View Full Version : Regarding Xazor away threads

Aug 11th, 2003, 09:30:31 PM
You seem to take frequent sabbaticals of this nature, Xazor. Perhaps it might be best to consolidate all notices of your time away into one thread here, so that they can easily be kept track of.

Alana Stormcloud
Aug 11th, 2003, 09:50:25 PM
Huggs Xaz I hope all is well and Im sorry that I have not kept up but I seem to be in a lull too.... You take it easy and remember your friends will be here when you come back :) take care and have fun. Everyone needs a break once in awhile girlie and it's kinda fun to have one and come back.... huggs to you and yours gf :) always Alana

Xazor Elessar
Aug 12th, 2003, 06:04:25 AM
Wow Charley, you do about the same thing so -- I suppose both of us should probably share a thread to conserve on bandwith, yes?

Screw off, at least I have a life outside of the boards and drinking.

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 12th, 2003, 06:05:59 AM
Kids - play nice. There is no need to get personal.

Aug 12th, 2003, 09:05:43 AM
Originally posted by Xazor Elessar
Wow Charley, you do about the same thing so -- I suppose both of us should probably share a thread to conserve on bandwith, yes?

Screw off, at least I have a life outside of the boards and drinking.

Actually, I don't. But if you want to end your sabbatical by flaming me, I'm sure that will go over just fine.

Ka' el Darcverse
Aug 12th, 2003, 09:12:11 AM
Xazor I don't think Charely meant any harm with what he posted, if you're in a bad mood just take a break, if you have threads with people pm them (I'd love one :) )and just relax no need to get upset.

No if he said your clarinet playing sounded like a wounded duck, then you can get upset :)

Aug 12th, 2003, 09:15:23 AM
I'm strating to think some people are deliberatly going out of their way to set Xazor off.

Honestly, dont you lot have anything better to do? If you dont like her, dont post against anything she sez.

Thats all I have to say, so right now I'm going back to merrily hijacking this thread as a defuse like I was trying to do before. Please dont bite back Xaz, just derail this thread with soemthing rude and naughty instead.

Xazor Elessar
Aug 12th, 2003, 09:17:05 AM
You flamed me. I defended myself. How come you can get away with it, Charley? What makes you so special? Is it because you're a mod here? Is it because you've been here for a long time? What is it?

What makes you able to flame people -- people who haven't even done anything wrong, such as myself, or other long standing RPers -- or even the n00bs?

How come when you or Morgan or...well, there is no one else because everyone else is nice, how come when you guys flame someone -- you get away with it but when someone says something in defense, you get <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont>y and close threads and whatnot? Why should you have more rights than the rest of us? You're not above the law, no matter how much you think you are.

This is a bunch of bull. You think you own this place -- you get off on people 'fearing' you. Right. I don't know anyone who 'fears' you. They think you're an <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont> because of the way you treat everyone. I don't have to take this from you and neither does anyone else.

I think you need to grow up a lot.

Oh, and I don't care if this thread gets closed. I said what I needed to. You can ban me from OOC if you like, I don't give a damn, really. I'm sick of the BS that goes on here and it seems to be caused by one main source.

Aug 12th, 2003, 09:18:46 AM
I didn't flame you, so you can stop thinking that right now. I suggested a course of action, and that is all.

And you've now closed your own thread.