View Full Version : The Historian is a Prophet in Reverse (Figrin)

Sejah Haversh
Sep 1st, 2003, 06:27:22 PM
Four days of lying in his hospital bed. As each day passed, Sejah remembered more and more of who he was, and regained better control over his upper body, though his legs still refused to work. That had been remedied by an electronic walkign brace, even though it made him as elegant as a rusted buffalo while actually walking. Each day also brought fewer and fewer visitors.

Sejah had passed the medics tests for recovery status, but he was still not permitted to leave the medical ward, should he enter some form of relapse. But the only thing that came over him was cabin fever, and stir craziness. All the holovision channels were re-runs, or sales shows, and he finished the book that Quay had brought him. He wanted to get up, to run and jump and be how he used to be. Though as it was he had a hard enough time climbing in and out of a bathtub, so his favorite pastime of fencing was completely out of the question.

He was bored. Tired, frustrated, and bored. Only out of desperation did he pick up the remote and flip the holovison on again, and sighed as an old, tired comedy ran, already in progress.

Figrin D'an
Sep 1st, 2003, 06:54:45 PM
The hospital was quiet, with only a few nurses and an occasional doctor making rounds to pass by the Jedi Master as he made his way down the hallways. He followed the markers on the floor, letting them guide him to the recover ward, the dull clap of his boots only slight more audible than the ringing of the comm system at the main desk. The nurse on duty held up her index finger, indicating she would be with him in just a moment.

Figrin let his eyes wander about his surroundings. Very plain, like most hospitals, but certainly more cheerful other areas of the hospital complex. After all, the recover ward was generally inclined to be a more happy environment. Patients here had the luxary of a great number of visitation hours, not to mention the fact that they were alive and out of immediate danger. Others were not necessarily so lucky.

"Can I help you, sir?", the nurse asked finally.

"I'm looking for Sejah Haversh's room," Figrin stated plainly.

"Just down the hallway to your left," she said, pointing in the appropriate direction. "He should be awake... he's been getting more restless by the hour.

"Thank you," the Jedi replied. "Hopefully, I'll be able to calm him a little."

The nurse gave him a bit of an odd look, but let it pass as he moved past the desk and onward down the hallway. He found the room, and gently knocked on the already open door as he stepped in.

"I hope I'm not disturbing you."

Sejah Haversh
Sep 1st, 2003, 07:05:56 PM
From his loll of boredom on his bed, Sejah snapped to attention. his paws fumbled the remote until he clicked the set off, and then sat up straightening his hospital gown. For some silly reason, the staff swill wouldn't allow him to dress normally yet.

Clearing hsi throat, he could only hope he looked presentable, and he tried to look as attentive as possible as Figrin entered.

Sejah only knew him by reputation, and from various photographs, but had never met the man. He only hopes he hadn't done something wrong to bring about the Master's attention. Braving the risk, he replied, "Not at all, sir, come on in."

He forced a smile, but at least part of it was genuine. After all, now he had somebody to talk to.

Figrin D'an
Sep 1st, 2003, 09:32:53 PM
Figrin smiled and moved a little further into the room. It was a very recovery room, spartan in decoration save some personal affects that had brought by friends, and a large plant in the corner which provided a little break in the other wise off-white color of the walls.

"The nurse said you were getting restless," he said intially, making light conversation. "I can imagine that you are anxious to return to your training."

Sejah Haversh
Sep 1st, 2003, 09:41:58 PM
Sejah immediately burst forth a chuckle. Realizing his possible folly, he settled down and shook his head. "Master, trust me. I've not had traning lately to return to, so it's no big loss, there. But, come on in, have a seat, make yourself comfortable."

Sejah indicated to a chair in the room,a nd then opened the top of a tin of cookies. "Here, have one. I can't eat them all by myself, you know. Might get sick and have to go to the hospital. I'm Sejah, by the way. Sejah Al'jazhaar Haversh. I don't think we've formally met."

