View Full Version : Love: First Impressions [Finished]
Anthony Scott
Sep 1st, 2003, 01:19:57 PM
Out Of Breath
Artist: Lifehouse
I still feel the same
though everything has changed
the pain it cost now
I feel lost inside of my own name
but I keep running
I am running
I keep living for the day that I'm with you
that I'm with you
the past has left its stain
now I feel the shame
I'll seize the day
if you take away
the chains of yesterday
but I keep running
I am running
I keep living for the day that I'm with you
and I am waiting
I am waiting
I keep waiting for the day that I'm with you
a new day
the sun is shining
seems I'm closer to finding
that life is more than what we hide
no way that I am turning
as long as this sun is burning
now it seems that all I want is you
I still feel the same
though everything has changed
the pain it cost now
I feel lost inside of my own name
but I keep running
I am running
I keep living for the day that I'm with you
an I am waiting
I am waiting
I keep waiting for the day that I'm with you
that I'm with you
* * *
It had been a long day -- longer than most would have guessed. Nightfall was setting in and the moons around Coruscant were rising over the horizon. Several people were gathered in groups inside and outside of clubs, restaurants, and shops. Couples strolled along the sidewalks hand in hand -- and others stopped along the way to lock lips in a passionate kiss to show one another how deep their love truly flowed.
It was a beautiful night.
A man no more than twenty-five years of age zipped up to the front of a club on a sleek black hover-cycle. Upon securing the bike and removing the keys, he stepped up onto the curb and stood before the club. The blue light from the neon sign out front cast a glow onto his face as he read the large letters that it spelled out: Club Nova. "Sounds like a great place." He thought for a moment before walking up to the guard at the door who was busy taking I.D.'s from those waiting in the long line.
"Uh -- excuse me, good sir. You see, I'm supposed to be meeting someone inside for a drink and a bit of business. Do you think you could do me a favor and just let me in?" Anthony questioned with a sincere smile. The large girthed man before him grunted and looked down at him and growled slightly. "Wait in line like everyone else." He spoke in a commanding voice and turned to take another person's I.D. Anthony looked down at the ground, a bit disgruntled by the guard's request. "Look -- I'll give you whatever you want if you just let me in." He really didn't want to wait in line and that was more than apparent. The guard spun around and quicker than Anthony could even step back, he was being lifted into the air by the collar of his shirt. "Look bub -- get to the back of the line and wait like everyone else." He spoke with rotten breath right in Anthony's face before setting him down. The man slowly backed away and retreated to the back of the line as others were doing.
It took him nearly a half an hour before he finally got through the line and up to the front once again where he retrieved an I.D. card and showed it to the guard. Upon viewing it, the man smiled toothily and handed the card back to Anthony. "That wasn't so hard, now was it Mr. Scott?" He questioned before motioning for Anthony to go inside. The young man shook his head and quickly ducked into the club, glad that the ordeal was over. Upon reaching the inners of the bustling establishment, the mortal member of The Shrine smiled to himself and found an empty booth along the far wall of the large room. He settled into his seat and sat back a bit as a service droid approached his table with a series of beeps and whistles. "I'll take a Corellian Rum, if that's possible." He requested before the droid rolled off with the order to place. With relief and genuine happiness to be away from The Shrine for a while, Anthony shut his eyes and began to drift off in thought about everything he would do in his short stay on Coruscant.
Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 1st, 2003, 01:45:28 PM
Padawan Learner Quay'Na Rakai stood outside in the cool night air outside the Club Nova, it wasn't far from the Jedi temple and she couldn't take another night of her twin sister at the Bar and Grill. They really needed to talk, but not tonight.
No, tonight she was on her own. She needed to stray somewhere besides her well-known territory, she needed a breath of fresh air where no one knew her. To keep the disgusted stares away and gone from her mind.
Life hadn't been easy for her at the temple, since her downfall. Right now, she just wanted to forget about it and leave the nightmare of her past behind her. Even if only for one night.
Handing the guard her ID, he smiled at her and let her in. "Have a good time, miss."
"I will, thanks." Quay'Na answered and walked in, her form-fitting mini dress fit right into the crowd here. No Jedi robes here and for once she was glad. Walking up to the bar, she ordered a drink and began to look around, while tapping her foot to the muscic that played.
