View Full Version : Task Force Orishma
Aug 29th, 2003, 02:18:02 AM
Will any part of my task force be needed for the Mrisst battle?
General Tohmahawk
Sep 1st, 2003, 10:33:46 PM
I'd say get in and kick some Imperial <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont>
Lion El' Jonson
Sep 2nd, 2003, 03:58:42 AM
I'm not quite sure. Technically, your force is patrolling the Remnant border, looking for any security breaches.
However, I may call upon you very soon. In the next couple of posts, a distress call will be transmitted, and it'd be nice if Task Force Orishma arrived to rescue us.
I've planned this out with Admiral Kraken. It's merely a hit and run, and he's testing out a new capital ship of Remnant design. He wants our feedback on it.
Sep 2nd, 2003, 05:23:53 PM
We will be reciving my renforcements and going to hyperspace soon mabey we will pick up your distress when when drop out to change directions.
Lion El' Jonson
Sep 3rd, 2003, 02:26:24 AM
Alrighty, then. Kraken's waiting on me to post, but I haven't had time to do so in the past couple of days with the NR's sudden wakeup call. I guess I'll go post now.
The Black Market
Sep 6th, 2003, 07:00:54 PM
Still waiting for you to post......
Lion El' Jonson
Sep 6th, 2003, 07:48:29 PM
I know, and I'm sorry...I've been stupidly busy for the last three days: First Model United Nations, then two parties, a school dance, some dinner with a couple of my cousins...I'll post right now.
Duke Quells
Sep 11th, 2003, 06:56:43 AM
Waiting for you to post again........
About Task Force Orishima, what does it consist of?
Sep 11th, 2003, 01:27:03 PM
Task Force Orishma
1st Division
MC-90 "Mon Orishma"
Assault Frigate "Harrier"
Nebulon-B Frigate "Farrogate"
Nebulon-B Frigate "Forestal"
Corellian Gunship "Mortus"
Corellian Gunship "Avenger"
Corellian Gunship "Freedoms cry"
2nd Division
MC-90 "Artanis"
Assault Frigate "Guardian"
Dreadnought, refitted "Monarch"
Corellian Gunship "Gurtosk"
Corellian Gunship "Rebel Dream"
3rd Division
MC-80b "Flame Of Rebellion"
Assault Frigate "Restless"
Dreadnought, refitted "Prompt"
Corellian Corvette "Hornet"
Corellian Corvette "Trespan"
Corellian Gunship
Duke Quells
Sep 11th, 2003, 08:06:29 PM
What is the standard armament of your MC-90s? Is it any different from the 75 Turbolaser Batteries, 30 Ion Cannons, and 2 Warhead Launchers that I've seen on other sites?
Sep 11th, 2003, 11:04:05 PM
Yes that is correct.
Hapan Expeditionary Fleet
Sep 12th, 2003, 05:41:16 PM
How about naming that last Gunship "Freedom's Fury" if you need a name for it, that is........
Dec 1st, 2003, 12:22:04 AM
Restructuring Task Force Orishma
1st Division
MC-90 "Mon Orishma"
Assault Frigate "Harrier"
Nebulon-B Frigate "Forestal"
Nebulon-B Frigate "Farrogate"
Corellian Gunship "Gurtosk"
Corellian Gunship "Glasgow"
Corellian Gunship "Avenger"
Corellian Gunship "Mortus"
2nd Division
MC-90 "Artanis"
Assault Frigate "Guardian"
Assault Frigate "Restless"
Corellian Gunship "Rebel Dream"
Corellian Corvette "Hornet"
3rd Division
MC-80b "Flame Of Rebellion"
Dreadnought, refitted "Monarch"
Dreadnought, refitted "Prompt"
Corellian Gunship "Freedoms cry"
Corellian Corvette "Trespan"
Lion El' Jonson
Dec 1st, 2003, 03:31:24 AM
Excellent. I think I'm going to create a thread soon where the primary New Republic Fleet RPers post their taskforces. That way, there's a thread to refer to when you join an RP, and people know you're not pulling your capital ships out of thin air.
