View Full Version : Its In The Past: Visitors (Jacali, Morgan and Ryla) [completed]
Kelt Simoson
Sep 1st, 2003, 08:07:23 PM
Swish-SWOOOSH Kelts short light blue saber, Yuran, flowed through Kelts hands with ease. The saber flipped between his fingers, he then gripped the hilt with both hands, and swiped it left in a cutting motion as if connecting a bat with a ball.
' That, Jacali is called a Mortova. It would be your basic attack against any enemies. But when you use a light saber rather than a sword, you should counter the weight and speed. Don't over shoot your target by forcing to much with the blade.' Kelt said nodding.
He let the hilt slip into Jacalis hand for her to try her first move.For the last few hours he had been helping Jacali with her saber training, improving her skill and showing her how to use the weightlessness of the Saber to her advantage.
All in all it was proving to be a good morning.
' Try to close down your arms while doing so, don't let yourself be open for a counter attack. Yeah - thats very good.'
imported_Jacali Danner
Sep 1st, 2003, 08:16:58 PM
Jacali had paid very close attention to Kelt's teachings, learning to weild a lightsabre was one of the most important things she had to learn.
They had been practicing for hours and she was very happy with her results.
She practiced swingin again and again, just as he told her. "Am I doing this correctly, Master Kelt?" she asked as she went into yet another new swing he showed her.
Murnon Moriarci
Sep 1st, 2003, 09:06:27 PM
' Just stick to the plan, Huross, and we will be fine. Trust me, i knew Kelt when he was knee high, the mans a near on Saint and would do anything for old friends from the Mark.' Murnon said, a grin escaping out the side of his mouth. Murnon was the kind of man that sneered after every sentance, sarcasem oozed from his very aura and life force.
' I heard Kelt is no longer as soft as he used to be, tales have escaped from his home in the dales of him becoming a Jedi Knight. I do not wish to chance that Sire.' Spoke Huross, his voice slightly more anxious about the whole thing. Huross was Murnons right hand, and a skilled fighter. Huross was broad shouldered and well built. His fluffy ginger hair cascaded down his back, however he was very ugly and unattractive.
' Huross are you completely mad? I doubt a Jedi, even a Jedi Kelt would attack us for bringing to his attention that his family are in peril-'
' PERIL?! Sire with all due respect-' Interupted a third man, Marsoss, Murnons apprentice. Marsoss was different, he was much thinner than the rest of the gang, blonde hair (much like Dasquians) tied elegantly in a pony tail, his fair, soft face full of worry. His honor was clearly doing battle with the lies.
' Morsoss one more word out of you..Hell one more word out of the both of you and i will take out your voice boxes and impale them on my that clear?' Silence fell between the group. ' Now like i said, stick to our plan and hopefully by tonight we shall be on our way, with Kelt in toe.He will aid us if he likes it or not.'
Mornon opened the door to the small hover van which was parked outside of the GJO recruitment office. He stepped out, let the other four men including Morsoss and Huross follow and then closed the door. Leading the way Murnon entered the recruitment hall.
Morgan Evanar
Sep 1st, 2003, 09:17:39 PM
One of the critical physical flaws in human pheremones is that they smell different when lying. For this, Morgan was grateful.
A pack of of men just walked in the door. The tall Jedi Master paused, waiting for them to file in.
They were preparing to lie. The blonde (who's hair was rather like Dasquain's) was failing to hide his nerves.
"Can I help you gentlemen with something?"
Murnon Moriarci
Sep 1st, 2003, 09:39:50 PM
All four men, save for Murnon, were clad in dark brown studded leather armor, swords ether hung across their back or attached to their pelvis. While most were swordsmen, one, Morsoss, carried a Short Bow across his back along with a quiver filled with arrows tipped with a silvery feathers, clearly a skilled archer.
Murnon, however, was dressed exquisitely in a long dark blue tunic and gown. Gold markings and symbols covered the center of the expensive cloths while silver stitching encased the makings into sections along his robes. A silver breast plate, polished by expert hands, covered his chest superbly. Clearly a man of great stature among his people.
Murnon looked towards gentlmen who had just addressed him, a look of distaist swept Murnons features before he finaly looked up towards the Jedi Master. While his fellow henchmen were occupied by never before seen technologies, even as trivial as a light. Munon had the plan set in motion.