Anthony Scott
Sep 1st, 2003, 01:55:46 PM
Anthony sighed to himself as the annoying beeps of the droid got closer and closer to his table and soon, the little machine was back beside him with his mug of Corellian Rum. "Thanks." He stated quietly before taking the drink in his hand. It was then that the young man gave himself the opportunity to look around at the crowd. There were no familiar faces and he was rather glad -- he was getting away from everything tonight, and he too seemed to fit in with his baggy black jeans and white muscle t-shirt. His hair was longer and a red bandana held it back out of his face save for a few dredlocks that possessed beads.
He shifted his weight and looked to the door when suddenly a woman entered. Normally, Anthony would have overlooked her -- he had given up on women and decided that a relationship wasn't worth his time. In truth, he was lonely and thought he'd never find love -- so he doomed himself to being alone for the rest of his life. Tonight, though, something was different. He did notice her, and not merely for her looks. "Wow -- she's beautiful." He thought immediatly as he set his eyes upon her smile. She seemed to glow and her eyes seemed to beam with mystery.
As Quay walked to the bar and ordered, Anthony slowly rose from his seat with his drink and quickly pushed through the crowds of gathered people. He was trying to make himself look inconspicuous -- but he wished to reach the seat beside her as quickly as he could for he knew someone else would try to get there before him. Just as another approached, the mortal settled onto the stool and set his drink upon the bar. He said nothing at first but casually glanced over at Quay. At one moment, Anthony thought he was going to say something -- but retreated at the thought of scaring her away. Instead of doing anything, he slumped down a bit and sipped on his Ale, wishing he would be able to talk to her -- but figuring otherwise.
Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 1st, 2003, 02:14:18 PM
Quay'Na turned and smiled gently towards the man that just walked up and sat down on the stool beside her.
He seemed a rather interesting fellow, she'd never seen anything quite like him. He was a pirate by the looks of it and a handsome one at that. "Hello," she said gently with a smile as she kept her hands around her drink.
Anthony Scott
Sep 2nd, 2003, 08:54:09 PM
Anthony nearly spilled his drink as the woman next to him spoke. Her voice was gentle like a smooth melody to his ears. He turned his head ever so slowly so that his deep brown eyes came to rest upon her lovely face. Being shy, but afraid to show it, the young man looked down at the floor for a moment as he gathered thoughts in his mind -- thoughts that he hoped would generate some words from his mouth. "Good day, m'lady." He stated with a smile.
Looking up into her eyes, Anthony was taken back for a moment. Though he had left the Jedi Order to pursue joining The Shrine and a Darksider's life, he still had goodness left within his heart -- and love. He possessed passion, something he attempted to hide at times, but when it came to serious matters, he let it flow. After distracting his eyes from her's by taking a sip of his drink, Anthony turned back to face Quay once again as he grinned. "I hope it isn't too presumptuous to assume that you'll tell me your name? I am sure it is as lovely as you are, m'lady."
Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 3rd, 2003, 02:58:36 AM
Quay'Na felt herself blush as she smiled at him. "Well, I don't know about that, but my name is Quay'Na Rakai. Many call me Quay." There was something about his eyes...
She looked back to her drink as her own shyness took over for a few moments, then she looked back at him. "And yours?"
Anthony Scott
Sep 5th, 2003, 03:50:49 PM
Anthony smiled to himself as she spoke. "Quay." He thought. "What a beautiful name." He stated, but accidentally. It was meant to be a thought, but slipped. He'd always had a problem with that in the past, and now was no different. After a moment of mentally kicking himself, the young man sighed. "I'm --" And he paused.
Her eyes were focused on his and he was rendered speechless for a moment. He could not find words that made sense, and he felt that surly he was making a fool out of himself. "Anthony -- Anthony Scott." He smiled and blushed ever so slightly. "Wow, nice one, slick." Anthony shook his head and took a sip of his drink. "So, Quay -- what brings you about this lovely eve?"
Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 5th, 2003, 04:03:19 PM
She stifled a giggle, he was quite amusing. Though, Quay'Na didn't quite understand his infatuation with her. She remembered Vega's false intentions and she would keep her guard up, now.
"Well, I needed some time in some new surroundings. I've heard of this place a couple of times and decided it was time to check it out. It's really nice here, I may have to come more often. Sure beats Yog's" She glanced around at the new crowd she had found.
Looking back at Anthony, she smiled. "Anthony Scott, very nice name. So, what brings you about? Are you on Coruscant on buisiness or pleasure?"
Anthony Scott
Sep 5th, 2003, 04:11:32 PM
At the mention of Yog's Bar and Grill, Anthony's eyes widened a bit. "She's a Jedi?" He thought to himself, but could sense it immediatly. The glow of the Lightside seemed to penetrate all of the darkness around them -- including him. He was not evil, so to speak -- just dark and a bit mysterious, perhaps. Shifting his weight slightly, the young man sighed and nodded as he looked about.
