to slide one arm around his waist as the other crept up one of his shoulders.

"Im sorry Ive made you angry."

Jacob Nives
Sep 17th, 2003, 08:23:10 AM
Like a pouting child he refused to look at her at first, but succumbed. Visibly, his shoulders sagged. Jacob’s lips turned into a sad frown.

“That wasn’t funny, you know. You had me worried.”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 17th, 2003, 08:28:42 AM
Fingers tangled lightly in his hair as she leaned into him, letting her lips brush along his jaw. She hoped that Vega could forgive her this, once she was back safely to tell him about it.

Daiq had no verbal reply as she lifted her lips to his and let her eyes slit almost closed. Closer, Ahron...closer.....

Jacob Nives
Sep 17th, 2003, 08:37:35 AM
Their mind link seemed hazy. It worried him that he couldn’t feel her emotions beyond what he could sense from her surface appearance, which he was still sure was false. Regardless, he closed his eyes and leant into the kiss, entirely unaware of the ‘priest’ that was currently ‘sneaking up’ on him.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 17th, 2003, 08:46:18 AM
Ahron crept closer then paused directly behind the gardner, the hydrospanner in his hand poised for the strike. The priests old face was unsettled...he was a priest after all and striking another was forbidden.....yet...

The hydrospanner lift to its greatest height......and Daiq tore from the kiss.


The weapon descended.

Jacob Nives
Sep 17th, 2003, 12:03:35 PM
Down it came; surprisingly fast for such an old man, fasterfasterfaster till it was just about to hit Jacob’s hit with a nice resonate thunk … and nothing. The spanner passed straight through his head, and left Ahron looking completely baffled, he swung again and again, from different angles, and still there was no reaction on Nives part. Daiquiri looked equally confused and this clicked with Jacob.

“… What? Whats wrong?”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 17th, 2003, 12:31:50 PM
Wide eyed Daiquiri watched as Ahron swung one last time then turn and ran toward the front of the ship, hydrospanner still firmly locked in his hand. She could hear his muffled sobs from the cockpit.

Pulling away from the bewildered Nives, Daiq rose and started forward.

"Vaders' black bones take you, old man!! Give me the 'spanner and I'll knock him in the head!"

Jacob Nives
Sep 17th, 2003, 12:51:00 PM
Eyes widened, it became apparent that Daiquiri was trying to turn the tables on him. Brow etching into a deep frown, he extended hand out towards her as if in threat that, should she do anything, he would do something far worse.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 17th, 2003, 01:07:59 PM
She didnt pause. They were hurtling through space and she highly doubted that Nives would do anything foolish. Daiq on the other hand, had nothing to lose.

Jacob grabbed for her and with a stutter step, she just edged past him and ran to where Ahron was......or rather had been. Where the frell had that old priest gotten off to?? He hadnt the curtesy to even leave the 'spanner behind before disappearing.

She'd fix him the next time she saw his doddering old hide but now the task at hand was to find something to lay upside Jacob's head and to take the ship back to Corellia.

Daiq's eyes darted everywhere but the cockpit was bare....and Nives was coming up quickly behind her. Waiting til the last second, she swung a hard elbow at his gut.

Jacob Nives
Sep 17th, 2003, 01:10:59 PM
Jacob doubled, but not for long. The pain was just a jolt and though it didn’t fade, it dulled in a snap. Before another hit could be landed, he stood and delivered one of his own; a backhand to the jaw, with his hand balled into a tight fist that was just begging to crack something.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 17th, 2003, 01:24:59 PM
It caught her squarely, lifting Daiq on her toes and driving her against the co-pilots chair. She grabbed for the arm to keep from going all the way down and lashed out with her bare foot, nailing the gardner in his most vulnerable spot.

Jacob Nives
Sep 17th, 2003, 01:28:22 PM
A hissed breath through his teeth and Jacob stumbled back a few paces. If Daiquiri was dealing out low blows, then there had to be something seriously wrong! Just as it looked like he wasn’t going to rebound, he snapped out and hooked her in the gut, following through by literally throwing himself at and onto her, in the hopes of pinning her down.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 17th, 2003, 01:37:30 PM
Her breath whooosed out in one sudden exhalation and she dropped, her mouth gapeing as she tried to suck in a lungfuls of air. A last ditch effort to scramble out of his was was thwarted when Nives threw himself on her.

Daiq couldnt move and what little progress she had made in gaining a breath was gone again. From the two hits she had now taken to the head and her lack of oxygen, she was done. No protest was made as Jacob half carried and half dragged her back to the cot and her eyes closed as she succombed to sweet darkness.

