View Full Version : anyone know anything about php

Sep 3rd, 2003, 06:22:02 PM
i am redoing my site in php (i am also switching servers for those who might have noticed it has been down the past week)

and i got the php working great on the new server (this is why i switched servers my previous server was horrible at supporting php) but heres the problem

when i upload the pages in ftp i can see them great and everything looks fine

but when i try to load the pages from my hard drive (i always work and keep backups on my hard drive) it totally does not appear

i am using the php do my updates on my left and right subpanels (this will save me great amounts of time because i am using an include function to call the info meaning instead of having to go through 50 pages every weekend too add new reviews, and new upcoming movies i can do it in just one file)

so when i get it on the server i can see the subpanels but from my hard drive i cannot

anybody know why, it will be a pain to see whats going on if it continues this behavior to have to upload to the server to see the changes

also is there any reason why you can not call php functions from an html file

oh and if i am using index.php as my main file what will happen when people go to http://www.sirdizzy.com because that is ussually looking for a index.html file as default

Sep 3rd, 2003, 06:24:10 PM
some examples (this off my college accounts public html access for my advanced html class because my server is not rerouting sirdizzy.com right)



notice the second one i tried calling php functions from an html file, thinking this might cure the index problem

thats what the fileslook like from my hard drive balck space inside the embedded table instead of the file its suppose to call

Sep 3rd, 2003, 10:09:32 PM
I know a bit about PHP, since these forums are coded in it and I have written quite a few custom code chunks for these forums.

About viewing PHP in action on your PC; you'll need to install a PHP server application on your PC for that to work right. I can't remember where, at the moment, I saw a free one, but I have seen them.

About the PHP in an HTML page; From my experiance, you are better off to just go ahead and make the page PHP, but use the escape syntax to insert your HTML into it. I'm not positive that you can call PHP functions from HTML at all.

And about servers that look for "index.html"; Usually such a server will also look for index.php, so it might work as your default page. The best way to do it is to just try it out.

Sep 4th, 2003, 09:55:24 AM
i downloaded this phptriad but i can't seem to get it to work,it supposedly putsan apache server on your OS