"Business? Nah -- I don't bother with all of that when I'm on vacation. So I suppose I'm here strictly on pleasure." He smiled to himself as he got caught up in her beautiful eyes once again. In his mind he noted how stunning they were before he really took in the rest of her. Though he had left the Greater Jedi Order for a path of -- a darker nature, he was still a gentleman and highly respected women.
Shifting his weight slightly, Anthony looked down at the bartop to attempt to avert his eyes from her captivating face. "Yes, it is a nice change from Yog's -- I do agree." He stated softly before bringing his gaze up to meet hers once again. "This is a great place to be. Not only is it a chance to relax, but also to enjoy great food and drink -- and maybe meet someone -- someones." He paused and realized how gramatically incorrect that sounded, but he wished not to allow her to know that he was even attracted to her. Not yet. "I mean -- it's a great place to meet people, and to -- you know, have good company." He kicked himself again and again, wishing he thought faster than he spoke.
Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 5th, 2003, 07:14:43 PM
Quay'Na's smiled widened. "I believe that, that is so." She tried to ease his mind. "I've not had a good meal in a would like to dine with me? I'm in a need of some good company."
She was at that, she'd not eaten right and with all the rumors and hateful stares she'd received over the past couple of days. She plainly needed a break.
Anthony seemed the kindly type and she was more than glad to have his company, if he were to agree.
Anthony Scott
Sep 6th, 2003, 08:53:32 AM
Anthony smiled at Quay's suggestion. "It would be an honor, m'lady." He said softly. Suddenly his mind began racing with worry. "What if I mess up again?! What if she laughs at me when I make a fool of myself?" The questions persisted but soon he looked to Quay and everything slipped from his thoughts save for her intriguing eyes.
"My treat, Lady Quay." Anthony smiled once again as his deep brown eyes locked with hers. For a moment there was silence, but it was not awkward as one would have thought. It was -- peaceful. He enjoyed this moment in time where he could safely call it his own, his own to do with whatever he liked. In this moment, it was looking into her eyes. "Whatever you'd like, you may have." He grinned and flagged down the barkeep who rushed over to the pair. "Whatever m'lady wishes to have, I shall have as well -- and make sure I get the bill." He smiled once again.
Soon his eyes moved to the loft of the bar where it was a bit quieter -- perhaps a bit darker, and there were lovely dining tables arranged with flowers and candles. "And if you could serve us up top, that would be wonderful." He stated confidently and motioned to Quay to take a glance up to where he was speaking of. It would be a nice evening of good company, good food and drink, but most of all -- he hoped to get to know this beautiful creature beside him.
Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 6th, 2003, 09:17:31 AM
Quay'Na looked up at the loft above, it was absolute elegant. Her eyes widened with his suggestion, it was definitely turning out better than she had ever imagined possible. Her mind wondered a bit as looked at Anthony, was it possible that a man could actually like her for who she was? All the time she had spent with Vega, had turned into a nightmare, but Anthony seemed....different.
She noted the kindness in his eyes, those deep brown eyes of his were captivating, nonetheless.
She was allowing herself a step in a new direction now and it was definitely a big step for her. "Sounds wonderful, Anthony. But, you may want to rethink your meal selection. I'm a vegetarian." Her smile grew as she began looking over the menu, she'd been given.
Anthony Scott
Sep 6th, 2003, 09:28:49 AM
Anthony did not look awefully surprised when she'd told him she was a vegetarian. "She looks like she really takes care of herself." He thought and shook his head. "No, I insist -- I'll have what you're having. After a while, I get tired of the same ole meat and potatoes." He grinned and watched her as she looked over the menu.
The way she concentrated was beautiful. He couldn't take his eyes off of her now and was beginning to blow his cover on just how attracted to her he was. "I hope she can't tell." He thought, but couldn't worry about it anymore. There was just something about her that drew him in -- and he couldn't ignore it or deny its call.
Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 6th, 2003, 11:16:42 AM
Quay'Na looked over the selections and finally chose just the right one. Looking at the waiter, she smiled. "I would like the Stir-Fried Vegetables with a side of white rice and a Juma juice, please." She hoped her selection wouldn't gross out her male dinner companion. Placing the menu back down, she looked at Anthony with a soft smile. "Shall we?" Quay'Na motioned towards the loft and grabbed what was left of her drink as she stood.
