View Full Version : The basic 4
Asimov Savin
Aug 29th, 2003, 05:23:17 PM
Asimov sat in the bar at a table with a dingy light over it. The bar wasn't dark thanks to the setting suns streaming through the windows but Asimov knew the warm rays would soon diminish and with it his slight feeling of safety in the urban, not-so-popular bar as more people began to enter the bar.
He looked at his glass for a moment, watching the condensation drip off it and to the table where it had made a ring. He smiled, rubbing it away with his finger before taking a deep swallow from the dredges of what was left in the dirty glass. Running a hand through his hair, he smiled. He felt lazy and he decided otherwise in leaving, it might take too much effort to take a glass to the bar and then leave all in a few minutes.
Dae Jinn
Aug 29th, 2003, 05:42:15 PM
Daetana Jinn let one shoe dangle half off her foot as she sat in her booth, one leg crossed over the other. She sat on the edge of the ripped vinyl seat, an elbow resting on her knee, the other on the table. A glass of vodka was in her right hand, the half full bottle on the table.
She gave the bar another quick glance over. What was she thinking, coming here of all places? Sure, it was a bar, but U-G-H. It was getting late, and she should be making her way back across town to her hotel. Slowly getting to her feet, she straightened her short black skirt and made her way to the bar, depositing her glass on the counter beside Asimov along with several credits.
Asimov Savin
Aug 29th, 2003, 06:12:57 PM
Asimov watched the only other guest within the bar stand to leave and pay. He didn't blame himself for watching the short skirt be adjusted and then shift as it walked to the bar to pay.
Asimov wasn't gonna cut himself short here. He believed in four basic things, Initiative, Love, Faith, and Confidence and right now he saw about three of those things working into the equation with that skirt. He smiled, suddenly getting the urge to pay for his drink and leave.
He stood slowly, paying only moments after the woman had turned towards the doors to leave. He caught up with her quickly, rushing at first but matching step with her as clumsily as possible before he opened the door for her.
"Good evening ma'am. You know how dangerous it can get aorund this time don't you?"
Now the final basic came in. Asimov had to have faith that this lady did not have a tongue that could snap him in half.
Dae Jinn
Aug 29th, 2003, 06:32:42 PM
Someone came up behind her, holding the door for her as she slipped passed him onto the street. A young man, dark haired and dressed in brown and grey followed her out of the bar, quickly matching her pace. A slight smile crossed her face as she looked at him over her shoulder.
"Yes, I do. Why?" She batted her lashes, putting on the innocent act.
Asimov Savin
Aug 29th, 2003, 06:49:28 PM
Asimov only smiled at the eyes in front of him. Maybe his faith had pulled through this time, as it chose to do everyonce in a while. He straightened his brown vest over his grey shirt as he walked next to her, making an imitation of someone on gaurd for her from anyone that might have ill intentions to her. Because of course, Asimov only had the best in mind.
"Well, I wouldn't want anyone to get harmed, especially not a lady such as yourself."
Dae Jinn
Aug 29th, 2003, 06:59:25 PM
"Ah, I see."
She almost laughed. It was funny -- having someone she didn't know show such concern. Of course, if he did know her, he would know she wasn't very concerned about the walk home. Not with her saber clipped to her belt, hidden underneath her leather car-coat, and not with her..interesting background.
"So, do you play Knight in Shining Armor often?"
Asimov Savin
Aug 29th, 2003, 07:18:21 PM
He stopped long enough to look over himself. He wasn't anything close to a knight in shining armor, he knew that but if she wanted to give him the credit, sure. He shrugged as he caught up with her again.
"But you see, as you say you do, it's not so often that I see someone as beautiful as you."
Dae Jinn
Aug 29th, 2003, 07:51:08 PM
She laughed, but quickly stiffled it with a hand. She smiled back at him.
"Well, thank-you. You seem too nice to be from this part of the city; are you here on business, or for pleasure?"
Asimov Savin
Aug 29th, 2003, 08:34:50 PM
" I would say the same of you. You are too nice for this part of the city and I wouldn't want anything to happen to you as I've said before. And to answer your question, pleasure is my business at the moment, I am currently unemployed and have no business to do business, merely enjoy myself. But I do make it my business to make sure that you safely reach your destination."
Asimov gave the best grin he could, the word faith running through his mind in little repeating lines.
