View Full Version : The creation of a lightsabre

Kyle Starblade
Aug 30th, 2003, 10:17:07 AM
The Jedi artifacts chamber #347-A had not been in use since the construction of the Jedi temple on Coruscant many years ago. Being merily one of many hundreds similar facilities, it was long forgotten. Every week or so, there would be a U2C1 janitor droid on a scheduled patrol for dust cleaning, wall panel polishing and light fixture maintenance. Deep inside the Jedi Temple, at the end of a long and narrow dim lit corridor, there it was: The doorway console panel - untouched by human hands, until now.

<img src=http://www.thegjo.com/pics/rp/pad.jpg>

The console panel lit up as slender fingers run across it with cautious movements. There was a bleeping noice as each finger hit a key, and a high frequency scrambled noise as an encrypted link established with the Jedi Temple database. The number sequence was processed and verified. Then... a voice called out

<font color=red>Warning! The code clearance ID number has not been in use for 6 months or more, thus it has expired. Level 3 security measure commencing. Please identify yourself</font>

Suddenly, a panel in the wall opened to reveal a robotic arm folding out. It extended and reached towards the tall figure standing in front of the doorway. Mounted on the arm was a camera and some sensors which monitored and analysed the possible security breach..

The figure pulled down the hood of his cape, revealing the face of a young man. He finally spoke

"My name is Kyle Starblade, Jedi Padawan to Master Yoghurt"

The computer made a brief pause, as it seemed to contemplate his answer in a an allmost human manner. More realistically, it was probably just doing a voice recognition check. A red beam shot out from a lense. The beam scanned Kyle from head to toe quickly and in several passes, analysing the biometric signature of body anatomy, face structure and the iris pattern of his eyes.

<font color= red>Identification confirmed. Appologies for the inconvenience. Please enter</font>, the computer said, and the door opened

"I should be in the civilized part of the galaxy more often!", Kyle thought to himself with a smile. He found some amusement in the fact how stark a contrast there was between the modern lifestyle of Coruscant compared to the primitive and survivalist existance in the lush green jungles of Yavin IV he had become so accustomed to for the last few years . He was a long, long way from the ancient massassi temples now..