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View Full Version : I hate you too (closed)

Ishmel Rykov
Sep 9th, 2003, 04:08:02 PM
(staged a few weeks before the thread "I hate you")

Ishmel's eyes slowly opened; his hand clenched into a fist by his face. He focused his feelings into his fist, his hate. He could feel the power manifesting in him, his inner strength that he had been working on to learn the basics of Teras Kasi. He continued to feed his hate into his arm as he closed his eyes again. In his mind, he could see his hate flowing from his soul to his fist and his eyes opened, this time looking to his target.

Victor Brelun was on the ground and held down by the weight of Rykov's body on top of him. Ishmel had a knee placed on his sternum and another on his left arm. Victor's right arm was a mangled mess of flesh that quivered occasionally. The damaged appendage was no threat to Ishmel now and in a moment; Victor Brelun would never pose an obstacle to Rykov again.

"Please Ishmel... spare me. I was wrong to antagonize you for your pay and to discriminate upon someone who has obviously overcame their genetic defect. Just please... spare me! You know what? You... you can have the condo. It's yours, take it."

Rykov's lips lifted in fury. His milky gray eyes squinted.

"Victor, you have made the last mistake of your life. Your first was to pull that knife on me. Look what it did to your arm. Who could've thought a pasty, little man like me could ram it in your wrist and spin your arm in such a manner that the knife would peel your skin off so easily? And no, I will not spare you."

The fist pulled back, the potential so visible that Victor turned his head and closed his eyes in anticipation of the pain. It didn't come and he turned his head to look back.

"Why? Why? Mercy! Please!"

Ishmel almost smiled.

"Why? Because you, my landlord, are yet another one of those people that I have to say, I do hate to the highest extent. Your flattery only increased my hate and your pleading for mercy, lack of acceptance with death, feeds it more."

Rykov felt the hate and strength sapping out of his fist; he was losing focus. He growled deeply from his throat. He was talking too much. Either way the condo would be his and either way, Victor would die, from Ishmel or from blood loss.

His eyes closed again and in his mind he could see his hand, glowing with hateful emotions, move in slow motion. Time seemed to slow, Ishmel could hear his heartbeat and his breathing almost slow. His hand plunged downwards and as it reached an inch away from Victor's face, time sped up as if in fastforward.

Victor's head exploded, the force of the momentum destroyed his skull and pressed the flesh inwards. It looked as if a vacuum had taken to it from the inside. The man's brains splaterred against the brick wall and slid down; blood rained down in a shower. Ishmel pulled his blood drenched arm back and examined it.

He had no such feeling of the pain he knew should be in his fist. A knuckle or two were probably broken from such a hit but he was more interested in almost seeing the hate dissolve from his fist. Was this the power that Teras Kasi promised? Could it help him unleash his hate in such a manner? How wonderful!

He stood laughing, wiping his hand against the wall. The blood streamed down and he continued until he had written a word. He laughed as he overlooked his work. He saw it was good and turned on his heel. Unrolling his sleeves, Rykov covered his bloody arm and looked in the reflection of a window to make sure not too much blood was on his face. He wiped the droplets away and spit on the window. He hated himself nearly as much as everything else. He walked out of the alley, making sure no one was around to immediately find the scene with Ishmel in it.

Sep 9th, 2003, 04:31:47 PM
The Happy Child is in the docks, off-loading imported food onto the city-world of Coruscant. His Padawans have taken off to have some fun, and the crew is out on shore leave doing the same.

Zeke, on the other hand, is doing his Jedi thing. He feels that it's been too long since he went out to actively do his duty as a Knight of the Greater Jedi Order; too much time cooped up aboard the trade ship and training Padawans has him feeling rusty and a little useless.

He's out, spreading his Force Sense and looking for trouble. He finds it as two Force signatures become one, leaving a dark trail for him to follow. He boosts his speed and chases on, clutching his Force Pike tightly.

"Time to get my Jedi on..." he thinks to himself, landing in the alley before Ishmel.

Ishmel Rykov
Sep 9th, 2003, 06:31:30 PM
Ishmel saw the drab figure before him and took a step back. His stance was basic, defensive but poised to attack just in case. He shook a strand of hair out of his face as his gray eyes focused on the small man. He hated everything and everyone but this man he didn't know gave off an aura, a scent, that made Rykov want to hate him more.

"Can I help you?"

Not to mention that Ishmel was too close to the scene of murder. He had to destroy all evidence, all witnesses. The fact that this man showed up and gave Ishmel the bother of having to deal with him now only made him angrier.

