View Full Version : the history of the empire
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 29th, 2003, 08:55:51 PM
so there once was a guy named darth viscera. he was a good kid; ate his peas and carrots, brushed his teeth everyday, and went to bed when he was supposed to. but then, one day, he stumbled upon something called porn, and its been downhill ever since. i should know. im his porn buddy
but anyways
before the imperial breakup, visc led the empire. under him were grand admiral thrawn, joachim fena then admiral millard (promoted to grand admiral as a bribery tactic to get the old geezer out of the unkown regions and back into the empire), admiral telan desaria, admiral lebron, moff schreiger, serena laran, sean piett (i have no idea what his rank was back then), and vice diktat khendon sevon .
well. telan got it into his noggin that itd be a good idea to take his ssd and fleet and defect to who knows where. i was a part of that thread even. but, it got closed, telan was forgiven and promoted to fleet admiral, and all was fine again.
after coming back from the unkown regions, millard was given the rank of brevet grand admiral, and told to check up on lebron. i dont know all that millard has done off the top of my head, but heres ( a link to a list of stuff hes done. it needs to be updated, but its got alot of early stuff in it, and is a good resource.
i know hardly anything of what serena laran did, so heres ( another url of links for her threads.
admiral lebron just needs to be committed. very badly.
moff schrieger... well... im not too sure about that one either.
khendon was his normal self. then i came along ^_^ things happened, we did stuff, had fun, then i left. but then he got his paws on my sister, and theyre always either throwing fists at eachother or necking one another to death. if im not mistaken, bespin was taken when khendon and kyry met.
but anyways, after some time visc decided he wanted to go attack the vong. so he rounded up his fleets, and took thrawn with him to go battle the so-called vong threat. one way ticket pretty much.
and then the breakup happened.
telan took thyferra and other planets, forming the sovereignty, khendon took omerose and delteon to form the federacy, lebron went with kamaar and some other planet i dont remember the name of, and formed the remnant, and millard stayed in the guild sector pretty much, being the military head of the balmorran empire.
since then telan has taken planets, and accepted every recruit who comes his way. ive worked for him before, but just stole a star destroyer from lebron for him. he made me a duchess, tried to blockade my planet, and took me out to the opera.
millard deals with his own things; like chasing after me (which he just recently 'officially' stopped). the civil war is about to start as well, and things are going well with shadow squadron. bette and val are back together... sorta... maniac is... well... maniac, and oddball has a crush on fenra. stark is being his crusty old self, and tomar and jaranda are prolly off in a room right now.
and so there you have it. i have no idea what happened to the others i mentioned before, and im not gonna bother to look for old threads.
Sean Piett
Aug 30th, 2003, 07:20:05 PM
It goes back much much farther.
Alright, a long time ago there was a Grand Admiral Thrawn. He started TIE- The Imperial Empire. A few people joined, such as Gue and Raven0000001. TIE was a part of SW-fans, and they led an attack on some Jedi base. This was about a month before I joined, so my knowledge is a little hazy.
There was another Imperial group, Death Fleet. Death Fleet was not a part of SW-Fans. It was led by Darth007. Pode was a member there a little before I was, and when I got a link from talkcity I joined too.
Shortly after I joined, Thrawn posted a thread at Death Fleet asking for our help in defending a Death Star that he was making. I moved from Death Fleet and joined TIE. The thread sort of lagged on and was partially forgotten, but was revisited later. In a matter of hours, dozens of posts were made by several people who destroyed the Death Star through sabotauge. There was a big argument about not giving TIE a chance to respond. This was one of the first OOC conflicts regarding fleet roleplaying.
TIEs main competetors was The Sith Council (aka TSC) led by Itala Marzullo. His right hand was Bane01, and Gav Mortis was rising as a fleet leader for TSC. TSC gained the fabled Katana Fleet in a roleplay with some meek resistance from yours truly. TIE member Warlord Gue defected to TSC during a TIE attack on the TSC stronghold of Coruscant.
TIEs attack on Coruscant was growing successful, but TSC revealed a planetary based superlaser. When it became obvious that it woudln't turn the tide, the superlaser overcharged and self destructed, destroying Coruscant. An administrator, Atreyu, used the force to restore Coruscant as a bitter OOC battle concerning this 'death cannon' took place. Fleet roleplaying was drawing a lot of conflict OOC.
It was about this time that Thrawn posted on a small forum that wrote fanfiction and just talked, Mara's Writing Corner. This drew Imperials such as Director Isard, Darth Viscera, Gormul Hyfe, and Dravis Hissel.
Isard started a VERY successful group, Imperial Intelligence Headquarters (IIHQ) while working at TIE. Viscera was important to TIEs fleetbuilding and research. Hyfe was, for the most part, a member at IIHQ. Hissel didn't do too much of anything.
I also started my own forum, where I grew and cultured a personal fleet, mostly from the Hapes cluster and my own stronghold, the moon Surreal. The name evades me.
