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Sin Vamel
Sep 3rd, 2003, 04:20:41 PM
Cruel and sore, sunlight pours in through the dirty plexiglass window and bathes a tattered, old couch in it's bittersweet radiance. On the couch a man stirs. He raises a hand to the window, casting a shadow on his face and he groans. Slowly, reluctantly, he kicks the thin bedsheet from his tired body and sits up, wincing in the light of a new day. His toes drum on the wooden floorboards beneath his feet, he yawns, stretches and slumps back against his makeshift bed.

"Sin, are you awake yet?" Came a quiet voice from his bedroom. He started and eyes wide, he jumped upright and began folding up his bedsheet. There were muffled noises coming from the room next door, the sound of bare feet plodding from one side of the uncarpeted floor to the other and back again, this time the sound of feet against wood was muted. It was Vysten and she was already dressed. Sin cleared his throat hastily.

"Er-- Yeah, wide awake." He called back breathlessly, straightening out the cushions and padding on the old couch as fast as he could. He whipped up his trousers, fell backwards onto the couch while pulling them on and then hopped as he made his way across to the kitchenette. He retrieved his creased shirt from atop the breakfast bar and pulled it on over his head. His head of ruffled hair had barely popped out when he was on his way across to the other side of the room where his socks had been unceremoniously strewn the night previous. In transit, he stubbed his toe on the corner of the couch and he grunted in agony, stifling a cry. "Frell."

"What's that? Everything okay?" Came the soft voice once more.

"Oh yeah, no problems." Sin said, through clenched teeth while inspecting his big toe. "Did you sleep alright?"

"Yeah, I dozed off as soon as my head hit the pillow. You?"

"Like a light!" He answered, glancing over to one of the burst pillows and tell-tale pile of feathers on the floor. He shook his head, he'd given Vysten his bed and he'd taken the couch. Since when had he been such a gentleman? With an inward grin, he threw on his shoes and dropped to his hands and knees to start cleaning up the feathers. That was when the door swung open and he looked up. There stood Vysten, looking as fresh and cheerful as the new day, her red hair tied back casually and she was wearing a contented smile. Sin smiled. "Good morning."

Vysten Ambre
Sep 3rd, 2003, 05:16:54 PM
Vysten casually walked through the doorway as if she had resided in this place many times before. "And goodmorning to you!" she replied.

Striding almost cockily to Sin, Vysten felt the right half of her mouth curl upward in a smirk. She looked at the handsome man who she had only met a few hours ago, hours that could have been years. Sin Vamel was the first real friend she'd had in ages. As much as she hated to admit it, Vysten loved this new feeling of comradery.

Still wearing the lopsided grin, Vysten lowered herself to help Sin pick up the feathers. She plucked a particularly long feather with her nimble fingers and teasingly shoved it into Sin's unruly hair.

"You look so cute in the morning."

Sin Vamel
Sep 3rd, 2003, 07:10:39 PM
"Heh! Thanks." He smiled, looking down at the mess on the floor a hint of pink in his cheeks. Sin didn't blush but when he believed he was making a fool of himself his cheeks would flush just enough to let others now he embarrassed. This embarrassed him further. Thanks? Inside he was cringing in disbelief: Is that the best you can say? Stop worrying! Silently, he gathered the rest of the feathers and dumped them in the waste paper basket which Vysten had brought over. That was when he remembered that he still had a large, white feather in his hair and he snatched it out quickly. Vysten couldn't hold back a laugh any longer. Sin joined her.

It was interesting to see how much difference a woman's presence can make in a place is ugly and dirty as Sin's home. He was a terrible host but for that flaw he excused himself because he hardly ever had visitors save for his elder brother but that didn't count. The dusty appartment had a fresh feminine scent about it and the bathroom looked cleaner and the walls brighter. After their adventure at Forte Vesal last night, it seemed nothing could dampen the young man's spirit. "Okay, I'm going to have a shower then afterwards I'm treating you to a huge breakfast."

