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Rhianna Ravenloft
Sep 2nd, 2003, 11:08:37 AM
Way too wound up from her recent change from street wanderer to would-be Jedi, Rhianna decided rather than resting she would take up Dasquian's suggestion and have a look around. Yog's he had called the place. She only got lost once on the way, everyone seemed to know how to find the place. She was supposed to be meeting other's like herself. Padwan's and the like.

Settle down Rhi, its just been a long day...

Problem was, she was so used to adamantly staying away from people, that she wasn't quite sure how to go about mingling and making introductions. This was going to be...amusing at best, disatrous at worst. Opting to sit and just watch for a bit, she picked a table that allowed her a good viewpoint, but far enough away that she could merely observe without seeming anti-social.

Everybody seemed to be having a good time. Some moreso than others. Rhianna was never much of a drinker, prefering more to have money to eat with, she wasn't big on wasting it on expensive drinks. But she did have a sip of something called Rum one time. That had set well with her, made her more talkative anyways. But perhaps she would forego drinking tonight and just watch the people she would be around now.

Jyanis Scorpion
Sep 2nd, 2003, 07:16:30 PM
Jyanis hadn't had a good Corellian whiskey in quite some time, and was almost delighted to feel it against his lips as he drank. The sensation of the tan liquid running down his throat, warming his body just an instant before sending a soothing chill through his chest.

He often wondered whether such an innocent pleasure would be deemed immoral by his fellow Jedi, but a brief look around his surroundings usually dissolved his minor insecurities.

Well, not all of them. His hand routinely patted the left underside of his belt. It was comforting to know he had his lightsaber to protect himself, should something go wrong. However, all weapons were seized upon entry to this establishment, which really got on his nerves each time he wanted to have a simple drink. Jyanis had routinely voiced his disgust over the measure, but never really told anybody why it bothered him so much.

His eyes wandered up from his drink, blazing a trail along the floor until he saw her. A kindred spirit, maybe? No, but at least he found someone who he could relate to. He could feel her shyness even, though with it he sensed a strong will and a decent heart.

"Damn, this Jedi crap is turning me into some softy..."

Jyanis stood up, sloshing his glass and stumbling over a bar stool as he walked. He may have turned to the Light Side, but he could still have some fun with the new blood.

Diego Van Derveld
Sep 3rd, 2003, 12:15:19 AM
As Jyanis stumbled about, he bumped against another man. This man wore simple clothes, had long locks tied back in a ponytail, and a coarse layer of stubble on his face. Despite the facial hair, his appearance was immaculately kept.

The man's blue eyes looked to Jyanis.

"Watch where you're going."

There was no edge to his voice, but his eyes held a cold intensity to them.

Rhianna Ravenloft
Sep 3rd, 2003, 09:20:27 AM
Stiffling the urge to cover her ears, Rhianna had to shout at the waiter to bring her something with no alcohol. Surely they had juice or something? It was then she felt her first premonition of unease. Auburn curls on her neck coiled tighter or so it felt, and she broke out in goosebumps. She looked up but nothing too spectacular had changed. Same people doing the same things. She shrugged and waited for her drink.

"Watch where you're going."

At that softly spoken command, Rhianna did look up. Even over the noise of the place she had heard it, so it must be close. She could sometimes curse her impulsive nature. Were she given time to think about it, she would have not moved an inch, or otherwise acknowledged she had heard, but it was simply too late now.

A slightly rugged, yet otherwise well kept man had spoken, to another..rather tipsy looking fellow who was... Oh blast it, he was headed right for her! She better decide right now what she was going to do. Leaving wasn't an option, she would have to walk past him to do it. It seemed she was just going to have to let this play out and see what happened.

Just swell, a Padawan less than 2 hours and she was attracting seedy looking drunkards.

Jyanis Scorpion
Sep 3rd, 2003, 12:49:04 PM
As he bumped into the other man, his weight shifted to one foot and he tipped, his stance hanging in the air for a moment before coming back down to both feet.

Jyanis continued his drunken shamble, pointing to the man sloppily while mumbling something indiscernable. His posture deteroriated as he clutched onto a table, leaning towards the girl and tipping his glass.

"Heyg you! Do... *hic* do... do you know w-where a vella could get somesching ta drink?"

Emptying the glass, he slammed it down on the table and gave her a goofy smile.

