View Full Version : A Comedy of Encounters: Family Relations (open)
Aug 30th, 2003, 11:40:45 PM
Coronet City, Corellia
He'd been asked to check his weapon at the gate.
Check his weapon? The 'Keeper of Brenwyyd' would do no such thing. He said as much, being as boisterous as possible. He was almost certain security would come, but honestly he didn't care.
He was here on a mission. A man, a man who he was to kill, came to Corellia. A former member of Tyrel Kiterix's house, Farcotta Brahams, fled here. Both Wargrave and Millard knew it, through intelligence Wargrave didn't know...but he trusted Millard and knew he had to do what needed to be done.
And it meant removing a speck of dirt from the face of the galaxy, then Wargrave would do it.
The warhammer he kept, rested on his belt and stayed there while security discussed the weapon.
His ears could barely hear what was being said, but it did appear the security guards would try to take it from him.
"I'm sorry sir," the armored stormtrooper stated as he walked towards the Dark Jedi, "I cannot allow you to keep this weapon, without checking it with us."
"Yeah," his partner smirked, "We don't allow warhammers here. Unless you're a member of TSO. Then you could walk through here naked and we wouldn't care."
Wargrave's eyes narrowed and his gauntletted hand slowly moved to his belt.
"I have been charged with carrying this hammer. I will not release it, despite your laws. I have a job to accomplish and I will do it with or without your approval."
The stormtroopers snorted.
"You just wish you could," the first smirked under his helmet, "But the fact of the matter is...we can use all the force we want take the hammer from you."
He made a move for hammer and was promptly sent flying twenty feet and Wargrave Force pushed him away.
The hammer then came off of his belt and Wargrave's eyes shone.
"Now do you wish to take the hammer?"
The stormtrooper started backing away.
"Back up...we need back up..."
Morag Prime
Aug 30th, 2003, 11:56:21 PM
The Prime hung back, following a few paces behind Wargrave. Her soulless eyes watched without emotion as Wargrave was challenged regarding his weapon. The owl perched atop her shoulder blinked his round eyes in quick succession.
Lifting a thin hand to stroke the bird's ruffled feathers, the sorceress settled her winged companion.
As the guards backed away, they looked from the man to the witch and back again. Their uneasiness doubling now into fear and uncertainty.
Morag, however, only looked on. She was as Wargrave's shadow and moved like a wraith behind him as he lead the way forward.
Aug 31st, 2003, 11:37:31 AM
Wargrave didn't move from his spot, even with Morag behind him. She'd accompanied him from Balmorra to Corellia as a guide, a way of finding what he needed to find. Plus, she was to teach him as well.
"I did not come to Corellia only to receive insolence from you. I am here because I have been directed to come here. If you wish to take my weapon, then take it...but you will have to defeat me first."
He took several steps forward, walking past the stormtroopers as he headed away from the gate. None of the guards could move as he disappeared into the crowd.
"We still need backup," one of them said, even as the blaster rifle fell to the ground.
Nayala Palain
Aug 31st, 2003, 11:58:53 AM
And Back up was what they got. The Sith Master walked silently across the courtyard and too where the three men and what seemed to be a witch all stood.
" Good day sir. "
The Sith Master spoke.
" Stand down fools. " She barked at the troopers.
" What can we do for you? "
Aug 31st, 2003, 12:03:46 PM
Wargrave looked at the newcomer. There was something familiar about her, but he could not place it. He couldn't place it at all.
"I am here on business. The men wished for me to check my weapon so they could process it. 'The Keeper of Brenwyyd' will not check his weapon for anyone."
Nayala Palain
Aug 31st, 2003, 12:11:24 PM
" Well as it stands I am the keeper of your life. So if you do not wish to leave it with the guards. Then leave it in my view at all times. Do you understand me? "
She looked at the man and got a sence of family. But she knew better. Others had tried to mock her familys force signatures and never got by. He was indeed doing a good job so far. But she would figure it out and who he really was all to soon.
" Welcome to my home sir? And you say you are on business... with whom do you seek? I can take you to them. "
The troopers looked at the Sith Master and started to talk...
" Master Athena... This man is armed and you know that..."
She interupted the trooper
" Shut up or turn in your uniform.. I will acompany these people around the area. "
Morag Prime
Aug 31st, 2003, 05:35:27 PM
The owl swivelled his grey flecked head, dual amber orbs taking in every detail about him and finally resting upon Athena. Morag's eyes remained hooded beneath heavy lids
Low, under her breath, the Prime cautioned Wargrave in a dark whisper...
[i]"..Tread softly, Maester, bonds of family close.."
Aug 31st, 2003, 06:11:12 PM
Wargrave's expression first went from Athena to Morag.
"I am always cautious, Madame Prime. And I go by Wargrave not Maester. The other, goes by the full name."
Wargrave regarded Athena again.
"Brenwyyd is always in view. It serves a warning to those who wish to disturb me. I am not to be disturbed.
"As for who I seek, it is my business. But I will make it as quiet as possible, if it pleases the lady."
Nayala Palain
Sep 4th, 2003, 12:00:54 PM
" Sure thing.... " The Master walked in silence towards the castle and stopped to talk to the guards at the main entrance.
" They are with me, nothing more and nothing less. "
The guards just moved aside and allowed the trio to enter.
" So where do you wish to conduct your business at? "
Sep 4th, 2003, 12:38:33 PM
Wargrave's reply was short.
"My business is personal. I seek a man."
Nayala Palain
Sep 5th, 2003, 12:12:27 PM
" Well sir it might be fast if I knew his name so I could find him for you. "
Morag Prime
Sep 6th, 2003, 12:58:03 AM
Coming along beside Wargrave, she spoke with certainty, and her dark eyes drifted toward Athena.
"He has been here...his treacherous stench lingers.."
Nayala Palain
Sep 7th, 2003, 11:04:49 AM
The Sith Master just looked at the Female that travled with this man... She said nothing as she looked at Athena but the Masters eyes did flash to a crimson red.
There was something about her that Athena so far was not liking.
Sep 8th, 2003, 12:53:25 AM
Wargrave's eyes looked at Athena and the defience in her face. It looked familiar somehow.
Through his accented Basic, he gave his reply, "The man's name is Farcotta Brahams. And he is mine."
Nayala Palain
Sep 10th, 2003, 10:32:46 AM
" Hes yours? I dont think I understand but I shall send out a message for you. "
Sep 15th, 2003, 12:40:27 PM
Wargrave's eyes narrowed.
"He has committed a crime. I have been sent to collect him and return him to his proper place.
"Does that make sense now?"
Nayala Palain
Sep 17th, 2003, 11:05:10 AM
" Well I have nothing of that to do with. I on the other hand will now have to watch as you try to track and find this man... Seeing how I have to make sure your little hammer there is still in order. "
A slight amount of interest tinged at her thoughts...
" So what did this man do? " Not that it mattered to the Sith.. Heck she broke the law in just haveing fun... but then her kind of fun was killing others.
Morag Prime
Sep 19th, 2003, 11:33:26 PM
Morag softly scratched at the owls throat, while her attention lingered on Athena.
The witch measured the Sith while waiting for Wargrave to reply.
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