Promptly, Sin headed for the bathroom and once he'd closed the door behind him heaved a sigh. His forehead pressed against the clammy door, tiny pieces of dry paint fell into his hair. It was tense back there, he thought with an uncharacteristic degree of distress. Knowing that somewhere on the other side of the door was Vysten made him all the more nervous, things were so much easier between them while they conducted acts of terrorism. He wasn't exactly sure why he had kissed her when he did last night, perhaps it was the heat of the moment or perhaps he thought that if he was about to have his head blown off then at least he'd go out a happy man. He was insane and he knew it. Resignedly, Sin turned and looked at himself in the broken mirror.

"Look at the state of you." He said, smirking. There were blood stains on his shirt, torn and battered from the fun and games of the night previous. Some of his muddy trouser legs were worn through and torn, exposing his grazed knee caps. He pulled off his shirt and inspected the damage; a few cuts and bruises but that was about it. Not one bullet wound, nevertheless he still looked quite a sight.

"And she says I'm cute!" He laughed to himself quietly. He continued getting undressed. "What's going on, Sin? She's a pretty girl; she likes you, you like her. It's not like you've never been with a woman before; why should she be any different? Krast, I sound like my brother!"


Twenty minutes later and out stepped Sin; clean and clean-shaven. Vysten was sat waiting on a stool at the breakfast bar, she was sifting through a magazine his brother's fiancé had left behind the last tim they visited. She looked up expectantly and comically, Sin gave her a turn on the spot to show of his new clothes.

"A fresh new set of clothes ready to be torn and bloodied; I can't wait. Come on, let's go." Vysten shot him a confused look and he burst out laughing. "What? When I said I'd treat you to breakfast I didn't mean that I'd cook it too. I can't cook for poodoo."

He nodded at the door and grinned at the attractive, young red-head. "Shall we?"

Vysten Ambre
Sep 3rd, 2003, 10:07:53 PM
Holy spit of a rancor. An incredibly attractive man was taking a shower only a wall away. Vysten crossed her legs and flipped a flimsy magazine page, absentmindedly letting her head swivel towards the wall that blocked her from Sin. She couldn't help but wonder what he looked like right now...

Disgusted with herself Vysten immediately buried her nose in the magazine pretending to be thoroughly engrossed. She felt guilty, like she was a child caught wither her hand in the sweets jar.

As good looking as he was, Vysten also felt herself attracted to his warm personality. She felt drawn to him, and when they were in the same room she felt as if an outside force was pushing her to be with him.

As cliche as the phrase is... resistance truly was futile.

The door finally opened and Vysten couldn't help but lurch forward out of reflex. She quickly pretended she hadn't and amused herself by watching Sin show off his new clothes and freshly bathed body.

Imitating a philosopher deep in thought Vysten's eyes examined Sin. "Hmmm," she muttered stroking her chin. "I kinda liked the stubble." She stood up and circled him. "But I can get used to the duds."

After Sin offered to take her to breakfast, Vysten hooked the man's arm in her own and looked at him with a tiny smile. "Let's do it, Skippy."

Sin Vamel
Sep 4th, 2003, 07:28:25 AM
"Skippy?" Repeated Sin with a frown. He gave her a judgement look but her sweet smile kept him from making any objection so instead he just hoped really hard that no-one else would hear her call him that. A swipe of a keycard and the door swung open, it was an old-fashioned wooden door with modern locks. It was the best Sin could afford, even if anyone broke into his place he owned nothing of any value, save for his blaster pistol which pressed comfortably against his chest beneath his jacket in a leather holster he'd stolen from a dead officer from the City Watch.

