View Full Version : Dreaming in Indigo (Indigo and open)

imported_Gerbo Lang
Sep 4th, 2003, 03:25:21 PM
From out side the bar Gerbo could smell the stench of the living dead. The hunter wasn't here for any of them though he was here for information. Some vampires would tell you anything you wanted to know just to survive another day, those kind of vampires where here in this vampire sanctuary. The loud pounding music could be heard pulsating from inside the door.

He just stood his eyes staring at the bouncer at the door. He need to get in there information on Jason Dreggs awaited him. The trail was getting cold on the boy since he had disappeared a few weeks ago from Gerbo's grasp. Gerbo knocked himself out of thought and his feet passed towards the door and the bouncer’s hand reached out to stop him from entering. Gerbo turned his shaded eyes towards the bouncer and grinned showing his fangs. The bouncer just shook his head, so Gerbo spoke in the tongue he had not spoke in years.

"Mortay Forontal Vampiro."

The bouncer looked for a moment then nodded understanding and lifted his hand away. Gerbo pushed the door inward and entered into a loud smoky room filled with both mortals and vampires in hiding. There was a poster on the wall of an attractive woman and it said Lady Indigo . Gerbo peeked a brow at this he wondered if most knew that Indigo was a vampire and not your average Female.

Gerbo walked into the Open he was dressed in his normal hunter gear. Black Flack Jacket, Long leather trench coat, weapons attached to his body most of which where visible, and his black shades. The hilt of his Katana could be seen seethed to his back. His neck tattoos of vampire symbols where visible for all to see.

Every Vampire in the room turned and looked at the man who was clearly a hunter. Then quickly turned back face hoping he would notice them. He just grinned and looked around the room. He saw a familiar mortal at the bar talking to someone but he wasn't here to converse with him. He turned his gaze to the stage where the woman stood she caught the hunters gaze and he couldn't pull himself away.

Sep 9th, 2003, 01:13:03 PM
:: Indigo is naked on the stage, bathed in crimson light as she works her body to the slow metallic beat. Dropping down to her knees, she sings to a leather clad nebari girl enslaved by the rhythm ::

need you ...
dream you ...
find you ...
taste you ...
frell you ...
use you ...
scar you ...
break you ...

:: The beat becomes more intense as Indigo rolls onto her back, her voice rising into a keening scream as she grinds her hips in a sexual tantrum ::

lose me!
Hate Me!!!
Smash Meeeeeee!!!
Erase Meeeeeeee!!!
Kill Meeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
Kill Meeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
Kill Meeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
Kill Meeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
Kill Meeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
Kill Meeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
Kill Meeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
Kill Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
Kill Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
Kill Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

:: Her hips crash back down onto the stage and she lays like a broken toy as the song ends. The stage lights dim and her nude form disappears in the darkness ::

imported_Gerbo Lang
Sep 9th, 2003, 03:08:08 PM
Gerbo stood in awe never before had he been like this. What had he just seen on stage, was that even music or more of a tantrum. He pulled his eyes away and walked to the bar, and yelled for the bartender.

"Yeah Pal what can I do for you"

"I need to talk to someone, preferably someone of your blood sucking cliental. So point me in the right direction or I'll start cutting down all those I believe to be blood suckers."

"Hey, we don't need none of that in here. Just head to the back, there might be a few people who can help you back there. They usually know everyone who comes in and out of this place."

The bartender pointed to a door on the right side of the stage. Gerbo Turned and began his walk across the room.

"Least you could have done was say thanks."

Gerbo just ignored the Bartender and continues to walk to the door. He passed by a table with to bloodsucker talking at it, they both gave him dirty looks but seemed relieved as he passed by him. He got closer to the door where two other vampires stood up and attempted to block his path.

"Where are you Head Half Breed?"

"Through that door behind you, do you two have a problem with that."

"I think he is here to kill Indigo, Lets get him."

The two Vampires came at Gerbo just then, They were both stupid bloodsuckers. They had no idea what they were getting into. They came closer and Gerbo turned to his side and did a back flip onto the stage Kicking the closest on in the head. The Vampire fell back smashing into a table. The second vampire Jumped up on stage beside Gerbo, Gerbo grabbed him by the neck before he could react and with is vampire like strength threw the vampire across the room into bottles of booze behind the bar. At that the bar broke into Brawl Vampires where coming out of everywhere. Mortals and vampires alike where storming the stage after Gerbo lang. Gerbo just grinned and ran through the curtains at the back of the stage.

Sep 9th, 2003, 03:40:35 PM
:: Indigo slips on her jacket and peeks out of the doorway at the end of the hall. A tall dark man was the source of the trouble, and he seemed to be coming her way!!! ::

Sep 10th, 2003, 01:51:59 PM
Johannes Saska was snoozing in the back of the club, despite the music and roars of his crew as they watched Indigo's performance. However, he was rudely awakened as it ended, as the pirates threw their captain forward. Many are drunk off their rockers; but all of them, sober or inebriated, think it would be hilarious to see their Captain and the dancer together. However, she's soon gone, and the crew makes a collective groan of disappointment. Saska makes a sigh of relief.

