View Full Version : Of Heavenly Dreams. . . [Ry-Obi]
Faith Scott
Aug 29th, 2003, 10:53:38 AM
Walking And Thinking
Artist: Ra
From the air I see your loneliness
You carry on despite your fear
Inside a box you keep your sanity
And it will never seem clear, to me
Over the hills, the light, it flows...
It shows the angels laughing
And where is the love that we're supposed to find?
Lost in a maze of games so very dark and overwhelming
Lost in these thoughts that seem to rule my mind
A simple spell cast is broken through
The force of life decides to bend
You lay below the sacred stormy skies
And you will write the end... for me
Over the hills, the light, it flows...
It shows the angels laughing
And where is the love that we're supposed to find?
Lost in a maze of games so very dark and overwhelming
Lost in these thoughts that seem to rule my mind
The door will close and I will be denied
A dagger thrust into my chest
You claim yourself to the victory
But it is I... who will rest, in peace
Over the hills, the light, it flows
It shows the angels laughing
And where is the love that we're supposed to find?
Lost in a maze of games so very dark and overwhelming
Lost in these thoughts that seem to rule my mind(2)
My mind......
* * *
The rain came down in sheets and kissed the dry city of Coruscant. People scrambled for shelter and when shops and smaller interior hide aways were taken, they found protection in the most unlikely places. Through the crowds of tall adults came a young child who looked no older than nine or ten years of age. Her deep brown eyes mirrored her long chestnut hair and olive complected skin. For being so young, she carried herself as older and came across as so.
The rain continued pouring down upon her head as she dashed toward a place that appeared to be drawing the least amount of people. The sign on the front of the establishment read "Dexter's Diner" in neon lights which flickered and buzzed as the rain spattered upon the sign. She hurried toward the door and flung it open before rushing in and shutting it behind her. "Finally." The young girl thought to herself as she welcomed the warmth of the diner. Her clothes were completely drenched and her body was cold and shaking slightly.
"It reminds me of Yog's!" The girl thought to herself, but soon a hint of sadness took over her eyes as she walked toward an empty booth in the back of the establishment. Her small frame carried the heavy brown Jedi robes that she had received from Master Oriadin at the Jedi Order in her first week there -- but shortly after she was beginning to feel comfortable in her new surroundings, her life was changed -- forever. As Faith sat down in the booth, her dark eyes moved to glance out the window and eventually, to the top of the table. She sighed heavily and closed her eyes before reclining in her seat to drift away for a while, unnoticed as usual.
imported_Ry-Obi Kincaid
Aug 29th, 2003, 11:52:52 AM
Eight-year-old, Ry-Obi Kincaid appeared out of nowhere it seemed as he crossed the main dining area. He'd been helping Dexter lately, while his father was with Hunter and Master Xazor. It had almost seemed to the young boy that he was slowly be pushed aside and he didn't like it at all. So, he often retreated to Dex downstairs and began helping him out.
With a bus tray in hand and a towel over his shoulder, he walked from the kitchen. It was time to clean up some tables.
That was when he noticed her. All alone, sitting by herself.
He sat the bus tray down on a table across from her and began picking up some soiled dishes/
She didn't seem to notice him.
"Uh..hi..." he finally said. "You're new. I've not seen you around."
Faith Scott
Aug 29th, 2003, 11:59:24 AM
It was a rare occasion that someone would speak to Faith, and when they did, she did not always know how to react. It had been so long since she'd had a conversation with anyone, much less someone her own age. At the moment that Ry-Obi spoke, Faith's eyes opened up wide and she slowly glanced over at him.
There he stood with a boyish grin.
Faith smiled to herself despite the pain she was feeling in her heart on this dreary day. "New -- um, yeah, I guess so." New to what, she wasn't sure, but obviously he wasn't new to these parts as she was. Shifting her weight a bit nervously, young Faith found herself looking at the floor once again. "I'm Faith -- what's your name?" She questioned a bit boldly for her shy demeanor.
imported_Ry-Obi Kincaid
Aug 29th, 2003, 12:06:51 PM
Her name was Faith, imagine that... Ry-Obi's grin grew a bit bigger. "I'm Ry-Obi. It's nice to meet you, Faith." Putting a dirty dish into the tray, he walked over closer. "Care for a drink? I'll get it." He was thristy anyway and thought it would be rather rude to get something and have her sit there with nothing. His father taught him well.
"Pretty much, any soft drink you want."