"Now remember, we gotta maintain a low profile as best we can. The local law enforcement will be all over the place tracking down the rest of the terrorists from last night." He gave a quick wink and said no more, an elderly couple stepped out of the lift and they entered, alone. Sin resumed immediatly. "So whatever happens, we need to keep away from shady looking people and not draw unneccesary attention to ourselves. We have breakfast first, we'll go to a nice place where all the honest working citizens eat and after that, we'll check out this place--"

He rumaged in his jacket pocket and pulled out a crumpled piece of paper, it had been torn from a magazine and carried a brown coffee stain. It was an advertisment bearing very little other than a picture of a blaster rifle and a wookiee bowcaster, beneath the picture it said in bold black:

"Paladin's Weapons Emporium." Said Sin, poking his finger at the piece of paper. "Look what it says: 'Weapons specialists skilled in armaments from the furthest reaches of the galaxy. We buy and sell first class goods. No questions asked, no lies told.' Heh! This sounds like our kind of place."

"That's for sure." Replied Vysten, peering over his arms and staring at the paper, she taken hold of his upper arm for elevation. Sin squirmed uncomfortably on the spot but tried not to make it obvious. He looked at the doors straight ahead. The lift trembled then came to a sudden halt, the doors creaked apart and a young couple entered hand in hand. Sin said nothing but Vysten unabashedly clung to his arm, still engrossed by the advertisment. He stood as stiff as a board. How long did it take her to read it? Come on. Come on!

"Here we go." Sin declared with relief, stepping forward causing Vysten to release her grip on his arm and with the familiar hints of pink beneath his cheekbones, Sin headed down the corridoor, Vysten at his side. "Unfortunately, we can't avoid being around our own sort in these parts unless I change my home address to The Grand Plaza. And--" He fished out his wallet and opened it up revealing a small amount of cash. He smiled. "--That's not gonna happen."

"The café is just a couple of blocks away, we'll be there in no time." He leaned in close and whispered. "Did you remember to come armed? You know, just in case."

Vysten Ambre
Sep 5th, 2003, 08:01:28 PM
Vysten rolled her eyes. "Stars, how stupid do you think I am?" She then looked at Sin enigmatically. "Let's just say if I got my clothes torn off, you'd find more than just undies."

She noticed Sin give her a half quizzical, half amused look. But instead of saying anything he only nodded and continued to guide her forward.

Not being able to stand the silce, Vysten spoke up again, "This place had better be good. I'm not used to a walk in the mornings."

Sin Vamel
Sep 9th, 2003, 02:59:55 PM
It wasn't difficult to guess when you were leaving the slum areas of the North Henna district because your surroundings were no longer warped interpretations of reality; windows were neither broken or boarded up, litter was scarce, the air was cleaner and everything seemed gentle and strong. The slums had always been course and brittle, their inhabitants were tough and streetwise, if you were neither of these in the Henna slums then you were probably dead. Even the pavement was less unforginving on your feet in these parts but despite it's appeal, Sin could feel himself sticking out like a sore thumb. This wasn't his home but it was safe.

"This is it, Vysten. The place looks good." He looked up at the scrolling banner above the entrance, it was a holographic projection of red lettering against a neon yellow background which read: "'The Sundance Diner - All welcome! Breakfast Grande: Only 12C!' Had a name change, I liked the old one better, 'The Sunrise Coffeeteria'. Oh well. Shall we?"

Holding the door open he watched Vysten enter and traipsed behind to catch a better glimpse. He caught up with her at the counter and casually draped his arm over her shoulders pulling her into him a little as he pointed up to the large menu hoisted up on the wall behind the waitress who was busy making coffee.

"See, look at all you get just for twelve credits - not that you have to worry about the cash, though - grilled Tatooine meats, spice beans, don't they come from Chandrila? I thought so. There's mushrooms, a healthy helping of scrambled Frollick egg and the usual stuff; toast, coffee, tea or fresh juice." Quite happy with his hold on Vysten, he pulled her in a little closer so that her hair brushed his forehead and cheek. He couldn't contain his smile. "What do you think, Red? Think you can manage all that?"

Vysten Ambre
Sep 9th, 2003, 03:18:36 PM
Vysten felt herself being pulled closer and closer to Sin. She liked this. She really liked it. Vysten let herself fall into him. She breathed deeply, smelling the scent of the soap he used just this morning.

