View Full Version : Killing me softly.....
Sep 7th, 2003, 12:02:38 PM
Frustration built as he sat alone, it had been a couple of weeks since the whole drama started. He longed to be with his lifemate, but decided to stay where he was to try to make amends for what had happened. The fortress wasn't the same as it used to be, it wasn't supposed to be like this. Everywhere he walked he got stares from most of the workers there. Most stares were those that spoke of hatred towards him at what was done. And why not? He did break up thier "family". He was used to that though, the way they viewed him here. He didnt really belong, but stuck it out none the less. The smell of grease and coolant and cleaning solvents were what he was familiar with as of late. He spent most of his time in the ships bays of the fortress.
Sitting on the floor near the Empress Marva, he ran a hand through his hair. It didn't matter one bit right now that he was a greasy mess. His flightsuit was tied around his waist as he usually wore it and one of the Cersea daggers was sticking out of the hanger floor. The cold metal of the crate he leaned against made goose bumps along his bare torso. He slowly turned the other one in his other hand. A sigh esacped him as the lights along the ceiling glinted off it's blade. Murmurs of some of the crewmen made their way through the air to his ears. He didn't let on he heard them blaming him for what happened with Daiquiri and Hera.
"Sure, whatever......Blame me."
He drove the other blade home into the flooring next to the other one.
"It's easier that way."
Ahron Harresh
Sep 7th, 2003, 08:04:47 PM
"Sh't up, th'lotta ya."
Ahron's mere presence is enough to make the chattering mechanics silent; the fact that he voiced his disapproval of them scatters them from the area around Ezra's ship. The man simply hears a quiet rumble from outside.
"Cowardly bunch," Ahron grumbles. "Th'bastards ran off afore I could figure out where Ezra is..."
Sep 7th, 2003, 09:31:11 PM
"I'm right here."
The voice called out from behind a metal crate. Ezra was leaning against the opposite side of it as Ahron stood there. The vamp as of late was in a mood of sorts. Today it was depression. Yesterday it was anger. Who knows what tomorrow would bring.
"What is it you want?"
Ahron Harresh
Sep 9th, 2003, 09:36:45 AM
"Nuthin' import'nt," grumbles the giant. "Was wonderin' if y'ever come out'a here."
Ahron finds a sturdy crate and sits down on it, looking at Ezra with the same, blank expression.
"No ship's s'bad off that it's gotta be worked 'round th'clock..."
Sep 10th, 2003, 01:58:00 AM
"The Marva isn't, but it keeps me busy."
The vampyre looked up from his sitting position at the tall sentry. He never really talked to this one, then again, he hasn't been talking to anyone as of late.
"It's either mess with things on the Marva or take my problems out on someone.....I think tinkering with my ship is the better of the two."
Ahron Harresh
Sep 11th, 2003, 04:42:07 PM
"So find a sparrin' partn'r and beat 'em senseless," Ahron mumbles. "Least that way y'ain't mopin' 'round here."
Sep 13th, 2003, 02:23:09 AM
A sparring partner he thought to himself and laughed at it. Any of th emortals here wouldn't and couldn't stand up to his strength and wrath. If he went off on a sparring partner, he'd end up killing someone and then facing Hera again. No, that wasn't on his agenda list.
"Sparring? I think, I like moping."
He stood up and leaned back against the crate.
"It builds character."
Ahron Harresh
Sep 16th, 2003, 07:01:17 AM
"Makes y'a damn stick'n'th'mud, 's what it does..." Ahron grumbles. "Y'don't happen t'have any other hobbies, aside from mopin' an' makin' extraneous r'prairs, do ya?"
Sep 20th, 2003, 10:34:20 PM
"What I need freind, is to visit my family....I haven't seen my lifemate for a while. And I need to see her."
He looked away in frustration as this person wouldn't know what he was feeling inside and would never comprehend a vampyre's psyche. They thought differently than others, had priorities that meant more to them than other species. Ezra ran a hand through his hair and sighed.
" You just dont understand what I go through day in and day out here.....all to prove myself to one person......and sometimes I think it's in vain that I do it."
Ahron Harresh
Sep 23rd, 2003, 01:20:57 PM
"Then don' do it," Ahron grumbles. "Give it a rest an' go see yer wife. Take some time off it and get'cher act t'gether."
Sep 24th, 2003, 09:05:40 PM
"What are you, the station's psychiatrist?"
He said laughing a bit. First time ever speaking ot this one and he felt like he needed to pay for a session. But then again, it did help to talk to someone since he was always alone all the time. Except when in thje company of Rem and OW.
"You're right, I should just go and see her. It's not like the base would blow up if I disappeared for a while. I'm not that important to hinder much if I'm gone....."
He smiled for the first time in a long time as he looked up at this man.
"Thanks for the talk, I really appreciated it and needed it."
Ahron Harresh
Sep 26th, 2003, 09:34:21 PM
Ahron smiles a little.
"If I come back t'night an' find your ship 'ere, I'll give ya a real reason t'fix'er up," he jokes. "Take off an' cut loose. An' don' come back 'til yer feelin' better."
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