Figrin D'an
Sep 1st, 2003, 10:54:05 PM
Figrin took a cookie from the tin, looking it over before taking a bite. He had always had a bit of a sweet tooth, and found that he couldn't deny a good, homemade cookie when it was offered.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Sejah. I've heard much about you," Figrin replied. "I am Figrin D'an... although I suppose you already knew that." He chuckled. "I'm too often at a disadvantage when it comes to knowing those who know me."

They shared a laugh, only to be followed by an uncomfortable silence.

"Sejah, part of the reason I came here today," the Jedi Master began, "is to discuss your plans when you are able to return to the Order full time."

Sejah Haversh
Sep 1st, 2003, 11:02:50 PM
Sejah's face fell, and he glumly set the tin aside. "I know I should get back to training, but, with my legs out, I don't know how long that will be," he said, "The doctors keep saying that there's nothing wrong with them, that I'll be back on my feet in no--"

He cut himself off, suddenly realizing that Figrin wasn't scolding him for being out of comission, but to help him. Feeling quite sheepish, the mongoose rubbed one wrist with his other paw and changed tack. "You mean, like joining some of the Padawan classes, right?"

Figrin D'an
Sep 2nd, 2003, 07:29:40 PM
"Well, joining the padawan classes is more your choice, at this point," Figrin suggested. "You've advanced to a point at which the classes would be more review than actual progress. But, if you feel it necessary, you may partake, by all means."

Figrin leaned forward in his seat.

"You'd be much better suited for more individualized training. You've proven you have a great deal of potential, and only with proper guidance will you be able to realize that potential."

Sejah Haversh
Sep 2nd, 2003, 07:32:11 PM
"Tell that to Helenias," Sejah replied, obviously miffed. "I think I've seen her maybe five times in the last four months."

Figrin D'an
Sep 2nd, 2003, 07:44:55 PM
Figrin frowned and nodded. He understood Sejah's frustration.

"I know things haven't gone as you had hoped. I won't pretend to understand fully what has transpired between you and Jedi Evenstar. However, that does not mean that you should allow you training to stagnate, especially with your need to rebuild your physical strength."

He paused, choosing his words carefully.

"You are not bound to train and learn from only your designated master."

Sejah Haversh
Sep 2nd, 2003, 07:58:53 PM
"Master D'an," Sejah started, also takign care to say what he meant, but still guarded. "What if I no longer wish to learn from my bound master? I, well, I serve her because of the vow I made to her husband. But as much as I hate to break a promise," he paused, rubbign his paws together out of an old nervous habit, "I feel as if Helenias and I should not be master and Padawan. Is that acceptable? To dissolve a partnership such a that in the Jedi?"

He was nervous, and hoping he wasn't asking the wrong questions. Figrin was highly regarded in the Order, and the last thing Sejah wanted to do was get him angry with him.

Figrin D'an
Sep 2nd, 2003, 08:13:55 PM
"It's not something that the council will do often, but if the circumstances require it, a padawan and master can break their agreement," Figrin replied. "It would require a formal request to the council, with clear reasons to justify it."

A look of great seriousness crossed the Jedi Master's face, hoping to express the severity of what the padawan was suggesting.

"Is this something you wish to pursue?," he asked calmly.

Sejah Haversh
Sep 2nd, 2003, 08:33:17 PM
Sejah took a minute of silent deliberation. The way that Figrin put it almost made him feel guilty, and he was unsure of what to do. But the facts outweighed his fears, and the mongoose solemnly nodded, saying. "Yes, I believe I am sure. I have never backed out of a situation like this before in my life, but I feel it will bring nothign but more pain and frustration if I continue this way."

It was hard for him to say it, especially directly to a council member. In type it would have been much easier, for he wouldn't have to see Figrin right there in front of him, knowing his immedate response. Hoping to soften whatever answer he got,
Sejah added, "Since it is a great deal of pain to walk from here to the Council Chambers, do you think it would be possible to sort of teleconference my request, or at least for me to write a letter?"

Figrin D'an
Sep 2nd, 2003, 08:49:03 PM
Figrin mearly nodded, as if to say 'Very well.'

