View Full Version : Embracing the Lightside (Alpha)
Aug 30th, 2003, 08:38:00 AM
Ebony glances around the training room which she has just entered. There is nobody in sight at this point, but that hopefully will change since she has asked her Master to join her so that she can continue her training. Ever since joining, her main focus has been to just use the Lightside of the Force instead of the Darkside. And now, she hardly feels the urge to use the Darkside. It's there calling to her, but she is strong enough now to resist it though at times it's difficult.
Her daughter, Angel, would most likely be proud of her, proud of what she's managed to accomplish. That says something on its own.
She walks to the middle of the room where she goes up into a handstand, feet straight up in the air. Once she's gotten her balance so she won't topple over, she closes her eyes and opens herself to the Force, sensing things that are around her. She keeps herself in this position until her Master shows up.
Aug 30th, 2003, 07:47:22 PM
"Sorry I've been gone..." Comes a voice from the doorway. Ebony opens her eyes to find Satine Capashen standing there, a black jumpsuit covered by a black leather trenchcoat. His hair, normally shoulder length, was now cut short, and severe, in a spiky style.
"I've had some un-forseen things to do lately..."
Walking into the room completly, Satine smiles. "So, I've heard some good things about you...Tell me."
Aug 31st, 2003, 10:10:59 AM
Ebony keeps herself in her handstand while Satine walks in.
"Welcome back Master.
As for you hearing good things about me, I have no idea what they might be other then the fact that I don't snap at every Jedi I come across anymore.
Not only that, but I have so far successfully stayed away from using the Darkside for awhile now though that has been rather difficult at time."
Ebony takes a deep breath, knowing that she has her balance on two hands, slowly raises one hand off the ground, moving it so that it is straight off to the side of her, rather then on the ground. As she starts to wobble slightly, she uses the Force to stabalize herself so that she won't fall.
Sep 1st, 2003, 07:26:48 AM
"Actually, those were the things I was told. And I'm very happy you were able to do that."
He watches Ebony begin to balance on one hand. "So, what was it you asked me here for?"
Sep 1st, 2003, 08:21:53 AM
Ebony stays silent for a couple of minutes before putting her hand back on the ground before pushing off of the ground, doing a flip in mid air and landing on her feet, facing Satine.
"I was hoping to continue my training now that you're back."
Sep 1st, 2003, 09:11:06 PM
"Sure." He smiles. "Though I'm really at a loss at what to teach you next. I mean, without me, you got rid of your problems with the Dark Side. You know the basic Force techinques. Time to begin a little harder tech now, eh?"
He looks at her. "I think today we'll try and see how well you can form and keep up Force shields. You'll find that, if you learn to proficiently form them, they can be invaluable in battle."
Sep 4th, 2003, 08:14:42 AM
"No, I didn't get rid of my problems with the Darkside. I can still feel the Darkside calling to me. I've just managed to get the willpower to ignore the call so I can focus on what I am here to learn.
Sounds fine to me."
Sep 5th, 2003, 07:06:44 AM
Sartine nods. "Alright. Now, a Force shield requires quiet a bit of concentration. Once you get more skilled at summoning them, it takes less concentration. Now, in order to get these to work, you have to basically imagine a rock hard barrier in between you and anything coming your way. Call into the Force, and begin to form one. I should warn you now, though, that the less time you have to form one, the weaker the thing is."
Oct 1st, 2003, 11:04:09 AM
Ebony nods her head at the instructions that she has been given. She reaches out with the Force, the Lightside and imagines a rock hard barrier in front of her. She's taking her time to make sure that the shield is strong and stable. Starting with a foundation and building up from there.
OOC: Sorry for the late reply. Been busy irl.
Nov 12th, 2003, 04:29:39 PM
{OOC: No prob. WB.}
Satine observes his Padawan's progress through the Force, noting how she starts at the bottom and works her way up. When she is done, she will have a very strong shield...
Nov 16th, 2003, 02:41:46 PM
Ebony continues to build up her shield. After several moments, she has the shield fully up, and strong since she was able to divert all of her attention to making it.
Nov 16th, 2003, 08:37:40 PM
Satine, without warning, brings out his lightsabre, igniting it, and swinging it in one short, smooth motion. It crackles against the invisible barrier Ebony had erected, and Satine smiles, extinguishing the silver blade.
"Very good. Sorry about surprising you like that, I just wanted to make sure it would hold. How fast do you think you could do it?"
Nov 17th, 2003, 08:56:27 AM
"I could get one up quicker than this, but it would not be as strong. It would be enough I hope to startle a person. I have no much experience with creating shields."
Nov 18th, 2003, 07:15:03 PM
"You'll get tyhe hang of them easily enough once you do them more. As for the strength, how fast could you create one that could, oh let's say, stop a lightsabre swing?"
{OOC: If this makes no sense, I apologize...Flu sucks. lol}
Nov 20th, 2003, 11:14:38 AM
"To actually stop one, it would take me a little while. To slow it down though, giving me more time to block or dodge, I can do that reasonably quick I believe."
OOC: It makes sense. And hope you feel better soon
Nov 21st, 2003, 10:26:12 AM
"I see..." Satine says, pausing to consider his next step. He smiles as he looks at her. "What would you like to learn next?"
Jan 12th, 2004, 10:39:32 AM
Ebony is silent for several moments while she is thinking.
"Before I answer that, can you tell me if there is any way I can silence the voice of the man I love?"
Ebony is referring to the man she fell in love with and had a child with, but ended up killing.
OOC: I am so sorry about taking so long to respond. I've been busy irl lately.
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