View Full Version : What type of day is it?? (Open)

Elise Wolfe
Aug 31st, 2003, 09:59:08 PM
Coruscant. The Capitol of the New Republic, Home of the Jedi, or so Elise had been told. Jedi, an elite group of beings who wish to bring peace to the galaxy, opponents to the Sith. Sith, an elite group of beings who wish for control. She had met a few when she was just a child. A child who lost everything because of a fight she had seen. Since then, she has been travelling the galaxy, in search of a home, a family. Things which she wants, desires, but can't have it seems, not until she does something, what she doesn't know.

"Excuse me Miss, but you're not authorised to be here" a uniformed guard told her. "Wait a minute, your......your.......your Elise Wolfe. My son's crazy about you. Look, could I get your autograph for my son. He'd be absolutely thrilled to have it and, well... the uniformed guard continued to babble on about his son. She just takes a deep breath and counts to ten before raising a hand slightly.

"Look Sir, I'm hear to relax and to get away from ppl always asking me for my autograph or souveniers of some sort. All I've done is sing a couple songs and because of that, everybody seems to think me a celebraty.

Now you could do me a huge favour and direct me to the Bromada Hotel." She says in a tired voice.

"Sure Miss Wolfe, it would be my pleasure. In fact, I get off shift in a couple of minutes and I'll personally escort you to the Bromada Hotel myself."

"No, that won't be necessary."

"Think nothing of it Miss Wolfe, it would be my pleasure and honour to do that for you. I'd feel bad if something happened to you on your trip to the Hotel.

Ah here's my relief. We can get going if you wish now Miss Wolfe"

She sighs as the uniformed guard starts to walk off away from the door that he's guarding and goes to follow him though as they near the Hotel, she notices a small gathering of beings outside the entrance and more are showing up by the second. One of the beings is wearing a shirt which says 'I love you Elise" on it.

"Look Sir, is there a backdoor into this place. I don't like going through crowds." She asks softly.

"Of course there is Miss Wolfe. Right this way" the guard says as he turns down a side street and then in behind the hotel where he knocks on the door which is answered quickly. A few quiet words pass between him and the person who answer the door.


Three loud shots are heard and the guard and person at the door slump down the ground and the third shot skims right past her ear as she dives for cover.

"What the ..." She curses aloud, more to anyone else, wondering to herself if somebody's trying to kill her or what.