"I will have to talk to the council, but I believe something can be arranged, considering your current condition," he answered, his voice sounding unbiased.

He leaned back in his seat, and began to ponder a related topic.

"Of course," he remarked," should your request be accepted, you will need to find a new master to continue you training." It was food for thought for the most part, although he would be interested to see Sejah's response. It would be a good indication of how thoroughly the padawan had considered his options.

Sejah Haversh
Sep 2nd, 2003, 08:58:38 PM
A great swell of releif wased over the Nehantite as Figrin so eloquently answered his question. Taking a deep breath, he relaxed before replying.

"With all due respect to Master Evenstar, I believe that any other master at the moment would be an improvement," he said, his face devoid of the smirk he held internally. "But I do not want just any master, but one who might have the patience to teach me, and the tenacity to put up with my arguments. I am no model padawan, and I know it, but I hope I have built a good enough reputation to attract the attentions of a few good masters, if they were willing to have me."

Figrin D'an
Sep 2nd, 2003, 09:24:30 PM
The Jedi smiled, and laughed.

"Believe me, Sejah... no padawan is perfect, as is no master. There are quirks in every apprenticeship. As long as a student shows that he is willing to learn and will commit to improving himself, he will find a master that will be able to meet those needs."

Figrin turned inquisitive again, wanting hear more about Sejah. He only knew of him what others had said in conversation, and wanted to find out about his abilities and goals.

"I've heard you are quite a swordsman. Is that where most of your studies have been focused?"

Sejah Haversh
Sep 3rd, 2003, 02:46:44 PM
An embarassed smile crossed Sejah's muzzle, and he sort of nodded his head as he replied, "Yeah, you could say that that was where all my studies were focused. I never got to go to school, so, I sort of grew up in a fencing school, and eventually became First Apprentice. I must admit, I have a great love for the sport. I even won first place in the Rho'istaan tournament, so, I guess you could say I am the best swordsbeast from Nehantish."

His smile was wide, and he dug around in a stack of video chips next to him until he found a particular one, and inserted it into the video player, the large screen before them lighting up with the recorded broadcast of one of his matches toward the end of the tournament. "That's me, in the vest," he pointed out, his pink eyes glued to the screen, still happy with how well the sportscasters announced the match, and the excellent quality of the recording from all the various cameras around the arena.

After a minute of watching, he sighed, looking down at his legs once more. "But, I don't think I'll ever know that feeling again. Even if I do walk, the doctors don't think I'll ever recover to that level again."

Figrin D'an
Sep 3rd, 2003, 07:47:30 PM
"I wouldn't be so sure about that, Sejah," Figrin said firmly. "You need to believe that you will regain your ability to move like you did in that tournament. If you don't believe you can, you've lost the battle before it has even begun."

He pondered the padawan's current situation, thinking about what could be done for him.

"As part of your treatment, you should talk to Master Mystt. She's probably the most skilled and talented healer in the Order. She may be able to help you in ways the doctors here cannot."

Sejah Haversh
Sep 3rd, 2003, 07:53:49 PM
"Just as long as she doesn't try any telepathy. That's what apparently landed me in here in the first place," Sejah half-joked.

"I will try and reach her, though. I would very much like to be able to do all that again," he said as he looked back up at the screen to see himself besting a tough opponent, and delivering the 'kill strike' across the other beast's torso. The crowd went wild, and Sejah looked up into the stands, looking for Loki. The boy had been his only friend at the tournament, and he owed his life to the youth, now.

When the scene played out, Sejah stopped the clip, shutting off the screen. Looking back to Figrin, the mongoose asked, "Master D'an, if you don't mind me asking, what brought you down here today? We don't really know each other, and something tells me it wasn't just a 'passing by' kind of thing."

In the back of his mind, Sejah hoped he wasn't pressing the issue. The mere fact that Figrin came to see him in the first place meant that something was up, but he wanted to know just what it was.

Figrin D'an
Sep 4th, 2003, 09:28:14 PM
He chuckled.

