View Full Version : A Good Ol' Gal

Misoula Neb
Sep 3rd, 2003, 12:08:08 PM
Now there are two things that we aren't ever late for back home. Supper and branding. Everything else we're pretty much behind in.

My name's Misoula Neb, an' I'm pleased to make yer aquaintence. See, even if ye was the most impolite person, I'da said that. 'Cause we got hospitality where I come from.

I'm a long way from home an' I'm not tellin' a lie when I say I'd give my right arm to see my momma and daddy again. But I'm twenty-five now an' I ain't ever spent a single night away from home. I figured it was high time I tried it.

Well, one thing led to another and it's a mightly long story (one for the grandchildren) but now I'm finding myself right smack in the middle of this building. It's real nice, and belongs to the Jedi.

Could use a little homey touch though.

"Anyone a you in here?"

I used to call my brothers into the house that way. 'Most brings tears to my eyes to do it here. But how else are those Jedi gonna know that good ol' Misould Neb is here?

Dasquian Belargic
Sep 4th, 2003, 10:03:55 AM

A figure emerged from behind a pillar, a folder of papers under his arm. Some of them had fallen out about the floor, and he stooped down to scoop them up, looking up at the woman as he did so.

“What can I help you with?”

Misoula Neb
Sep 5th, 2003, 02:13:13 PM
"Looks like yer the one that needs the help, hon."

I bent down and lifted a few of them papers up, smilin' the whole time like I'd just won the lottery. Folks back home always said that even if the galaxy came to an end I'd be there, smilin' away. I just think that there ain't no harm in bein' happy s'all.

So I offer up my hand in greetin' and then pull this boy into a hug. He looks like he needs one anyway.

"Names Misoula Neb, and I am pleased as punch to meet you, dearie."

"Now, I suppose you can help me, and I'd be much obliged too. I'm lookin' into becoming a Jedi."

Dasquian Belargic
Sep 6th, 2003, 04:34:35 AM
With his papers finally in arm, Dasquian managed to smooth out his ruffled feathers and smile slightly. He set down the pile of paperwork on a desk, just across from where the woman was stood, before looking back at her with a nod.

“I see. And why is it that you would like to become a student here?”