Also, I expect that with the new revamp on Fleet RPing, now focusing on the character level, battlegroups participating in any one fight will likely be limited to something the size of one of your divisions, Admiral Reshmar. This will make the thread less confusing, and easier to focus on individual ships.
Dec 1st, 2003, 04:09:08 PM
opps delete this post please
Dec 1st, 2003, 04:22:01 PM
Ok now with the right id.
I plan of seperating my divisions and having them patrol a section of my larger patrol area. 2 will partol the outside of my assigned patrol areas while one sits as a resurve if needed on the inside of the patrol area. I forsaw the divisional size for future fleeting and think its a good idea for 1 to 2 caps and a few escorts to comprise the fleets we will be working with. The way I plan on using my groups will enable me to aid a division if needed. say if a far superior fleet surprises one of the groups one is on resurve to aid it.
Lion El' Jonson
Dec 1st, 2003, 04:57:40 PM
Good foresight. Also, your divisions add a "reinforcement" element to the RPs, where an outnumbered battlegroup goes all out to buy enough time for the cavalry to arrive.
Dec 1st, 2003, 05:48:30 PM
I was wondering if we have any new ship designs in the future because it seems the Imps are coming out with a lot of new and better ships.
Dec 2nd, 2003, 01:08:34 AM
They have alot of new designs but an MC 90 still out shields them and can fight alot longer than anything they have. Just out gunned badly. We could use a few Republic MK III Star Destroyers. They have alot more firepower than a MC-90. I have fought with an aurora and know what it can do to a ship in a short time. Stay behind it you will be ok. 400 Cap torps hurt. basiclly the sovereignty has upgunned Imperators. and a SSD of course. They have a few ships which they bought from sevon which could give us problems. Some real advanced weapons there. This is all OOC knowledge and im not sure how much the New Republic knows in character. A Mediator would be nice. lol or a Viscount even. As it stands im not afraid of there ships one on one aginst my MC 90. 2 on one is a differant stroy
Dec 2nd, 2003, 01:12:15 AM
oh yeah fighters. we lag way behind on fighter technology. All x wings should be upgraded to XJ models and E wings and K wings become standard deployment. There are C wings and R wings but they have not been introduced to this site as of yet. Im not sure where they came from but they are on alot of the other sites.
Dec 2nd, 2003, 01:28:18 AM
oh one more thing. there are alot of good NR ships we dont use like the Endurance Carrier, Majestic Cruisers, Corona Frigate, Warrior Gunship, Bothan Assault Cruisers and Defender Class Star Destroyers. The cals are good ships and I favor them over the rest but a couple of Defender class Star Destroyers can make difference in a battle. and I don't see anyone even using Republic Star Destroyers. It really depends on what your beliefs are as to whats canon. These are all ships from the wizards rpg game and EU. And no one said we couldn't upgrade our existing ship designs. Well I was just rattling. What ever ships Admiral Lion wants to use I will use, and use them to the best of there functionality.
Lion El' Jonson
Dec 2nd, 2003, 06:33:55 AM
If I remember correctly, wasn't the X-Wing XJ Variant the one that happily self-destructed when the right computer combination was punched in? Flung Luke Skywalker a couple dozen meters through the air on Pydyr, if I remember correctly. :lol
As for the other ship designs, that's up for debate. The Mon Calamari cruisers are certainly the most visible signs of New Republic military force, which is why I favor them. Almost all of the other ships aren't as well known, which is why I refrain from using them. If you could give me some data on the other ships you refer to, I could make a decision as to what should be used, and what should be bypassed. I recall that the Endurance-class carrier is utilized by the Diamala, but asides from that, I'm not sure. I think I remember seeing a couple of those ship designs in the Black Fleet Crisis books, but I'd appreciate if you filled me in a bit more. Still, I believe that we should begin by retiring the MC-80's, and switching primary production to the MC-90's. In addition, we should build either MC-80B's, such as Mon Remonda, or a new class of smaller Mon Calamari cruiser as supplemental capital ships: They're not quite as powerful as an MC-90, but they're more than enough for system defense or for leading a small taskforce. Finally, I'm going to work up new stats for captured Imperator-class Star Destroyers: Not much change in terms of weapons, but perhaps the addition of proton torpedo batteries such as those fitted onto Admiral Pellaeon's Chimaera.