Viscera and I defected, along with the Third Imperial Fleet. Thrawn and Visc had a fight over the legitimacy of the defection. Viscera ended up paying Thrawn credits for the fleet and an uneasy peace. As Visc's group, the Galactic Military Alliance (GMA) swelled, TIE dwindled. I was, for some time, Visc's second in command.
Isard was getting a lot of respect with the roleplaying community, something that Imperials had been denied for some time. She, while having no fleet, controlled the Empire. For a few months, I roleplayed Jekaan Oloudh, her second in command. SniperTondry, aka Pierce Tondry, was also a very important member of her group, IIHQ.
We, being Isard, Visc, and myself, formed the Imperial Nexus. It joined my group to Visc's, formed a separate group for ground combat, and kept IIHQ separate, with Isard as the leader. Tondry lead the ground army, based on my old forum, and Visc and I were partners in fleets.
This didn't last too long. Fleet roleplaying was really getting smacked around at the time. After a while, Visc said fuggit and divided himself from the Nexus. I was content to go back to working for him. Tondry stopped doing the ground thing.
After a while, Visc and I joined the Rogue Sith Order (RSO) an elite cadre of Sith, the first group to restrict membership. HAvok was my Master, and I think Visc's was Lounge Lizard (AKA Anbira). We sort of slaved our fleet to RSO. After a while, there was a scandal concerning the leadership that several people had not been aware of. The leader, Fireblade, left. The group was joined with The Sith Empire (TSE). Visc left because TSE was not friendly towards him. I went on to join and be one of their higher-ups in fleeting. I was also a member of GMA at the time.
Other than GMA, there was only one other Imperial group in existance, the Unknown Regions Sith Fleet, lead by Grand Moff Scorpion. I was his second in command. Darth007, from Death Fleet, was also a member. After a time, Scorpion defected to the New Republic. I'm not certain of what IIHQ's status was at the time.
I left TSE after a while, about at the time Khendon and a few others left.
The Black Hand was started by Isard (I forget her Dark Jedi name), Darth Rane (Nupraptor), and Jeseth Cloak. I joined right off the bat as Lasitus. Viscera offered to do as they asked, for the most part, with his extensive fleet.
There was some conflict in the Black Hand between Isard and Jeseth, and Jeseth left. Isard was pregnant IRL and moving from Ireland to Germany, so she, for the most part, left.
Itala Marzullo came from the ashes and started The Marzullo Clan (TMC). He was as hated as ever. Viscera, who had stopped serving The Black Hand a few months earlier, began to serve TMC. He then backstabbed them in the last great fleet roleplay, Operation Longknives.
TMC was decimated and I beleive Itala was banned. As the months went by without much event, fleet roleplaying was adjusted again and again.
Anyhow, where I leave off is about where s'il begins. And to clarify, the Thrawn she's talking about is not the old, old Thrawn.
I don't think I've forgotten anythin that important.
Sean Piett
Aug 30th, 2003, 07:23:17 PM
Oh, and there were about six dozen conflicts with Gue over the ages.
Ryan Pode
Aug 30th, 2003, 08:22:37 PM
Sometime after the massacre at Frih'Tan V (Long Knives), Lebron made his way to SIN (Piett's fleet) and began a campaign to take over Hapes. Then in a bold move, Lebron took a good chunk of SIN (about 130 ships) and went to his home planet of Kamaar. He acquired some shipyards and began building a big fleet and expanded his borders creating the Imperial Remnant.
At the same time, Admiral Traest Kre'Fey is made Acting Fleet Admiral and in a vain attempt tries to protect Couruscant from GMA attack led by Viscera. After his loss, Jan Dodonna is given command of the fleet and Kre'Fey flees to Bouthuwai. Dodonna sends a fleet to aprehend him, but he flees in his Heavy Assault Cruiser. He gets ambushed over New Cov and is left for dead until Cizerack forces pick him up, and takes the ship to Carloshious Prime (sp for sure) where he is held today.
Then, half of Remnant fleet is destroyed in a freak accident. (cough downsizing). Then Gue tricks Lebron into serving him and Lebron begins his path down insanity, claiming that GMA will attack him soon. Much to his surprise, GMA does attack him at Kamaar and the Admiral is outnumbered Six to one.
Admiral Lebron asks 'Emperor' Gue to send him aide. Gue responds by abandoning the Admiral and his people for safety at Ganath III. After minor fighting, Lebron strikes a deal with the GMA, pleadging his Allegience with them and sets his sights on Gue. After arriving at Ganath III, Lebron strategically surrounds Gue's Super star destroyer, and destroys it with in minutes. In a stupid attempt, Gue tried to accelerate to hyperspace while gravity wells were activated. His ship blew up in hyperspace and Gue is presumed dead (He was banned.)
And thats how Lebron joined the Empire. He was originally a member of Death Fleet as a Commodore of the Umaro. Which suffered heavy damage during Operation Long Knives.
