View Full Version : Bored beyond belief (open)
Asimov Savin
Sep 2nd, 2003, 05:19:25 PM
Asimov sat on the railing of the walkway, his ruffled hair was pushed out of his face by the wind and his brown leather jacket flapped behind him. He looked out over the vast city planet of Coruscant, his gray eyes absorbing the horizon before him.
He slid off the rail, straightening the jacket over his gray shirt before begining his long walk back to his hotel. Coruscant differed greatly from Corellia in many ways but it was just like going into one of Corellia's major cities that never did quite seem to end though. He smiled thinking of his home planet, but his face dropped. It wasn't exactly his home anymore. He wanted to join the GJO and so far he hadn't been able to find his way there yet. It had taken him a day already just to find which part of the planet it was on. He continued down the walkway, people passing him by, headed on their own ways to their own destinations.
Simene Dawnstrider
Sep 2nd, 2003, 08:36:48 PM
Simene walked along the street, not really paying attention to anything. She was looking around at the lights on the buildings and the crafts flying over head. She sighed as she walked, thinking nothing at all. She was glad to have gotten away from the GJO for a while. To get out and get some fresh air.
She had left her wolf, Dantte, at home. He had been asleep when she had wanted to go so she left him behind. She was sure that she would not be missed. He had her two room mates to keep him company while she was away if she woke.
Suddenly, Simene bumped into someone. She falls backwards and sits hard on the ground. She shakes her head and looks up at the man she had bumped into.
"Oh. I'm sorry, I should have been paying more attention to where I was walking."
Asimov Savin
Sep 5th, 2003, 07:37:56 PM
Asimov stumbled back a bit, surprised and his eyes only widened more to see who he had bumped into. He instantly rushed to HER side to help HER up.
"No, of course not. The fault was mine Miss. I should've been the one to make sure my way, it was very rude of me to have bothered you with my clumsiness."
He smiled, his words were full of a joking humility but every word carried his sincerity. He helped the woman up and made sure she was alright before holding his hand out.
"Asimov Savin, nice to meet you. Sorry to bump into you like that Miss...?"
Simene Dawnstrider
Sep 5th, 2003, 08:02:12 PM
'Its not your fault. I wasn't paying any attention."
Simene gets to her feet with the help of this man. She nods to him and takes his hand and shakes it slightly. She smiles slightly as he says his name.
"My name is Simene Dawnstrider, Padawan of the Greater Jedi Order. Its nice to meet you as well, Asimov Savin. Sorry I bumped into you. I had been looking around and not paying attention to where I was going."
She blushes slightly at her own clumbsiness.
Asimov Savin
Sep 5th, 2003, 08:36:42 PM
Asimov stood back, drawing himself up to look very official as he took on a stern face and held his hand out.
"No Miss, I must insist that the horrible event that occured here today that caused a lovely lady to fall on her rump was accusable of only the heinous acts of Asimov Savin. Someone as polite and nice as you could never be found liable, no worries."
Asimov opened his eyes, laughing as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. So far the four basics were withholding very well under Asimov. He'd taken the initiative of oppurtunity, he'd taken the faith to press on, he had the confidence to continue, and he was loving every moment of it.
"Padawan of the GJO?! Wait, that means you know where you are and possibly where the GJO is right?"
Simene Dawnstrider
Sep 5th, 2003, 09:28:54 PM
Simene laughed at his first statement. One thing about this man was that he had a good sense of humor. Another thing was that he was the first man to ever talk to her like that. Her laugh came to an end a moment later but a small smile remained as he asked her about her home, the Greater Jedi Order. She nods after he finishes.
"Yes I know where the GJO is. It is my home. Me and my wolf live there with some friends of mine. Why?"
Asimov Savin
Sep 6th, 2003, 03:28:24 PM
"Errrr... Well... See... I'm kinda looking for it and I have been for a few days while I've traversed Coruscant."
Small pictures of the different places Asimov had been in the past days flashed through his mind. A very interesting trip now that he thought about it.
"Right. Well, not to trouble you with it, but would you mind giving me directions or maybe possibly walking me there? If you want we could grab something to eat, my debt to pay for knocking you on the ground."
Asimov's smile probably couldn't get any bigger.
Zereth Lancer
Sep 8th, 2003, 01:28:59 PM
Zereth watched the two from his perch on a rooftop above them, he smiled and jumped down from the roof and landed next to them
he could tell that his entrance had startled both of them, he smiled coldy as he looked at Asimov "have you ever consitered joining the sith order?"
Zereth was wearing his Ninja-like garb and had several weapons positioned all over his body.
Asimov Savin
Sep 8th, 2003, 03:16:56 PM
Asimov's eyes opened slowly as he looked at the guy in front of him. The man's question made another brief run through Asimov's head before he registered his actions.
"Did you just say Sith Order?"
Asimov slowly positioned himself subtly between Simene and the newcomer. Asimov had seen the Sith Order in action on his homeworld Corellia. He hoped this man had been mistaken and said something else like the myth Order or something he hadn't heard of before. Asimov was sure to take note that the man was also armed to his teeth.
Simene Dawnstrider
Sep 8th, 2003, 07:29:15 PM
Simene's eyes grew wide as she could sense the dark aura around this man. Her hand slipped into her cloak and grasped her light saber. She knew she was not a very good fighter but if she needed to, she would protect herself and any one else that needed it. She stepped up beside Asimov.
"Begone from here, Sith. I do not want to have to fight you but if I must I will. Please do not make me."
Zereth Lancer
Sep 8th, 2003, 08:50:37 PM
Zereth smiled coldly "I will not make you fight me, for I am not here to fight you" he pointed to the weapons that he carried "if I wanted to fight you I would have already"
his smile stoped "is it a crime for Jedi and sith to have a conversation together?" He arched an eyebrow as he waited her reply.
Je'gan Olra'en
Sep 8th, 2003, 08:57:25 PM
*delete this please*
Asimov Savin
Sep 9th, 2003, 04:43:09 PM
Asimov didn't want a fight. He probably stood no chance between either of the two because they were trained to some extent or another in the force. He nodded slightly to the Sith. He had really hoped this hadn't been the case, but the man was Sith and Asimov had a disliking for that brood for a bad history from Corellia.
"No crime to talk but what you stand for can be considered one. Say what you must Sith and the weight of your words will be measured. I have no intention to fight and if you hold any honor to yourself, you will keep this to such and nothing else."
Asimov was an actor to some extent; he hoped he was standing well. He tried to pick his wording out the best and let the Sith take it in. Of course, no one really talked like that right?
Zereth Lancer
Sep 9th, 2003, 09:20:06 PM
Zereth grined "I am not here to fight. if you asked for my sword I would give it to you" He looked at Simene " I am Zereth Lancer" his grin was replaced with a nice smile "might I get your names?"
Asimov Savin
Sep 10th, 2003, 01:43:23 PM
"Asimov Savin."
The feeling was akward. Asimov wasn't sure what to do.
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