' Good morn Jedi. I am here of a mission to find a certain jedi, a member of this faction that was once a member of our own faction. His name i trust is a Kelt Simoson, we have word for him that his family is in great peril. ' Murnon spoke, his face as strait as a die, almost impossible, to the naked eye, to see the lies swimming in in face.
' We thought it best that we should inform him of the situation young sir, and ask that he return with us.' Murnon said, this time the rest of his cronies fell silent, unmoving.
Kelt Simoson
Sep 2nd, 2003, 01:43:54 PM
' Yes very good Jacali...but perh......urrhhh'
And then it began, something snapped so suddenly in Kelts mind that the Jedi Knight stumbled back slightly, only barely gripping the head of a chair to recover his balance. Eiem Salalous Keient. The words ecoed strictly in his mind, a pulse , a feeling as if something inside was tearing at his skull to escape.
A groan escaped Kelts lips, the pain was becoming unbearable. Another pulse within his head sent him to his knees, cradling his head in his hands. Cracking, aching, probing within his brain. Kelt squirmed to escape the pain but to no avail. Kelts fingers turned inwards now, gripping his head rather than cradling it, his nails dug into his skin. Blood rushed to the exit wounds and little trickles of blood started there journey down Kelts face. The Jedi Knights body was so tense, he pulse so fast that he could of seen to be in a fit, some sort of spasm. The Jedi was shaking furiously, his hands clenched in such a grip that his hands brandished white knuckles.
Visions of a woman and a girl flashed behind the lids of his eyes, blood, screams and the sound of chinking swords toned in his head. Suddenly he was wisked towards a cell wall, the vision was so real that he felt the pain of the smash on his face. He let out a small groad to show his pain, the pain he could not get lose from. The iron grip of the force was so hard that his muscels were tight, unbreakible.
And then suddenly as if the vice was unlocked, Kelt fell limp and slumped down into a heap on the cold tiled floor, clearly unconscious. Or dead. His body released from whatever had him.
imported_Jacali Danner
Sep 2nd, 2003, 04:22:35 PM
Jacali was stunned as Kelt let out a groan and fell to his knees holding his head. She flicked off the lightsabre quickly and dropped it as she went to him. "Master Kelt, what is it? What's wrong, Kelt?" She cried as she tried to help him, but to no avail.
Blood started dripping down his face as Jacali fumbled for her comm-link and set the link to an open range. "Help! I need help! Can anyone hear me?!" she cried out as she tried to help Kelt in anyway she possibly could. What was wrong with him?!
Moments later, Kelt began to fall the rest of the way to the floor. "Kelt!" Jacali yelled as she dropped the comm and struggled to grab him to ease his fall.
The young Padawan thought he was dead. "Kelt!" She yelled again and grabbed the dropped comm-link. "This is an emergency! A Jedi is down in training room two-eighty-one! I repeat, a Jedi is down!"
No answer yet as she leaned over him and pushed his hair from his face. "Hang in there, Kelt. Just hang in there."
Ryla Relvinian
Sep 2nd, 2003, 05:47:53 PM
I had just dismissed Iago from a long training session and set down on the mats in the training room to stretch out. The man had potential, but how could I... I was jolted out of my thoughts by the chirping of my comlink, which sat, along with my other loose gear, on the bench near the door. Picking it up, I heard a woman's frantic voice.
"...a Jedi is down!"
It was the last thing I wanted to hear at the moment, and, without even replying over the comlink, I grabbed my gear and headed out in the hallway. Reaching out with my senses, I immediately detected a surge in the Force, undoubtedly the person who belonged to the frantic voice. I also felt Kelt strongly in my mind, and his mind reeled from pain. Luckily, they were close, and within a minute, I had run in the doorway of the training room.
There, on the floor, was Kelt, looking for all the world that he had come off on the bad end of a fight with a brick wall. Hunched over him was a young padawan who I did not recognize. I turned to her, kneeling down on the other side of Kelt.
"What happened?"
imported_Jacali Danner
Sep 2nd, 2003, 06:22:29 PM
Jacali shook her head. "I don't know, we were practicing and then he grabbed his head, he was in severe pain! Oh Force, I think he had an aneurism!" Her voice was just below panic.