Sep 9th, 2003, 06:36:11 PM
"Sure ya can. You can tell me who it is that died around here."

Zeke jerks his head towards the building where the Force signature disappeared.

"Someone died in there. Maybe you know who did it? You're the only person close enough to the scene to have seen anything."

Ishmel Rykov
Sep 9th, 2003, 06:56:26 PM
"People die all the time. Especially around here. I don't know who died buddy but I don't 'ave anything to do with 'em. So bugger off."

Ishmel walked toward's the man, appearing as if to go on about his way. He only needed a few feet in range and then he could wring the little monster's neck. But he could see the staff that he carried and he knew that would give him leverage. If only he could wrest it from him to give the creature no advantage.

Sep 9th, 2003, 07:02:16 PM
"Yeah, I'll bet," Zeke murmurs as Ishmel approachs. Something about this guy has Zeke's guard up.

Ishmel Rykov
Sep 10th, 2003, 12:30:17 PM
Ishmel got within range, kept on walking, and when he was nearly half a foot behind his soon to be victim, he spun. He kicked low attempting to sweep his opponent and tried to grab the handle of the staff from the little man.

Sep 10th, 2003, 02:47:50 PM
Zeke's feet are taken from beneath him, but the Pike swings out of range of Ishmel's grasping hands as he spins, driving the blade into the ground in order to right himself. He draws it out and stands on his guard. Looks like he found the murderer...

Ishmel Rykov
Sep 10th, 2003, 03:01:23 PM
Ishmel practically has to leap back as he realizes the staff has a blade at the end. He mentally curses his eyesight for not being able to see colors and distinguish such an advantage the little man has over him now. He knew the near basics of Teras Kasi and from what he read, a well trained person could take a blade on with his hands. Ishmel wasn't about to consider himself well trained.

He did need to even the grounds though, arm himself or disarm his opponent. Ishmel made a few more steps back, taking in his surroundings. He saw three options, a fire escape looking like it could come loose, a garbage can, and a gutter. The fire escape would take too long and the other two were possibilities. He would start with the garbage can. He grabbed it with one hand, it was loaded because he had to strain to hurl it at his opponent in such tight quarters of the alleyway.

Sep 11th, 2003, 03:43:04 PM
Zeke swings the Pike vertically, beating down the trashcan and stepping over it on his way to Ishmel. He's not going to actively attack, not yet. With the Force Pike he already holds a distinct advantage; he may as well not bother with his Force ability yet.

"Just take it easy...I don't want to fight you and I don't want to hurt you. You can spare us both some grief if you'll just buckle down and come on quietly. There'll be less charges against you that way."

Ishmel Rykov
Sep 11th, 2003, 04:32:04 PM
Ishmel's hate was only spurred on that the man hadn't even taken an effort with his attack. He spit at the wall as he listened to the little grunt talk and responded with a sneer.

"Less charges? Trust me buddy, you can keep this on the charges. I want to fight you and I want to hurt you. And I will not spare you any grief."

Ishmel focuses his hate into his hand again. He can feel it surging from his body and the air around him into his hand as he reaches for the gutter pipe. With some ease, Ishmel pulls the pipe loose of it's bindings and holds it before him. He gathers his hate, not just for this man but all that he could think of all into his arms as he swings horizontally at the wretch with all his anger behind it.

Sep 12th, 2003, 01:17:55 PM
Now Zeke knows where the dark signature came from. He gets a happy memory and uses it to fuel his Force. He parries the makeshift staff, deflecting it up and striking beneath it with the blade.

Ishmel Rykov
Sep 12th, 2003, 03:07:59 PM
Ishmel had no other way to dodge the blade but fall backwards. He fell to the ground, slightly humiliated that he was forced to do so. He only used the embarrassment to fuel his anger though and with nearly no effort he back up and swinging but this time he could measure the man's strength and counter it with more power. Probing was a must in what might seem to be long term combat.

Sep 15th, 2003, 08:15:12 AM
Zeke steps back as Ishmel swings again, trying to find a way to disarm and defeat him without having to knock him out. He hums idly as he watches, looking...looking for a hole in the opponent's defense.

Ishmel Rykov
Sep 26th, 2003, 03:20:19 PM
Ishmel was close enough to the fire escape now. He dropped the gutter with one hand and with the other yanked downwards on the fire escape. The rusty ladder came loose and he caught it with his other hand. He held forwards like he had the gutter and lunged. Why wouldn't this thing just die?