"You're perceptive, Sejah. Although I did feel that you could use some company, it's true that I did have another motivation for coming here."

The Jedi Master has guessed that the padawan would eventually build the courage to ask the purpose of his visit. Figrin was told that he could be an imposing figure, particularly to the younger members of the Order that did not know him well. He somehow suspected that Sejah would not be quite as timid. The kindly small talk likely helped as well, Figrin thought.

"The truth is... your concerns about your apprenticeship are well-known to the council, and we have long pondered about a solution to it. It was suggested by some, as you yourself mentioned, that you should join the padawan classes until a master could be found for you."

The look on the Nehantites face was easily interpretted. He didn't like that prospect at all.

"There were a few of us, though," Figrin continued,"who felt do so would not help your progress. It would likely only hinder it. So, after much debate, we came up with a solution, and have found a potential master with whom you can complete your training."

Sejah Haversh
Sep 4th, 2003, 09:31:04 PM
His fuzzy eyebrows lifting, Sejah looked at Figrin with his pink eyes unblinking. "Really?" he asked, sounding rather like Beaver Cleaver, "Who?"

Figrin D'an
Sep 4th, 2003, 09:34:33 PM
Figrin looked at Sejah, a pleasent, unreadable calm on the Jedi Master's face, as he gave a simple, concise reply.


Sejah Haversh
Sep 4th, 2003, 09:40:35 PM
Had he been drinking something, the perfect comedic response would have been for him to choke and sputter all over the place. But as it was, Sejah's mouth was dry, and it instead jsut hung slack in shock before he snapped back to attention and swallowed in disbeleif before asking, "Really? That's... that's amazing. I promise I'll work hard, I really will."

Sejah caught himself from going to far and blabbering like an idiot. Focusing himself, he calmed back down and started over. "Thank you, Master D'an, this means a great deal to me. You have no idea how much it means. I am honored to be your student, and I look forward to learning from you. But, would you mind if we held off on the physical training until I can walk again? This frame is very difficult to maneuver."

Figrin D'an
Sep 4th, 2003, 09:54:28 PM
"Alright," he said, laughing openly. "I promise to go easy on you for a little while."

He was now smiling, happy to see the positive reaction to the news. He knew that it had to lift the injured padawan's spirits enourmously.

"There are things we can do while your legs heal. But, of course, it is up to you when you would like to being in earnest. You must feel comfortable with yourself before this is to become a reality. You will still have to make your formal petition to the council regarding your current master."

Sejah Haversh
Sep 4th, 2003, 10:05:01 PM
That was great news. Not only was he going to get a new master, but one that was held in the highest of regard. Sejah could hardly believe his luck.

"If you don't mind, Master D'an," Sejah said, "I would like to rturn to training as soon as possible. These walls are driving me stir crazy, and there hasn't been anything on the holovision networks ecxept reruns. I think it would do me a lot of good to start thinking again."

He tried to make it sound as little like a relief from boredom plea as he could, though it really was the honest truth.

"And, I'm afraid I don't know how to sumbit a plea. I've never had to fill out paperwork here before."

Figrin D'an
Sep 4th, 2003, 10:36:48 PM
"The forms to fill out are few," he said honestly. "I don't forsee that to be any trouble. I can bring the matter to the council's attention in the next session, and we'll arrange for you to make your request."

He pulled a datapad from his cloak and handed it to Sejah.

"I also brought this for you," the Jedi offered. "I thought you might be interested in a little reading. It's a book that I read in my youth, when I was traveling the galaxy. A compilation of short stories from different systems. A few of the them a little dry, but there are some really wonderful tales in it. It's not a difficult read, but there are some rather inspirational themes to be found. I know it helped to keep me going when I was unsure of what the future might hold for me."

Sejah Haversh
Sep 4th, 2003, 10:47:33 PM
Something new to read was almost like a godsend to Sejah. Though he wasn't a very good reader, he did enjoy a good story.