She looked at Sin and returned his smile. "Are you kidding? I could put that all away in my sleep!" She patted her stomach. "You have no idea how much I can eat when I actually get the chance to eat."

Turning her head to Sin playfully Vysten brushed the tip of her nose with his. "So go ahead, Skippy. Order me something."

Sin Vamel
Sep 9th, 2003, 03:48:43 PM
The air in his lungs jumped, shot up his throat and was snatched away leaving him breathless when Vysten's face came so close to his, her breath tickled his neck in a moment which seemed to last much longer than it actually did. She has no confidence problems, his spinning brain regurgitated, and quickly he stepped back and turned to the bar resuming his laid back exterior. He ordered two large breakfasts and joined Vysten at a table she had occupied.

She looked so alive and wonderful, buzzing with energy; she was smart and attractive. Sin loved the contrast between her milky skin and dazzling red locks. He could run his fingers through her hair all day. He wanted to tell her all this but she did something to him. His confidence shrivelled up right before her, his defenses peeled away and his insecurities surfaced. He sat down to the table with that naked feeling, he grinned and drummed his fingers on the table top.

"You know--" He began, a little too quietly for his liking. He cleared his throat. "Once this whole terrosim thing has blown over and we're in the clear, well, what then? What do you plan to do?"

Vysten Ambre
Sep 9th, 2003, 04:01:24 PM
Vysten shrugged, only grabbing her fork and eating hungrily. "I dunno," she said between bites. "I've been livin' by the seat of my pants for a while, so I tend to make things up as I go along."

She finally paused to swallow and she looked at Sin. Her life had never been this good. How could she ever be so lucky to have breakfast with this man... after spending the night with him to boot! Well, nothing happened, but the whole concept was just mind blowing.

Reaching forward, Vysten curled her fingers around a warm porcelain coffee mug handle and raised it to her lips. She drank deeply, letting the liquid fill her mouth and flow down her throat. She then set it down gently.

"But y'know, I kinda don't want this to end. I mean, it's been fun, and this whole terrorism thing is how we met. If it all ended... we might have to go our separate ways and..." her voice drifted off.

"I wouldn't like that."

Sin Vamel
Sep 9th, 2003, 05:53:51 PM
"You wouldn't?" Asked Sin, spirited. He was leaning forward with all the air of someone about to conspire to kill a senator or something. He was grinning still, much pleased by Vysten's reply. He cut a strip of sizzle and shovelled a piece into his mouth, chewing slowly, savouring not the food but the moment. Then finally, through a partially full mouth. "I wouldn't want that either."

He swallowed and stared at Vysten intently, he could see the look in her eyes now. She was happy, her eyes seemed to sparkle and for a moment he found himself lost in their depth. Moments previous, they were sullen and her face was lined with misery at the thought of them going their separate ways, it had been hard to prolong his answer as long as he had but to see her smile, to make her happy and take away her fears and doubts, it empowered him. It was something of which he could make a habit.

"Then what do you say we stick together?" He suddenly blurted, his hands were free of knife and fork now and opened outwards towards Vysten as he delivered his proposal. "I mean, think about it, with the lives we have and the things we do - the trouble we get ourselves into! Two pairs of eyes are better than one; I watch your back, you watch mine - we could make quite a team!"

Vysten Ambre
Sep 9th, 2003, 08:50:15 PM
"I would love to, Mr. Vamel!" Vysten replied quietly but enthusiastically. She grinned mischieviously. "Though I'll warn ya know... I might be watching more than your back."

She raised her eyebrows to Sin as if keeping some sort of delicious secret, and wanted to keep it all to herself.

Still smiling, Vysten stabbed a portion of her egg with a fork and began playing with it, tapping it against the plate.

Sin Vamel
Sep 10th, 2003, 06:02:40 PM
This time, Sin didn't feel the burning rush in his face which usually followed every of Vysten's flirtacious remarks or advances, so instead of speaking and taking the risk of saying something stupid he siezed Vysten's wrist. He had hold of it gently but was firm enough to bring it up to his face, fork, egg and all, and used her hand to shovel her egg into his mouth while she looked on.

