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Darth Turbogeek
Sep 1st, 2003, 08:19:57 AM
It may seem unusual I do this using this name and in this forum, but many years ago, the GJO began and I was a founding member. I have helped or in fact run the GJO IC and OOC for a great deal of that time and I have given much to many of you.

Tonight, I'm asking one thing in return. Tonight, the person behind Darth Turbogeek and Marcus Elessar, tonight it is with great sadness and regret that I place notice I resign from GJO OOC in a weeks time and IC immediatly.

While some actions by others last week have angered me, this is no spur of the moment. I was actually goign to do this a month ago but somehow I stayed. Now, now I had some thoughts and I am convinved now is the time to go.

I only ask one thing of my fellow Jedi. As I have given much to you and to the GJO, I ask only that I now go on my own terms. There are some things to finish off - I will do them. I have a promise to hold to with Sejah. I will do it. I have two Padawans to train. I will do that.

I will at this point, I be concentrating on the NR. I believe that I have done all I can do in GJO and it is time to do something else. As many of you know, i also have the Lost, which my new real home for roleplaying.

I cant pretend there have been some bad times. I cant pretend I wihs I could have left hooked a few <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont> clowns. However, over the 4 years I have been here, it has been my great delight to know many of you and be friends with quite a few too.

I will invite you some time to drop by the NR to see what I'm up to as General Tohmahawk, or cross over to www.meras.org, hand a right at Fear's Womb, look for the Lost Jedi and book into my personal OOC forum of Control Point. No spam, only worthwhile discussion.

Good luck, God Bless. May the Force be with You all.

Mark Dunn aka Darth Q aka Darth Turbogeek aka Marcus Elessar aka General Tohmahawk

Sep 1st, 2003, 10:42:14 PM
It's time to go when it's time to go. It was a magnificent run you had here, and I'm sure everyone here has some fond memoreis with you. I'm sorry to hear that there's been some nasty politicking behind the scenes here. During my rp time here, I didn't really have many private conversations with other rpers, but I do remember tons of needless hurt driving tons of great people away. The GJO really is a great little group you helped start, and we've all benefitted from it. Maybe you just need some extended time off from this particular board, but I don't think anyone wants to write you off of here just yet. See you later.

Sep 1st, 2003, 11:42:31 PM
Good ridd... oops, was I saying that out loud?

Sorry that you're stepping away from things, but it has been a long time in coming, at least to me. i'm just surprised that it took so long.

May we honour what you began, and may your journy continue to have good scenery and not too many potholes.

Lion El' Jonson
Sep 2nd, 2003, 07:32:11 AM
Marcus, what you've done here has been nothing short of miraculous. In four years, you've helped transform a pop-up ridden EZboard fansite into one of the largest Star Wars communities on the web. You've done an incredible job with Signatures and Avatars here, and I hope we'll continue to benefit from your ungodly Photoshop skills.

I'd like to echo Hart's words: Maybe you're not gone forever. Maybe you're just on extended vacation. I hope your work with the Lost succeeds (I really hope your work on the NR succeeds...:lol). Just remember, Mark: We'll leave the light on for you.

It's been a pleasure talking with you on these boards, and I hope one day you'll return to the GJO. It's sad to hear that your departure was sped along by arguing within the Order, but hopefully you'll be happier working with the Lost and the New Republic. We'll all be glad to see the resurrection of the venerable General Tohmahawk, the continuing adventures of the Enigmatic Marcus Elessar, and Darth Turbogeek's run-ins with the Jedi Toilet Duck. :D

Just remember...if ever you feel depressed, just take a look at my CT: The Gungan Porn will prevail!

It's been a great time with you at the GJO, Marcus...to another 10,000 posts with SW-Fans.


Dasquian Belargic
Sep 2nd, 2003, 07:47:11 AM
good luck with the NR

Maybe you just need some extended time off from this particular board, but I don't think anyone wants to write you off of here just yet

he's not leaving fans..

Sep 2nd, 2003, 04:11:59 PM
Good luck with the Lost and the NR...We'll certainly miss you around in the Order.