Rummaging through an overhead compartment, Nives withdrew some old rags which he kept on hand for repair work. In no time, Daiq was bound hand and foot, with an extra cloth stuffed in her mouth for good measure.

Jacob Nives
Sep 17th, 2003, 01:41:35 PM
Jacob wiped his brow as he looked at the hog-tied Daiquiri. A little voice in his head chuckled at how she would have looked nice with an apple in her mouth. Smirking at his own thoughts, Nives turned away and locked himself in the cockpit – just incase she woke up again during the rest of the journey back.

In due time they were touching down in Meridian, back on Fascinataru, and now rested Jacob felt well and ready enough to carry Daiquiri out to the ‘stadt. The Force helped him a great deal, of course, as he carried his trophy back to his home. He laid her down in her bed and bolted the door closed before setting out to find the doctor.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 17th, 2003, 01:48:20 PM
Scents and odors drifted to her olfactory glands as she slept. Something about where she was triggered pleasant memories and Daiq was relunctant to awaken.

One side of her jaw ached painfully while the other side of her head throbbed continuously. something in her unconcious decided it was better if she stayed the course and rested all she could.

In her dreamless state, the sweet sirens' call whispered her name, not letting her forget the one named Sorsha.

Jacob Nives
Sep 17th, 2003, 02:06:56 PM
The doctor had arrived and could see no problems with Daiquiri. Jacob went about his business, hoping that it was some phase that would pass. He didn’t sleep in the same bed as his wife, nor did he speak to any of the others in the castle about her state. Her presence and status remained unknown for everyone, and even those who did see her knew nothing of her condition. It was becoming increasingly worrying, and it was surprising that he was even able to get to sleep a night when the worries were plaguing his thoughts…

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 17th, 2003, 02:14:30 PM
Anything and everything that Jacobs mind could construe as a weapon had been removed from the bedroom that Daiquiri now found herself locked in.

For hours she paced the floor, brooding over her status both here but most importantly, back on Corellia.

Did Vega think she had desserted him? What was he doing now? Had he even begun to search for her? And what of Sorsha?? Trapped as she was and with Nives never more than a few steps away, Daiquiri wondered how she would ever escape.

Jacob Nives
Sep 17th, 2003, 02:16:59 PM
A rap came at the door.


No answer.

“Daiquiri… how are you feeling?”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 17th, 2003, 02:32:38 PM
"How do you think Im feeling, Jacob? And please, dont let me stop you from coming in."

She had paused in front of the bedroom window - Nives had boarded over the large French doors and half the glass she was staring out, now.

Daiq glanced at him over her shoulder as the door swung carefully open.

Jacob Nives
Sep 19th, 2003, 09:50:52 AM
Jacob entered slowly. He pushed the door closed behind him, but did not lock it.

“I don’t know how you’re feeling. That’s why I asked… Despite what you may think, I’m not enjoying keeping you in here.”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 19th, 2003, 10:05:08 AM
"Yeah......I know. Sorry."

Turning to face him, Daiq looked him up and down and was reminded of why she had picked the lowly gardner as a lover. The man was gorgeous.

She sighed heavily. Jacob's good looks werent going to get her where she needed to be....first with her beloved Sorsha and secondly back with Vega.

"Im as fine as possible, being locked in here. Jacob, really....why are you doing this?"

Jacob Nives
Sep 19th, 2003, 10:09:36 AM
Jacob didn’t answer, but instead turned a question back onto Daiquiri.

“Tell me who I am.”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 19th, 2003, 10:13:55 AM
Daiquiri arched a brow. Had he been smoking some of the weeds he was hired to pull?

"Youre Jacob Nives, the gardner here at Volfstadt. I hired you several weeks back."

She calculated the time in her mind.

"Roughly about two and a half months ago....going on three."

Jacob Nives
Sep 19th, 2003, 10:25:59 AM
“No,” he shook his head.

“Who am I really?”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 19th, 2003, 11:16:40 AM
Her eyes watched his face closely and there was something in his tone that almost held a pleading quality. Obviously, she hadnt given him the answer he wanted to hear.

Jacob thought she was his wife and if playing along with him would buy her freedom, she wasnt above paying the price.

"...........youre my husband?"

She closed her eyes and placed a palm over them as she forced a grimace of pain.

"Im not clear..........my head. I think I was drugged."

Jacob Nives
Sep 19th, 2003, 12:07:52 PM
His whole being breathed a sigh of relief. Jacob’s lips broke into a broad smile as he strode eagerly to embrace Daiquiri. He didn’t need to say that he’d been worried- scared even- because she would be able to feel it.