Faith Scott
Aug 30th, 2003, 10:33:21 AM
"Ry-Obi? Wow -- that's a cool name!" Faith thought to herself as the boy finished putting a dish into the tray. As he approached, the young girl became a bit more nervous than before -- she'd not had contact with someone her age in several years.
"A drink?" She questioned outloud, imagining all the things she could have since he offered. "A regular cola would be nice." Faith said quietly as she became a bit shy once again. A deep color of crimson flushed across her cheeks as she sat back in her seat once again and watched the boy.
"Thank you -- Ry-Obi." She giggled as she said his name and felt her cheeks flush red once again.
imported_Ry-Obi Kincaid
Aug 30th, 2003, 10:44:17 AM
The boy nodded and walked off fro a few minutes. Ry-Obi returned shortly with two glasses of cola in his hands and placed one in front of Faith. "Here ya go." He told her and sat down across from her. It was nice to be aroud someone his age for once.
"Sooo, where ya from?" He asked with a boyish grin and took a long sip of his drink.
Faith Scott
Aug 30th, 2003, 11:33:01 AM
Faith smiled to herself as she sipped her soda and pondered Ry-Obi's question. "Where am I from?" She repeated with a quizzical grin. "It's pretty far away from here -- it's called Valarea." The girl took another sip of her soda and grew quiet for several moments. Sadness seemed to echo through her eyes and it was more than evident to Ry-Obi that she missed her home.
"I miss it." She finally stated and sighed to herself before taking another sip of the cola. Glancing out the window, Faith's thoughts took her back to her friends and family on Valarea. Memories of the land crossed her mind and she became lost for the time until Ry-Obi cleared his throat and broke her concentration. "So -- um, where are you from?" She questioned, avoiding the fact that she had been part of the Jedi Order and for the last year or so, had lived on Coruscant.
imported_Ry-Obi Kincaid
Aug 30th, 2003, 12:44:46 PM
"A place called Falycin, lived there all my life, until...well, we decided to come here." He finished trying to avoid the real reason he was here. He noticed how sad she looked, but being the boy that he was he wanted to make her happy. "I see, you're training to be a Jedi? That must be very neat." He missed his own Jedi attire, but here he couldn't wear it. So, now he was dressed in just plain tunics and pants.
He missed the Temple.
Faith Scott
Aug 30th, 2003, 01:47:15 PM
Faith listened with true interest, though she had no idea where his home planet was located. "Sounds interesting." She commented with a smile, wishing she knew more about where he was from. For a moment, Faith was quiet as Ry-Obi mentioned her Jedi training. "Or lack thereof." The young girl thought as an adult would have. Shrugging, she smiled half-heartedly.
"Well -- I used to be training as a Jedi but -- I'm not anymore." She said softly, wishing she could avoid the question completely, but it was unavoidable. Sighing, Faith took another sip of her soda and began playing with the straw absently. "I miss the Jedi Order and the Temple, but most of all -- I miss my dad." Faith looked away from Ry-Obi, who unbeknownst to her, could sympathize with her feelings.
For a moment, the girl remained silent as her eyes moved to the window and watched the rain continue to fall. It was then she decided to speak. "Ya see -- my dad took me and himself to the Greater Jedi Order one day so that he could help our people back on Valarea. He and I began training but only for a few years. We got there when I was five and then, well -- he left me when I was eight. It's been a year and I can't be there by myself. Sure, I have Master Oriadin, but he isn't my daddy." She sipped on her soda and sighed to herself.
"Sorry -- if you don't care, I'll shut up."
imported_Ry-Obi Kincaid
Aug 31st, 2003, 05:41:21 AM
Ry-Obi cocked his head to side. But, he did care... "I do care, Faith." He smiled to himself, now he sounded more like his dad. "And I do kwo where you're coming from, I lost my mom and I still miss her." He didn't talk much about his mother. Though, he missed her dearly and would never forget her.
He changed the subject. "So, if you're not with your dad and you're not part of the Order anymore, where are you living?" He didn't really think he wanted to know the answer to that.
Faith Scott
Sep 1st, 2003, 08:06:00 AM
"He cares?" The young girl thought to herself as she cocked her head to the side and eyed him curiously. He really did care, and it was evident in the things he was saying. As he spoke of his mom, Faith lowered her eyes and nodded. "I lost my mom too -- just before we came to the Jedi Order." Of course, she left out the details of how the woman was killed basically right before Faith's eyes, and how her father had fought so hard to save her from the monsters that took her life.
