View Full Version : Learning something new: Strength comes from within. (Kyle)

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 27th, 2003, 07:32:42 PM
Wei was walking about outside, looking around the training facility, and wishing the GJO were still based on Arkan IV. "We had rocks there. Big rocks. And grass. I mean real grass, not this...this...whatever it is," he muttered to himself, kicking at the ground with his shoe.

"Kyle ought to be here soon. He better hurry if we want to be on time."

Kyle Krogen
Aug 27th, 2003, 08:13:25 PM
Kyle ran down a path I hope I dont get there late he thought to himself, He soon saw Wei and stoped infront of his

'I here Master" He said panting, "what will we learn today."

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 28th, 2003, 11:02:46 AM
"How to increase your strength, speed and other physical attributes beyond their natural capacity by using the Force."

Wei took his crono out of his pocket and checked the time. "Force boosting goes like this," he said, pocketing his crono. "Tap into the Force, and then concentrate it into whatever part of yourself you want to boost. Such as, if you want to boost your running speed, you would concentrate the Force into your legs. If you wanted to lift something heavy, you would strengthen your arms."

Wei paused and stretched his legs. "I want you to try to Force Boost your speed to keep up with me, ok?"

Wei gathered the Force, and focused on the running task that was ahead of him. "Ready?"

Kyle Krogen
Aug 28th, 2003, 10:16:22 PM
Kyle bent his body into a running position, He slowly got the force moving through him but was having trouble putting it in just his legs

Kyle finaly got it where he wanted it "I'm ready" He lunged formard his legs pumping.

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 29th, 2003, 12:13:26 PM
Wei dashed out in front of his Padawan, keeping a few meters distance between them. Wei ran down the street and turned left, then ran down a few blocks and turned right. Down three more blocks, and there was another left turn. They were nearly there. At last, in the distance there was a sign for a junkyard. Wei stopped outside the sign.

"We're here. The owner of the junkyard needs some stuff moved around today. And we are going to help. This is where you get to practice your Force Boosting."

Kyle Krogen
Aug 29th, 2003, 01:21:07 PM
Kyle finaly made it to where Wei was waiting, He looked around the junk yard as he panted

"so where going to boost our strength to lift things a normal man could'nt?"

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 1st, 2003, 05:26:38 PM
"That's right. But bear in mind that even though you will be able to lift things that are enormously heavy, somethings will be too large to lift on your own. It's not a matter of the object's weight, but it is a matter of whether or not you can get a grip on it."

The owner of the junkyard stepped out of his office and grinned. "Good to see you made it. The stuff is over here."

The owner led the Jedi to a stack of what looked like starship parts. "All this stuff needs to be arranged so things are easy to find. Just put all the parts that look the same into different piles and I'll have my boys inventory them later. I really appreciate this. Come to my office when you get finished, ok?" Then the owner left.

Wei looked at all the things cluttered together in a huge stack. "Very well then. In order to boost your strength, you must focus the Force into the muscles that you will be using to lift stuff. In this case it will be our arms and legs. Remember to always lift from the knees. Never bend over to pick up heavy things."

Wei pointed to a speeder engine. "Start by picking that up and putting it some where so it will be on its own."

Kyle Krogen
Sep 2nd, 2003, 12:39:16 PM
Kyle nodded and walked over to the engine, he focused the force where he needed it for lifting, he grabed the engine and slowly lifted it off the ground, after it was away from the ground he turned to Wei "where should I put it down?"

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 2nd, 2003, 12:55:49 PM
"You can decide. Just make sure it's an empty place, ok?"

While Kyle was doing that, Wei went through the pile, collecting as many of the very small parts as he could and put them all into one pile.

"Sure are a lot of these little ones."

Wei finished with his pile and returned his attention to the mess that was ahead of them. A few hyperdrive units were lying about on their sides, with various hoses and wires sticking out at odd places. "Help me push these over into that corner over there when you are finished, ok Kyle?" Wei asked, pointing to a large empty corner near the back of the junkyard.

"I gotta admit. The man keeps this place very clean."

