View Full Version : Calling Jedi Knight Wei Wu Wei...(Open)
Audrie X-4
Sep 2nd, 2003, 10:16:22 AM
Sitting in the GJO Hanger bay Neyasha's ship, The Audrie X-4, watches Neyasha's life signs, Just as she requested Not long ago... (
When Neyasha is knocked out by the bounty hunter, she searches her database for Wei's Comm Number.. but can't find it, though she can find a map of the GJO's Living Quarters, with Wei's Room marked. So Audrie drops, what looks like a Mouse Droid attached to a cable, out of a small compartment in the underside of her hull, and sends it over to the nearest intercom system, and by using her small droid appendage, she punches in the number to call Wei's room, then attaches herself directly in to the intercome so she can communicate with Wei.
When the intercom is answered, Audrie says, in her soft lady like voice ...
"Greetings Jedi Knight Wei Wu Wei, I am Audrie, and I hold a message for you From Neyasha... Message playing Now."
Without giving Wei a chance to say anything Audrie plays the message...
"Master Wei, this is Neyasha. If you get this message then I have been knocked out and most likely captured by a bounty hunter. I don't know what he wants with me, but he seems to want me alive. I am guessing that whoever wants me is looking for the a way to reproduse the modifacations that my body contains. If you are to come after me, but can not get me from my capture, Kill me. And if it comes to that please find my daughter for me. my ship in the GJO Hanger can give you all the details you need... The access code is '163873 Beta'. Thank you for being there for me. Neyasha Out."
After the message is complete Audrie shuts off her end of the intercom not giving Wei anytime to respond... Though Audrie didn't give her location, she doubts it would be hard for him to get from the GJO Computer System the location that the message came from..
She also doesn't know if she set off any alarms when she Hacked into the intercom system or if there was any other people in Wei's room, when she played the message ... So all she can do now is sit, wait, and see who all shows up to see if they can find this Audrie person... Won't they be suprised when the find out it's a spaceship.
Wei Wu Wei
Sep 2nd, 2003, 11:42:56 AM
After recieving the message, Wei stretched a minute and thought about what he had heard. "GJO hangar bay. Someone caught Neyasha. Neyasha wants me to perform a rescue or kill her if I can't. Goodness. Always on the extreme, eh Neyasha?"
Wei walked out into the hallway and started his long trek to the GJO hangar bay. Wei had been there once when he had been flying with Lion, and he figured he still knew how to get there.
"Unless they moved it or something," Wei said to himself.
Wei had to find Neyasha's ship and then enter the access code. Too bad Wei didn't know which ship was hers. Wei shrugged it off. He'd worry about finding her ship once he got to the hangar.
"163 673 b-e-t-a," Wei sang, so he wouldn't forget.
At last he reached the hangar. "They didn't move it," he said with satisfaction.
Wei entered and looked around. There weren't many ships in the hangar. Mostly personal fighters and one or two larger ships.
"Which one is yours Neyahsa?" Wei asked aloud.
Wei looked around. Neyasha's would be the plainest, most efficient ship, and most practical ship in the hangar. That ruled out the fighters. As far as Wei knew, most of the Jedi that owned them had them only to say that they actuallyowned a fighter. That left the other ships.
"Let's get started."
Wei rolled up his sleeves and with a smal bit of Force Boosting, dashed from one ship to the other, punching in the access code and checking to see if the door opened.
"No," Wei said, as the hatch buzzed. "No. No. Yes!" Wei had at last found the one that opened.
Wei watched the door slide open and Wei walked inside. "Hi, my name is Wei Wu Wei and I'm the teacher of Neyasha. I'm looking for an Audrie."
Audrie X-4
Sep 2nd, 2003, 03:47:02 PM
Audrie watches as Wei walks into the hanger. At least she thought it was Wei, since she had never scaned Wei before, but he did meet Neyasha's discription of Wei.
She wached in amusement as Wei runs to each of the ships in the hanger, punching in the access code given in the message. Obvously Neyasha neglected to inform Wei about her, just as she had neglected to inform her about Wei's comm number.
When he finaly reaches her and punches in the correct code to open the door... Audrie lets the door open..
After Wei has walked inside, Audrie closes the door, and her soft lady like voice projects itself from the inside walls around Wei..
"Greetings Jedi Knight Wei Wu Wei. I am Audrie, Experimental Military Strike Craft Number Four, Designation 02044A, Assgined to the Experimental Death Warrior 119, titled Neyasha. I am assuming that you recived my message? If So, then How may I assist you rescue attempts."
Audrie pauses for a moment then continues...
"If you would rather speak to me 'face to face' so to speek. Please come to the cockpit... You may still talk to me as you walk there, I am capabile of hearing and speaking in any part of my internal structure..."
As she invites him to the cockpit, a path of lights light up on the floor, leading him to the cockpit... but of course, when he gets there he will find the door locked...