Park Kraken
Aug 30th, 2003, 09:38:05 PM
Yeah, but Hapes was never conquered, just lost a lot of ships and materiels, which is why they just got conquered by the Balmorran Empire. The Soveriengty has squashed a Rebellion on Hilari, and is currently engaged in Fleet batltes with the NR in the Core Worlds. The Federacy is currently silent, but is known to possess many technological advancements other groups don't have.
Ryan Pode
Aug 30th, 2003, 09:38:56 PM
UIT my friend.. UIT.
Park Kraken
Aug 30th, 2003, 09:47:51 PM
UIT??? Underwear Is Tinky? HAHAHEEHEE
Ryan Pode
Aug 30th, 2003, 09:48:27 PM
United Imperial Technologies... its my way of knowing Khendons stuff... and vice-versa.
Park Kraken
Aug 30th, 2003, 09:49:35 PM
So Khendon pitys you eh? HAR HAR!!!
Ryan Pode
Aug 30th, 2003, 09:50:25 PM
No? Khendon wants me. He IMs me many times a day wanting me to write stuff down for him and <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont>.
Park Kraken
Aug 30th, 2003, 09:51:20 PM
He wants you? Eew!
Ryan Pode
Aug 30th, 2003, 09:58:31 PM
Aug 31st, 2003, 01:52:35 AM
burn little sock puppit burn
Ryan Pode
Aug 31st, 2003, 06:32:32 PM
Last Real Fleet Battle- Operation Wayward Son.
Thrawn, Khendon, Schriedger, Fena, and Telan I think against poor ol' me.
Park Kraken
Aug 31st, 2003, 09:23:42 PM
Although Mrisst should be a real good Fleet Battle. 5 Capital Ships, and 20 Squadrons of fighters and bombers VS 13 or so Capital Ships, and at least 14 Squadrons of Starfighters. Whee!
Ryan Pode
Aug 31st, 2003, 09:31:57 PM
Eh. It will be okay..... not like the ones of the past.
Khendon Sevon
Sep 19th, 2003, 03:48:14 PM
You forgot the war with the Gungans over Naboo.
(found this thread when doing a search)
It was my first real battle, Darth Paleon (was that his name?) commanded a major force, I think the Gator Navy was there and I was assigned a group of ASDs with a mission to destroy the massive NSDs.
Needless to say, I did my job and crippled one of the vessels with an ignorant V formation at full burn and shields overlapping at maximum strength.
--- Fast Forward
There was the Vong group which was a threat to GMA for a time, I was a member there :) big surprise. However, everyone at the boards hated the Vong and so they left (Thrawn, new Thrawn, was a member, as well)
Sean Piett
Sep 20th, 2003, 09:37:12 PM
Poreon, probably.
Also, I was a big wig over at the Vong group.
Park Kraken
Sep 22nd, 2003, 06:48:46 AM
Has the vong group been around longer than the NJO series?
Khendon Sevon
Sep 22nd, 2003, 03:25:17 PM
Poreon, right.
Telan Desaria
Sep 22nd, 2003, 05:31:24 PM
I was with the Empire, but on the other side I served at the Borromeo Sector's Chief Military Executor. I designed the original Aurora-class Star Destroyer. My fleet was decimated too, and Vorran received commad of the BSF's IInd Division. Desaria went on his merry way to Grand Admiral while Vorran loyal serves Admiral Millard.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Sep 22nd, 2003, 06:30:43 PM
*pushes telan down*
Sean Piett
Sep 22nd, 2003, 07:43:13 PM
*Dons his Yomin Carr mask and begins striking down infidels*
Sep 22nd, 2003, 07:46:16 PM
hahah im remembered, good ol' days
Khendon Sevon
Sep 23rd, 2003, 12:47:15 PM
I loved being Vong
Park Kraken
Sep 23rd, 2003, 08:39:39 PM
I would have loved to be a Vong. That's my plan for Holloween.
Daemon Hyfe
Jul 5th, 2004, 02:49:20 AM
Shame on you all. Nearly a years service as a High Admiral with the Empire (back in the GMA days) with Darth Viscera, and I am merely mentioned by my Imp Intel alias.
I suppose it was 4 years ago.
Telan Desaria
Jul 5th, 2004, 10:43:10 AM
That's because you don't rp anymore. You dont care about me. I want a divorce!!!
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jul 6th, 2004, 07:48:10 AM
Gah!! Thread necromancy!!
Tiberius Anar
Jul 7th, 2004, 02:38:44 AM
*smite them all for resurecting thread*
Serena Laran
Oct 8th, 2004, 06:45:39 PM
Speaking of thread necromancy... :mischief
I was looking for my old threads, and forgot that I had a whole list of them. :o
Tiberius Anar
Oct 9th, 2004, 10:25:33 AM
Curse you and your infernal thread reanimation!
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