Morgan Evanar
Sep 2nd, 2003, 06:55:36 PM
The men carried weaponry Morgan had never seen before. The feathers on the sticks were probably for flight stabilization, but there wasn't any obvious way of propelling them. Kind of bulky for the possible damage, even if they were poisoned. They'd be worthless close in, too.
"I'll have to g..." his comlink buzzed an emergency code. "Excuse me, gentlemen, please wait here." Morgan tore off, opening up to a dead run as soon as he rounded the corner. He flipped the comlink on " room two-eighty-one! I repeat, a Jedi is down!" Through the Force, he knew the corner was clear, he grabbed a support pillar, and flung himself into the next corridor.
The door to room 281 was already opened, with Ryla and Jacali standing over Kelt.
Morgan wiped sweat from his brow, slowing his breathing.
"What happend?"
imported_Jacali Danner
Sep 2nd, 2003, 07:34:09 PM
"He collapsed. He was in severe pain in his head while we were training." Jacali explained again, a little more in control now that she wasn't alone.
Ryla Relvinian
Sep 2nd, 2003, 07:35:28 PM
I looked up to see Morgan running in the room, and placed my hands on Kelt's head, one behind the neck and one on the forehead, sensing any damage I could.
"His padawan said that he grabbed his head in pain shortly before collapsing during a practice session. As for his wounds... I am afraid I'm not the best person to tell you that."
I paused, shifting my hands to examine the sides of his head, all without disturbing the neck, though I was sure that there was no damage to that portion of his body.
"There appears to be no physical damage, no reason for his body to collapse, but his mind... his mind seems alert. He is not dead, but I fear for him if we do not get appropriate medical attention."
Murnon Moriarci
Sep 2nd, 2003, 07:46:03 PM
As the Jedi Master excused himself and for the 'emergency' the left side of Murnons lip curled into a smile. Clearly, whatever Murnon had planed had worked, and worked well. Timed just right also, it had to be said. Morsoss shifted uneasily in his stance, something was troubling Mursoss about his master, something i did not like.
' It seems my friends that our little plan is in motion. I think a congratulations to Kelike is in order. I have a feeling of a perfect imprint from you runs painfully in his soul.' Murnon said turning towards the slick looking Kelike. Kelike has slick black shoulder length hair, he had an evil touch in his eye, possibly a former, well trained apprentice of Murnon himself, who knows?
It was a perfect plan, a perfect route to take. Have Kelt within a coma, a mind meld coma. Claim that only his people could bring him out from such a fall, with the only potions of such cures on their home planet. Of course, they would wish to send along a Jedi to acompany him, a Jedi Padawan on her firt trip perhaps?..easily disposable.
' Sire! Is hurting Kelt really nessicery? Don't you think-' Piped up Morsess but Murnon interrupted, his tone angry and dark. This was a sign to not talk back, to leave well alone. The sign of a corrupt Crusader none-the-less.
' YOU! my little apprentice will keep your mouth closed! You are but a boy in the eyes of this situation and your opinions are not included in this operation! If you DARE! to speak back to me again boy you will face the same ill fate as the Jedi Knight!' The Inquisitor spoke in a suppressed anger. His face as black as his tone.
' No Murnon, he cant speak as a boy, but i can speak as a man! Kelt, The Jedi Knight, has done nothing, NOTHING to deserve such treatment in the eyes of Crusader Law. Why should such a man deserve such torment?-'
Murnon signed and turned around, his hands clasped behind his back. A rather girlish giggle came from Kalike, he was enjoying this.
' Huros, He has done us a great wrong-'
' DONE YOU A GREAT WRONG, NOT US, OR THE ORDER!' Shouted Huross, his booming voice nearly knocking the Inquisitor off his feet. Murnon was rather taken aback from the words of Huros his eyes became daggers towards Huros..if only looks could kill. ' Realease him from his pain, and we shall find another way to take him home, or i shall tell these brave Jedi what you intend to do with him!.'
Silence rocked the group, Murnon sighed and waved a hand...the spell was broken.
Morgan Evanar
Sep 2nd, 2003, 08:01:29 PM
"Well, thats inconvient for the group of liars at the entrance looking for him." Morgan bent down, picking Kelt up over his shoulder as if he were as light as a small child.
"They claim Kelt's family is in some kind of trouble, and that he used to be part of the same faction of some sort, but I don't know what part they were lying about. I can turn invisible but for the life of me I can't read people with the Force. Ryla, maybe you can discern what they really want?" He turned to Jacali.