He's not in the clear yet, however; a rather bold man takes the stage to give chase to the seductress. The crew makes a collective cry of angry indignation. Saska heaves an irritated sigh and approaches Gerbo, backed by his crew.

imported_Gerbo Lang
Sep 12th, 2003, 02:04:36 AM
Gerbo saw the face peek out the door of the woman who had just been on stage. He started his walk towards the door when a group of men not vampires clamored up the stage and ran promptly after him. He grabbed one of the pirates by the neck as he approached and failed miserably at trying to punch Gerbo.

"Do you know what you’re getting yourself into mortal."

Gerbo just shoved the gasping man away as the rest of the group caught up to him. He saw their leader in the middle the group. He seemed to be an older gentleman but still had the swagger of a pirate about him. Gerbo sighed he now had to prepare him self to fight stupid mortals.

"If only you fella's knew what you where getting into."

Sep 20th, 2003, 10:05:47 AM

"Won't be the first time I've gone head-first into something I know nothing of."

What the hell's he mean by that?

"My boys don't appreciate you running their entertainment off the stage. They'd prefer it if you just left her alone and found some street woman to take your frustrations out on."

Sep 27th, 2003, 11:11:03 AM
:: Indigo knew of the dark hunter by reputation, and wasted no time slipping out the fire exit and down into the street ::

imported_Gerbo Lang
Sep 27th, 2003, 11:43:28 AM
Gerbo heard the woman head for the back fire exit. She had a bit of fear in her and he could feel it and he liked the feeling. He glared at the old man that was stalk and attempting to talk to him. Gerbo didn't have time for this, his original plan wasn't to even go after the girl but since everyone was already accusing him of the action he thought what the heck.

"You’re a funny old man you have no cool what you’re up against. This is far beyond what your mortal mind can handle. Also i didn't chase her off stage she left of her own free will and as for the street woman, most of them only suck your money dry not your soul"

Gerbo gave a wink and as one of the old mans men came rushing at him gerbo shoved him aside so hard he broke through the closest wall leaving a human sized hole. Gerbo then turned and began to run to the fire exit, he could here the old man and his people following him a few stopped and help the two injured men.

Jan 29th, 2004, 01:53:36 PM
Saska's decided two things. One, this man is exceedingly arrogant and pig-headed. Two, he's going to spoil the guy's fun. Saska heads out alone after Gerbo and Indigo, pulling a blaster and spinning it on his finger idly. If Indigo gets away, Saska wins. If Saska ends up with Indigo, so much the better. He can see Gerbo plainly, but Indigo is out of his sight. Maybe she got away already...it'd spare Saska some trouble if she did.

Feb 24th, 2004, 03:31:30 PM
:: Indigo's boots hit the street just as Gerbo reaches the top of the fire escape. She swallows a squeak as their eyes meet, then she's off and running ::

imported_Gerbo Lang
Feb 24th, 2004, 03:50:19 PM
Gerbo was at the top of the fire escape with saska right behind him with a blaster in hand. Stupid human thought he was saving a damsel in distress. Yet all he was trying to save was an animal of the night. Instead of using the stairs Gerbo just leaped over the side of the fire escape land softly on his legs at the bottom. He looked up at the man saska with a fanged grin that said try that human.

"I suggest you stop Human you don't know what you’re getting yourself into."

Gerbo took off in a dash following the fading footsteps of Indigo. He always did love the chance maybe this one would be more crafty then the rest before her. For some reason Gerbo highly doubted it though.

Apr 23rd, 2004, 01:25:26 PM
Saska squeezes off a few shots in Gerbo's direction. The sidewalk receives a few deep scorings, but all Gerbo gets is a bit of melted rubber off the heels of his boots. He clenches his teeth to suppress a curse and takes off down the fire escape, leaping to the ground from the second story. He rolls and is off at a dead sprint to make up for lost ground.

imported_Gerbo Lang
Apr 30th, 2004, 05:19:03 PM
Gerbo could here her running as he heard her turn down an alleyway ahead of him. He stop and slide to the side of a building hearing some one coming up from behind him. A saska approached the corner of the building an arm reached out close lining the man. Gerbo smiled as he stepped over top of the man who now lay on the ground.

"What is your problem sir?"

May 6th, 2004, 01:01:52 PM
"You're pickin' on a girl who's done jack squat to you," Saska answers, folding his arms and canting his head thoughtfully. "What's a tough guy like you wanna mess with a girl like her for?"

May 10th, 2004, 03:12:19 PM
:: Indigo hides in the alleyway, hoping that she'll be forgotten ::

imported_Gerbo Lang
May 27th, 2004, 04:44:25 PM
Gerbo had to laugh at his first statement "You're pickin' on a girl who's done jack squat to you." . Really this guy honestly didn't know what this thing was. He thought it was human and still living. He was right though she hadn't done anything directly to Gerbo. Gerbo looked down at the man peering into his eyes from his sunglasses.

"Your right she hasn't done jack to me. She has more then likely however done stuff to countless Innocents. Murder, torture, and pain those are her types of things. She has a blood lust for your kind and that’s why I hunt her to keep you safe.

So you should be thanking me not fighting me. Unless you want to wake up on the undead side of things. Oh wait don't tell your not one of these guys that believes in Vampires?"