View Full Version : New Star Wars Band: Echo Base, featuring Suzanne Renee!

Aug 29th, 2003, 10:18:20 AM
Hey guys,

we just wanted to put the word out that the official Echo Base website, www.echobase.us, is up on the web. The fancy site with all the pics, downloads and lyrics is still in the works, but you can now download the unfinished/unedited song, "Crawling"! Feel free to give us some feedback. Can you guess what the song is about?

The band is still working in the studio recording more tracks for "Crawling", and other songs. More songs will be posted (finished or unfinished) as they become available (with Star Wars content for sure!). Future plans may include a remake of the Droids theme song.

Echo Base is: Suzanne Renee, lead vocals
Harin Wickremasinghe, guitar
Rick McLean, guitar
Roy Baron, bass & guitar
Phillip Lamb, percussion

You may have read Harin's article published in the Star Wars Insider #67 under the heading 'Super Trooper' in the Rebel Rumblings section.

That's all for now. Hope you get to visit the site and feel free to drop us a line (echobase55@yahoo.com).


Echo Base