View Full Version : Reunion (River) Complete
Faith Lerf
Aug 28th, 2003, 07:19:11 PM
Finally the day had arrived. It was the day that River and Faith would be reunited after they long departure. She was a nervous wreck. She morning sickness seemed worse and she was worried about River finding out her small secret. She laid out several shirts, trying to pick the biggest, but nicest one. She wasn't to look perfect for River, but she didn't want her bloated stomach to show. She finally pick on out and put it on. She then went into her 'fesher and perfected her hair and make-up. After one last check up, she made her way to the B&G to meet River.
She walked past the gaurds with her usual smile and tried to pass, but this gaurd knew better.
"Miss. Miss. You must remove all weapons."
Faith looked at the gaurd, trying to play it off like she didn't know what she was talking about.
"Weapon, I carry no weapon sir."
She began to walk past as the gaurd reached out and pulled on her arm. She turned around as he pointed to her boot where River's dagger was in plain sight. She a silent curse she looked up to the gaurd. She had forgotten to push the dagger futher down to hide it.
"Please let me keep it in, sir. I promise I won't use it. It was a gift to me and I will never remove it."
The gaurd didn't seem to budge with his desicion as Faith pleaded with him.
River Kincaid
Aug 29th, 2003, 02:49:36 AM
Cigarette in hand, River had just arrived outside the Bar and Grill. It had been a day long awaited. He hoped that Faith would be as glad to see him as he was to see her. The time they had been apart had been too long.
Opening the door, he saw Faith there arguing with the guards about....his blade tucked in her boot.
With a smile, he said. "Might as well let them have it, luv."
Faith Lerf
Aug 29th, 2003, 04:49:43 AM
Faith turned quickly as she heard the voice of her love--River. Her faces filled with great happiness as she left the gaurd and quickly ran to River. She couldn't help it, she had to hold River or have River hold her. She placed her arms gently around his neck and gave him a big hig. "It's good to see you again, River."
River Kincaid
Aug 29th, 2003, 08:35:00 AM
Her arms felt so good, so right being around him again. He held onto her tightly, never wanting to let go of her. "I've missed you too, luv. I've missed you so much, more than you realize."
With a deep breath, he let go of her and looked at her. "You look beautiful as ever."
Before he did anything else, he reached down to her boot and pulled out the dagger. "I see you've kept it close. Let's let them have it for a bit." River handed it to the guards and then took her hand in his and led her into the bar.
Faith Lerf
Aug 29th, 2003, 09:44:56 PM
Faith couldn't contain her happiness. River had come back to her. "I miss you so much too, and I'm sorry. . ." She began to say as they went into the bar. She looked to River with a smile. The dagger she held so close began to fade, once again she had the real thing--River. Suddenly her thoughts went to her stomach, a guilt flooded her heart. She was keeping something very sacred from River. She was keeping from him what connected them. She sighed deeply as she pushed all those thoughts of guilt away. A perfect time would come when she could tell River, she just had to wait for it.
River Kincaid
Aug 30th, 2003, 03:49:25 AM
River led them to a seat in the back and pulled out a chair for her. After taking a seat across from her, he took a hold of her hands. "I know, this separation has been very rough, Faith. But, please don't think for a minute that I don't love you or miss you."
Faith Lerf
Aug 30th, 2003, 02:23:10 PM
Faith shook her head. "Oh River. I know I might appear to be thinking that, but I don't! This had been very hard on both of us. . . " More for me, she thought to herself. ". . .and I know that you love me and miss me. I'm just so happy you came back."
River Kincaid
Aug 31st, 2003, 03:43:23 AM
"These visits may be far and few between, but I will return when I can." He stopped suddenly as the server droid appeared. "I'll take a Falycin ale. Faith?"
Faith Lerf
Aug 31st, 2003, 08:07:01 AM
Faith remembered their last trip to the B&G. "I'll take water please." She looked back to River. "So, how's your training going?"
River Kincaid
Aug 31st, 2003, 10:25:16 AM
"Pretty well. The kids miss you." He added. "How've you been?"
Faith Lerf
Aug 31st, 2003, 11:21:51 AM
Faith smiled at the mention of the kids. "I miss them too. I've been doing...okay." She said, with a frown. "I haven't been able to get over my cold. But today I seem to be doing okay."
River Kincaid
Aug 31st, 2003, 04:05:20 PM
River squeezed her hands. "I wish I could be there for you, Faith. You deserve so much more than this."
Faith Lerf
Aug 31st, 2003, 10:50:13 PM
Faith smiled sadly. "I'll take what I can get, River. I want this."
River Kincaid
Sep 1st, 2003, 10:51:16 AM
He nodded a reply as their drinks came. "I would love to be with you everyday and one day that'll happen. I promise, it'll just take some time is all."