Dae Jinn
Aug 29th, 2003, 08:44:22 PM
"Uh, okay..." Another laugh. She didn't quite get what he had said; he was unemployed, and liked to enjoy himself was the basic gist though, which sounded okay to her. Her smile slipped into a sly grin then back again.
"You've just met me..You don't know if I'm nice or naughty. And are you sure you want to walk all the way across town, in the dark?"
Asimov Savin
Aug 29th, 2003, 09:13:22 PM
Asimov looked to the sky thoughtfully. His hands ringed his wrists as he walked, feeling the light weight, leather gauntlets there and the vibroblades hidden beneath them. He of course had no intention of using them on her, but her statement made him think of possibly how bad this town could get.
"I've just met you? I'm sure I've seen you somewhere. And you're right, I don't know if you're nice or naughty, but I'm sure that you could do a good job at either. And I would walk across this planet if it meant protecting you from any possible harm."
Dae Jinn
Aug 30th, 2003, 05:32:14 PM
"Seen me somewhere? I don't think so. I've...been away for the last few days."
Her thoughts went to her recovery spent at Dexs, the events that happened on Meras. And to Jeran. Her smile softened slightly at the thought of him, her cheeks flushing slightly.
"Well, that's very nice of you...Mister?"
Asimov Savin
Sep 2nd, 2003, 03:00:42 PM
"Ah... Asimov Savin, you can call me Asimov. Don't worry about any formal titles. But I would be glad to hear your name of course."
Asimov was doing pretty good so far, he'd made her blush. Must be that new hair cut he got a few days ago. His smile only grew larger. He wasn't exactly looking for anything particular, he was just doing what any upcoming good guy would do in the universe for a good looking lady. What came out of it was totally up to her, whether it be a bidding to good night or not.
Dae Jinn
Sep 2nd, 2003, 08:52:39 PM
"Daetana Jinn, but you can call me Dae if you like, Asimov." She swung her arms at her sides, exhaling her breath in a short sigh. She felt...really worn out. Maybe she shouldn't have gone off and left Dexs alone. Oh well, too late now. She turned her attention to Asimov.
"So, tell me, what are you really in the city for? Are you a force-adept or something?"
Asimov Savin
Sep 5th, 2003, 07:30:39 PM
"Well... other than making sure no one gets hurt anywhere in my personal area, I'm actually sorta lost. I'm trying to find the Greater Jedi Order. It's around here somewhere I think on Coruscant. But otherwise I haven't clue. So I'm going from sector to sector until I get there. I should find it eventually. Right?"
Asimov looked at her sideways, running a hand through his hair nervously. His medichlorien test had come up at an alarming rate, indicating he was very much so considered a force adept but his father had kept it a hidden fact, believing that his son should be built upon real laws and not some "force". Asimov hadn't left his father on Corellia for the GJO in good humor. He wasn't entirely sure how people reacted to force-adepts but he was sure it wasn't as bad as his father, or were they?
"I guess you could say I'm force-adept, don't know too much about it though. Why do you ask?"
Dae Jinn
Sep 5th, 2003, 11:03:04 PM
"Just wondering."
She shrugged lightly, continuing to match his pace as they walked down the dimly lit street.
Asimov Savin
Sep 6th, 2003, 03:10:41 PM
Looking sideways at her again as they walked under more dingy street lights.
"What about you? Since we're on the topic and all. Are you Force-adept?"
Dae Jinn
Sep 8th, 2003, 05:52:34 PM
"You could say that." She shrugged. She wasn't as adept as some, but she could use the Force. Sort of.
"So..why the GJO?"
Asimov Savin
Sep 9th, 2003, 06:12:35 PM
"Hmmm... figure it's the best place to go where I can learn to better help beautiful women across the darker parts of town and probably do all that good stuff on the side, ya know?"
Dae Jinn
Sep 10th, 2003, 07:07:21 PM
Dae laughed. "Well...that sounds like a good start. I think the Jedi will have you do more than escort women home from the bar though."
Asimov Savin
Sep 11th, 2003, 04:52:24 PM
It was Asimov's turn to laugh.
"I dunno about that. I think this could be the highlight of the job and if so, I should do this more often. Are you affiliated with any organization? Possibly the "I need Asimov Savin to properly make it across town safely organization"?"
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