Anthony Scott
Sep 6th, 2003, 11:45:19 AM
Anthony smiled as Quay ordered. Her selection was out of the ordinary for the young man, but it sounded delicious and he knew he would like anything that she did. Grabbing his drink, he smiled softly at the woman and nodded.
"Ladies first." He said gently and nodded in the direction of the loft. His eyes seemed to twinkle as he watched her walk off before him. This was going better than he had expected -- in fact, he'd not expected to be speaking to a woman at all tonight. No one was ever interested in him. In fact, he was often called a "Lone Wolf".
Following after Quay, Anthony seemed to skip with each step he took. She made him so happy already, and had changed his demeanor a bit in just the few minutes they'd been conversing. Soon the pair trucked up the flight of stairs to the loft and it did not take them long before they arrived in the beautiful setting. Large bay windows surrounded the room and balconies offered a quiet place to stand with a lover and gaze out at the starry sky.
"Perfect." Anthony thought to himself as he walked up to stand beside Quay. "Perhaps an escort, m'lady?" He questioned, putting his arm out for her to take so that they may walk to the table together. All the while a grin stayed upon his face and would not even slip to a normal smile.
Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 6th, 2003, 11:57:32 AM
"Thank-you, Anthony." Quay'Na's heart melted a she took her arm in his. She never expected to feel so...warmed by another man. But, Anthony was quite the charmer and she was definitely charmed.
It was as if she were in a dream or walking on air. The feeling was so stimulating.
He led her to the perfect table near one of the balconies, dimly lit with candles. She smiled gently as he pulled the chair out for her and she took her seat.
"This is truly beautiful up here, Anthony." She told him as he sat across from her. She glanced out at the view just outside. Everything around them seemed to disappear and all that remained was the two of them. Quay'Na had never felt anything like it.
Anthony Scott
Sep 6th, 2003, 12:40:22 PM
"Indeed -- it is very beautiful." He said softly as his gentle eyes stared into hers. He was completely taken by her beauty more so than that of their surroundings. Tonight was truly magical and both of them seemed to be caught up in the moment.
Just moments before, her arm had been around his and he was leading her to a table. This had been completely unexpected -- but her touch was something he would never forget, and it was something he would long for once again. Glancing out the window, Anthony took in a deep breath and sighed.
"I -- I know this is going to seem funny but --" He paused and looked back to Quay as a million thoughts rushed into his head. He was faced with a situation, or more so, a problem. He was a Darksider and she was not, yet she didn't know this. He didn't go around slaughtering people for the fun of it -- but he knew what he was.
He wasn't a Jedi.
This pained his heart a bit. "Maybe it was a mistake." He thought as he reflected on joining The Shrine -- but then something inside of him told him he had been right in joining and that all things would work themselves out. Shifting his weight slightly, he directed his attention to Quay and his former words. "But I just wanted you to know that -- I'm not like -- other guys."
Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 6th, 2003, 08:51:57 PM
Quay'Na looked at him with a gentle smile. "Well, I..." Ping. The clip that kept her Padawan braid hidden underneath her shoulder-length hair suddenly fell to the floor and her braid gently fell down over her shoulder.
Quay'Na looked down and laughed, "oh that's sweet." She felt her cheeks burn.
Anthony Scott
Sep 6th, 2003, 09:51:01 PM
Anthony quickly took note of Quay's embarassment. Her cheeks flushed a deep crimson -- the color of apples in the fall. He simply smiled and reached across the table to touch the braid. "It's been a long time since I've seen one of these." He thought to himself. It took him a while to get used to not having one anymore -- and sometimes he would regret cutting it off instead of simply removing the braid in his own hair.
His fingers slowly and gently rain down the beautiful lock until they strayed to her face. Just as softly as he touched her hair, he did so to her skin as he lifted her chin up so that her eyes met his once again. "Don't be embarassed, m'lady. Be not ashamed of who you are." He grinned with satisfaction. She was beautiful, no matter what -- and he knew that would never changed. It was her inner beauty that made her physical appearance more attractive than any other woman he'd encountered.
"I think your braid is lovely."
Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 6th, 2003, 10:08:48 PM
Quay'Na's embarrassment faded as soon as he spoke. He liked her braid and it was something that she had grown to love over the past five and a half years. But, lately she felt the need to hide it, that at times she didn't deserve the right to have it.
The young Padawan was mystified by the look in his eyes, by the touch of his hand.
"Thank you." She told him quietly, not able to look away from his eyes. "So, you know now that I am a Padawan of the Jedi Order...I hope you don't feel deceived.'
