View Full Version : Protective Measures (Soveriengty Members only)
Park Kraken
Sep 5th, 2003, 10:15:12 AM
::It began on a relativley warm day, good weather for such a project. Rumbling out of Madrid into Des Hul came an army of construction droids. Standing in a Command Observation Bubble from atop a Floating Fortress (ULAV), Admiral Kraken watched as the machines grinded their way through the landscape, and halted near the city's outer limits, directly over where the command bunker for Warlord Travess's rebellious regime is located. After days of cleaning out the bunker, and the landscape directly over the bunker, Kraken thought it was time to proceed with the construction of a large garrison on this spot. The garrison would include a massive starfighter base, and a even bigger training facility for stormtroopers. Kraken then moved away from the viewport, and over to a large table that had the blueprints for the various buildings on them. Standing near the table, Field Marshal Tchort was seen brooding over the prints for the Stormtrooper training facility. Pouring himself a cup of stimcaf, Kraken walked over to the table, and took a sip from his cup. The hot fluid poured down his throat, and he snapped awake from the light daze that he was in from days of endless work making the preparations for the installment of Hilari's Garrison. He glanced over to Tchort, and offered him a cup of Stimcaf. He then spoke:
"So, General Tchort, have the blueprints been assembled to your liking?" asked Kraken.
Jarek T'chort
Sep 5th, 2003, 10:45:34 AM
"Indeed Admiral." Jarek took the offered cup of stimcaf and sipped at the brew. "Well the plans are...grand to say the least. Hilari has an enourmous population anyway, even after the war, so they are prime for recruitment."
He looked down at the droids milling around below them. Already the foundations had been started, the facility was very large however, so the actual job would'nt be finished for some weeks. The detailed blue prints laid on the plasti table were confusing to all but the trained eye. The facility would be one of the largest in the Soveriegnty, with barracks, assault courses, holo simulation, weapons training grounds, recreation facilities, every facet a state of the art facility needed.
"So, where's Captain Balades?" He asked absently.
Teleran Balades
Sep 5th, 2003, 03:56:20 PM
Teleran shock his head as he was walking toward his caommanding officer's quarters. The day had been long, inspecting various factories and proceesing plants had seemed like an interesting job at first, but turned out to be another mindless routine. Not that it wasn't important, the captain just did't like doing the same thing over and over. Most likley the reason he joined the Navy. oh, well at least it was something.
He paused at the door to the command center. Security was tight, one doesn't know if there aren't any rebels left on the world. After a retinal and voice-print scan the heavy door slid open. He headed over to Kraken and saluted. Quckly dropping formlties he dropped into a chair. It might seem somewhat as improper conduct, but then he had done a lot of work. Reach into a pocket on his uniform, Tel pulled out a datapad.
"Here's the info you wanted, Admiral. It has the status of most of the manufacturing plants in Madrid, estimated repair costs, current supplies for each facility, and the Tech Rating for them. There are still a few sites that need looking at."
Park Kraken
Sep 5th, 2003, 04:50:53 PM
::Kraken noted Commander Balades's entrance into the command room. He returned the salute, and listened through the report, then accepted the DataCard from the Commander, and slid it into the Datapad that was built into the holoprojector table. Several screens popped up, showing the various facilitys, and stats on their current status, and production capabilitys. Kraken brooded over the information for several minutes, then turned to face both Commander Tchort, and Commander Balades.::
"According to the information on this Datacard, the Realtime manufacturing facility is showing the most promise for large scale production. Right now they are producing foodstuffs to help feed the population, but I think they should start manufacturing the parts needed to assembled the cargo and military space stations. If they, and their parent company work at it, we can have the stations in orbit, and fully operational in one months time. Also, I have recieved a high priority message from Grand Admiral Desaria. A operation in the works is about to be executed, and we are to organize a Task Force for this job. Also, a High Inquisitor will meet us here for this operation. I will transfer the details to your personal datapads. On other news, I have also just recieved a priority message from district 13. A rebellious faction has launched attack on a relief convoy. Twelve stormtroopers have been killed, and the remaining three in the area are bogged down. We will be heading over there to assist." said Admiral Kraken.
