View Full Version : Within Reach (cont)
Lady Mylia
Aug 30th, 2003, 04:36:37 PM
It was time again for another training session with Quay. Mylia say quietly mediating in the garden while waiting for Quay. She hoped that Quay would be there shortly, unlike some of the previous training sessions. Mylia sat quietly, getting in touch with nature and all the animals that surrounded her in the gardens. She has found that if she does this, training goes much more smoothly.
Quay'Na Rakai
Aug 30th, 2003, 08:17:01 PM
Quay'Na was late as she quickly headed towards the garden. While turning the corner, she swallowed four stimpills. Her exhaustion needed to be relieved again and this was the only way she could do it.
A few moments later, she was in the garden and headed for the the area where she was to meet with Mylia.
"Sorry..I'm...late..." she breathed heavily as she arrived.
Lady Mylia
Aug 30th, 2003, 08:59:29 PM
Mylia looked up and smiled at Quay'Na. "That's okay, I was just preparing for our session." She stood up from her meditating position and looked to Quay. "What did you have in mind today?"
Quay'Na Rakai
Aug 30th, 2003, 09:19:18 PM
"Well...uh...." Quay'Na hadn't prepared anything, she hadn't had much time. "Uh..let's see..." She ran a hand through her hair as she tried to focus. It was nearly impossible.
She needed to sit down, all her thoughts were really out of focus.
"I...don't know...right now, Mylia." Her head hurt as she sat down.
Lady Mylia
Aug 30th, 2003, 09:22:49 PM
Mylia looked a bit confused, Quay always had a plan in the past. "Are you okay?"
Quay'Na Rakai
Aug 30th, 2003, 09:31:30 PM
Taking the comment as an accuasation, Quay'Na suddenly sprung into a defensive mode. "I'm fine!" She snapped harshly, before she even thought of what she was saying.
A moment later, she took a deep breath. "I'm sorry.." she shook her head.
Lady Mylia
Aug 30th, 2003, 09:46:16 PM
Mylia looked to Quay, totally confused and hurt "I-I didn't mean anything by it..." She said before Quay apologized. "It's okay." Mylia lied, she was still hurt by Quay's harshness and still didn't understand what caused it.
Quay'Na Rakai
Aug 31st, 2003, 03:16:04 AM
Quay'Na wished so much to explain, but she couldn't. Spending late hours with Vega in the city, coming back to study afterwards. Trying to pull some sleep in there somewhere, only a couple of hours and then go into training.
It had started to catch up with her, but it was something she was still trying to get used to and right now, she could see that nothing was helping.
Quay'Na stood and walked over to the stone railing that overlooked the city and took a deep breath.
"I'm sorry, Mylia. I've just not been myself here lately. I've just had a lot of things going on and the adjustment has been very hard on me."
Lady Mylia
Aug 31st, 2003, 08:15:25 AM
Mylia followed Quay over to the railing and looked over the city. "I know everything can be hard, it's very hard to adjust sometimes." She looked over to Quay and put a hand on her shoulder. "It'll be okay though."
Quay'Na Rakai
Aug 31st, 2003, 08:39:27 AM
"I know, I just need some sleep I think. I've not had much lately. I've been running around way too much and it's starting to catch up with me. I didn't mean to take it out on you, Mylia."
Lady Mylia
Aug 31st, 2003, 11:18:21 AM
Mylia smiled. "That's okay, Quay. We all need to vent." Mylia pushed the hurt away and began to focus on other things. "If you don't want to do the lesson today, that's fine."
Quay'Na Rakai
Aug 31st, 2003, 03:55:43 PM
"No, I promised you that I would do this, so let's begin." She sighed tiredly as she put her hands together in a mock attempt to ease the moment.
"Let's go to the south side of the garden today." Quay'Na said as she began to lead her friend in the direction.
Lady Mylia
Aug 31st, 2003, 10:43:32 PM
Mylia nodded and followed Quay. She looked around, even though she'd seen this all before. She was still in awe of the beauty.
Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 1st, 2003, 11:49:30 AM
Quay began to settle down and promptly sat on the ground. Mylia's training had been going very well, she was understanding the animals now, so now was her next step. Requesting them.
"Okay, Mylia. This is a new area we've not covered. Today I'm going to teach you how to request an animals presence. You see them all around, yet just seeing them isn't going to be enough at times. With your talent and ability, you should be able to call to them at a whim's call, in case of an emergency. In the wilderness, it's as simple as life or death if you're hurt."
Lady Mylia
Sep 1st, 2003, 08:21:56 PM
Mylia nodded. "I understand that, so how do I call them?" Mylia was very excited to continue and progress in her newly found ability.
Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 2nd, 2003, 03:03:23 AM
"Well, the first step is finding an animal that really trusts you and is comfortable around you. Reach out with your abilites and search the room for that animal. When you've found one, let me know."
Lady Mylia
Sep 2nd, 2003, 01:25:58 PM
Mylia closed her eyes and felt the gardens. She felt a small birls presence in a close by tree. She opened her eyes and looked back to Quay. "Got it..."
Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 3rd, 2003, 03:08:38 AM
"Good, now let him adjust to your presence...slowly. Then call him to you."
Lady Mylia
Sep 3rd, 2003, 04:48:54 AM
Mylia nodded. She spoke with the small bird, making it comfortable with her. After several moments of mental communicatoins the bird flew down and landed on Mylia's shoulder. She patted the bird lightly on his head and smiled.
Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 3rd, 2003, 05:03:33 AM
Quay'Na listened to the light conversation between the bird and Mylia and was very pleased when 'Fi-ew' landed on her shoulder.
"That's very good, Mylia." Quay'Na smiled as her alertness began to resume from her pills. "Now, request to him to bring you a peice of fruit, a berry. Use your mind to nudge his into thinking that is already what he wants to do."
Lady Mylia
Sep 3rd, 2003, 11:08:17 AM
Mylia nodded. She began "speaking" with the bird. She wasn't able to convience the bird that he already wanted to fruit, but she did however presuade him to retrieve it for her. She frowned as the bird flew to get the piece of fruit. "I couldn't get him to think that he already wanted it, how do I do that?"
Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 3rd, 2003, 03:30:32 PM
"Takes a little more nudging. But, don't worry you did a very good job. He's doing what you asked." Quay'Na answered as Fi-ew flew down and landed on Mylia's lap and dropped the berry.
Lady Mylia
Sep 4th, 2003, 04:44:15 AM
Mylia nodded. She watched as Fi-ew flew to her. After it placed the berry in her lap, she held out her hand and had the bird pirch on her finger. She thanked it and rubbed the top of his head. "Now, what?"
Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 4th, 2003, 08:57:55 PM
"Well, let's see if you can really get into his mind and feel his thoughts as if they were your own. Once you can do that, controlling him is much easier. It will take a good amount of concentration. Are you up to that?"
Lady Mylia
Sep 4th, 2003, 09:00:14 PM
Mylia nodded. "I'm up for anything, you should know that." She said with a smile.
Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 5th, 2003, 04:17:31 AM
Quay'Na nodded with a tired smile. "Okay, let's go back into your meditative state and reach out to him."
Lady Mylia
Sep 5th, 2003, 04:36:18 AM
[i]Mylia nodded as she got more comfortable in her sitting position. She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. She began to push all thoughts out of her mind, just how Dasquian taught her. Soon she reached her meditation state, she began to let all things flow through her with the force. "Now what, Quay?"
Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 7th, 2003, 03:21:43 PM
"Okay, now all you need to do is...." Her sentence trailed off as she felt suddenly kinda queasy. Something was wrong.
Lady Mylia
Sep 7th, 2003, 07:42:40 PM
Mylia waited for Quay's reply for a moment--nothing happened. She opened her eyes and looked at Quay. "Are you okay, Quay?"
Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 8th, 2003, 02:58:52 AM
Quay'Na looked at her. "I feel death in this garden, can you feel it? It's within hte animal kingdom. Try meditating again and see if you can locate it. I already have."
Lady Mylia
Sep 8th, 2003, 04:23:49 AM
Mylia closed her eyes again and tried to feel it, nothing came. Nothing that she could feel anyway. She frowned and tried to concentrate harder. Still nothing.... "I can't feel it Quay, where should I focus in on?"
Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 8th, 2003, 03:44:54 PM
Quay'Na closed her eyes. "Focus on the north edge of the garden. It's a predatory act, really nothing we can do. But, I would like you to know what it feels like through the Force."
Lady Mylia
Sep 8th, 2003, 06:14:09 PM
Mylia nodded and began to focus even more. This time was able to pick up a slight waver of energy in the force. It was something unfimiliar to her and whatever it was made her sad. She knew it was what Quay'Na was referring to. She began to wonder if every creature death would that way to her. As she focused on it more the force grew and the more pain Mylia felt for the beast. She sighed and looked to Quay. "I feel it..."
Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 8th, 2003, 09:29:36 PM
"Being in the field that we are in, you'll be able to afilate the difference of a predator kill and an emergency. I've given aid to several animals out here. And in your spare time, it would help to study animal biology and anatomy, you never know when you'll need the information. I study it as much as I can."
Lady Mylia
Sep 9th, 2003, 04:32:56 AM
Mylia nodded. "How can you tell the difference? Is there a big difference?" She looked to Quay. "I do study biology and anatomy of creatures. Whenever I can."
Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 9th, 2003, 04:58:07 AM
"Yes," Quay'Na nodded. "You'll know when you are needed when an animal is in peril due to sickness or an injury. It's quite a different feeling and it's good that you study."
Lady Mylia
Sep 9th, 2003, 06:40:14 PM
Mylia nodded. "Okay, I'll have to feel it for myself."
Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 9th, 2003, 07:46:33 PM
"Ok, well since we've covered that, do you have any questions for me? Ask away."
Lady Mylia
Sep 9th, 2003, 08:29:30 PM
Mylia got comfortable. She began to think. Nothing really came to mind though. "I don't know..."
Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 10th, 2003, 03:21:38 AM
"Ok, well why don't you start meditating again and see if you can locate the largest animal in the garden."
Lady Mylia
Sep 10th, 2003, 04:23:06 AM
Mylia nodded. She closed her eyes and entered her state of quiet meditation. She reached out with her mind, trying to locate all the animals in the park. She found several fairly big ones. It was going to be hard to find the biggest.
Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 10th, 2003, 04:36:36 AM
Quay'Na tried to supress a yawn, she was tired. Mylia was doing very well, she kept quiet and let her friend continue with the exercise. She merely watched.
Lady Mylia
Sep 11th, 2003, 06:45:25 PM
Finally Mylia found a rather large male woolamander. He was sitting several trees away from them and watching them. Mylia smiled and spoke to him briefly, letting him know what they wouldn't harm him. It some time convience him that they wouldn't harm him or his pack. After that she turned to Quay and nodded up to the tree. "Male... woolamander..."
Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 12th, 2003, 08:53:59 PM
Quay'Na nodded with a smile. "Very good. Woolamanders are a very gentle species, usually. Though, sometimes they can be very hard to communicate with. They tend to get slightly confused."
She looked about for a moment. "How about finding the smallest primate?"
Lady Mylia
Sep 12th, 2003, 10:13:59 PM
Mylia nodded. She looked around and tried to find more primates. There was a small family of tiny monkey types in a tree, futher away from where they were sitting. "I found some very small ones, but I don't know what species they are."
Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 13th, 2003, 04:40:36 AM
"Those are called 'Anaeramy's'. A species much like the Woolamander's just a lot smaller. Try making contact with them, it may prove to be a bit difficult."