Realizing that she had drifted off once again, the child recapped what Ry-Obi had said, or rather, questioned. "You really don't want to know where I live." She thought to herself and sighed inwardly. "I live -- in a nice place." Faith answered partly in truth. It was a nice place -- nicer than other cardboard boxes that people used on the streets. This obviously wasn't fooling Ry-Obi, though, and so Faith decided to trust him and tell the truth. "I live on the streets, Ry-Obi -- a pretty spacious box a couple of blocks over. I think it's probably been destroyed by the rain by now, though." Sadness swept over her once again and a hollow look seemed to possess her eyes.
imported_Ry-Obi Kincaid
Sep 1st, 2003, 08:11:46 AM
Ry-Obi's mouth dropped open. "That's terrible, you can't live there..." He felt a sudden urgency to help. "Why don't you live at the temple?"
Faith Scott
Sep 1st, 2003, 08:18:28 AM
Faith shook her head. "I can't live there anymore -- they all hate my dad, I know it. If I stay there, they'll probably hate me too." She took another sip of her soda and began playing with the straw once again.
"I don't -- I don't feel like I belong there anyway. Somehow, it just isn't my place. Those Jedi just want to push me aside anyway -- probably because I'm a little kid." She sighed and shook her head. "I'm fine where I live -- except when the dogs come out and wander the streets at night. That's scary."
imported_Ry-Obi Kincaid
Sep 1st, 2003, 10:43:35 AM
"Dogs?" He said a bit louder than intended and a fewof the patrons looked in their direction, snidly.
Ry-Obi smirked a look back at them and then took his attention back to Faith. "You can't live in the streets, in a box." He told her at merely a whisper. "You could die out there. No, I have to do something about this." He stood up. "Please, don't leave."
The young boy began to walk away and then turned and looked at her. "You must be hungry, hold on. I'll get you something."
Ry-Obi took off towards the kitchen, he came back shortly with a bowlful of stew and sat it in front of her, along with a spoon and a packet of crackers. "It's today's's pretty good stuff."
Faith Scott
Sep 1st, 2003, 11:58:44 AM
Faith was a bit shocked by the boy's reaction. "He really does care." She thought to herself, but there was one question on her mind: why? Why would he care about her, a stranger who just happened to walk into the diner? Why would he care about her, someone he didn't know -- a girl, nonethless? "Die? I haven't died ye --" But before she could finish, he told her to stay where she was and he walked off.
Wrinkling up her nose as her brows furrowed, Faith attempted to figure him out. "Why's he doing this for me?" The young girl questioned herself. Soon it was evident, though -- he had a good heart and a genuine desire to help others. He knew she was hungry -- he had the forsight to know that since she lived on the street, she must not eat very well. As he set the stew before her, Faith smiled and looked down into the bowl for a moment. It looked delicious and her stomach rumbled a bit.
As she took the spoon in her hand, Faith looked up at Ry-Obi and grinned at him. "I -- I don't know why you're doing this for me, but thanks." She smiled and then dug into the soup with her spoon. It was good and nourishing, and Faith was enjoying every spoonful that she took. No words were exchanged between the two children as she devoured every last drop in the bowl. It had only been five minutes and already there was nothing left -- but she was satisfied. It was the first real meal she'd had in weeks. "Thank you Ry-Obi -- you're really nice." She smiled and blushed slightly.
imported_Ry-Obi Kincaid
Sep 2nd, 2003, 03:38:10 AM
The boy shrugged with a small smile and turned red a bit. He wondered silently what he should do, perhaps talk to Master Xazor about letting her stay? He couldn't let her sleep another night in the a box, no less.
She had been training to become a Jedi, just like he had at the temple, perhaps Master Xazor could help her out as well? His heart was as big as his father's when it came to try to help someone. He'd earned it honestly.
Ry-Obi looked at the girl. "I need to go talk to someone, I'll be back shortly. Please don't leave." Before, she could as much utter a word, he took off towards the kitchen, towards one of the secret stairways.
He found Master Xazor rather well, she was in her quarters peering out a curtained window on the next floor up, humming a song to herself.
The young boy knocked lightly on her door. "Master? May I come in?"
Xazor Elessar
Oct 30th, 2003, 09:23:11 AM
Xazor heard Ry-Obi's voice at the door and smiled to herself. "Yes, young one, please do." The Garou woman called to him. Moving from the window, the Knight turned and faced Ry-Obi as he slowly opened the door. She smiled and bowed in greeting.