Rhianna Ravenloft
Sep 3rd, 2003, 05:24:16 PM
She had dealt with enough scoundrel's of this sort in her time to know that she was probably okay so long as she didn't agitate him. They could go from pleasantly stupid, to not-so-pleasantly irate very quickly. She decided to try not to make eye contact and maybe he would give up and search for a drink elsewhere. But at his slurred speech her compassionate side won over and she peeked up at the most lopsided grin she could remember. It was charming.. Disturbingly so.

"I umm.. think there's a bar somewhere. I do believe I spotted a droid rolling about taking orders as well..."

She very tactfully patted the spilled alcohol with her napkin. Rhianna wasn't quite sure what it was she sensed but.. there seemed to be some factor about this man she was missing. He just didn't seem like your average bar bum. Her drink arrived just then and, on a whim she decided maybe he would benefit from the juice more than herself.

"Here, you can have mine.."

She slid the glass over and gave him a winning smile. Maybe he would sober up and she could figure out what it was about him that had her puzzled.

Jyanis Scorpion
Sep 3rd, 2003, 05:54:38 PM
"Hmmph! A droid? A droooood?" He laughed hysterically, slapping the palm of his hand on the table, bouncing both of their glasses.

"Nah, it.. *hic* might be ruuuuuude!!!"

He held his stomach, chuckling to his own amusement, sighing with content when finished. In an instant, Jyanis had his fingers wrapped around her glass and was chugging the juice.

Wiping his mouth off, he squinted his eyes, "Dis dastes weird... What did you do to it?!?!?!"

Rhianna Ravenloft
Sep 3rd, 2003, 07:13:30 PM
Rhianna giggled at his mostly puzzled but slightly annoyed look. She decided she better atone for what was in his eyes a sin. How dare she do anything beneficial for someone bent on pickling their insides.

"I didn't do anything to it. It was just the juice I ordered. Sorry you didn't care for it though..."

She patted his hand, attempting to console him.

"I could go get you something else..."

Seeing this as an opportunity to escape she rose, but as she would have passed something stopped her. She wouldn't figure him out if she ran away now. Her desire to get out of Yoghurt's and back to the safety of the Temple warred with her desire to solve the puzzle of this guy. It was a puzzle she didn't have the will to resist. Her nature as a Fortune Teller told her that something important lay in staying and talking to him.

She stopped beside him and looked down as he toyed with her empty cup as if it had been poisoned. Sighing she signaled a waiter and indicated that her companion needed a refill. She took her seat and held out her hand within his view.

"My name...is Rhianna. You don't happen to recall who you are do you?"

Diego Van Derveld
Sep 3rd, 2003, 08:08:05 PM
"A drunkard."

Diego answered for her, standing near the bar.

"Let him pass out alone and regret his evening."

Jyanis Scorpion
Sep 4th, 2003, 12:24:47 PM
Jyanis swong around loosely, "Yer the drunkard... ya drunkard..."

He paused for a moment to comtemplate his words, contorting the expression on his face, "Shut up!"

Suddenly, just as he turned to face Rhianna, his eyes rolled back and he slumped to the floor, face down in a heap.

Rhianna Ravenloft
Sep 4th, 2003, 05:31:14 PM
Rhianna's eyes, one green and one blue, widened in disbelief as the inebriated fellow slumped forward and landed facefirst on the toe's of her boots. She gave the other gentleman at the bar a helpless look before she very gently slid her feet out from under the unconscious man. The guy would probably have knocked him out if he hadn't just passed out on his own..

"Serves him right... I should just leave him there."

She scooted around the table afraid that at any minute he would wake and make a grab for her ankles, knocking her to the floor as well. She stepped over him and tip-toed away. Giving a sigh and thankful to be out of a bad situation at last, she caught sight of the exit.

She peeked over her shoulder, back at the guy on the floor. A couple of character's even more questionable looking than himself were making their way over to him, whispering to themselves. Alarm shot through Rhianna. He admittedly had brought all this down on himself, but could she just walk away and let him be robbed, or worse? Would anyone help him? She looked to the other guy at the bar, but he didn't look like he would be playing hero tonight.

Okay Rhi, you are a Jedi do-gooding type now. Go do something good and then get the heck outa here!

She grabbed a bottle off the tray of a wandering droid and did her best to adopt a drunken slur as she meandered back to her table. She got there just as the other two creeps did and she burst into a fit of uncontrolled laughter.

"Oh! Thar he is.... How nishe.... of you's ta find him ...fer me!"