Anthony Scott
Sep 7th, 2003, 11:14:44 AM
Anthony smiled as he lowered his hand from her face. Her skin was so soft and he knew that he would never forget how it felt. Shaking his head slightly, the young man smiled once again. "I do not feel deceived. What you choose to keep from me is your business -- for I have only just met you afterall." He said with the greatest level of respect.
Soon a waiter approached the table and before each of them, he set their orders. Anthony smiled down at his food before looking up at Quay. "This was a very good selection, m'lady. I am sure we will enjoy it." He grinned but noticed that she still seemed a bit worried about the incident involving her braid. "Quay -- one should take pride in what they believe and whichever side of the Force they choose to serve. I think it's wonderful that you're a Padawan. I am glad you have the strength to follow the Light."
Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 7th, 2003, 02:30:13 PM
What was I thinking? Of course, he wouldn't feel deceived!! We did just meet! She shook her head. "I'm sorry, I don't know what I was thinking." If that wasn't more than the truth, she had been so deceived over the past few months, she often found herself lost.
"I am glad to be a Padawan, it's very important to me."
Anthony Scott
Sep 8th, 2003, 06:36:09 PM
Anthony nodded and smiled gently. "Of course -- as it should be." He looked down at his food and took a fork to it. Quickly he shoved a large bite into his mouth and grinned as he chewed it. "Different yet very good." He thought after swallowing. "This is delicious." Anthony stated as he took another forkful again.
Shifting his weight, he sensed a bit of hidden distress deep within Quay. Perhaps things had not been going well for her as of late and she was finally able to release some tension -- or perhaps, it was something else. Anthony had become rather good at reading people and could even encorporate the Force in doing so -- but Quay was different. There was much more to her than what met the eye.
Not wishing to completely reveal his affiliations, the young man quietly let the subject drop for a moment before he returned to some thoughts that had been circling in his mind. "She won't accept me for who I am. Not yet anyway. I cannot tell her -- it'll wait." He thought to himself as his gentle brown eyes that seemed as though they could never possess darkness gazed into hers. "So, m'lady -- how long have you been a member of the Order?" He questioned, genuinly interested in everything she would say.
Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 8th, 2003, 08:44:18 PM
Quay'Na smiled and stabbed up a small forkfull of vegetables, but before she tried them, she answered. "I've been with the Order for the past five and a half years, but I've only lived at the temple for about the past six months or so. I've been out in the field the rest of the time." She took her bite, it was awesome. Better than she had hoped.
"This is great." She told him after she swallowed. All her past thoughts dimished for the time being. She pushed them further away.
Anthony Scott
Sep 8th, 2003, 08:52:04 PM
As Quay spoke, Anthony watched her. She was so elegant, so -- beautiful. "Okay okay, I've covered that, haven't I?" He thought to himself and nearly laughed out loud. Sighing, the young man shifted his weight and took another bite of the greens before him. It was very good and he would never have thought such a taste could come from a vegetarian dish.
She sounded like an experienced Padawan and he wondered if she could tell anything of him through the Force. He hoped not so instead of worrying about it, he set up a strong mental and emotional block -- as strong as he could get it at the moment. Part of him wished to gush words that would tell of his instant attraction to her, but the rest of him knew that he would need to tread lightly and choose his words carefully.
"Wow, sounds like you really do love what you do. That's great, Quay." He grinned and again, took another forkful of vegetables before taking a sip from his drink. Setting the glass upon the table, he set his fork down and brought his eyes to meet hers once again. "Never did I expect such a lovely meal tonight. Never did I expect any company either. Never did I expect to meet such a beautiful individual." He spoke truthfully, forgetting everything around him. Anthony blanked out everything that ran through his mind save for this moment and what could become of his sudden words.
Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 8th, 2003, 09:00:52 PM
Quay'Na was stunned speechless, she could see the truthfulness in his eyes, he had meant every word.
"I...I don't know what to say, besides...I feel the same way. There's just something there that... I can't explain." She hoped she didn't sound foolish, but it was true. That was exactly how she felt. It wasn't often that she spoke from her heart like this. But, he was so easy to talk to, it was as though he wiped all her troubles away with his smile and those caring dark, brown eyes.
She looked away for a moment, this wasn't easy for her. All her thoughts were jumbling together...then she finally realized it. She was scared of giving her heart away again.
Vega was three months ago! Get over it already! Quay'Na sighed deeply and looked at him. "You'll have to forgive me, I don't mean to be so forward. That's not usually like me."