"You were taking too long to eat that!" He mumbled through a mouthful of scrambled egg. A surge of guilt forced him to take up his knife and fork once more, he speared a grilled mushroom and lifted it up in the direction of Vysten's mouth, moving it from side to side teasingly. "I guess I can only return the favour."

Vysten Ambre
Sep 10th, 2003, 08:10:26 PM
Vysten's eyes widened in surprise when Sin grabbed her hand. She watched amusedly and he snatched the egg off her mouth with his mouth.

When she saw a rather large mushroom looming in front of her, Vysten followed it with her eyes, watching it dart from left to right.

As the mushroom finally danced in front of her mouth, Vysten leaned forward and bit down hard on the fork, taking both the fork and mushroom between her teeth. She pulled backward with clenched teeth, knowing Sin's arm would follow.

Sin Vamel
Sep 11th, 2003, 08:45:23 AM
Sin laughed, playfully tugging at the fork while Vysten's teeth held onto it unrelenting. Finaly he gave up and let her win the fork from him and he observed her in silece while she finished her breakfast. In the rare moments he took his eyes off her, he glanced over the patrons with hidden curiosity. For the second time he'd noticed two men staring at them from across the diner, neither looked too friendly and although he'd never seen them before, Sin knew better than to just shrug his observations off as mere paranoia although he didn't say anything to Vysten about it. She'd finished the last morsel of food on her plate. Sin applauded.

"And the crowd went wild!" He cheered, making a hushed immitation of crowd cheering. He'd left some of his breakfast on his plate, it was cold now but that it mattered, he wasn't hungry anymore. He tapped Vystens hand gently. "I'll be right back, get ready to go."

He stood and headed for the counter and after dealing with the bill, returned to the table where he found Vysten stood, waiting. As quickly as he could without being obvious, he wrapped his arm around her waist and ushered her out gently. Once outside, he turned to her with eyes narrowed in the intense daylight. "Right, so where to next? Shall we head for that weapons traders now?"

Vysten Ambre
Sep 13th, 2003, 12:08:11 PM
Sin's warm arm curled around Vysten's waist, much to her pleasure. Sin Vamel... the one person in this life who cared whether she lived or died. To him she was more than just worthless trash. Her own family didn't want her. Only two things seemed worth living for now: the thrill of smuggling and Sin.

Vysten, you've always been tough, why are you making yourself weak for some guy?

She already had the answer. He was more than a male companion. In a wierd way, Sin completed her, like the one missing piece in an other wise finished jugsaw puzzle.

"Right, so where to next? Shall we head for that weapons traders now?" Sin asked.

Vysten blinked rapidly, partially from the bright sun and partially to cover up her thoughts. She looked at him with an air of seriousness and ran an index finger down the center of his chest.

"That sounds fine to me, unless you had something else planned first..."

Not knowing exactly what she meant by this or even if she was joking or not Vysten looked into Sin's eyes with her own blue gray pair and held her finger against Sin's body just above his stomach.

Sin Vamel
Sep 14th, 2003, 11:15:53 AM
"No--" He squeaked, looking down at her hand with evident nervousness. He cleared his throat quickly and answered again, in a much more baritone voice for emphasis. "No, nothing in mind. Er, did you?"

He looked at Vysten's face, daring to take his eyes from the hand touching him. Vysten was smiling, an intimidating blend of sweetness and mischief in that smile that made him tingle all over. He resisted the urge to shudder because it clearly wasn't cold but smiling sheepishly, he squeezed her waist with his arm still wrapped around her. "Come on, let's go. I'm not sure how long it will take to get there."

They decided to walk rather than flag down a hovercab, it was a nice day for a walk and given the company, Sin was certain to enjoy it. They had missed the daily rush of people dashing off to work and as such the diner hadn't been too busy and the streets were less crowded, not by a significant magine but it was less chaotic than usual. Sin was grinning; to all these people he and Vysten would look like an item.

