View Full Version : The new OOC RP Forum

Sep 7th, 2003, 09:31:02 PM
Hey kids - So I guess we should put a little blurby thing in the new forum for ShadowFaene.

Some help with formulating the post would be good.

I want to put a breif outline of what SFF is and that in order to be a part of it one has to be a PIRATE-TYPE with the HEART of a PIRATE-TYPE.

SFF can do with out any more sociallly correct and soft hearted criminals, thankyou.

(no offence of course to my sofftie heart Daiq here lol *hugs* - but you know..they are begining to turn in to a mutinous bunch (see OW/Vysten thread) and hard-hearted-Hera dont need the headache :D

Brielle Acaana
Sep 7th, 2003, 10:37:06 PM
Does this make me the white sheep? :mischief

Sep 8th, 2003, 06:54:23 PM

From this day forth..you shall be called...................



Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 8th, 2003, 07:32:44 PM

I'll answer to that but the first farmer I see coming up behind me.....:shootin

Sep 8th, 2003, 07:37:22 PM

Its so fitting!

You ever see that cartoon of Lambsey?

He would always cry out

"its the woluf its the woluf"


Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 11th, 2003, 09:03:38 PM
I'll have to change that to 'Wofl' :)

About the little thingy for the new rp info forum......what about starting it off with 'Smugglers do it on the run'? ;)

Sep 11th, 2003, 10:10:49 PM
lol - youre a nut Daiq.

I want something short, to the point and smuggler-y. I might try write a lil blurb tomorrow. Ill post it here to see what you think.

Also - we need to make a SFF FAQ.

Points to include in the FAQ: (my random thoughts)

*Im de boss (hehhe)

*Reason to join SFF - If you aren't/dont want to act like a priate/smuggler - dont sign up.

*Not everyone that asks, joins. Main reason? Why would we hire you - what can you offer the outfit?

*Contracts can be terminated. Youre outta here! (Be grateful it isnt the Contractee that gets the chop)

*No other group affiliation acceptable (conflict of interest)
(we've only really had one of these, and that was Drev, and he never rps, so it hasnt been a problem. But im leaning very much to making this a prerequesite.

um..brain is fuzzy. Ill fix this tomorrow.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 12th, 2003, 08:05:58 AM

How about the first 'year' that someone is with SFF we take like 75% of the profits and after that 'year' is up, our cut drops to say....40%?

It would be tight on the new ones to start off but it might help weed out some who arent really so interested, plus its incentive to stay for those who do want to smuggle.

The no other group affiliation is a good idea....but that might include Ez...hes part of that Bloodpack thingy....?

Are they verbal contracts or written? (wouldnt want anything on paper, I dont think)

No contracts for first years....? Work at your own risk, sorta?

Must be a good looking and well endowed male :D

Will any more Darksiders be allowed in?

*tries to think of more points of topic*

Thats it for now....I'll edit if I think of anything else.

Sep 12th, 2003, 07:28:27 PM
some good ideas in there Daiq.

The "Contracts" are refering to the person who is basically sub-contracting their services to SFF - hence becoming a part of the outfit. The more they work, obviously, the more their share is.

As for the 75percent thing, I think that is too high. Who would do that? They are better off on their own. Thats how I would think, anyway.

I dont really know - Im thinking I want to change some things about the organization althogether.

I know this makes no sense, I really havent solidified anything in my mind.

But keep with the ideas and suggestions - they are helpful :)

Brielle Acaana
Sep 12th, 2003, 09:21:33 PM
75% is high but when you consider that they have the muscle and protection of 'Faene behind them, I thought it kinda balanced out the cost for some of the lone smugglers. More runs, less boarding and pirating against them....*shrugs*

Right now those are the only ideas I have :(

Sep 14th, 2003, 09:24:22 PM
ShadowFaene Fortress - (Nasty Girl Enterprises) = Pirate/Smuggling Outfit.

Owned and Operated by Hera DrenKast, Sith Master - it is a collective of scum and villany from all walks of the Universe who pillage for personal gain and the futherance of evil influence in the galaxy at large .

Made up of Darksiders and other unsavoury elements of the baser sort, it is a long established criminal enterprise that is selective of those who are alowed into its circle. Honor among thieves is scarce, trust near non-existant. If you apply, expect a thorough screening of your background and history, connections and motivations for joining. Not everyone is accepted - so dont be offended. It only boils down to us being a very suspicious lot. 'Tis why we live so long.

Things to note:

SFF is not a democracy. It is a business run by a woman. An often angry and frequently violent woman. (Sith are kind of
like that, you know) If you dont think you like that, dont even bother stopping by - its not for you.

If you do stop by, Pirates/Smugglers are bad people. Beware, k.

SFF FAQ will be posted soon in its main forums.

Taylor Millard
Sep 16th, 2003, 02:41:44 PM
*comes in 5 days late*

I like :)