Anthony Scott
Sep 9th, 2003, 08:13:24 PM
Anthony couldn't believe what Quay was saying to him -- but when she spoke, it felt as though everything was finally falling into place. Everything seemed to click for him. Shifting his weight uneasily in his chair, the young man brought his eyes to the table as his thoughts began to race within his mind once again. There were so many things he wished to say, but he knew that it was not the right time. He, for a moment, was actually unsure what to think.
Raising his eyes to meet hers once again, Anthony smiled his familiar gentle smile. "You have not been too forward -- I should be the one apologizing for that." He stated softly and looked down once again as his cheeks flushed crimson. "Why am I feeling all of these things?" He questioned himself. He had not had these feelings since he met his late wife so long ago -- but that was the thing, it had been so many years since her death and even longer since he'd been out with a woman.
"I know and understand how you feel, though. It seems like -- from the moment I saw you, I -- I was able to pick up a few pieces of my life and begin putting them back into their rightful places in the puzzle." He smiled up at her once again, this time his lips fell into a grin. "Though I've only just met you -- I -- I feel like this is right. I feel like everything that is happening is for a reason and being with you tonight was definatly no mistake." He then reached over and gently took her hand in his and gave it a squeeze before quickly retracting in realization that perhaps it was a bit to risky of a move. "I'm sorry -- I just couldn't help it." Anthony spoke the meek apology in soft tones as his eyes fell to the table once again.
Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 9th, 2003, 08:26:38 PM
Quay'Na felt incredibly at ease with him at that moment. "It's okay, I don't mind." She smiled gently at him, seeing his face redden slightly. He liked her, he really did and she could tell. And it wasn't far from how she felt about him, But, as he said it felt right, very right.
Quay'Na couldn't agree more. "I believe, that you're right. This does feel very right and I can't believe it."
Everything did click between them.
Anthony Scott
Sep 9th, 2003, 08:51:57 PM
Anthony smiled a smile unlike any others. He felt so free in the instant that she spoke. "It will all be okay -- everything will work itself out." He thought to himself. Nodding in agreement, he sat silently for a moment as he gathered his thoughts.
"It brings me joy to know you feel the same." He locked eyes with her and continued smiling. He could tell that she liked him -- at least, he thought he could tell. It was more of him hoping so, and her signs mixed with that. "Quay -- I -- " Anthony paused for a moment, unsure of how to explain himself. He decided to wing it, though, and spoke whatever came out. "I really like you, despite the fact that we've known each other less than an hour. I -- have this incredible desire to get to know you more. I want to hold your hand and take walks with you -- I want you to be able to rely on me. I want to have someone I can finally talk to." And he said it -- putting himself out there completely for either rejection or acception.
Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 9th, 2003, 09:06:59 PM
That was soo sweet...
Quay'Na was touched. She had never heard anyone give their heart in such a way. It was the most memorable thing she'd ever heard.
She touched his hand gently. "I've been searching for that same thing...without much luck. I've..." She paused and looked down for a second, then looked back up into his sparkling brown eyes. "I've been hurt badly not long ago...very badly. But, I'm healing and I'm ready to face the world again. My own needs match your needs. Perhaps, if we can put our minds together we can work something out, something that we can both be happily a part of. Something very special and very much wanted." She gently placed her hand into his and squeezed gently. "I would like that very much."
Anthony Scott
Sep 20th, 2003, 01:20:55 PM
Anthony felt short of breath in that instant. His heart stopped in his chest as he looked down at her hand upon his. Her touch was incredible and it sent shivers up and down his spine. "Oh how I'd love that, still, there are so many things you do not know of me." He thought to himself and a bit of worry swept over him. He slowly looked up and into her stunning eyes and became entranced there for a moment.
"Someone hurt you? Who could hurt a precious dove such as this?" He suddenly thought and felt very defensive at once. Bringing his free hand up to hers, Anthony set it upon Quay's and smiled sadly. He could feel her pain through the Force and it was more than evident in her eyes. He did not wish to keep anything from her or do anything to hurt her as someone obviously had. "I will not pry, Quay -- but just know that I would never take advantage of you or hurt you in any way. You have my deepest respect already, and it takes a lot for someone to gain that in most cases."
The young man smiled genuinly once again, his brown eyes twinkling with a deeper sense of what he wished to express through his words. He shifted his weight slightly and looked down at the table before looking up at Quay. "Would you -- care to dance with me?" He questioned as a soft melody began to play throughout the room. At first it was quiet and one had to strain to hear, but soon it filled the place and wrapped its invisible wings around the heads of all gathered there. It was a beautiful love song with words being sung in another language, a language that Anthony was actually familiar with. He rose from his seat and walked over to Quay and held out a hand to her.
Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 21st, 2003, 09:12:36 AM
"I'd love to dance with you, Anthony." She smiled as she took his hand and stood.
It all seemed to click for her, his gentle touch, his soft caressing voice. Her need to be with him.
Quay'Na allowed him to lead her to the balcony, it was such a lovely night as he put his arms around her. The swayed gently to the music, it was as if they were dancing on air.
Her heart felt whole again, as if he had taken the droning ache that was once there and tossed it aside. "This is wonderful, Anthony." She told him softly.
And the night was still young.
Anthony Scott
Sep 21st, 2003, 03:46:20 PM
Indeed, the night was young and Anthony was enjoying Quay'Na's company. She was a beautiful young woman and he, a handsome young man. They seemed like a match made in heaven with the way they gazed deeply into each other's eyes and held one another close. He smiled as the music slowed and time seemed to stop. "You're incredible." He breathed the words and it seemed to Quay that they reached deeper than her ears.
Anthony pulled Quay closer to him and he smiled gently as they continued dancing in the moonlight. Nothing disturbed them, and in fact, it felt as if they were the only two that existed in that moment. The young man found himself leaning into Quay, then -- and soon, his lips were just inches from hers. "It would not be too presumptuous of me to give my fair lady a kiss, would it?" He questioned as his eyes glowed.
Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 21st, 2003, 03:51:40 PM
Quay'Na was stunned as she looked into his eyes. "No, it wouldn't be at all, Anthony. I would very" Her lips met his as she closed her eyes. He sent shivers down her spine as he kissed her.
Anthony Scott
Sep 22nd, 2003, 06:19:57 PM
Anthony smiled as Quay responded by moving her head closer to his. It was merely seconds before their lips touched and his body became electrified. It was a sensation that he had never felt before -- it was incredible. In that moment, he knew there was such a thing as love at first sight. He had found it, and it was the beautiful woman resting gently in his arms upon who he placed his lips at that very moment.
Shifting his weight slightly, the young man kissed Quay deeply and passionatly before slowly pulling away just enough so that her forehead rested against his. He grinned and looked deeply into her eyes, admiring once again the color that they beheld. "You -- you are the most incredible woman I have ever had the pleasure of meeting." He said softly and bent his neck to kiss her on the lips once again. Her skin was incredibly soft and he noted that as he drew away for breath.
"You make the night, Quay. You are my moon in the sky and the stars upon the velvety blackness." He beamed at the declaration. For a moment, Anthony blushed a deep hue of crimson, but it faded as soon as he looked into Quay's eyes, his soul melting into his very exisitence -- and he ceased to be in that moment. It was a time of rapture and disbelief, a time when Anthony knew that without Quay -- he would be nothing for the rest of eternity.
Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 23rd, 2003, 03:37:10 AM
Quay'na was stunned by the gentleness of his words, by his touch. Never had she heard such devotion from a person, but then this was only her second encounter with a man.
His words were a melody that only she could hear, it soothed her, washed over her in a wave.
She was stunned nearly speechless. "I...I don't know what to say, Anthony. No one has ever said anything like that to me. I am stunned to say the least." She gave him a gentle smile and nuzzled closer to him.
Anthony Scott
Sep 23rd, 2003, 04:23:09 PM
The young man smiled as it became evident that Quay was under his spell -- unintentionally cast, that is. He too was caught up in some unseen power that she held over him. It kept him in that moment and made him desire to find ways to stop time all together so just the two of them could enjoy this peace for the rest of eternity.
"You don't have to say a word." He whispered and Quay could feel his warm breath upon her skin. He moved in slower until their lips touched once again and this time, his kiss spoke louder than everything he had said previously. It was deeper and held more passion than before -- it was a silent proclamation of love. It seemed at one moment that Quay attempted to pull away, but Anthony gently brought her closer, allowing her to know that this moment was theirs and theirs alone -- no one else mattered. After a moment, the pair pulled apart slowly to breath but they remained snuggled closely together, Quay now rested her head against his strong chest. She could hear his heartbeat and he could feel hers.
"I could have never asked for a more perfect night." He whispered into her ear and smiled as he glanced out at the star laiden sky. In that instant, he realized that several of the other patrons had finished their meals and were gone. In fact, Quay and Anthony had been dancing for much longer than it seemed and now only they and one other couple remained. It was getting very late out and he knew the worries the Jedi Council would be if Quay did not return that night. "I wish I could steal you away from your life, m'lady -- but I do not wish for your Order to worry on your behalf. If you wish, I will take you home, on one condition." He grinned playfully and pulled her even closer to him than before.