Fighters probably do need an upgrade, but not as big as you think. I propose that we (finally....:lol) retire the venerable Y-Wing, as they're basically outclassed by everything. The K-Wing is a possibility, although they're ill-suited for their role as a capital-ship assault craft since they've got rather wimpy shields and armor. I think a better choice would be the C-Wing; it's much more advanced than the K-Wing. Other than that, however, I think we're okay. Maybe lessen production of X-Wings a bit (they're getting old, but are still very versatile) and step up production of B-Wing E2's and A-Wing Mk.II's. B-Wing E2's are just as maneuverable as regular B-Wings, and carry far more weaponry. Likewise, the A-Wing Mk.II is far more reliable and standardized than normal A-Wings, and has enhanced thrust-vectoring.
Dec 2nd, 2003, 09:47:34 AM
As for the XJ the problems with the computer were worked out. They are as fast as a wings with the capabilitys of x wings. The computer core of the standard X wing work well with the XJ variant and the only basic design change is the engines. it is much faster and a better design than the E- wing for standard use. I agree the MC 80 should be retired. It is simpley out dated. The 90's are very good ships. I like them. And they work well but are exspensive to produce. The redundancy systems and massive shielding make them strong ships but not cost effeciant. The Enrudance Carrier is from the Black Fleet Crisis. It is nothing special just a carrier. It can not fill a stand alone roll. It requires escorts but does carry 12 squadrons. The ships i would like are the Defender Class Star Destroyer. I beleave that and the Majestic Heavy Cruiser is what the NR need. Ill star with the Defender SD
Defender-class Star Destroyer
known to the New Republic military as a "pocket Star Destroyer," these new-class ships were 65% the size of an Imperial-I class Destroyers but had the firepower of the Imperial-II class. They were the best-defended ships in the galaxy at the time of the Battle of N'zoth, with virtually impervious armor plating and shields. The Defender-class could transport a full wing of starfighters for assault missions, as well as a wing of long-range fighters. They saw limited production as the New Republic down-sized its military after the negotiation of peace with Admiral Pellaeon and the Empire. At 1,040 meters in length, each Defender-class ship was armed with 40 heavy turbolaser batteries, 40 heavy turbolaser cannons, 20 ion cannons, 8 tractor beam projectors, and 8 concussion missile launchers. This version of Star Destroyer required a crew of 6,795, with 244 gunners and the capacity to transport 1,600 troops
It is an eccelent ship and working along with a MC-90 as a command ship makes for a nice pairing. They can fill any role in the fleet and are alot cheeper to produce than a Cal cruiser.
Secondly the Majestic Heavy Cruiser.
from CUSWE
Majestic-class Heavy Cruiser
this was one of the new class of starship designs approved for the New Republic Navy, around the time of the formation of the Fifth Battle Group. Measuring 700 meters in length, the Majestic-class saw widespread duty during the Black Fleet Crisis. Equipped with thick armor and heavy-duty shields, it was designed to compare with the Imperial-class Star Destroyer in battle. The Majestic-class was armed with 30 heavy turbolaser cannons, 20 laser cannons, 20 ion cannons, 8 concussion missile tubes, and 4 tractor beam projectors. Each cruiser was manned by 4,050 crewmen and 132 gunners, and could transport up to 640 troops.
These are very good ships. They work well as escorts for Endurance carriers. That was there main pourpose. They are gun platforms and do not carry fighters.