Lady Mylia
Sep 13th, 2003, 09:14:44 AM
Mylia nodded. "I'm always up for a challenge." She focused in on one, a female, one of the younger ones. She tried to enter her mind, but nothing at first. After a while of trying, she was finally able to move into the mental barrior. She was able to make very minimal contact with the animal. She kept pushing, but no luck yet. She looked to Quay. "Wow, they are very hard."
Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 14th, 2003, 02:50:45 PM
"Yes, they are very stubborn and have very thick mental barriers, at times I have trouble getting through. This is an animal that you should regularly should practice on, it will help strengthen your connections. You can practice it in your own time and I can see how you're doing when you're with me. Of course, don't get discouraged, because as I said I do have problems with them at times."
Lady Mylia
Sep 14th, 2003, 08:04:58 PM
Mylia nodded. "I'll practice, I'll try. I want to make this work for me."
Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 15th, 2003, 09:36:20 AM
"I'm sure you'll get it, you have the determination." Quay'Na smiled. "Try once more and we'll move on."
Lady Mylia
Sep 15th, 2003, 05:35:12 PM
Mylia nodded. She tried hard again to break through to the monkey, it was a little easier than the first try. She only made slight contact before the monkey pushed her out of his mind. She frowned and shook her head with a smile. "Lil bugger, still no luck."
Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 15th, 2003, 08:03:10 PM
"You'll get it, come on let's go elsewhere." Quay'Na said as she stood and brushed herself off. She led Mylia towards the opposite side of the garden. "This looks like good spot, have a seat." Quay'Na smiled as she sat back down on the ground. "I hope you don't mind sitting on the ground, that's where I usually end up."
Lady Mylia
Sep 15th, 2003, 08:28:10 PM
Mylia followed and shook her head. "No, I don't mind at all." She sat and looked to Quay. "So, what now?"
Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 15th, 2003, 08:52:43 PM
"There's been a birth here, only a few days ago. I want you, if you can to 'feel' where the new young are and try to picture them in your mind. Then, once you've done that can you tell me the species?"
Lady Mylia
Sep 16th, 2003, 01:16:50 PM
Mylia nodded. She closed her eyes and searched around for new life. It took her some time before she was about to find it. When she found it she smiled. A picture of a small white creature came to her mind. She stood on two legs, with a short tail and large eyes. She began to describe it to Quay. "Small, white, short tail, big eyes."
Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 20th, 2003, 08:13:06 AM
Quay'Na smiled. 'Yes, your'e right. They are called Tooke's. Can you make contact with the mother and see if she'll let you see her newborns? They are quite adorable."
Lady Mylia
Sep 20th, 2003, 08:26:56 AM
Mylia nodded. She broke through into the mother's mind quite easily. Wasn't as hard at all compared to the monkey. She pushed and finally convienced the mother to allow her to see the young ones. It took some time to convience her that she wouldn't hurt them. She nodded Quay over with her as she made her way to the babes. She kneeled down to the babies and the mother nudged one over to Mylia and she picked it up. "Awww, this is adorable."
Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 22nd, 2003, 03:41:52 AM
Quay'Na nodded. "Yes, they are. Very cute."
Lady Mylia
Sep 22nd, 2003, 04:02:14 AM
Mylia took craddled one in her arms. "They are very friendly once you have their trust."
Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 24th, 2003, 07:58:30 PM
Quay'Na nodded. "Yes, and the mother may allow you to have one, if you were to ask."
Lady Mylia
Sep 25th, 2003, 04:22:51 AM
Mylia smiled. "You really think so, that'd be great." She opened the door of communication between herself and the mother tooke and began talking with her again. After a couple minutes she smiled and turned to Quay. "I can have one, but in a couple weeks after they have been with their mother long enough."
Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 25th, 2003, 05:03:28 AM
Quay'Na smiled gently at her. "You see, you're first pet." She yawned as she stood and looked at her chrono. "I need to get going, you've done well with the animals. Just keep practicing and you'll get it down."
Lady Mylia
Sep 25th, 2003, 08:47:26 PM
Mylia nodded and smiled. "Yes, my first pet. Thanks for all your help. See you later." Mylia waved to Quay.
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