"Promise me one thing, Quay'Na." He looked deeply into her enchanting eyes and melted inside. She was so amazing and he knew that he had to be with her -- somehow, he would find a way. "Promise me that I'll see you again -- promise me that we'll rendezvous beneath the stars soon." He spoke softly and gently kissed her forehead, hoping that she would accept -- hoping that she would want to see him again as soon as time permitted.
Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 23rd, 2003, 04:37:06 PM
Quay'na couldn't believe how fast the time had gone. The kiss he had given had sent shock waves through her. His heart beat in time with hers, it seemed like a dream. A lovely and fulfilling dream, one that she didn't want have come to an end. One that seemed would have no end.
He had sparked something deep within her, that had been hidden for so long, dying to be reborn again. Now, with his gentle words and loving touch, the burning desires of knowing love again had resurfaced.
But, how could this be, she had only met him....but everything in her heart and mind let go of these thoughts and took her to another level. One of compassion and was meant to be.
Quay'Na listened to his heartfelt words and sighed. "Yes, Anthony. I would love to see you again." Her eyes staring into the deep enchantment of his. She felt numb all over, his presence was so stimulating. "I will be waiting." She smiled gently and leaned up to kiss him gently, just once more.
Anthony Scott
Sep 23rd, 2003, 04:44:04 PM
Anthony graciously accepted her kiss as she spoke promising words that they would see one another soon enough. Her eyes sparkled with a mystic glow as they parted for the last time and he gently eased her body from his, taking her hand in his once again. "In that case, I shall escort my lovely companion back to the Jedi Order where she will be safe and sound from the dark Coruscant night." He smiled gently and kissed her cheek before tha pair seemed to glide down the grand staircase and out the door of the nightclub.
With Quay beside him, Anthony felt a sence of renewal -- something he had not felt in a long time. It was incredible, and truth be told, he wished to keep Quay all to himself now that he had a taste of that feeling. Looking up at the night sky, the young man inhaled deeply, enjoying his walk with the lovely young woman beside him. Of course, he knew it would only be minutes before they reached the Greater Jedi Order, but for these last few moments, Quay'Na was still holding his hand -- and he felt complete.
Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 23rd, 2003, 04:52:18 PM
Anthony had given the young Padawan a new lease on life, he had shown her that love could be found once again. She could only think of the moments that had just been shared with this wonderful man that held her heart so close to his.
Life had just begun for her, a new life. Things would never be the same again.
Anthony Scott
Sep 25th, 2003, 05:06:57 PM
Anthony grinned as the pair walked in stride with one another, hand in hand. He felt an inner pride, confidence he had been missing for so long. She brought that out in him -- she made him smile like never before. Unfortunatly, his smile faded a bit as they soon reached the outside grounds of the Greater Jedi Order. He knew that he would never be allowed back there again, not since he left to join The Shrine of the Damned.
"Looks like we part here, m'lady." Quay looked a bit confused at his words and Anthony blushed slightly as he looked down at his feet and kicked the dirt beneath one of his boots. "I do wish to see your home sometime, but tonight I feel, is a bit too soon. I am a gentleman, Quay -- I do not want to make you feel uncomfortable in any way." He paused and his blush seemed to become a deeper crimson than before.
Shifting his weight and coughing quietly, Anthony looked up into her eyes and smiled. "You are an amazing and beautiful woman, Quay -- I do not want to tempt myself by going to your room. I am but a man and men, as I'm sure you know, have a rather -- animal like fire in their hearts at times." He laughed in a good natured manner and squeezed her hands as he looked across the short distance between them. Leaning in, he gently kissed her lips and pulled away to grin. "I will be seeing you soon." He said softly before kissing her forehead and slowly pulling away from her hands allowing them to trail down her fingers until just the tips were touching -- and then air filled the space between them.
"Goodnight, my lady fair -- in the morning, the rays of the suns will kiss your beautiful face as I have had the privaledge of doing so this eve." With a slight wave, the young man then turned and began walking down the path away from the Greater Jedi Order. In just a few days time, he would write to Quay, requesting that she meet him once again -- for it would not be long and he would need to see her again. His heart called for her, and hers for him.
Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 25th, 2003, 06:31:04 PM
"Good night, Anthony." She sighed deeply as their lips parted and she smiled a gracious smile. "Until then."
She watched him go, wishing he would have stayed just for a bit longer. Soon, he was out of side, but not out of mind.
With a dreamy sigh, she entered the Temple and slowly went back to her quarters.
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