Wei Wu Wei
Sep 2nd, 2003, 05:32:25 PM
Wei shrugged. "I suppose."
Wei began walking toward the cockpit, following the lights and thinking about how thoughtful it was that they were there to light the way.
"So where is Neyasha exactly?" Wei asked.
Audrie X-4
Sep 2nd, 2003, 07:16:25 PM
The walls continue to speek to Wei...
"Neyasha's exact location is unknown to me... Though I can monitor her life signs where ever she is, I am only able to locate her within a 25km radius from her position."
At this time Wei reaches the cockpit, where Audrie opens the door for him... In the cockpit Wei sees that it is has room for two seats with half a meter between them, two meters behind them, and half a meter from the side of the cockpit and the pilot seat, and half a meter from the side of the cockpit to where the co-pilot should be.
But instead of a co-pilot seat there was a holographic tatical display unit. In the ceiling there is a holographic projection unit. The pilot seat turns on it's own so that it faces the door, and the holographic projection unit projects an image of a stunning, human, lady in her early twenties, in a tight red outfit, beside the door. The image then starts to speak with the voice Wei was hearing from the walls....
"Also, it took me a while to locate a way to contact you, since Neyasha forgot to inform me of your comm number. She passed out about 2 hours ago, in the lower levels, about 52km south-west of the GJO. She was somewhere around floor 100 to 125. After she passed out, she was taken back to the upper levels , around the top 10 floor, almost on the other side of the planet from here.
She was in one location for untill about 5 min ago, At which point she was put in an air speeder, that quickly fell out of my detection. My guess it that it started up a sensor jammer. So at the moment I have no way of detecting her current location."
Wei Wu Wei
Sep 2nd, 2003, 07:20:01 PM
"Then it would follow," Wei said, taking the empty seat, "That we need to go to the place that she was last and look for clues, now wouldn't it?"
Wei turned to the hologram, not realizing that it wasn't a person. "Sorry, I didn't catch your name."
Audrie X-4
Sep 2nd, 2003, 11:40:44 PM
"Yes it would stand to reason, and if it was not for the fact that I can no access the controls that open the Hanger I would most likely do that... But I can not leave this vessle... And even if I could get the doors open, I only have suficent fuel to lift off and travel 3km, before I crash. Though logic also tells me that if they went to the troubles to sensor proof the speeder they put her in, then the chances are they would not leave clues behind at her last known location..."
Audrie smiles and laughs taking a position that makes her look like she is leaning agienst the wall.....
"I told you when you entered... I am Audrie, Experimental Military Strike Craft Number Four, Designation 02044A. In the lab They called me Audrie X-4, though Neyasha and her family call me just Audrie...
I am this ship... This ship is me, though my designers thought that some people would find it creepy to talk to a disembodied voice, so they based the image you see of me on the chief desinger's daughter, and gave me the name of his wife... Both of which died in a speader crash 2 weeks before I was constructed...
So back to things... how should we continue?"
Wei Wu Wei
Sep 3rd, 2003, 02:10:27 PM
Wei thought for a moment. "They sensor proofed their speeder. Big deal. But even though they didn;t leave a map giving us directions to their place, we can at least go look around and see the little hidden things. Scuff marks from fighting, wonderful little vapor trails from engine exhaust, you know, things like that."
Wei looked around. "Seeing as you are Neyasha's 'let's go out and kill stuff' ship, you ought to have equipment to suit various environments. Night vision goggles, thermal goggles, other little things you would need to assassinate someone in cold blood...."
Wei chuckled wryly. "And if I can't find anything to help me try to find her, then I suppose I won't be doing much of anything, huh?"
Audrie X-4
Sep 3rd, 2003, 09:07:54 PM
Audrie laughs again....
" Just because Neyasha was created to solve all problems with fighting, killing, and distruction doesn't meen I am her ' let's go out and kill stuff ' ship. It was more often that I would get her to sit and think before she went charging in ready to kill..
But yes, I do have many items that would assist in the distruction of allmost any item you wish trashed... though night vision goggles are not part of me inventory, due to Neyasha's enhanced sences...
Though if we are to go to the last location we know She was at, May I request that I have my fuel tank filled, and the hanger doors opened so I will be able to take you there... Or do you have any other subjesions?"
Wei Wu Wei
Sep 3rd, 2003, 09:29:16 PM
Wei thought for a moment. "Not that I can think of. I don't know where to get fuel, but I know how to open the door of the hangar. I think. Ought to be pretty simple, right. Just go over to the door and press the button that makes it open."
Wei got up to head outside the ship to look for the hangar door and maybe some fuel. "Lion, I could use your help right about now."
Shanaria Fabool
Sep 7th, 2003, 11:40:50 AM
Shanaria walks into the Hanger, just so she could take a look at her Y-wing that she used to come to the GJO. She does a quick check over her fighter and is about to leave when she sees Wei searching the hanger.
She walks over to Wei with her normal sexy swager in her step...
" Hi Wei! Are you lookin for something?"
