View Full Version : Current Activity List (will be revised after roll call too)

Ryla Relvinian
Sep 4th, 2003, 03:49:21 PM
Please: All Knights and Masters who are willing should pick up a few needy Padawans. Even one per person is ok, but if you can take two, please do.

Going off of the current list of who is accepting and who is not, all Knights and Masters should post here with their current padawans, for the sake of keeping up with promotions.

New as of 04.26.04: Names colored Green are now permanent residents of the Yavin temple, and will train/accept padawans accordingly.

- Ebony

Akrabbim (Accepting)
- Currently No Padawans

Anbira Hicchoru (Accepting under special circumstances)
- Loki Amrah
- Eldrak Gruuhl
- Buliwyf

AmazonBabe (Not accepting, ATM)
- Garen Selore

Estelle Russard (Accepting soon)
- Maximas
- Aejin Rahn
- Plo Koon
- Terran Starek

Figrin D'an (Accepting only after personal screening, special circumstances)
- Ka' el Darcverse (Not ready)
- Sejah Haversh

Jedi Master Leia Solo (pending)
- Currently No Padawans

Morgan Evanar (Accepting)
- Hayes Muirso

Ryla Relvinian (Accepting, Personal Screening)
- Iago Kent (Not ready)
- Jax Tondry (Not ready)

Sage Hazzard (Not around, Not accepting)
- Kueller

- Mr. Flux (Not ready)

Dasquian Belargic (Not accepting)
- Jacali Danner
- Lady Mylia
- Lain Esuna
- Shanaria Fabool
- Shandri La

Mr. Dust
- Currently No Padawans

Falcon Gyndar
- J'ktal Anajii
- Rikki Van-Warren

Helenias Evenstar (Not Accepting)
- Currently No Padawans

Jubei SaDherat Vader (Accepting upon request)
- Li Mu Sinung (MIA)
- Ruth Leofsiege

Kelt Simoson (Accepting under special circumstances)
- Currently No Padawans

Ki-Adi Kindo (Accepting upon request)
- Currently No Padawans

Navaria Tarkin (Accepting)
- Marga Alton

Oriadin (Not Accepting)
- Currently No Padawans

Pierce Tondry (Accepting upon request and personal screening)
- Kale

Rognan Dar (Accepting upon request)
- Jacen

Salemn Lysce (Not Around, Not Accepting)
- Lillian Snow (Not ready)
- James Prent (Not ready)

Sene Unty (Not Accpeting)
- Currently No Padawans

Shade Magus (Accpeting upon request)
- Spada (Ready)
- Mattias Darkstone (Ready soon)
- Sarr Koon

Soolin Anjhurin (Accepting upon Request & Personal Screening)
- Vishan

Tujk (Accepting upon Request & Personal Screening)
- Currently No Padawans

Wei Wu Wei (Accepting upon Request)
- Kyle Krogen (Not ready)
- Neyasha (Not ready)
- Telexia Xio

Zeke (Accepting Upon Request/Special Circumstances)
- Kack Mebuff (Not ready)

Posting here is good for you as well as your padawans. It will ensure that their promotions will be more on the forefront of the Council's plans and is also a place for you to put reccomendations for them. It is also ok to suggest that someone not be considered for a promotion.

Thanks, Y'all. :)

Rognan Dar
Jul 17th, 2004, 11:38:58 PM
Could you put Jacen under my padawans? Yulis was also asigned to me, but I haven't seen him in several days. I think he called a quick quit.

Anbira Hicchoru
Aug 5th, 2004, 01:31:13 PM
Add Buliwyf to my padawan list :)

Shade Magus
Sep 5th, 2004, 03:18:20 PM
Could you add Jame Kaman Dar under mine and I haven't seen Matthias so take him off.