View Full Version : Reunion (Hera)

Sorsha Kasajian
Sep 8th, 2003, 06:40:24 PM
:: Sorsha enters and takes a seat, knowing that this meeting with Hera would be the last. Or the beginning of something greater ::

Sep 8th, 2003, 06:52:18 PM
Hera approached the table coming around from behind the bar, a glass of honey mead in her hand, and placed it before Sorsha on the table.

Settling in the seat opposite her, Hera welcomed her long time friend with a curious smile of greeting.

"I see you found your way safely."

Sorsha inclined her head in agreeance.

"What is it that makes you travel so long a way from Meras in order for us to talk?"

Sorsha Kasajian
Sep 8th, 2003, 07:10:40 PM
"A vision brought me, Hera. A vision of what the two of us can do for eachother. This enterprise you've forged is most impressive, but don't you thirst for blood and souls any longer?"

Sep 8th, 2003, 07:32:47 PM
Hera leaned back in her chair, contemplating her answer, and watched the familiar intense fire burn in Sorsha's eyes.

A vision.....Vision's made Hera's blood chill. They bespoke of fate and things greater than ones own understanding or control.

She measured her words - for the two women, similar in so many ways had very different drives. While Hera appreciated chaos and mayhem, occassionally being instrumental in both - Sorsha lusted for it. It consumed her. It always had.

"And to what end Blood and Souls, Sorsha? There is no profit in it. A hand that strokes can be the same hand that stabs. Palpatine taught us this."

Sorsha Kasajian
Sep 17th, 2003, 12:22:15 PM

"DOGMA!!! :verymad PALPATINE IS DEAD!!! :verymad DEAD!!! :verymad DEAD!!! :verymad DEAD!!! :verymad"

:: In an instant, Sorsha slashes Hera's throat with her blade. The moment is surreal as a look of astonishment flashes on Hera's face. Then the astonisment becomes horror as realization kicks in and the blood begins to flow. Sorsha glowers as Hera gasps, blood seeping though her fingers as she clutches her wound. Sorsha watches as Hera's eyes flutter, the life rushing out her as she finally slumps face down on the tabletop ::

<center><img src=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/pics2/roc/roc87a.jpg></center>

:: Sorsha scowls at the mention of palpatine, washing down a growl as she drinks her mead, then grins manically at Hera ::

"I've killed thousands, Hera ... sent their souls screaming into the abyss ... drank their blood ... ate their flesh ... reveled in their terror. It isn't about profit. I do it because ... I love it. It's what I do best. I came here to offer you more than wealth. Be my partner and become a god."

<center><img src=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/pics2/misc/Sorsha-6.jpg></center>

Sep 19th, 2003, 08:11:24 PM
The flame in Sorsha's eyes seemed to ignite at the mention of Palpatine, but was quickly subdued and washed aside with some mead . A wild grin took its place.

Hera shifted slightly in her chair, a little unnerved. Sometimes Sorsha just, quite frankly, freaked her out.

When the Sith Witch finished speaking, Hera felt no more at ease.

"A god? Like an..immortal?"

She wasn't certain how literal Sorsha was being. It was best not to leave it to assumption.

"If that is what you mean, I have had previous offers of eternal life - namely Saurron, the Vampyre Master - and I declined, not really caring to die in order to live.

Wealth is a means to an end. Power comes in many forms, and fortune is just one of them.

Is it power, then, that you are offerning me Sorsha?"

Here, Hera leaned a little forward in her seat - a gesture of an intimate confidant.

"We have had some adventures, you and I - I know what you are capable of, what you have done, all your evilnesses. And you know me...You have been witness to my training under your brother, Ogre Mal Pannis. You have seen my life and my ability....What is it that I can offer you...?"

Sorsha Kasajian
Feb 17th, 2004, 11:43:02 AM
"Most of our kind are trash, Hera. A congregation of Vultures waiting to eat the dead ..."

:: Sorsha gazed around the room dreamily, chewing on her bottom lip like a little girl. She seemed bored, and more than a bit sad ::

" ... but you are different. You are like a Hawk in a gilded cage, and that grieves me."

Feb 19th, 2004, 08:20:55 PM
"And you'd like to set me free, is that it?"

She smiled at Sorsha, a little amused.

"Free to do what, exactly?"

Sorsha Kasajian
Feb 24th, 2004, 07:29:45 AM
"Stagnation is spreading through the known worlds like a cancer. You could help tip the cosmic balance back where it ought to be."

Feb 24th, 2004, 10:02:09 PM
Hera was mostly concerned with tipping any balances her way, and the rest of the galaxy be damned, but refrained from saying so.

Instead she held Sorsha in a steady gaze as she asked,

"You have something particular in mind.....?"

Obviously, Sorsha did, but for whatever reason had as yet not come out and layed things on the table.

Unless Hera was just being dense. Which, in light of that possibility, the Faene Mistress made suppositions.

"A grand assault of some kind against the Jedi...something like that?"

Sorsha Kasajian
Feb 25th, 2004, 12:57:31 PM
"Close your eyes, Hera, and envision all of Coruscant as a plague infested world. Imagine Temple Avalon as an asylum for the criminally insane. A mass culling of the sith and all the races in the known universe feeding on eachother's guts for survival. The entire galaxy driven into a dark age of anarchy and madness."

Feb 25th, 2004, 09:08:15 PM
The first part sounded pretty good to Hera, but as Sorsha spoke on, the Faene Mistress's reaction was in varying degrees of alarm.

"Sorsha - you would thrive in that sort of world. You are probably one of the very few who ever could. Im all for ruination and mayhem - but I want a galaxy worth inheriting. Whats the point of bringing about a populace of canibals and psychopaths who would be uncontrollable.

Chaos must have some limit, otherwise the destroyers will be destroyed. Surely, that is not your goal?"

Sorsha Kasajian
Feb 26th, 2004, 09:45:14 AM
"I see ... "

:: Sorsha closes her eyes, her face an unreadable mask ::

Feb 27th, 2004, 10:59:46 PM
Clearly, Hera had not given a pleasing reply.

The two women sat as silence fell between them. Similar in their own lust for power and dominion with the darkside - dissimilar in how that lust expressed its corruption through them.

The bloodletting and chaos of which Kasijian dreamed were not the ambition and greed of DrenKast, but both were slaves to their desires. Though neither could see it. They were driven by them and could no more change who they were than undo the deeds that had brought them to this point.

Hera waited to see if Sorsha would say more.

A partnership between them would be a terrible and frightening thing - something the Universe would not be ready for.

Hera wondered if they themselves could survive it.

Sorsha Kasajian
Mar 2nd, 2004, 08:55:16 PM
:: Sorsha's eyes opened again, and Hera could see herself reflected in the cold black orbs. They were dilated beyond what was human, and Sorsha stood up ::

"Should you become bored with this life ..."

:: she places a data crystal on the table ::

"... the coordinates on this crystal shall lead you to <a href=http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=245>Ch'hodos</a>."

:: Then she turned, and the air shimmered around her as she walked away, vanishing before Hera's eyes ::

Mar 8th, 2004, 10:05:30 PM
Hera's fingers closed over the co-ordinate crystal.

Long after Sorsha had left, departing Poseidon's in mystic flair - the Faene Mistress remained sitting, her thoughts lingering on their conversation.

Kasijian had sown a seed into DrenKast's dark mind, and time would see what fruit it would bear.