Wei Wu Wei
Sep 7th, 2003, 12:49:01 PM
Wei looked up at Shanaria, his face blank for a moment as he tried to remember how Shanaria knew his name. "Oh yeah! You're from when Kelt and I were pretending to be monkeys."
Wei looked around some more. "I'm looking for something to fuel this ship with. The computer onboard said the ship didn't have enough fuel, so I have to get more. I'm hoping there's some around here, cause if there isn't, then I can't think of any other place to go get some."
Shanaria Fabool
Sep 8th, 2003, 09:02:49 AM
Shanaria smiles...
"Well... Thats not all that hard to find...."
Shanaria walks over to a door in the wall, and opens it. Behind the small door are a number of long hoses coiled up on a number of wheels. Over top of each wheel/hose are two buttons, a start and a stop button, and signs describing what type of fuel come out of that hose....
"Here ya go! Anything else I can do for ya?"
Wei Wu Wei
Sep 8th, 2003, 12:35:03 PM
Wei smiled at the fuel station. Just what he had been looking for. "Thank you for your help. This is about all I'll be needing. I really appreciate it."
Wei looked at all the hoses, when he suddenly realized that he didn't know what sort of fuel Neyasha's ship ran on. Wei ran back to the ship and stood in the doorway.
"Audrie, what sort of fuel do we need?"
Audrie X-4
Sep 9th, 2003, 02:06:25 PM
Audrie responds from one of the walls near the doorway...
"I am capabile of running on any type of fule, but for best preformance a High Energy output Fuel would be best, such as one made for large Capital Class Vessels. Next best would be the fuel for a Large Cargo Vessel"
Wei Wu Wei
Sep 9th, 2003, 02:11:34 PM
Wei nodded. The information hadn't helped him, but he would figure it out.
Wei ran back over to the large pipes and began to look around for a sort of manual or something to tell him about all the different hoses.
"Neyasha, we're going to have a small talk about taking better care of our things."
Shanaria Fabool
Sep 11th, 2003, 03:07:48 PM
Shanaria smiles and waves to Wei....
"Well... if there is nothing else I can do for ya... I'll get going..."
Shanaria starts to walk towards the door to the hanger.
Wei Wu Wei
Sep 11th, 2003, 03:44:25 PM
"Well," Wei said quickly. "If you know what sort of fuel large ships use, then I would appreciate it if you helped me figure out which of these I need."
Wei scratched his head as he continued to search for something that would teach him about the different fuels. "They ought to keep such things around for people's reference."
Shanaria Fabool
Sep 12th, 2003, 12:57:53 PM
Shanaria stops and turns to face Wei...
"The computer console just inside the fuel station will tell you more then what you would ever like to know about starship fuel. Just click on the part of the screen that is labeld the same way as the label above the hose you want to know about and it will tell you everything you want to know about that fuel... But all I know about them is the one at your far left is for starfighters..."
Wei Wu Wei
Sep 14th, 2003, 03:16:23 PM
Wei located the terminal and clicked around for a bit until he had found what he needed.
"This one," Wei said, grabbing the hose that corresponded to the thingy on the computer screen. Wei gave the hose a tug and hauled the nozzle over to where the ship was.
"Audrie, where do I find the place to refuel the ship at?"
Audrie X-4
Sep 15th, 2003, 01:58:21 PM
As Wei is asking where the fuel tank is, Audrie opens a small compartment in her outter hull, not far from Wei, and causes a small light to start flashing...
"Look towards the front of my hull, you will see a flashing light. refuel there."
Wei Wu Wei
Sep 15th, 2003, 02:12:21 PM
Wei looked down the length of the hull and saw a small blinking light. "Oh," Wei said, as though it had been plainly obvious.
Wei gave the hose a tug and started walking to the front of the ship. Once he reached the hull, Wei connected the hose and the re-fueling process began automatically.
"How incredibly interesting," Wei mused.
At last the process was finished, and Wei undid the hose. Then he ran back to the refueling station and examined the computer screen once more. "To coil the hose..." Wei muttered out loud, then while continuing to read the instructions reached up and pressed a button above the terminal. Something in the wall clicked, and the hose began to slide along the ground, coiling up quite lovingly on its spool.
"Very nice. Now I can get started."
Wei walked back to Audrie, then entered the ship. "Ok, we're ready to go find Neyasha. Be careful leaving the hangar, though. A padawan named Shanaria is in the hangar too."
Audrie X-4
Sep 18th, 2003, 11:44:58 AM
While Wei was refueling her, Audrie was getting herself clearance for lift off.
Once the fuel Hose was clear of her hull and Wei was on board, Audrie closes the hatch and lifts the plank, Powers up the repulsors, and moves at 1/20 of her full speed untill they are clear the hanger, at which point she aims her nose up slightly and Opens the engens to Full when she sees that Wei has seated himself in the pilot seat. Takeing them off to the 'crime Scene' (
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