"What can I do for you?" She questioned, sensing a bit of urgency within his aura already. There was an impending question, perhaps, but though the Knight could pry into his mind for answers, she chose not to and decided to let him do so for himself.
imported_Ry-Obi Kincaid
Oct 31st, 2003, 04:09:26 AM
Ry-Obi bowed a greeting in return after he entered. "Master, I've just met a young girl about my age downstairs. Her name is Faith and...." He was impatient to tell the entire story about the girl and went directly to the point. "Master, she's sleeping in a box in an alley and has no food or water to drink and...and I's terrible."
Xazor Elessar
Oct 31st, 2003, 08:40:23 AM
Though Ry-Obi had neglected a few details and had jumped to the conclusion quite quickly, the Jedi Knight still knew everything -- his thoughts were extremely exposed. For being so young, the boy was rather opinionated and had a heart for giving to everyone else. It was something that she rarely saw in anyone, and only since the Kincaids came into her life had she seen people so willing to give without thought of themselves. With a sigh, Xazor's eyes met the floor and she shook her head.
"This is why I left the Jedi Order -- they're not doing anything about the real problems here or elsewhere. Sitting up in their towers meditating on what could go wrong is not helping the situation at the moment." She thought to herself and then finally caught that Ry-Obi was watching her in her deep state of thought. "This isn't right." She stated with a hint of perhaps a zealous anger. It was directed at the Jedi and their incompetency to fix things that had gone wrong over years. "Her name is Faith?" The Garou questioned and sighed once again. "What a name for someone who shouldn't have any hope." She thought and nodded with resolve.
"We'll help her, young one. After she has had something to eat, bring her to me." Xazor smiled gently and bowed once again to Ry-Obi. "You will go many places in your life, my Padawan -- great things the future has in store for you." She winked at the boy and dismissed his presence with a smile. Indeed, he would go far in his lifetime, that Xazor was positive about.
imported_Ry-Obi Kincaid
Nov 1st, 2003, 09:46:13 AM
Ry-Obi smiled at his master in return. "Thank you. Master Xazor. I knew you would understand." His smiled deepened as she told him he would go many places. That was something he had wanted, he wanted to be just like his dad. "I've already given her some stew, so I'll go fetch her." He beamed widely and bowed once more before turning and nearly running back down the stairs.
Ry-Obi reappeared out of the kitchen in no time and found Faith, just as he left her. "Faith, could you please come with me? I have someone who would like to see you. Don't worry, she won't hurt you. She's like a mother to me." He told her this with a smile. "That box will just have to go."
Faith Scott
Nov 15th, 2003, 12:59:06 PM
Faith looked up in surprise as Ry-Obi appeared from the door once again. He looked confident and when he spoke, this was echoed in his voice. Still, the girl was unsure of what to expect of this 'Xazor'. She sounded good enough, but Faith wondered if it wasn't all a ploy and maybe she would only pretend to care about her. "But this boy is nice and if he trusts her, I'm sure she's okay." With a nod of self-resolve, the girl scooted out of the booth and walked toward Ry-Obi before stopping.
"How do you know she'll like me?" Faith questioned with a worried tone in her voice. Ry-Obi's eyes said it all, though, and she knew that in order to get the help she needed, she would have to trust him and this new stranger that suddenly was coming into the picture. "Okay." It was as simple as that and she knew that Ry-Obi would understand. "I'm still scared." She whispered as they began walking toward the room. Then Faith did something that she was sure Ry-Obi didn't expect for even she had not anticipated doing it -- she grabbed hold of his hand and clenched it tightly in hers for the comfort that he offered. It was a feeling she had never felt before but she liked it. She finally felt safe.
imported_Ry-Obi Kincaid
Nov 16th, 2003, 07:32:32 AM
The boy smiled at her. He could tell Faith was worried. "No worries, my friend." His young accented voice replied. "She'll like you there is no doubt. You've got a home now, here with me and my family."
"Okay." she said then grabbed his hand.
Ry-Obi smiled as he looked down at their hands, locked together. He liked the feeling of her hand in his, he liked knowing that he, even at his young age could help someone out. All in all, it was a comfort to him.
Ry-Obi squeezed her hand back and led her into the kitchen and up the secret stairway. It was dark in there and probably kinda scary for the girl so Ry-Obi softly talked. "I know this stairway like the back of my hand and once you start using it more often, you will to. I can't wait for you to met Master Xazor, she's great."
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