View Full Version : Shall we begin? (Je'gan)

Oolana Taine
Sep 4th, 2003, 08:34:34 PM
Oolana waited patiently at her favorite spot on the grounds, atop a large boulder that sat just below a large willow. She waited for Je'gan's arrival so that his training could continue.

Je'gan Olra'en
Sep 5th, 2003, 06:51:01 AM
All pretense of subterfuge, ie. sneaking up behind Taine, abandoned, Je'gan Olra'en simply walked up the the boulder, bowed formally, and opened himself to the Dark Side. Taine should get, he assumed, a very clear picture of what he was capable of.

Oolana Taine
Sep 7th, 2003, 11:18:00 PM
Oolana could tell his mental fighting abilities needed work so that would be her first lesson. She turned to him and nodded in greeting.Staying at her seat on the boulder she gave Je'gan his instructions.

"Stay open as you are now, but focus your energies to your mental presence. I'm going to invade your mind. As I do this do your best to push me away, and keep me out. Be creative, that will help your defenses and prepare you for later. Take a few minutes to prepare, let me know when you are, or think you are ready."

Je'gan Olra'en
Sep 8th, 2003, 08:35:01 AM
A slow smile crept across the young acolyte's face. Though he'd never done it through the Force, he'd often found himself in situations where he'd had to control his own mind, insulating it from temptation or fear.

"Ready," he said softly.

Oolana Taine
Sep 13th, 2003, 09:06:38 AM
Oolana expanded with the force into the mind of Je'gan. She could feel his presence not to far behind as she raced in and out of different areas of his mind.

"Merge your thoughts and feelings, try to trap me rather then chase."

He took her advice and after concentrating harder Oolana was soon trapped in a corner of his mind.

"Good, now when you have them trapped like this, send everything you can at the presence. Almost like a force blast, because you want to throw the invader out of your thoughts.

Je'gan Olra'en
Sep 13th, 2003, 09:28:47 AM
"Why push them out?" he said, curiously, keeping the hint of malice he felt at having his mind invaded carefully under check. "That's going head-to-head with someone who, in my case, is going to be a whole lot stronger. Besides...it lack subtlety."

He formed his mind into the configuration he usually assumed to defeat unwanted thoughts, and a dozen razor-edged katana blades materialized in his mindscape, slashing white nothingness through Oolana's connection to his mind. Instantly he felt her presence dissipate.

"That had to be pretty uncomfortable," he said matter-of-factly, and then based on what he had observed Taine do he pressed his own offensive, mental blades slashing and carving into her defences.

Oolana Taine
Sep 24th, 2003, 09:17:55 AM
She smiled at his controlled anger and laughed at his arrogance. "My, aren't we quite the Sith?"

Though his attack did cause pain, Oolana barely flinched. She knew how to focus the pain into fuel instead of letting it effect her.

His attack came strong but she was ready and more then focused. His blades worked at first, but then they hit a wall, a thick mental blockage that he could not get through. Then she created more blockages until he was surrounded, trapped in her mind.

She laughed, and shoved the blockages closer and closer together like a trash compactor. "So, what do you do now?"

Je'gan Olra'en
Sep 24th, 2003, 12:56:58 PM
"Watch and learn..."

His mental 'self' jammed a pair of long, terribly strong blades to either side, sticking in the 'walls' at shoulder height, then gripped them hard and somersaulted up, kicking with a ferocious disregard for gravity at the 'roof'. That square of blockage shifted just a trifle, and in a split second he elongated his self-perception into a thin stream that skipped lightly through the crack before it closed.

Outside, he coalesced again and spun, only wielding two blades now but those needlepoints of focused darkness with all his concentration behind them. He struck in two mirror-image lunges, both at the same time, and the rapier points scored deeply into Taine.

And then wrapped around her like shigawire boa-constrictors, cutting deeply into her in a dozen circumferences of a double helix.

Oolana Taine
Sep 24th, 2003, 03:28:27 PM
"Tsk tsk." Oolana laughed as soon his wires were holding nothing. Her mental presence quicly faded down to a microscopic form. Just barely noticable by those very adept in the force. She was using a new technique she was working on and in this from she quickly evaded his bindings and reformed.

As he had made his fierce, yet very creative attack, Oolana was happy to have the opportunity to try out her new practice. She was trying to make her mental presence so small that it disapears, and she would theoretically become a void and untouchable through the force. Much like the Yuzhan Vong.

Turning to the apprentice she spoke, "Your control is good and you are very creative. Take my comment of your arrogance as a complement. You work with confidence and are very experience for an apprentice."

Considering this lesson done, she returned to her perch upon the boulder and asked, Are there any other aspects you would like to work on?"

Je'gan Olra'en
Sep 24th, 2003, 04:02:53 PM

Oolana Taine
Sep 24th, 2003, 07:36:29 PM
OOC: I'll edit this later, but I just wanted you to check your pm's

Je'gan Olra'en
Oct 3rd, 2003, 02:40:37 PM
"Telekinesis, but...mmm...specialized. I keep getting hit with Force-pushes, you see, and I cannot respond in kind. What I wish to learn is how to do what I've envisioned.

"Picture this. One far stronger than I sends a Force-push at me that I cannot dodge or avoid. I create a sort of specialized shield-I know it's possible-and split it, so." He demonstrated, a spear-hand strike hitting a low-hanging treebranch and splitting between the middle and ring fingers. "Far less energy required than an actual blockage of the push; all I'm doing is splitting and diverting it around me. Is it possible?"