"If we're going to work together from now on, what weapons do you prefer? Paladin's Emporium has an extensive range to choose from so we should find some great new blasters."

Vysten Ambre
Sep 15th, 2003, 03:04:05 PM
If she could have stretched that far, Vysten would have kicked Sin in the head. Why can't males ever recognize a hint when they hear one? Maybe he did, but was just too shy to do anything. Either way, it fustrated Vysten to no end.

"If we're going to work together from now on, what weapons do you prefer? Paladin's Emporium has an extensive range to choose from so we should find some great new blasters." Sin asked.

Vysten replied immediately with a false air of girlish stupidity, "Oh, something light enough for a girl like me to carry and something easy to hide." She gave a fake giggle before grabbing Sin by the collar and yanking him roughly to her, staring him squarely in the eyes.

"I'm really quite partial to the BlasTech DL-22s," she whispered in a low growl, "If they have any, I expect you to get me one and nothing less."

After the demand, Vysten held Sin in his position, content to watch his face try to unsuccessfully conceal his discomfort.

Sin Vamel
Nov 5th, 2003, 07:51:26 AM
"The BlasTech--" Sin swallowed hard, a shade of pink in his cheeks once again. His eyes darted about looking anywhere but into Vysten's bright eyes. "BlasTech DL-22s, huh? Heh, then that's what you'll get. I promise."

Suddenly, he was aware of everyone around them; the things they would be thinking if they saw he and Vysten together like this and laughing at how stupid he must look. His armpits were hot and clammy and there was a prickly heat on the back of his neck. All the while he couldn't fathom why Vysten was doing this to him. Did she like to see him in discomfort?

"Oh look! There it is!" Sin blurted, turning his head and body so dramatically that his red-headed lady friend had no choice but to release him. Acting as if nothing had just happened, he pointed down the road to a sign which said: "Paladin's Weapons Emporium. This Way."

"It looks like our place is just off this road, we must be nearly there. Come on!" He took Vysten gently by the wrist, a burst of electricity shot up his arm and hit him into the chest as he did so and exhilerated, he started walking bringing Vysten along with him. Interestingly enough, it wasn't the thought of buying weapons which was swamping Sin's head, instead he was thinking of all the things he'd wanted to do to Vysten while she had him apprehended earlier. He took her hand and pulled at it with evident excitement. "Your BlasTech DL-22s are just this way, madam."

Vysten Ambre
Nov 22nd, 2003, 12:17:11 PM
Vysten jerked forward as Sin grabbed her wrist. In this position she had no choice but to follow him, and if there was one thing Vysten was not it was the submissive female. She twisting her arm out of Sin's grasp as clasped her hand into his and gave it a short but firm squeeze.

"There," she said with a smirk. "We're on equal footing

The thought of new blasters thrilled Vysten to no end. The only thing that was more exciting was the stimulating prospect of what Sin would look like naked carrying one of the new souped up BlasTech rifles...

She grinned to herself and looked toward the ground and then up to her companion's handsome face. Oh yeah... I bet that's not the only thing that looks good.

Quickly averting her eyes from his gaze, Vysten bit her lip. What would Sin do if he knew what she was thinking? Would he be utterly disgusted? Would he not want to talk to her? Would he be angry?

...Would he like it?

Speeding up her pace, Vysten began to half jog in the general direction of Paladin's Weapons Emporium to hopefully cover up her not so innocent thoughts. "Hurry up, Skippy!" se teased, "I don't wanna be stuck with the granny guns."

Sin Vamel
Nov 23rd, 2003, 09:25:34 AM
"Granny guns." Sin repeated, shaking his head, amused at Vysten's strange little terms. Now they really looked like a couple and he wasn't too uncomfortable with holding her hand like he had been with nearly everything she'd said and done that day. He was smiling, it was the type of grin that couldn't even be slapped of his face. Friends don't hold hands.