"Come with me to sick bay, please Jacali? I know you told us everything, but every little bit might be able to help the healers." Morgan headed out the door, careful not to smack Kelt's head on the frame.
imported_Jacali Danner
Sep 2nd, 2003, 08:08:56 PM
"Yes, of course, Master Evanar." Jacali answered with a nod, she was quite worried for Kelt. She hoped he was going to be alright as she followed Morgan out the door.
Ryla Relvinian
Sep 2nd, 2003, 08:28:06 PM
I followed Morgan as he made his way down the hall, turning away from them as they jogged down the hall towards the healers. Pausing a moment to collect myself, I smoothed my hair back into the usual long braid I wore and straightened my clothing. I was only mildly annoyed that I had no time to clean up after the lengthy training session with Iago, but sometimes, duties came before hygiene, and this was one of those times.
Once I was sure that I was presentable, I took a deep breath to calm myself and entered the Recruitment Center, my senses flung as wide open as they could be. I strode over to the group of men who were the only ones in the room.
"I am Jedi Master Ryla Relvinian. I am sorry, but Master Evanar has been called away on a matter of great urgency. How may I assist you?"
Kelt Simoson
Sep 3rd, 2003, 03:32:45 PM
The first moment Kelt was brought back to reality, he was woken by the light bumping of his own head against Morgan' back. The Jedi Knights eyes slowly opened to a blinding light, painfull. It was only the simple lights of the corridor but even so it hurt him to keep his eyes open for to long.
For a few moments the Knight simply let the hypnotic light bumping take him as he rested for a few moments, letting his eyes ajust to what seem to be dimming slowly, untill finaly they dimmed enough to be the original, normal lights Kelt remembred. A groan then exited Kelts mouth, finaly he was awake.
' W-whats...whats going on?'
imported_Jacali Danner
Sep 3rd, 2003, 04:12:19 PM
A sigh of relief escaped Jacali's lips. "He's awake, Master Evanar." She looked at Kelt with a smile as Morgan continued down the corridor. "You're going to be okay, Kelt. We're taking you to the med-bay."
Morgan Evanar
Sep 3rd, 2003, 09:04:49 PM
This was very good news, but he still needed to be checked in. There was medical equipment that could pick things up Ryla couldn't.
"Kelt! You had what seemed like a seziure." Morgan took him off of his shoulder, holding the Knight up under his arms.
"Can you walk?"
Kelt Simoson
Sep 4th, 2003, 05:41:26 PM
Kelt at that point i time was more suprised at the sheer strength of the Jedi Master, all in all Kelt was not that big built, but still he was big enough not to have Morgan lift him in such away. Shaking the minor detail out of is head, Kelt nodded towards Morgan and answered his question.
' No, no. Im feeling okay ' He spoke as if nothing happened at all, and no after effects had kicked in. Kelt looked at them both for an explanation as if THEY were the ones who were doing something silly. The Knight straitened out his cloak and glanced back towards Jacali and Morgan. ' Would both of you like to explain what happened?' Kelt asked, an eyebrow raised in question.
Murnon Moriarci
Sep 4th, 2003, 05:45:41 PM
' We are here to see Kelt Simoson, the situation is quite urgent' Murnon said simply. A chill of anger running, supressed into the bit of his chest. ' It is vital we speak to him.' He spoke with a smile, yet the annoynce was running high, his patience running low.
The other 4 shifted uneasily.
Morgan Evanar
Sep 4th, 2003, 06:56:27 PM
Kelt managed to keep his feet, if a bit unsteadily.
"It looked like you had a seizure before going unconcious. Jacali called in an emergency and Ryla and I were there as fast as we could. Did you see or feel anything before you blacked out?"
Ryla Relvinian
Sep 4th, 2003, 08:21:30 PM
My skills in empathy were still underdeveloped, compared to many others in the Order, but I still tried to sense his motives as best I could. Adopting a neutral demeanor, I also reached out with my senses to each of the silent men, in turn, before focusing on the one before me who appeared to be in command.
"I am afraid that we do not let visitors roam our hallways without prior invitation. If this is truly as urgent as you say, I will carry a message to him and have him join us here, where you can speak more freely."