Faith Lerf
Sep 1st, 2003, 02:44:24 PM
Faith nodded. She knew what River was saying was true. "One day, I know River, one day."
River Kincaid
Sep 2nd, 2003, 03:07:56 AM
Her voice was so down and he wanted to make her happy. "Would you care to dance with me, Faith? I want to hold you close, I want feel your body next to mine." He stood and held a hand out to her, his eyes hopeful.
Faith Lerf
Sep 2nd, 2003, 01:29:31 PM
Faith smiled with a blush. "I could never turn that down." She took River's hand as he walked her out to the dance floor. She got up close to River and placed her head on his shoulder as a slow peaceful song began to play.
River Kincaid
Sep 3rd, 2003, 03:37:26 AM
River closed his eyes and held her close, he sighed dreamily as they swayed to the music. He didn't want the moment to end as he took in the clean scent of her hair, the softness of her skin, the radiance in her eyes.
"I would stay here forever if I could, never leaving you." He told her softly.
Faith Lerf
Sep 3rd, 2003, 11:10:09 AM
Faith smiled and looked up at him. "That would be nice, wouldn't it?" Faith wanted the same thing, but deep down she knew that wouldn't happen anytime soon.
River Kincaid
Sep 3rd, 2003, 03:37:18 PM
"Yes, it would be." He answered lightly with a smile. Life wasn't easy for them and it never would be until he completed his training and possibly until she completed hers.
But, he had her right now and that was all that really mattered. Without hesitating, he cupped her face with his hands and lightly kissed her lips.
Faith Lerf
Sep 4th, 2003, 12:53:34 PM
Faith smiled and kissed River back. She looked up at him, longing for another kiss, but she didn't want to take it to fast that night. She sighed happily as they continued to sway to the music. "I love you, River." She whispered to him.
River Kincaid
Sep 5th, 2003, 03:50:32 AM
River kissed her gently again and held her tight. Her words hadn't shocked him, but they did tend to bring a little guilt to him.
He had spent time with his Master in ways more than a Padawan should, but they had both been lonely.
"I love you too, Faith." He answed back as he tried not to hesitate too much. But, he did feel bad. "I've missed you more than you know."
Faith Lerf
Sep 6th, 2003, 08:18:10 AM
Faith looked up at him. There was something bothering him, she knew it, but what she didn't know was what it was. "I know you have."
River Kincaid
Sep 7th, 2003, 05:57:16 AM
"I don't know how long we'll only be able to have these little rendezvous or even if a it's possible to continue them, but I'll do my best."
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Sep 7th, 2003, 06:17:41 AM
Not more than a couple of tables away a lone, hooded, dark-cloaked figure sat nearby watching the two, with quite a bit of interest.
His blood boiled as he watched. River, how soon you've forgotten Angelina...and now in the arms of a new little becoming.
He sipped his whiskey, allowing it to burn his throat and on down into his stomach.
His brother would pay for this outrage, Ridge Kincaid would make sure of it. oh...she was a pretty little thing...
Seeing the two with their arms wrapped around one another, kissing was enough to make Ridge's stomach turn. Faith, her name was Faith...he'd not forget that. All in due time, brother....all in due time...
He continued to watch and drink.
Faith Lerf
Sep 7th, 2003, 11:50:48 AM
Faith gave River a strange look. Why had he brought up such a pessimistic fact while they were having such a great time. She dropped her arms from around his neck. "Let's go back and sit down." She said as she walked back to the table. Her heart ached and she was starting feel ill at that. She sighed, how he was so close yet so far at the same time. She took a seat and tried to hide her pain, hoping that she didn't ruin the rest of their evening.
River Kincaid
Sep 8th, 2003, 03:33:36 AM
He hurt her, but he didn't mean too. He was merely stating the facts, facts that she needed to be aware of. The situation was so hard for them, but it was just the way things were.
River slumped into his seat and lit a cigarette. Things weren't going well. He really didn't know what to say at the moment, she seemed very distant, so he just sat and tried to enjoy his cigarette.
Faith Lerf
Sep 8th, 2003, 04:26:37 AM
Faith watched as he lit his cigarette. She frowned and turned away. He knew that she hated those things. She didn't look at him at all while he inhauled the aweful thing. After he was done she turned back to him. "River, I know these visits are going to be very rare. That's why I just wanted to have a good evening alone. You don't have to keep telling me and reminding me that I can't be with you all the time."
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Sep 9th, 2003, 03:30:38 AM
Very rare indeed, brother. Especially after I make you pretty little wench mine. Ridge smirked darkly as he mentally began to eavesdrop on the two and then he sensed it...
Faith was pregnant...with twins!
He nearly burst out laughing at the situation, things couldn't have worked out better.
Oh, brother, you are the fickle one. Ridge also sensed the immense disturbance between the two. It was obvious, River knew nothing about the twins.
Ridge continued to observe.
