View Full Version : Introducing....Kuklos Ataxia

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 7th, 2003, 03:01:39 AM
Hey everyone, this is just a general announcement about a new group that is in the process of forming. The <a href=http://www.swforums.net/forum/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=241>board</a> is now up, MANY thanks to Swfans.net. The RP that lays the groundwork for the formation of the group is not yet completed, but that doesn't mean we can't get along with business.

So. Have a Darksider? Feel they're not appreciated? Come to Kuklos Ataxia, where the only sure thing is that Silus probably emptied the fridge, but you're bound to have exciting adventures trying to wrest the last cookie from his Force enhanced grip! Enrollment is open, and we have several fully trained Darkside masters and knights who are willing to take on apprentices.

Also - if you are a member of the Krath, we will not allow you to join. Please see Silus for an explaination. :) If you are a member of the GJO or The Lost Jedi we will also not allow you to join, for obvious reasons. If they're not obvious to you, then you probably should watch The Empire Strikes Back again, for a good old fashioned "Good against Evil" refresher course.

There is a FAQ on the board for <strike>your reading enjoyment.</strike> <strike>pleasure</strike> for you to read. Please do so. If you have any OTHER questions, and if you ask them frequently enough, I may just answer them and add them to the FAQ at the same time. :)

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 9th, 2003, 04:20:16 PM
No one's had anymore questions, which is wise. However, if you've been in contact with me or any of the other mods, and you have not yet been 'initiated' or 'recruited' and you do not have private forum access, please post here.

Peter McCoy
Sep 15th, 2003, 02:12:21 PM

Let me in, dagnabbit! :verymad

And my Garrett account too pweese :)

Sep 15th, 2003, 06:26:50 PM
^_^; right you are, SAH!

Sep 15th, 2003, 09:49:38 PM
erm...can I ask for access now or should I wait?

Peter McCoy
Sep 16th, 2003, 05:26:16 AM
Yay! I'm in. :)

Kelt Simoson
Sep 18th, 2003, 04:00:05 AM
Might get Siekn involved somwhere along the line sometime :)

Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 6th, 2004, 10:51:50 PM
Just an update:

Kuklos Ataxia is still open for business. We're pretty settled on the planet of Onderon, although to the outside world (which on the best of days hardly thinks about Onderon) nothing has other than a new high king of the one city, Iziz.

If you wish to join, please contact one of the current members. I am listing the names of those members who have the rank of knight, or greater.

Gav Mortis - Master
Silus Xilarian - Knight
Garrett Blade - Master
Lilaena De'Ville - Master
Razielle Shadana - Knight
Lord Vali - Knight
Salem Ave - Knight

Feel free to PM with any questions, or ask them in this thread.

Dasquian Belargic
Apr 7th, 2004, 02:21:32 AM
Salem Ave - Master

Knight :)

Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 7th, 2004, 02:44:59 AM
Darn it I thought I put knight!!