View Full Version : Reporting for duty

Dwayne Hicks
Sep 3rd, 2003, 02:37:45 AM
Commanders of the NR,

My name is Dwayne Hicks, I am a Corporal and I kick booty. I used to be in the NRSF before it downsized, I used to do boot duty outside the Bar and Grill and lately I've been tagging Tohmahawk. Madam Evenstar also can give me a good word, if you need me vouched for. I'm right now sorta at a loose end, so if you need a battle hardened grunt, who carries an Assault Gun for close encounters, I'm your guy.

General Tohmahawk
Sep 3rd, 2003, 02:39:01 AM
About time you got here Hicks.

Lion El' Jonson
Sep 3rd, 2003, 02:42:44 AM
Welcome back to the New Republic, Corporal. Your experience as an NRSF groundpounder will be greatly valued by our army. I am sure we will have need of your expertise in the coming days. Do you have any special requests to make regarding your position? I believe General Tohmahawk will be quite pleased to see you. Once again, welcome back.

~Lord Admiral Lion El' Jonson~
~MC-150 Pride of Caliban, Taskforce Implacable~
~Current Location: Coruscant Spacedocks~

(ooc: Nice to see you here, Hicks. It'll be nice to have a couple of armymen to play with on the ground. :lol)

Dwayne Hicks
Sep 3rd, 2003, 02:46:36 AM
Well, i got a bit of loyality to Commander Cross, as she is ranked in the NR. She's my Commanding Officer and I'd like to stay formally attached to her unit. Helenias kicks more <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont> than Tohmahawk sir. And she looks after us grunts really well.

either that or throw me into the thick of it. Just as I have ammo, that'll suit me

Lion El' Jonson
Sep 3rd, 2003, 03:47:20 AM
Commander Cross, eh? One fo the most decorated officers in the New Republic: Four Silver Clusters, the Senatorial Medal of Honor, commendations from everybody up to President Organa Solo herself...

...I can see why you'd like to remain in her unit. I'll see to it that you stay formally attached to Commander Cross, unless she has any objections or other members of High Command decide to interfere. Any other requests? Improved Quarters? Simulator Bookings? Within 48 hours, you'll be issued with a new rank cylinder. It will automatically update with the newest codes, provided it is linked to the New Republic Databases at least once a month. The cylinder will include Alpha-level NRAI munitions authorization, meaning any request for ammo or infantry weapons will bypass any authorization needed by your CO.