River Kincaid
Sep 10th, 2003, 08:56:50 PM
River sighed and took a hold of Faith's hand. "I want to have a good night too, Faith. But, I can see the look in your eyes and what we both want so badly we can't have right now. I just need you to understand that, luv."
Faith Lerf
Sep 11th, 2003, 01:33:29 PM
[b]Faith pulled her hand back away from River's.[/i] "I know we can't have it. I know, River. I do understand. Why can't you see that, River?"
River Kincaid
Sep 11th, 2003, 06:17:12 PM
He nodded and dropped the subject. "I'll tell ya what, let's go for a walk in the park down the street. How does that sound?"
Faith Lerf
Sep 11th, 2003, 06:42:36 PM
Faith's expression softened. "Yes, that sounds lovely, River. And I'm sorry. I just want you to know, that I do understand all this."
River Kincaid
Sep 13th, 2003, 03:53:42 AM
"Let's just forget about all that and enjoy the rest of our evening. Come on, let's go." He smiled as he stood and took her hand.
It wasn't long before the two of them were walking hand in hand along one of the many paths of the small park. The sun was just beginning to set as they approached a small hill and sat down on the ground.
The sight was beautiful from there.
"I wish life could be this easy for us all the time. You and I, here" he drew her face close to his. "Kissing you..." He kissed her gently.
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Sep 13th, 2003, 03:56:20 AM
Ridge had kept a well trained eye on his twin and followed them out of the Bar and Grill and to the park.
His mind was already working on a plan.
Faith Lerf
Sep 13th, 2003, 09:48:43 AM
Faith forgot about the drame back in the B&G, she smiled and just enjoyed her walk with River. As he kissed her, she got caught up in the moment and things got very passionate between them. After the kiss was over, she began to think of their last night together, she began to feel guilty, but she didn't dare say anything, not knowing how he would react. She sighed and forgot all about it, she stared into his eyes. "River, I love you..."
River Kincaid
Sep 14th, 2003, 04:46:51 PM
This time he didn't hesitate, he spoke from his heart. "I love you, Faith. You are my heart and my soul." He kissed her again.
Faith Lerf
Sep 15th, 2003, 04:47:38 AM
Faith looked to River, a tear of joy ran down her face. "I'm love to hear you say that."
River Kincaid
Sep 15th, 2003, 09:46:38 AM
He looked at her with a gentle smile and wiped away the tear. "I mean it, every word of it."
Faith Lerf
Sep 16th, 2003, 04:50:15 AM
Faith nodded. She put her hand over River's. "This is very nice."
River Kincaid
Sep 17th, 2003, 04:45:13 AM
River smiled and looked dreamily at her, not a care in the world. He probably looked like a lovesick school boy, but he didn't care. All he wanted was to be here with Faith tonight.
He slipped off his jacket and laid back on it. He pulled her gently and soon her head was lying on his chest. "I never want this moment to end, Faith. I could stay here forever, with just you in my arms." He stroked her hair gently wth his hand.
Faith Lerf
Sep 17th, 2003, 08:54:23 PM
[b]Faith snuggled up to River.[/i] "I wish I could stay here forever as well." She sighed a big sigh of happiness. "This is great."
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Sep 21st, 2003, 07:59:38 PM
He could kill River right now, it wouldn't take but a moment. But then it would be over and the revenge he wanted would still be there driving him insane. He watched how his brother loved on this new woman as the dark thought began to flow.
River Kincaid
Sep 21st, 2003, 08:05:18 PM
"I love you, Faith. I love you so much." He ravished her with kisses and caresses. He loved her from head to toe.
Faith Lerf
Sep 22nd, 2003, 04:31:09 AM
Faith smiled and kissed River in return. She loved being there with him, there was no other care in the world when she was in his arms. "I love you too, River. I love you too."
River Kincaid
Sep 28th, 2003, 12:01:37 AM
River could've stayed with her there all night, but it was becoming chilly and she had said something of having a slight cold, so he thought it was best to get her home. "Let's get you in out of this cool night air, Faith." He said as he stood and helped her to her feet.
She was so beautiful, he wished it never had to end.
Faith Lerf
Sep 28th, 2003, 08:25:02 AM
Faith noded and she stood up. "Yes, I guess that'd be a good idea." After River pulled her up, she pulled him into a hug.
River Kincaid
Sep 29th, 2003, 04:17:28 AM
He smiled and took her into his arms and held her. Kissing the top of her head, he closed her eyes. "I love you, Faith. Don't ever forget that."
Faith Lerf
Sep 29th, 2003, 12:54:10 PM
Faith smiled and looked up at River. "I won't, I won't ever forget it." She moaned slightly, she was starting not to feel well again. "I think I need to get home."
River Kincaid
Sep 29th, 2003, 03:52:03 PM
River could feel Faith's discomfort through the Force bond they shared, but something was different...there was something more.
