View Full Version : My dearest: I will make you mine. (open to A Jedi)

Aug 31st, 2003, 08:04:26 PM
It was a cold night in this section of Duro. For the most part, the floating city had shut down and only the noctornal were about. Drunks wandering, homeless sleeping outside... And then there were those leaving a party from inside one of the shabby apartment buildings... One partier in particular had caught Southstar's eye. She was a beautiful humanoid species with short red hair and pink skin. There was something so unique about her Southstar had to know her; had to be with her. His desire was for her.

She was alone outside the building waiting for her friends. This was his golden moment, he could talk to her, charm her make her desire him... but he was afraid. What if the one he desired so much rejected him? The fear of rejection, he couldn't take it. Logic screamed to him, Run away! Run from what causes these feelings! You will regret what it will cause you to do. But desire spoke loudly, much more loudly and it told him to stay. To follow her.

He searched his mind for some justification of stalking her, some logical explanation.. To see where she lives! Yes, if he knows where she lives he can find her again. He can meet her, do this the proper way. That was what he was doing, not stalking her. Not stalking...

The beautiful girl met her friends outside and they walked less than half a mile until she departed from her friends and continued walking while they entered another tattered apartment building.

From across the street he watched her and listened to her sing softly. She had a beautiful voice... She was joyous, beautiful and had a voice that could make demons cry. Desire welled up in him he wanted, no needed her. He crossed the street swiftly and walked in her shadow. His heart raced faster and faster. Questions raced through his head. What would people think about a creature like me and a goddess like her? What would she think of me? What if she rejects me? What if...

Without thinking, for logic's voice had been silenced by desire, Southstar grabbed the delicate arm of the woman. She jerked away but he held on still. Wrapping his other arm around her he pulled her into an alley. All while putting pressure with the Force on her vocal chords so know one would know.

Her fear and and panic was flowing freely from her mind. At the crest of it all she feared he was going to rape her.

"NO!" he screamed in reponse to her thoughts. His control over the Force dissipated and her voice croaked in attempt to scream. Quickly he put his hand over her mouth. What have I done? He thought. Desire was gone now and only the harsh truths of consequence remained.

His mind listened intently to her thoughts now. She thought about a Jedi that were present in the city. That if she was in danger and she cried through the Force, they would be there. She was screaming through the Force for sometime now, Southstar had not noticed it. He thought quickly, there was only one Jedi in the city, he was sure of it. He'd checked the record of incomings and outgoings. Only one Jedi was there. One who might come to calm the girls screams.

Aaron Belargic
Sep 1st, 2003, 07:48:21 AM
Aaron ran. He ran like the wind. His boots thundered against the ground as he pushed and pushed himself – run faster, run harder. The Padawan moved with Force-enhanced speed, darting, unflinching and unstoppable. His brow deeply etched with a frown and his face showing the strain of the sprint, he was already going red in the cheeks.

The Padawan skidded around a corner, feeling the fear of the woman as keenly as his own fatigue. He vaulted over a wire fence, landing on top of a dumpster before springing down to the ground – she was near now. A few more frenzied seconds of running and he was turning into the alleyway.

Without thinking, he called some up that had been strewn about with other detritus on the ground and swung for the back of Southstars head.

Sep 1st, 2003, 08:19:42 AM
The Jedi was near, Southstar could feel him coming for him. Southstar reached for a pendant that he wore around his neck and begged the Force be with him. Now he could hear the Jedi coming, but from which way. Was this a mind trick or a result of his own paniced and confused mind. Down the alley or... down the street. Southstar turned to face the street and as he did the Jedi attacked from behind.

The Jedi's attack was met with a Force push which ultimately kept Southstar and the girl from being harmed. Southstar turned to face the Jedi and in doing so he removed his hand from the girl's mouth and reached for his own lightsaber. With the trademark snap-hiss the navy blue blade shot out from the hilt and Southstar prepared to defend himself.

While in a sort of defensive position, Southstar did not let go of the girl. He did not want her to think badly of him. All he wanted to do was to please her. He just had a little trouble expressing it. This whole situation had blown up and the Jedi was only going to make things worse. They were so arrogant, ALL of them. Always looking at things in terms of black and white. Good and evil. If you didn't believe in what they thought was right, then you were evil. You became the enemy.