The other men were shadowy in my mind, possessing weaker motives than the one who so arrogantly stood before me. His mind, though not fully revealed to me, was surrounded by anger and the slightest tinge of deception. I felt strongly that, for Kelt's sake, I should keep them here, where other Jedi could easily be summoned if need be.
"I can assure you that your message will be relayed in all haste."
imported_Jacali Danner
Sep 5th, 2003, 04:44:34 PM
Jacali stood quietly listening to Morgan's questions. She was relieved that Kelt seemed alright, but she wasn't truly sure that he was quite yet.
Kelt Simoson
Sep 5th, 2003, 05:12:43 PM
' I blacked out?...' Kelt asked quite alarmed by what Morgan was saying, also quite suprised by his lack of memory for the whole ordeal. He lowered his head for a moment, thinking hard. Yes, he did remember something, something odd.
' I remeber seeing, as a flash in my mind, 6 figures in a large room talking, before one of them sped off. Somthing else also, a child, no older than 7 flickered in my mind also, other than that i cannot r-' He stoped so abruptly then that he scared even himself at the very thought that his assumption could be correct.
' Master Evanar, has anyone entered this building before or during my black out?' Kelt asked, he could only imagine one thing that could have possibly happned, only one person who could do such sourcery. ' Perhaps im just over reacting, but if who i feel is here, really is here. There is going to be trouble.' Said Kelt, looking directly into the eyes of Morgan.
Morgan Evanar
Sep 5th, 2003, 08:33:00 PM
"Four men who claim that you were once part of their 'faction', and say your family is in peril. "
Trouble indeed. Kelt was generally upbeat, so if he said something was bad...
Morgan shook his head, not at Kelt, but at the situation.
"They were lying, though. I just dun't know what about. Ryla is talking to them now."
Kelt Simoson
Sep 6th, 2003, 10:19:36 AM
' We my friend, are in trouble ' Kelt said, a look of total shock came over him. Kelt was not scared at all, simply he new what this man could do, and had done in the past. ' Did you say Ryla was with them?..if so, i would suggest you got her away from them, she might be a Jedi Master but these four with her are equely as powerfull, each in there own way...'
Kelt moved past Morgan starting down towards the recruitment office and where the four were. His heart racing, his mind tangled in a hail of mess, he made his way down towards where he would meet his past...the visitors.
' You can come Master Evanar but i would like Jacali to stay here...' He said with a short smile ' For her own safety'.
imported_Jacali Danner
Sep 6th, 2003, 08:22:50 PM
Jacali bit her lip and sighed deeply. "Yes, Master Kelt, I'll stay here." Her voice was slightly disappointed, but she would do as he told her. It was then that she noticed the lightsabre attached to her belt. It was his, she had picked it up right before leaving the training room.
Jacali quickly dettached it. "Master Kelt, here. Your lightsabre." She handed it to him.
Murnon Moriarci
Sep 9th, 2003, 12:16:54 AM
' It should be relayed now, if the importance of this is so great to your heart blue woman, get him, and quickly! My time and pantience is wearing thin.'
Ryla Relvinian
Sep 9th, 2003, 01:03:35 AM
"Very well." I replied, sizing up his men for one more second before I turned and walked calmly out of the room.
Leaving the room, I turned back down the many halls, walking briskly until I reached the medical ward. I was shocked to see Kelt up and moving, but from the looks of it, he didn't seem to be fully awake.
"Master Evanar, these men have some sinister purpose that I cannot determine. All I could sense was intense deception. There was anger as well."
I turned to Kelt, looking him in the eye.
"Do you have enemies that we should know of? These men surely seek to do you harm, I am positive of this."
Kelt Simoson
Sep 11th, 2003, 07:18:02 AM
' I do not have any enemies but people may wish to cause me harm. If it is who i think it is, he may wish to hurt me, aye. Moriarci i suspect. I shall go talk with him alone, i would suggest you all stay here.'
With this the Knight walked out from the Medical bay and made his way down to the recuitment office. His journey was full of thought, what did Murnon want after all this time? Why now? Quciker than he expected he had entered the recruitment hall where, there, infront of him stood the men that had come to meet him.
' Murnon, how unoriginal of you...' Kelt said, his tone darker than useral.
' Heh, hello Simoson...long time no see...'
' What do you want Munon...'
'This is what i want Master Jedi...'
Munon then began his tale...
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