View Full Version : Dark Side business.

Evil Hobgoblin
Sep 3rd, 2003, 12:31:07 PM
No one was quite sure how the small being got to Shadowfaene. It never seemed to come in as a legitimate passenger at any of the places it went to, yet there it was at Hera's bar nonetheless.

Dancing on the countertop.

Hob skittered to the left, then skittered to the right, spun in place, then ended his dance with a flourish of his feet and a spread of his arms. Applause sounded left and right, which was odd because none of the inebriated audience was clapping.

In fact, they were mostly ignoring Hob entirely, as though they didn't see him, or hear the applause he had created.

Hob bowed a few times, then hopped onto a seat at the bar. He had been on the stool for no more than a second when the bartender realized that he was there and promptly served him a Forvish ale, in spite of the fact that he had never met Hob and did not know Forvish ale was one of the goblin's favorite drinks.

And there Hob sat, contemplating the ale and waiting for one of the Dark Jedi of Shadowfaene to wander in.

OW outcast
Sep 4th, 2003, 12:39:42 AM
OW saw the little man dancing on the bar and all he could think about was. Dam I’m not the only midget in this place tonight. He had to meet this weirdo and find out who he was both for his job and for his own curiosity.

The three foot green skinned duro walked up to the what ever he was. He didn't speak at first just looked at the man with his big black bug like eyes that didn't blink. This thing was truly a strange race, ow had never encountered such a being. The midget duro shook away his thoughts and final spoke.

"I'm sorry sir but I'm the only midget allowed to dance on countertops here."

OW gave a small innocent childlike grin to hobs. Hoping the man would see it as a joke and not a threat.

Evil Hobgoblin
Sep 4th, 2003, 10:05:52 PM
Hob spun on his chair, mug still in hand. He eyed OW up and down, then snapped his fingers. Above his palm, a fireball appeared. "I'm sorry, sir, but I'm a short little midget who's on fire," Hob said in high-pitched mocking tones.

Then he threw the fireball at OW's feet with a cackle.

OW outcast
Sep 4th, 2003, 10:57:35 PM
OW jumped back as fireball landed at his feet.

"Nice trick flaming midget, my names OW. I would shake your hand but i'm afraid you might burst into flames again. I was wondering if you needed any help with anything?"

Evil Hobgoblin
Sep 5th, 2003, 08:48:08 PM

The dwarf cackled again. "Who are you that you think you can help me?"

With a snap, another fireball appeared. "Answer fast- I have little time to waste."

Sep 6th, 2003, 02:57:27 PM
Behind him, Hera cuffed the back of his little fuzzed head.

"Knock it off pyro. You'll burn the joint down"

Hob was surprised to see Hera had arrived without him noticing it, but there she was, mock-scowling at him like she always did.

OW outcast
Sep 6th, 2003, 10:58:18 PM
"Me oh I'm just the most important part of this operation."

OW stated with a grin as he saw Hera sneaking Behind the Dwarf.

"I'm OW outcast and I’m the only thing that can allow you in to see the boss. So you wouldn't want to kill me, plus my green skin and flames clash."

Evil Hobgoblin
Sep 7th, 2003, 10:58:57 PM
"Oh, stuff it," Hob said. He flicked a finger and gave OW the telekinetic equivalent of a strong shove.

Then he spun around on the stool, facing the real object of his business. "I need a lab," he said to Hera.

Sep 8th, 2003, 06:42:51 PM
"Your needs aren't really my concern master Goblin. How you treat members of SFF are......By disrespecting them, you disrespect me."

( Her eyes lit with familiar menace) "I hope I make myself understood."

Hob leaned back, taking a deeper look at the Sith Mistress. So this was how it was going to be - Hera was in one of her prickly moods.

The Faene Mistress continued on, slapping him squarely with sarcasm, "With all your conjurings, why dont you just zap yourself up a lab."

She even added the mocking flourish of her hand for good measure.

Oh yes, a prickly mood.

Evil Hobgoblin
Sep 8th, 2003, 09:25:15 PM
"Underestimate me, you do." The words were hissed with deepening hatred. "A mere imp not to be taken seriously, do you see."

As Hob had spoken, electricity began to sizzle and crackle from one of his hands, growing with intensity. It leapt into the mug, setting Hob's ale aflame, and then began the slow process of warping the metal. "Things move. No time for foolishness, or wastefulness; for lackeys who fail to promptly identify themselves, no time have I." The dwarf jabbed his free non-electrified finger at OW, clearly indicating who he meant.

"Fail to respect me he has; continue his disrespect, you do. If my credits you do not want, someone else I will find."

Wham! Hob slammed the slightly melted mug to the countertop and left it there with the ale still alight, then hopped off the barstool and began stomping towards the door.

Sep 8th, 2003, 10:29:18 PM
Hera blew into the mug, extinguishing the flame and watched as the black smoke rose languidly upwards. She didnt turn her head to follow Hob's indignant retreat, but spoke to him coldly, staring down at the bent and twisted mug.

"Time enough for your fire tricks and insults, though, Hob Goblin."

Keep your credits - seeming you haven't the wit to keep a civil tongue in your head"

OW outcast
Sep 10th, 2003, 12:20:38 AM
OW watched as the dwarf stomped out of the room in a tantrum. It reminded OW of a small child really. He smiled at how Hera had stuck up for him he hadn't expected it.

"I'm sorry about this Hera."

Sep 11th, 2003, 08:58:38 PM
Hera shrugged.

"Hob can be strange to figure" she replied, unconcerned.

If looking out for her own crew offended him, that was his problem, not hers.

She lifted the twisted mug, "This is of no use any more" and one-timed it into the waste receptor behind the bar.