::Slowly, the prow of the ULAV rotated, then slowly started to head torwards the disturbance area. Below them, a group of four AT-ATs followed.::
Jarek T'chort
Sep 5th, 2003, 05:35:59 PM
Jarek curled his lip at the mention of an ambush. "Admiral, I get the distinct feeling the people of Hilari, even after the devasation wreaked upon them, do not understand when to give up."
Below the ULAV the walkers lumbered on, by now six repulsor tanks had joined them in a loose staggered formation. Jarek turned back to the Admiral and Captain Balades. "Admiral, with your permision I would like to begin an anti partisan operation here, as this has been the fourth attack in nineteen hours."
"I have certain schemes which I plan to enact, before the arrival of the High Inquisitor." He looked at the rolling plains before him, dotted with small settlements and war debris, yes, Hilari would be the perfect place to experiment his ideas....
Teleran Balades
Sep 8th, 2003, 08:41:53 PM
Teleran grinned and looked at the Field Marshall
"You got some knew toys to try out, I take it. That or either you and your men a bored."
Tel chuckled to himself a little. He glanced at Kraken before standing up.
"I'm taking some downtime before I get moving on the rest of the analysis. It will probably be a week or so before you have the final report."
With that the imperial captain saluted, turned briskly on his heels and exited the command dome.
Jarek T'chort
Sep 11th, 2003, 05:39:31 AM
Commander Balades had been correct. Jarek did indeed have some 'toys'. Tchort had specialy constructed gallows, over 4 meters high and in each sizeable settlement they were errected. The archaic devices loomed ominously over plazas and rough town squares alike. They were an instrument of terror, specificaly there to instill fear into the population. Defy the Empire, and face your demise.
At the same time, more construction droids arrived to rebuild key governmental buildings. Over each reconstructed town hall or assembly house, the red and black Imperial banner fluttered in the wind. Imperial troops were everywhere, directing civilian life.
Jarek knew that a people with nothing would often sell their own family to eat the next night. So struggling families were awarded extra rations for any information regarding rebel activity. In the loose knit Hilari towns, where privacy was always valued, this was no mean feat. However, where a report came in, it would be swiftly followed by Imperial soldiers at the door.
However, Jarek knew that Hilari was now part of the Soveriegnty. The populous was ripe for recruitment. So, massive recruitment drives were set up, calling for able bodied men and women under the age of thirty. Many people simply got up and joined, for their lives had been destroyed by the destruction of their homeworld.
Propaganda played an important part, holovids were circulated showing the warmongering Travess and the weak ruling elders against the valiant liberators of the Soverignty.
For now, these measures seemed effective, so with the permission of Admiral Kraken, they were carried out dutifully.
Park Kraken
Sep 11th, 2003, 06:49:38 AM
::Kraken turned away from the viewport to listen to the conversation between Marshal Tchort, and Commander Balades. He then glanced back out the viewport, looking for the gallows that Jarek had set up. He sighted one, surronded by a crowd of thirty, with a mighty young boy hanging from the gallows. He shook his head at the sight, then turned his attention back to buisness. They had reached the sight of the disturbance. About five hundred Hilarian Rebels, one of the last holdout cells, were fighting against perhaps two hundred stormtroopers. RPGs, and Blaster fire flashed back and forth between the two opposing sides. Kraken ordered the ULAV, and Walkers to open fire. The ULAV fired it's Turbolaser Cannons into the Rebels that were holed up in buildings, while the walkers tore apart the ground resistance. Kraken then turned away from the wholesale carnage to face the two Commanders.::
"I think we may be ready to move onto other buisness. Today an additional three Carrack Cruisers arrived from various bases in the Soveriengty. Soon we will be ready to move on out." Kraken said with a knowing smile.
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