Southstar ruled out trying to explain to the Jedi what had happened, that desire had clouded his mind. But the Jedi would just ignore him. He couldn't possibly understand. He hated the Jedi... He let go of the girl and attacked all in one motion, leaping into the air and coming down lightsaber prepared to hack away at the Jedi.

The girl did not run, Southstar had convinced her mind that it wasn't wise to do so. That she should stay and wait for him. So she did and crouched down against the wall. He sent her a message from his mind to hers. "It will be over soon, and I promise I will make you happy."

Aaron Belargic
Sep 7th, 2003, 06:19:40 AM
Aaron palmed a mint-green saber to life and brought it up sweeping up to meet that of his opponent. The two beams locked and crackled as sparks poured into the air from the friction. Grazing together as the two combatants swung to try and escape the lock, the sabers repelled one another into the air.

“Run,” the Padawan barked out, looking expectantly to the girl who sat watching, awed.

He drew up his saber into a defensive shield and slowly began to edge his way sideways, aiming to set himself between the girl and her attacker.

Sep 7th, 2003, 10:30:01 AM
Southstar had a sort of mind control on the girl and although she wanted to run, maybe it was better to stay. Southstar held his own as the Jedi applied pressure with his lightsaber. He was trying to serperate him from the girl. No, Southstar wouldn't let that happen. He jumped back, now both the Jedi and Sith faced the girl. He swung into a hack followed by a slash to each side.

The two were locked again this time Southstar circling the Jedi away from the girl. He used the Force to kick up a strong wind sending pieces of trash spiraling into the air. Slowly the wind got stronger and Southstar awaited the Jedi's next move.

Aaron Belargic
Sep 9th, 2003, 01:13:42 AM
Aaron worked usually with a one handed grip no his saber, which worked well for this situation. Although he did bring his free hand to the hilt for powerful strikes, for the most part he could use it for manipulating the Force. A slight frown creasing his brow as he saw the girl didn’t move, he passed a hand up in an arc and sent a trash can hopping into the air at Southstar. He must have had her under some form of control, and therefore it would be necessary to break his concentration – he couldn’t fight and keep her hypnotized at the same time.

Sep 10th, 2003, 10:45:33 AM
The trash can sailed at Southstar and he broke his control over the girl and deflected it with the Force. He let out a low growl as he realized what the Jedi had done and withdrew his lightsaber from against the Jedi's followed by a stern push from the Force which sent his enemy back a few yards and into a pile of trash. Without looking back Southstar ran in full spped to chase the girl who had left as soon as his Force concentration broke.

He rounded the corner and saw the girl run into an apartment building. He opened the door with the Force ahead of time and ran through. deciding not to waste time with the lift he took to the stairs and honed in on the girls Force signature. He wasn't going to be made out to be a villian, she had to understand what happened. He wanted to tell her he loved her and he wanted her to love him.

Aaron Belargic
Sep 12th, 2003, 10:32:23 AM
Aaron pushed himself up out of the heap of garbage, neglecting to brush away a few tatters of paper and wrappers and he started after the dark signature racing off into the distance. As he made a corner he saw the door that Southstar had run through, wide open, and followed him in up the stairs. On the first flight he looked up and could see his quarry a short way up. Taking steps in threes, he was quickly making progress at catching up, and could hear the cries of the girl ahead.

Sep 12th, 2003, 01:56:17 PM
Southstar followed the girl as she left the stairwell and ran down a hallway. She stopped at a door and waited a moment for the scanner to read her eyes. The door opened with a hiss and shut quickly, Southstar was locked out.

He turned to see the Jedi gaining on him and reactivated his lightsaber followed by taking a defensive stance. If he could possibly cut through the door... but that would leave him open to an attack from the Jedi who was now coming towards him ready to keep Southstar from ever seeing the girl again. He had to move quickly.

Southstar moved at an incredible speed as he cut along where he thought the locking mechanisms were and pushed hard with the Force knocking the door in.

The Jedi had barely missed him with his lightsaber but Southstar doubted he would quit there. Inside the room, there was an unplesent surprise. A male of the same species stood with a blaster pointed directly at him and he fired. Instinctivly Southstar deflected the blast but the stray bolt struck an alcoholic drink, shattering the glass and spilling flames onto the the foriegn rug.

Things were turning from bad to worse for eveyone and the Jedi was still behind Southstar who wasn't going to make things any easier.