Finally, they arrived at the Weapons Emporium and found themselves immediatly overwhelmed by the variety and quantity of different arms available; most were arranged neatly against the wall although there were many others here and there. In awe, Sin and Vysten wandered dumbfounded through the meandering shelves and displays until they arrived at the customer service point. Sin quietly wrapped his knuckles against the desk and waited patiently, only too happy to continue oogling about the store.

"Well, this Paladin guy certainly makes good on his promise."

Force Master Hunter
Nov 23rd, 2003, 11:29:16 PM
"And what promise is that?"

The auto guns that made sure no one got any smart ideas swivelled away from their targets as the owner of the store - a very large, heavily built 30'ish man, without a scrap of fat or waste on his frame - came out from behind a walkway. Gregori Paladin was the name he used for his legitimate business.... but for special customers, ones who wanted slightly more exotic weapons, ones illegal or wanted a bounty filled, he was the infamous Force Master Hunter.

He gave the guy and girl a assessing eye. He didnt really care what they were, as long as they had money to spend.

Hellllo, I think I've seen a holo of that girl.... smuggler. wel well well, maybe we gotsomeone who'll want someting a touch different

And have the money for it.

"If the promise is the most complete weapons trading store on Coruscant, then that's a promise we're proud of. Latest in mil spec blasters to Ewok bows and arrows. Whatever your after, I'm sure I can help out"

On the door to the store there was also a sign promising brutal hurt to anyone who was just looking You came in here to do business, or not at all.

Sin Vamel
Nov 24th, 2003, 01:01:14 PM
"That's the one." Answered Sin, pulling his gaze away from the man mountain owner of the store to the equally impressive store once again. "No holds barred here, right?"

It was more of a statement than a question or at least a question that didn't need answering; the unlimited variety of firearms, the automated guns stationed throughout the store, the notice on the door and the enormous man standing before him who looked like he was always prepared to dish out some "brutal hurt to anyone who was just looking". Sin straightened up.

"Well, for starters, we're after a pair of BlasTech DL-22s, right?" He looked back to Vysten and urged her to come forward. "But before we go ahead and make a purchase, I was wondering do you have anything similar to the DL-22s? Possibly a better model? I think they're a bit outdated when you consider the Merr-Sonn DD8 series, especially the Mark Twos."

Vysten Ambre
Nov 24th, 2003, 04:15:30 PM
Vysten took a single step forward and glared at Sin. "Merr-Sonn?" she all but spat through narrowed eyes. "They suck. Give me an old BlasTech over that piece of crap any day."

She looked this Paladin with an expression that meant business. Hrm, he's not too bad in the looks department either. Guns and muscles...sexy. The tome of Vysten's voice betrayed none of her inner thoughts. "But while we're at it, what d'ya got that's like the DL-22s? And don't try to sell me any of those Merr-Sonns."

The man she was talking to certainly towered over her, but Vysten didn't even think twice that her approach might seem just a little abrasive.

Force Master Hunter
Nov 24th, 2003, 04:52:10 PM
"That depends. You want to have em as decoration, or are you going to use em and who against? We have a few DL-22 that have been upgraded to latest specs, not bad as far as pistols go. Me, if I was spending the credits, the best pistols are made by a firm called Alliance Tech. They have just entered the blaster market, they are the supplier of the NRSF and a few other NR elite units. Blasters aint what they are known for, but if I was going up agaisnt a Jedi, I'd be using one of theirs"

"But Blasters are pretty dumb to use against a Jedi. I'd want something else. And that something would depend. How much do you want to spend and how much are you worried if it's illegal? Pity really I can't carry the illegal stuff, Some of them rail guns are brilliant. Although, if I'm not mistaken and I've got your face agains the right name, illegal doesnt worry you much, does it miss?"

