View Full Version : Do what you know is right
Asimov Savin
Aug 29th, 2003, 02:10:05 PM
The man stepped into the recruitment center slowly. That feeling in the chest when the heart beats rapidly and the mind is unsure of what is going to happen struck Asimov as he looked around. Coming from Corellia, Asimov considered his planet urban. He had decided upon arrival that Coruscant was almost too urban.
Asimov took a few more steps inside before finding a seat. He sat down for a moment, looked around anxiously before getting back up. He stood for a few seconds before sitting down. He stopped, closing his eyes with a smile.
He took the time to realize how stupid he must look right now. He smiled wider, leaning back. He brushed a strand of black hair out of his face and let his grey eyes observe the room again. Simply put, the place was simply built and he enjoyed what he saw.
All his life, his father, a Corellian Sector officer, had raised him on what he considered good righteous principles. After being witness to actions commited by the Sith Order, he decided to leave and find the Jedi Order. And here he found himself, sitting in the recruitment center.
Dasquian Belargic
Aug 30th, 2003, 07:20:38 AM
After a few minutes, a figure approached Asimov. He was dressed in Jedi robes and wore a broad, welcoming smile.
“Greetings. I am Jedi Knight Dasquian Belargic. Can I help you with something?”
Asimov Savin
Sep 2nd, 2003, 03:25:23 PM
Asimov stood up hastily, tripping over himself in the process but straightening up before the knight as he began to introduce himself. He pulled on his brown leather jacket to make it appear a bit neater before someone who he might want to make a good impression for. Asimov held his hand out to shake the other man's.
"Asimov Savin, the pleasure is mine Sir Belargic. I'm here to be a jedi. What do I need to do?"
Asimov figured the direct approach was more what he needed for this situation. The Knight had asked and Savin had answered. His grey eyes never left the Knights, Asimov was serious in his question.
Dasquian Belargic
Sep 3rd, 2003, 02:33:16 AM
Accepting the handshake, Dasquian couldn’t help but smile at his fervor.
“Just a few questions to ask,” he replied, withdrawing his hand.
“The first of which is why do you want to become a Jedi?”
Asimov Savin
Sep 5th, 2003, 07:19:03 PM
Asimov nodded, sure, questions, no problem. Like a test or quiz on a resume. But as he repeated the question in his mind, he closed his eyes, the answer was there. He'd been thinking of the answer to the why of his decisions since he left home.
"Because people get hurt everyday, and sometimes they need help. And I've made the decision to help those people that need it. And I think I can help by training here and dedicating myself to the Order so that I can go out and help them together with the Force."
Asimov stood back for a moment. The words hadn't really been a repeated answer, they were actually on the spot. He'd made all those out of the feelings and emotions from his heart. And that was the best he could do. He had answered and he awaited eargely the next question.
Dasquian Belargic
Sep 6th, 2003, 04:36:59 AM
Dasquian smiled slightly and gave an encouraging nod.
“Tell me what you believe it is a Jedi’s duty to do, and what they stand for.”
Asimov Savin
Sep 6th, 2003, 03:06:58 PM
"Honestly, I don't know too much about the Jedi Order, but if you really want to hear what I think it stands for... A Jedi's duty would be like any one else's, uphold the law in all their actions and do what you know is right. The exception being that Jedi have the ability to use the Force, and it would also be their duty to use all that they have available to do what is right.
I think Jedi stand for the good. The good that expels the darkness that would harm the innocents as it hurt's itself also."
Asimov rubbed the back of his neck as he face flushed crimson. He realized that maybe he'd been a bit too wordy, he wasn't a poet or great orator and he hadn't meant to let himself get lost in his own thoughts and talk at the same time.
"But yeah..."
Dasquian Belargic
Sep 7th, 2003, 04:55:48 AM
“A Jedi also must face great danger at times. It is an unfortunate but present part of our life. Evil is everywhere and always trying to stop us. If you were a Jedi you would have to accept this and the possible avenues it opened. Do you think you could?”
Asimov Savin
Sep 7th, 2003, 10:54:19 AM
"I have to accept the situations placed before me, Jedi or not. Being a Jedi, I think, just means that I will be able to handle some situations better with training and handle those avenues of oppurtunities. It is probably easier said than done but I am willing to endure the evil if it means I might be able to stop it."
Dasquian Belargic
Sep 7th, 2003, 02:25:35 PM
Dasquian nodded.
“Good. Then I welcome you to the Greater Jedi Order. You will be contaced when you have been assigned a Master, but until that time you are free to explore the grounds – notably the LQ and Yogs Bar and Grill. Good luck with your training, and may the Force by with you.”
Asimov Savin
Sep 8th, 2003, 03:22:22 PM
Asimov nodded in return, his eyes filled with gratefulness to the knight.
"Glad to be here, thanks, and the Force with you too."
Asimov nodded again, giving a big smile before turning and heading out. Knight Belargic had said LQ right? And a Grill? The Grill sounded like a good place to meet people and the Living Quarters would be a nice place to grab a room. Sleep was sounding very nice since Asimov had been wandering across Coruscant for quite sometime. He rubbed his hands together. The feeling of joy about to burst that he had made it into the GJO. His avenues of oppurtunity were before him and he began the journey with a lanky stride to whichever he would make his mind up to.
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