View Full Version : Becoming: Wolf In Sheeps Clothing

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 2nd, 2003, 10:29:36 AM
“Well, well…”

Deliberately slow steps paced across the recruitment chamber of the Sith Order. Vega turned his gaze up and around the domed ceiling, to the pillars and murals on the walls. It was a grandiose place – the Palace was immense and stretched further than he had thought possible. A fitting place for such Gods among mortals to dwell, he mused – but was it up to standard for him? The bar was set high and it took a great deal to satisfy the Lupine.

“The great Sith Order,” the volume of his voice rose.

“And not a single person to welcome such an honored guest.”

Lady Vader
Sep 2nd, 2003, 10:38:20 AM
We like to keep our guests waiting a bit.

*LV stepped forth from one of the hallways that branched out from the grand entrance way. Her arms were folded at her chest as she regarded the one who had entered the Palace, scrutinising him.*

It teaches them patience.

*As she looked at him, she could help but notice he looked a lot like her old Master. It was a bit disturbing, even to herself. Suddenly things seemed to come full circle. I was once but the learner, now I am the Master.*

*She regarded the man, a bit longer before speaking again.*

What brings you to the Sith Order?

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 2nd, 2003, 10:46:30 AM
“Lady Vader,”

Vega smiled thinly. She was, he remembered, once involved with his old nemesis Anbira Hicchoru, if his memory served him well. He gave a slight bow of his head, as a mark of respect and greeting. They had encountered one another on very few occasions, but this did not mean they shared grievances with one another.

“I come to ask for your assistance. It seems, of late, my strength in the Force is waning,” he began to explain.

“And I am in need of someone to instruct me so that my own power matches that which my name carries.”

Lady Vader
Sep 2nd, 2003, 11:03:41 AM
*One of LV's eyebrows raised slightly.*

I see you know who I am... perhaps it is time you told me who you are, and then we can discuss your instruction in the Force.

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 2nd, 2003, 11:09:00 AM
An indignant, yet controlled, expression came over him, twisting a frown into his lips and brow. He had to look away to stop himself from further showing his anger. They had spoken a handful of times, but he would have thought this – and his reputation – would have been a enough to leave a lasting mark. Apparently not.

Finally, he forced a smile and inclined his head very slightly.

“It seems my reputation does in fact not precede me … Vega Van-Derveld, at your service.”

Lady Vader
Sep 2nd, 2003, 11:36:57 AM
*LV blinked. This wasn't the man she knew of as Vega. She'd even been to his Wake... and she'd known something was amiss during the Wake... and apparently, something still was amiss. Somehow she'd known the man not to be dead... but how could one explain this, and his dead body in the coffin, and now he was here... with a different face that resembled Itala's??*

*She hid her surprise well, but there were dozens and dozens of questions that errupted in her mind. For now she silenced them and would deal with them later. She titled her head in respect.*

No... your reputation does indeed proceed you. It's just the last time I saw you, you looked... different.

*She still couldn't get over the fact on how much he resembled her former Master. It was eerie.*

And if you are in need of assistance in re-learning the Force, then you have come to the right place.

*She frowned, a bit confused.*

But tell me... why did you not ask your family for aid? I was under the impression the Van Dervelds were a close knit group...

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 2nd, 2003, 11:42:08 AM
Vega smiled thinly. The anger washed away into a forgiving smile.

“My family is a strong band – but not strong enough to reeducate me as fully as I would like. I would not feel proper asking my wife to tutor me. She does not see eye to eye with me on many aspects of following the Darkside – we may be union under wedlock, but our opinions are most certainly not identical.”

Lady Vader
Sep 3rd, 2003, 06:24:17 PM
*She smiled a knowing smile.*

I understand completely.

*She pondered his request a moment before coming to a conclusion.*

Very well. I shall show you what it is you have lost, and attempt to aid you in retrieving it.

*She raised an eyebrow at him.*

But before I invite you into the fold, there are rules that you must follow... and before I waste my time explaining the few rules we have, I must kow if you are willing to even follow rules; rules that help this family to run smoothly and without conflict.

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 4th, 2003, 09:30:03 AM
Vega’s lips pursed into a tight smile, “But of course. No gain is made through disorder.”

Lady Vader
Sep 4th, 2003, 02:29:26 PM
*LV returned the thin smile and proceeded with the short list of rules.*

All within the Order will become your family, your brothers and sisters, regardless of family blood relations or not.

There will be no infighting. You will respect everyone. And if you have a problem with one or more of them, you find a way to work it out. A group divided cannot move forward. A group united can crush a world.

If, when the time comes, you wish to leave the Order, be it known we do not chain you to blood oaths that you shall stay here or die. You are free to go, granted you leave on good terms with the Order. otherwise it can lead to an untimely demise.

And, you shall never slander the name of the Order. Doing so is reason enough for immediate banishment, or death, depending on the gravity of the grievance.

*She cocked her head slightly to the side at the same time raising an eyebrow. It was now time for Vega to understand who the Master was.*

I will honor your intelligence by assuming you understand these rules.

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 4th, 2003, 02:35:01 PM
“You certainly have that speech well practiced, Lady Vader.”

The two shared a moment’s stifled humor, before Vega nodded and continued:

“Yes, I understand completely. Now, if we are done with the formalities, I should like to begin my preparation. Immediately.”

Lady Vader
Sep 5th, 2003, 04:37:12 PM
*LV nodded.*

But of course. Please, come this way.

*She led the way down one of the hallways that branched forth from the grand entry way. The hallways were peppered with Sith majiks, and those that did not know how to read such majiks would get horribly lost in the darkened hallways. The pillars and shadows seemed to dance about, making the hallways look big, small, or having deadends. It was rather eerie, and for whomever walked the hallways without proper knowledge, a guide, or acceptance into the Order, they would be lost forever.*

*They steped into a lift that would lead them to the top floor where the Masters stayed.*

Normally, I would have new comers stay on the second floor where the Apprentices are. But you have a bit of a higher standing than a mere Apprentice.

*She gave him a sidelong glance.*

The Palace is open to you... dining hall, practice room, gym. The library is open to you as well, and it is one of the largest in the galaxy, rivaling even that of the Jedi archives. You may also walk the gardens and use it to train or merely contimplate. The only thing that is requested of you is not to go into the gardens at night, for the dragon that lives there wishes to keep his privacy after the sun has set.

Lord Van-Derveld
Sep 6th, 2003, 04:41:23 AM
“A dragon?” Vega’s lips turned into a defiant grin.

“Very well, I shall honor the beasts request.”

The lift hissed to a halt and both occupants stepped out into a pristine corridor, dark as the others yet somehow it radiated a power that the other areas had not. The Lupine gave the scene an approving once over.

“The Palace is to my liking,” he commented.

“I think I shall rest a little while before we begin. Contact me when it is time for us to begin.”

He smiled and nodded, bowing his head in thanks and reverence, before turning to head off from the lift and explore his new ‘home’.

Lady Vader
Sep 11th, 2003, 02:11:46 PM
“I think I shall rest a little while before we begin. Contact me when it is time for us to begin.”

*LV nodded.*

I will indeed. And also feel free to seek me out if you have any questions.

*LV watched as Vega made his way down the hallway, looking about his new surroundings. He would find a suitable room for himself in due time. Yet, she was still weary of his presence here, and did not wholey strust him.*

*After a moment more, she turned and went down the other side of the hallway to her room.*