Third the Republic Class Star Destroyer
from CUSWE
Republic-class Star Destroyer
this battle ship was a smaller version of the Imperial-class Star Destroyer, and was designed for use by the New Republic. It first saw duty during the latter stages of the Black Fleet Crisis and the battle against the Yevetha, although production was limited to a few ships. The Republic-class was designed to be the follow-up to the Victory-class destroyer, and was developed by Walex Blissex himself. They were designed to be cost-efficient replacements for the Imperial-class destroyer - two Republics could be manufactured for the cost of one Imperial, with twenty percent of the crew complement and twenty percent more firepower than the Imperial-I class destroyer. The Republic-class ship measured 1,250 meters in length, and was crewed by 8,168 crewers with 260 gunners and up to 3,200 troops. They were armed with 40 heavy turbolaser batteries, 40 heavy turbolaser cannons, 20 ion cannons, and 10 tractor beam projectors. It also transported a full wing of starfighters
Good ship and you will find it is alot better than upgrading Imps.
Corona Class Frigates are goos patrol vessels. They anrt that special by specs but the fact that they carry 3 squadrons of fighters makes up for it.
Corona-class Frigate
this was one of the earliest starship designs approved by the New Republic, although it saw limited production. It is not considered one of the new class of ships produced for the Fifth Battle Group, such as the Sacheen-class escort frigate. Built by Kuat Drive Yards, it was modeled after the KDY Nebulon-B frigate, and was designed to carry up to three squadrons up starfighters into battle. The Corona-class frigate measured 275 meters in length, required a crew of 782 with 56 gunners, and could transport up to 80 troops. They were hyperspace-capable, and were armed with 10 turbolaser cannons, 10 laser cannons, 4 ion cannons, and a pair of tractor beam projectors
Finally the Warrior Gunship
Fast and deadly. I have been picked apart by these at other sites.
Warrior-class Gunship
this was one of the new class of starships designed for use by the New Republic Navy. It measured 190 meters in length, and was a stronger ship than the Corellian Gunship. Like many of the new classes, the Warrior-class was based a earlier, proven design, the Agave-class picket ship. Their primary mission profile was to be small, fast destroyers, capable of taking out a Star Destroyer and living to tell about it. They were armed with 10 turbolaser cannons, 8 laser cannons, and 4 concussion missile launchers, and enhanced shields
Those are the designs i think the NR needs with the new advancments the Imperials have made. They unlike the Imperial ships are cannon and from the EU. so there is no debat on there validity. All but the Corona are from the Black Fleet Crisis novels and they are all good ships. As for A Smaller Cal well I thing the MCL-45 will fill the role you are looking for Admiral Lion. It is not EU but are from the RPG game. It is a nice smaller variant of the MC 80s but it cost as much as a denefnder class SD to build and the Defender makes a better Warship.
Also here is the link I was given when I first joined , which I was told was the data base for the NR fleet. Some of the ships I speak of are in here already. the republic the Mk II and MK III classes of it. and the MCL 45 is there also.
NR database (
I hope All thhis helps. I would like to see some differant Vessels in the NR fleets. The CR 90 Corellian covettes are as old as dirt and really need an upgrade or decomissioning. I have more stats on all of these vessels and will be happy to share any of my personnel database with you.
Dec 2nd, 2003, 10:07:41 AM
Also I agree the C wing would be the best choice. It is in the NR database so I see no reason why we can not use it. With upgraded B wing E2's and C wings the fighter problem is almost nil. The K wing does fit a roll but anti-Vessel is not it. I agree the use of them in fleet Simms would be useless. They can carry a absurdly large payload of ordinance but could never get close to anything to use them.
Lion El' Jonson
Dec 2nd, 2003, 05:28:25 PM
Ah, excellent then. I guess that we will begin production of all of these vessels that you suggest. I'm thinking that we should designate the first Defender-class and Republic-class warships to defense duty around areas such as Coruscant until we get enough of them produced to start filling out our battlegroups with them.
However, the Majestic-class Heavy Cruisers will be deployed to our border worlds. With their weaponry, they will serve more than adequately as lower-tier command ships. Border-defense fleets will typically consist of:
2 Majestic-class Heavy Cruiser
1 MC-80B Heavy Cruiser (for higher priority sectors)
1 Endurance-class Carrier
3-6 Warrior-class Gunships
Dec 3rd, 2003, 01:00:47 PM
I will post a more detailed specification on the ships. I just have to dig them out of my files.
Lion El' Jonson
Dec 7th, 2003, 04:42:56 AM
Thanks Reshmar. Good job.
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