Sin Vamel
Nov 24th, 2003, 07:40:46 PM
Sin gave Paladin a mildy incredulous look which he passed onto Vysten; it appears he knew something of Vysten's background. So this weapons retailer knew a bit more than would your average store owner and all his talk about taking on a Jedi; it sounded like he'd had experience. Sin couldn't help but laugh.

"Woah! Woah! Slow down there. Alliance Tech?" Sin asked in disbelief, he'd heard about this elite corner of the industry but for someone like him their technology was a fairytale. Alliance Tech, as far as he knew, supplied the New Republic's Special Forces and nobody else. There was a broad smile on his face. "And rail guns? Jeez, this is like a gunslingers wet dream."

"What do you think, Vysten? I wouldn't mind getting my hands on some of the more top of the range gear. That would really give us an edge in tight corners." It was hard to hide his excitement as he looked back forth from the red-head to the burly retailer.

Vysten Ambre
Nov 24th, 2003, 11:40:21 PM
Vysten rolled her eyes at Sin. "Yeah, Skippy, he said Alliance Tech. And," her eyes darted toward the muscular store owner, "you're right. Pity ya don't got any of the illegal goods. And you're also right that I don't care about those messy details."

Without even looking at her "business associate", Vysten declared, "We're takin' the Alliance Techs. Let's get buying, cough up the credits." He knows who I am, huh? Fine. At least I've got a reputation. She finally turned around and looked at Sin expectantly.

Force Master Hunter
Nov 25th, 2003, 12:38:07 AM
Credits. On hand.

If there was one thing that could break through the icy exterior, it was the sounds of credits. Or exotics.

"Is that so? And you have the credits now.... well, now that my memory is cleared a bit, I think I remember getting one or two illegals. 200 credits says my memory will get better and I remember what they are. I think you might find it worth the money"

One of his hands tapped the counter, arming the auto guns so they covered the entrance once again, while alerting Chee in the work room that there was a potential customer for the back room stock. This was always the dangerous time, sussing out whom would be a good client for the secret strongroom.

Sin Vamel
Nov 26th, 2003, 11:07:52 AM
"Take two-fifty for your trouble then and let's hope that lifts the fog. Eh?" Sin casually tossed a handful of silver strips onto the counter, if he carried on like this he would most definately end up broke, but he knew how to play the game. He'd just have to relieve a few well-to-do families of a few credits here and there later on. He never robbed from people like him with little cash.

"And let's see if you can remember getting those fingers of yours on any Sharpshooter VI Sleeve Guns, you know, the ones that aren't supposed to exist?" It was a long shot admittedly but Sin asked without a shred of doubt; these blasters in question were probably the fastest and most powerful concealable blasters on the market. Outlawed of course but it's not like that matters.

Force Master Hunter
Nov 26th, 2003, 09:14:16 PM
He looked at the credits, before scooping them up and pocketign them.

"Sharpshooter VI Sleeve Guns... I seem to rememebr something about them now. We'll go have a look.... follow me"

He went into the backroom where Chee was. The room itself was quite large, with tooling equipment, spare parts and a few unlabelled crates. Plus, a scattering of weaponry. Quite an impressive setup.

"Chee, look after the shop" Paladin said, moving to a wall. What he did couldn't quite be seen, but where there appeared to be solid wall, a crack appeared, a large, well disguised and thick durasteel door that would take a tatical nuclear strike to dislodge. Inside was dark, with the glow of target lasers from roof mounted guns cuttign the darkness. Another few taps on a control pad had the guns in stand down mode and the lights on.

The room itself was also large, nowhere near as well as ordered as the outer two. It was still darkish, but that didnt really detract from the sight of boxes and racks of some of the most illegal and powerful weapons in the galaxy.

"This is the show stock" Paladin stated. "If you want it, I can get it. Even the latest guass based NRSF sharp shooter that'll take down a Krayt dragon at 10 kms. I got the SharpShooters here, 5 on hand right now. I do credits, no credit or.... I trade. You got something I like, you get something of equivalent value. doesnt matter what it is, I have collectors who'll buy, no matter the price or how exotic. Or hot"