"Thank you, Master D'an, I will start on this this evening. Sorry I don't have anything to give you," he replied, "Unless you want another cookie. And I would rather submit the request myself than have someone speak for me on the matter of changing Masters. No offense, but I would like to do the initial work myself." Sejah was not used to things beign offered to him. His whole life he had to work for everything he had, and often it was not enough. But perhaps his luck was changing, and for the better.

"Master D'an," Sejah asked, though in a different tone than before, ""Might I ask you how you came to join the Jedi Order? What made you want to join?"

Figrin D'an
Sep 6th, 2003, 01:32:16 AM
"Well...," he hesitated in his answer,"the details of how I came to join the Jedi make for a long story."

It was something that Figrin rarely recounted for anyone. He didn't often think about it himself... there were related events he would rather leave in the past. But, he could see Sejah was truely interested, and the Jedi Master didn't want to completely disappoint him.

"I left my home planet when I was a teenager, mainly because I couldn't find the answers I was looking for amongst the confines of my world. I didn't know that I was Force sensitive at the time. I just knew that I was different from my friends and my family. So, my parents reluctantly agreed to indulge my request, I started to travel the galaxy. I spent more than year, taking transports from planet to planet, doing odd jobs to support myself while seeking out as much free education as I could. I spent a lot of time in libraries, trying to improve myself and discover what I was meant to do."

He sat back down in his chair and leaned back, thinking back to those days, recalling the day his life had changed.

"I spent a couple of months on Corellia, and I was starting to find a niche that I found confortable. I had gotten a job working for a government arbiter, doing record searches and digging up information related to past cases and such. It paid pretty well, and it meant I could indulge my free moments in the government archives by looking into other areas that interested me. One day that I had just finished work for the day, and was returning to small one-room apartment I had rented. There was this small, dingy alley that I would take as a short cut sometimes. Well, on that particular day, I walked into the alley to find a women being mugged. The mugger had a knife... he was holding it close to the woman's throat, as he searched her for anything of value. I was shocked at first... I didn't know what to do. Then, an instinct sort of took over, and I knew I had to do something. So, I grabbed an old piece of piping that was laying in a refuse dumpster, and I got the mugger's attention. I didn't really know what I was doing, but after I taunted the guy, he left the woman alone for a moment and came after me."

The Jedi Master's voice became more reminiscent, kind of lost in the past.

"We struggled, and I managed to swat the knife away from him, but he was stronger than I was. He knocked me to the ground, and wrestled the piece of pipe away from me. I remember him standing over me, his arms pulled back over his head, ready to crush my head in with the metal pipe. The next thing I remember was hearing an odd hissing sound, then a streak of green light. Before I knew it, the mugger had been thrown off of me, and was laying in a heap a few feet away from me. The pipe piece had been sliced in half, and was laying next him. I looked up, wide-eyed, and saw a young man about my age, wearing a brown cloak and white tunic, and carrying a green lightsabre. He helped me to my feet, then went to check on the woman. She was clearly shaken, but she was otherwise alright. At that point, sector security arrived and took over the situation, but the young man stayed to talk to me. He introduced himself as a Jedi padawan, and said that he had heard the woman scream. He arrived as I was struggling with the mugger. Needless to say, he saved my life."

Figrin came back to reality for a moment, realizing that he was rambling a bit.

"Anyway... I had only vaguely heard of the Jedi, and I really had no idea who they were or what they did. The padawan told me that he was part of a small contingent of Jedi that had just arrived on the planet. You see... at that time, the Jedi were still a very small group. They were attempting to rebuild after the fall of the Empire. He said that I had been very brave to take on an armed enemy like that, and to being willing to risk harm to myself to help someone I didn't even know. He said I should go with him, and meet his Jedi friends. I was a little overwhelmed by the whole incident, but I agreed. After that, my whole life took a different course. They told me that I gave signs of being Force sensitive. They convinced me to return to Coruscant with them to be tested. Shortly afterward, I was admitted to the Jedi Order, and started my training."

He breathed a large sigh. There was more to the story... about those Jedi that he had met, and about what they had meant to him... but he didn't want to think about those things. There were painful memories surrounding them that he prefered stay buried within his mind.

