View Full Version : Violet Wings (open)

Sep 6th, 2003, 11:14:25 AM
Coruscant, the world that's a city, or the city that's a world, it depends on your point of view really. To Aki, it didn't matter, this wasn't home, it was too crowded and had no room for one to stretch their, wings.

Leaning against one of the railways on Coruscants plentiful walkways, was a woman with long blonde hair and dark green eyes. She was dressed in a tight fitting red leather suit, but that isn't the unique part of her appearence. Large violet colored wings protrude from her back, making her a rare breed among the crowds of Coruscant.

"I hate this place." She muttered to the large cloaked humanoid standing next to her, the humaniod snorted and turned away, so that it was leaning backwards against the rail.

"Just be glad that no trouble has started."

Janus Riddyl
Sep 6th, 2003, 07:08:50 PM
Janus darted in and out of traffic riding on his own wings. This was very dangerous, but it helped for him to hone his skills with quick decisions in flying. Any other winged creature would likely be splattered across the front of a hovercar. But Janus had the Force helping him, it gave him sort of a sense of things coming.

He flew out of the main stream of traffic and glided along a sidewalk. Many people looked up at him and stared and he ocasionally gave a glance down. Then something caught his eye, it was a woman with beautiful violet wings.

Janus looped around and descended onto the walkway close to the woman. He walked to her, pushing past many people walking in the opposite direction. He finally caught up to her and smiled and said, "Hi! I noticed you've got wings as well... er, I mean I'm Janus." He paused, "It's just that I've never seen someone with wings outside of my home planet before."

Sep 6th, 2003, 08:34:33 PM
She didn't turn her face to the newcomer, but her large cloaked friend did, and a low growl came from the figure.

"You do not know who she is, do you?" The tall figure turned to Janus, and flipped his hood back, showing his felinoid features to the winged man. She then took notice, and laughed a deep throaty laugh.

"Tocho, you're to overprotective I can take care of myself." She smiled sweetly as she placed a hand on the felinoid's arm and pushed him aside.

"Go case a dog or something, ok?" She made slight shoo-ing moitions with her hands as Tocho walked off grumbling. Turning her attention to Janus, and still smiling, she leaned against Janus.

"Tell me about your homeworld."

Janus Riddyl
Sep 6th, 2003, 09:06:57 PM
Janus was a little surprised by her forwardness, but he spoke anyway. "Iego is... well, unless you know that someone is there its pretty barren. Its full of cliffs and moutains. That's where we sleep, but most of our time is spent in the air." Janus stopped, he didn't want to talk to much.

"What about you? Where are you from?" he asked.

Sep 6th, 2003, 09:24:47 PM
"I'm not from this area. I'm from, what you'd call, the Unknown Regions. My world is wonderful, with a big city with a castle and lots of people with wings, but there not as big as mine. And cat people like Tocho, and Dog-men, and the rabbit empire........." She let a sorrowful sigh escape from her lips.

"I can't go home, and they won't tell me!"

Janus Riddyl
Sep 7th, 2003, 10:11:13 AM
Janus listened and it sounded like she was from a fairy tale world. But he didn't doubt that it was possible, who really knew what was going on in the unknown regions? "Why can't you go home? And who won't tell you what?" he asked.

Sep 7th, 2003, 01:32:53 PM
She sighed once more, and moved from leaning on Janus to leaning on the rail.

"I can't go back because they said it was for their, and mine, own good. But they also gave me Tocho, to wtach me, and he won't tell me why! I HATE this!"

Janus Riddyl
Sep 7th, 2003, 05:04:24 PM
"Go find out why." He urged. "You can't stick around wondering why."