“I’m sorry. Do you know what happened? … Do you need anything, a drink, something to eat?”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 19th, 2003, 12:19:56 PM
Daiq tried not to stiffen as Jacob wrapped his arms around her. It just didnt feel right and she felt horrible inside knowing that she might have to do the unthinkable to escape. How could she explain a betrayal to Vega? She was almost sick with the thought.

"No.......I dont think I do. Well..maybe something to drink. Do you have any Naboo wine?"

Jacob Nives
Sep 19th, 2003, 01:24:03 PM
“Alright. I’ll go get you some… do you want to get sit in the sun house?”

Daiquiri gave a small nod. Jacob motioned towards the door and, with his wife leaving first, pulled the door closed behind him and trotted down the stairs into the kitchen as Daiquiri headed off to sit down. He pulled down a bottle and two glasses, glaring daggers at one of the kitchen staff who was looking expectantly at him.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 19th, 2003, 01:31:38 PM
She didnt try to run, not yet. He would perhaps be expecting her to try just that. A few hours more should provide the right timing.

Daiquiri smiled up at Jacob as he entered and handed her a glass. Not that she really wanted it....she was curious to discover just how well this Jacob thought he knew her. Daiq would have never asked for Naboo wine before, yet there he went trotting off to fetch it.

"Thank you, Jacob. Umm...how have you been?"

Jacob Nives
Sep 19th, 2003, 01:40:15 PM
“Aside from all this bothering me, quite alright.”

He smiled some and took a sip of the wine he’d never tasted before. It was awfully sweet.

“Did the trip to Corellia go well?”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 19th, 2003, 01:46:08 PM
"Yeah it did. I had uhh......was going to go see......Lady Vader."

From the expression that now darkened his face, she had said the wrong thing yet again. She changed the subject.

"I remember I made a delivery."

Jacob Nives
Sep 19th, 2003, 02:03:18 PM
“I guess your mind must still be a bit hazy.”

Jacob gave a nod, empathic.

“I’m sorry I left the Days there. We can drop by and pick it up later on in the week, if you want.”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 19th, 2003, 02:50:26 PM
"Sure. That would be good."

Daiq searched for something else to say, completely at a lose for a subject.

".........you smuggle too.............right?"

Jacob Nives
Sep 20th, 2003, 12:56:53 PM
“I do now, yes.”

Jacob took another sip of his wine. Daiquiri must have really taken a hard hit to the head.

“I didn’t until after the whole… death incident, if you remember.”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 20th, 2003, 01:14:55 PM
Ahh. Back to dangerous grounds again.

"Well...no, actually. Sorry."

Inwardly, Daiq scowled. How dare Nives act as if he were the one who had died?! Her sweet love Vega - who was right now probably trying to figure out what happened to her - was the one who had suffered.

Daiquiri smiled sweetly at Jacob.

Jacob Nives
Sep 20th, 2003, 01:17:45 PM
“We faked the death… so that I could get out of the spotlight?”

Jacob was surprised – he would have thought she’d remember something like this. It was both a large and recent event and one that he would have though would stick in her mind.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 20th, 2003, 01:22:38 PM
With a shake of her head, Daiq smiled apologetically.

"Some things are just....'gone'. Were you going to bring the doctor? I do have a rather intense headache."

Another couple of sips of the Naboo wine and she drained the glass, setting it on the table beside her.

Jacob Nives
Sep 20th, 2003, 01:27:59 PM
“Oh, yes, sorry.”

He fumbled his glass down onto the table by his chair and got to his feet.

“I’ll be back in a moment.”

Jacob frowned to himself as he headed out to find the ‘stadts doctor, who had all but taken up residence in the lower levels of the castle. He found the man quickly and began to escort him back to Daiquiri. It was odd – he was always on edge, as if he was likely to be killed just for breathing.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 20th, 2003, 01:46:35 PM
Once Jacob's footsteps receded, she jumped to her feet and peeked around the corner of the door frame. Not a soul in sight.

Dashing across the floor to the main doors, Daiquiri flung them open and charged out into the falling night. Her feet pounded out a rhythmic tattoo as she fled through the gates of the 'Stadt and on past the village to the hard, flat ground where the other ships were kept.

With no signs of hesitation, Daiq ran straight to the Fenix, Vega's old ship and dashed up the ramp while it was still lowering.

Flinging herself into the captain's chair, she skipped the pre-flight check, knowing how her husband always kept his ship in tiptop shape. The engines rumbled to life and warmed quickly. With any luck, Nives would still be looking for her inside the castle.

Another minute more and Daiq lifted off, pointing the vessels nose towards Meras......and her Sorsha.

Looking down through the cockpit shield, she waved and laughed as Jacob came to a skidding halt, his shocked expression plain in the fading lights of the Fenix as the ship took off.