"Faith..." He stopped and looked at her, his eyes questioning. "I feel there is something more that you're not telling me. Am I correct?"
His mind connected with hers as he closed his eyes. There it was! "Good Gods, Faith...why didn't you tell me?"
Faith Lerf
Sep 30th, 2003, 02:44:25 PM
Faith suddenly became very hot as a blush sweeped her face. She looked to the ground and shrugged. "I-I just couldn't bring myself to tell you, I didn't know how you would have reacted, I mean... I don't know...."
River Kincaid
Oct 1st, 2003, 04:46:37 AM
"You're pregnant..." He said as his hand when to her abdomen, he could feel a slight bulge. "....with twins." He couldn't believe it, she was pregnant with his children. Twins!
Faith Lerf
Oct 1st, 2003, 03:21:42 PM
Faith nodded saddly. She was so confused right then. She had no idea what to do. A sigle tear ran down the side of her face.[/i] "I was so scared... I didn't know what to do..." [b]More tears fell silently. "I am so scared..."
River Kincaid
Oct 1st, 2003, 08:25:48 PM
River took her into his arms and held her. "Oh, Faith, if you'd only told me earlier. You're not in this alone, my luv. I'm here and now that I know, I can start making plans. You won't go through this alone. I promise you that."
Faith Lerf
Oct 1st, 2003, 08:30:56 PM
Faith continued with the tears, trying to stop them. "I know, River. I'm so sorry. It's just I didn't know what to do." She looked up at him. Drying her tears. "You mean it? You'll help me through this?"
River Kincaid
Oct 2nd, 2003, 03:56:42 AM
A look of surprise came over him as he glanced at her. "Of course, Faith. I love Hunter and Ry-Obi, just as I will love these two that you are carrying." But, things were difficult now, what was he going to do? He wanted to stay near, but she was a Jedi and he was with the Lost.
"We need to get you back to the Temple and I must go." He told her quickly as he took her arm in his and began to lead her back towards the Temple.
Faith Lerf
Oct 3rd, 2003, 04:19:23 AM
Faith looked up at him as they were leaving. "You just find out I'm pregnant and you have to leave?" She asked in a sad tone.
River Kincaid
Oct 3rd, 2003, 06:26:13 PM
"Are you kidding me? I don't want to leave at all, but now that I know, I have to make some of my own prepirations." He turned to her. "If I can make the arrangements, will you come with me? Meaning...will you leave the Order?"
Faith Lerf
Oct 4th, 2003, 04:14:38 PM
Faith's mouth dropped. "Leave the Order?" She repeated in disbelief. The Order was one of the best things that has ever happened to her, she was close to her sister, she was training, she met River, her life fit here. "I-I don't know..." She stuttered. She wanted to be with River, she really did, but leaving? Another tear fell down her cheek. Things were getting harder and harder for her.
River Kincaid
Oct 4th, 2003, 06:45:47 PM
River saw the confusion in her eyes. He gave her a light grin and cupped her face in his hands and brought his face close to hers. "No worries, luv. We have plenty of time to think of our options. You don't know how happy you've made me, Faith. I never thought in a million years that I'd be a father again. But, here you are carrying my children within you."
He took her into a hug and stroked the back of her hair. "I love you so much, Faith and somehow we'll make this work. I promise."
River kissed the top of her head as he held her.
Faith Lerf
Oct 6th, 2003, 11:46:26 AM
[b]Faith smiled, River was so reassuring and it made her feel better. As River hugged her, stroked her, and kissed her, the worries feeling her mind vanished as she got lost in the moment with River.[/i] "I love you too, River."
Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 10th, 2003, 04:18:28 AM
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Oct 10th, 2003, 07:07:43 PM
Ridge had been watching it al, it could've been very easy to slice both of them in half at that very moment. Both of them totally into each other, not giving mind to anything else around them. But, Ridge waited....he had another thought in mind.
An idea that would bring his brother to his knees.
Quietly, Ridge slipped away with a thin smile on his face.
Yes, indeed my brother, I'll have you on your knees very soon.
River Kincaid
Oct 12th, 2003, 09:13:36 AM
River walked Faith back to the Temple. He gave her one last kiss before he leaned down and kissed her stomach. "Take care of your mother, little ones and I'll be back very soon."
He stood up again and looked deeply into Faith's eyes. "I'll be in touch very soon, luv. Don't forget what I've said to you. I love you, Faith very much." He gave her one last kiss and then disappeared back into the night.
Faith Lerf
Oct 12th, 2003, 11:35:44 AM
Faith took the embrace and the kisses. She watched as he left. "I love you too..." She called after him as he left. She went back into her room and closed the door, locking it behind her. She plopped down on the couch with a sigh. Things were so crazy! She layed down and feel asleep there on the couch, with many thoughts going through her head.
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