She dropped to her knee's and searched the guy really quickly for an ID. Ripping out some coins from his pocket, she haphazardly threw them on the table and looked over the card for the guy's name.

"Yeah..me and....Jyanis here, we's got... plans ya see."

She winked at them and dragged his arm around her shoulder's, hauling him to his feet. She grunted from the exertion, the guy was no lightweight. Grimacing all the way, she managed to drag him from the establishment. Rhianna tried not to ponder what the guy at the bar must be thinking, since he was apparently the only person present who knew she was lying.

Jyanis Scorpion
Sep 5th, 2003, 11:06:44 AM
Jyanis lifted his gaze from the ground with a smile, as this young girl proceeded to almost carry him around outside.

"Hm, you're much better at playing drunk that I am. We should do this again sometime!"

His body remained limp against hers as he waited for her response.

Rhianna Ravenloft
Sep 5th, 2003, 04:33:37 PM
Startled would be too small of a word for the utter shock and disbelief that ripped through Rhianna. One minute she is lugging an unconscious and completely pitiable man, and then next he is speaking to her, slur gone, and in a reasonable and even teasing manner. Unfortunately for them both she was so shocked she let go with a little shriek and tried to jump away. Which made her trip over the already torn hem of her dress, landing her on her posterior on the Coruscant sidewalk.

"What!?! "

She sputtered for a moment. It was very lucky for him indeed that she was a newly recruited Jedi. Someone with less patience would surely have threatened his life for that little stunt.

Rhianna then burst into laughter at the situation. Thats what had been bothering her! She knew the feel of people out of their right minds, and that did not apply to him.

"So umm...Jyanis is it? Care to tell me what that was all about and whether or not I should scream for help?"

Jyanis Scorpion
Sep 7th, 2003, 02:47:45 PM
Luckily for Jyanis he was able to regain his footing without succumbing to the temptation of a meeting with the permacrete. He straightened himself up and adjusted his vest, smiling and holding out his hand for her.

"Jyanis it is. And might I add that you played your part brilliantly!"

He purposely created his answer to vague, not wanting to ruin his own fun.

Rhianna Ravenloft
Sep 10th, 2003, 10:01:37 AM
She continued to sit there for a minute. Jyanis was obviously a complete scoundrel, a raving buffoon or...something she had yet to come across entirely. Actually she didn't really believe he was any of those things, she was just tired and grouchy. However he did have that slightly annoying, yet charming smile about him and they were still within shouting range if he tried anything "funny".

Blowing a few stray locks of red hair out of her face, she accepted his hand and allowed him to help her up. Not sensing that she was in any imminent danger from him, she dusted herself off and smiled.

"Okay I'll bite... What part? I assure you, my only intention was preventing a hopeless drunk from being robbed."

At that she smirked and tried unsucsessfully to put the missing pieces together.

Jyanis Scorpion
Sep 10th, 2003, 09:52:01 PM
"Why, the part was you, of course, and I am very grateful that you defended me against those thieves. Although, I am distraught, as I was certain you just wanted my arm around you!"

Jyanis laughed and stood there, looking a bit like a triumphant young boy. He read her expression that she was not amused in the least and shrugged, patting down his sides. Immediately, he realized what was missing and swore in a language Rhianna had never heard before, let alone could decipher.

"If you'll excuse me, I left something behind at the bar in our haste."

He turned on his heel and begin to walk back.

Rhianna Ravenloft
Sep 11th, 2003, 01:57:46 PM
What she really wanted to do was continue to frolic out in the middle of the sidewalk with this, Jyanis. He was exactly the opposite of everything she was used to. It was highly refreshing, to say the least. However, still a little unsure of his character or his intentions, she gave him a stern look at the mention of his arm around her. That thought she refused to ponder entirely.

She was about to ask him what he was doing, if he wasn't really an alcohol saturated drunk. Alas, he excused himself with a strange curse, to return to the bar. She tried to not be disappointed, really she did but, she couldn't seem to remember the last time she had laughed like that or even had any fun. With a sigh she watched him go, then turned to head back to the Temple.

Rhianna turned, this way and that trying to remember which way she had come from, to no avail. She was really going to have to purchase a street map. But she only had a few coins left and that would be spent on something more efficient. Streets could be memorized, no point in wasting money on them. With a shrug she headed off around a corner away from Yoghurt's. It was only a few minutes later, and in a very dimly lit section of street that she realized what she was carrying. An ID card that didn't read Rhianna Ravenloft.