"The rest is, as the say, history," Figrin concluded.

Sejah Haversh
Sep 6th, 2003, 01:48:00 AM
Sejah listend with silent interest, takign great care never to look too interested, as it seemed to thwo storytellers off. In some ways he could relate to Figrin, and as usual, other parts were vastly different. In any case, he had learned valuable information about how to connect with his prospective new master.

"That is an interesting tale you tell, Master D'an," the mongoose said when he had finished. "I believe we both had something in common; neither of us knew we were Force sensitive until it was pointed out later in our young lives."

Sitting up straighter in bed, Sejah scratched the back of his neck and looked honestly into Figrin's face. "My story is rather simple. I grew up in the slums of the capitol city of Nehantish. MY father and brother died when I was young, and my mother worked two jobs to support us. I never was able to go to school, so I too worked odd jobs to survive.

"At the age of thirteen, I was taken in by a local fencing instructor, and I ended up spending most of my days there, learing all he could teach me. Eventually it became my job to help him teach, and I focused on my swordplay, as it was my only skill. But, when I was becoming too popular, I recieved a death threat from a rival school. Two days later, a Jedi who was seeking directions to the nearest sjip repair station passed by my school, and learned of my apparent Force connection.

"Naturally, I was skeptical at first. Nehantites are not known for being sensitive, but he said I was. I brushed him off, and the rival school sent me one more notice that night. That was all it took. I packed my things and came here. Call it cowardice, call it lack of direction, but I needed a change. I needed to make something of my life. I'll admit my motives were selfish, but I have changed now. I believe I understand what is required of a Jedi, and that is what I will be."

Figrin D'an
Sep 7th, 2003, 02:53:42 PM
Figrin nodded, agree with much of what Sejah had said.

"Sometimes, you have to make a tough decision and do what you feel is right for you. I know that all too well. Even when I was preparing to leave my home, there was part of me that wanted to stay. I know that my family could have used the help and support. But, my family also told me that I had to make the choice that was best for me, and that I couldn't let my helpful and loyal nature to deter me from finding the right path for my life. In that respect, they were very supportive, and they all agreed that it was time that I did something for myself."

"And that isn't a bad thing, at all," he continued. "Sometimes, the best way to help others is to help yourself. To improve as a person, to make you more able to aide those you care about."

Sejah Haversh
Sep 7th, 2003, 05:46:19 PM
After a short silence, Sejah asked, "What if you don't have anyone left to help?"

At the look he was given, sejah held up a paw to stay the question Figrin was obviously going to ask, and he elaborated, "I mean, all my friends live here now; I don't have anybeast at home to return to. And, with all my friends being Jedi, and they're all more talented than myself, who can I help? What is the purpose of my being here?"

Figrin D'an
Sep 8th, 2003, 11:44:43 PM
"You are still very young, Sejah," Figrin said reassuringly. "You have a great deal of potential that you have yet to realize. With time and work, and with help, you can become a great Jedi Knight. The future is full of possibilities, and your purpose may prove to be something you cannot yet foresee."

"You will find your place in this galaxy," the Jedi Master smiled. "I have no doubt of that."

Sejah Haversh
Sep 9th, 2003, 01:55:47 AM
"I hope so," Sejah mumbled in response. He wanted to take comfort in Figrin's words, and to believe them. In his heart, he felt that he did. They were words he had been told before many times by his surrogate father, Rej, back at his fencing school.

But just as he tried to convince himself he believed it then, it seemed a hollow promise. Every time Sejah found himself starting to shine, he would get beaten down, or lose someone or something precious to him. Even thought he spread the message of never giving up to the kids he used to teach, the mongoose found it nearly impossible to believe in. Not one thing in his life had actually panned out, and trusting a Jedi Master, even one as highly respected as Figrin, was a difficult task to do.

Twitching his toes idly, Sejah tried to come up with something to say, something to break the silence and bring some levity back to the conversation. Nothing came, and the silence just hung there like a wall of glass between them.