Kyle Krogen
Sep 4th, 2003, 08:55:29 PM
Kyle nodded and set what he was carrying down by itself, he walked over to Wei and helped him move the unit into the corner

Kyle wiped the sweet off him face "this is hard work."

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 6th, 2003, 09:36:51 PM
"Indeed it is. Did you expect it to be child's play? Being a Jedi is hard work. From fighting Darksiders, to community service, all the way down to living according to the Jedi code, it's all hard work."

Wei motioned to the pile again. "There are several small parts in that pile. I want you to gather up all those miscellaneous parts and put them all into one big pile, ok? There's a lot of them, and some are easy to miss, so take your time."

Kyle Krogen
Sep 6th, 2003, 09:52:01 PM
Kyle walked over to the pile and bent down and started putting the small peices in one pile

After a while Kyle took off dark brown outer robes and continues his work, after about an hour Kyle had finished sorting out all the small peices

He sat down and brushed the dirt off his hands, Kyle looked up at Wei "whats next" he smiled.

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 7th, 2003, 12:42:54 PM
Wei looked at the pile. While Kyle had been picking through the junk, Wei had been moving the larger parts into stacks. there was not much of it left.

"We just need to move these last few pieces into their piles. Come on."

Wei grabbed another hyperdrive unit. "Kyle, you pick a different piece of junk and push it over to its pile. It'll take more effort than the two of us lifting it, ok?"

Wei pushed the hyperdrive unit to where it needed to belong. "Your turn. Focus in your legs and your arms."

Kyle Krogen
Sep 8th, 2003, 01:05:34 PM
Kyle focused and started pushing a large peice of junk into its pile, it took him a few minuted to get it to its pile

He then started picking up other peices and puting them in the they're piles.

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 8th, 2003, 02:48:10 PM
"Not bad, Kyle. Not bad at all. Now, we have to go to the office to tell the owner that we're finished."

Wei didn't know where the office was, but he figured it might be at the entrance somewhere.

"Let's use our Force Boosting to jump high enough to try to see the office from here. You use a different set of muscles when you jump than when you run, so make sure you're concentrating on them correctly, or else you'll be going nowhere fast. If you have to, jump once or twice to see which muscles you're going to be using. Let me know when you think you've got it and we'll jump together."

Kyle Krogen
Sep 8th, 2003, 05:03:18 PM
Kyle suddeny had a flashback of when he had tryed force jumping for the first time and almost broke bothh of his legs

he first did a few test jumps while he figured out which muscles needed to be boosted

after several minutes he had them all figured out "ok, Im ready."

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 9th, 2003, 12:06:13 PM
"Good. And remember to bend your knees when you land. One, two, three!"

Wei crouched low and jumped several feet into the air. He could just barely see over the very large piles of junk lying around. Then he landed again.

"Did you see it, Kyle?" Wei asked. He hadn't been able to find the building, but he hoped that Kyle had been able to.

Kyle Krogen
Sep 9th, 2003, 03:24:37 PM
Kyle landed beside Wei and pointed toward a large pile of trash "its on the other side of the pile master."

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 9th, 2003, 08:52:22 PM
"Good. You go tell him that we're finished. I'll wait for you by the gate."

Wei headed off towards the gate, leaving the Padawan to his chore.

Kyle Krogen
Sep 9th, 2003, 09:16:51 PM
Kyle walked off toward the office, when he got there the owner was waiting by the door to the office "we finished sorting all the stuff" He said when he reached the owner

the owner nodded "thanks for you help master Jedi" Kyle nodded and walked over to where Wei was waiting for him

"I told him, are we going to race back to the temple?"

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 10th, 2003, 01:03:55 PM
"We can," Wei said. "Or if you have any questions you would like to ask, we can discuss them while we walk back."

Kyle Krogen
Sep 11th, 2003, 12:32:16 PM
Kyle grined "I'd like to try racing again" he said as he started to focus the force into his leg muscles.

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 11th, 2003, 01:12:45 PM
"Very well."

Wei got into a running position and shunted the Force into his legs. "On your mark, get set, GO!"

And Wei tore off down the street and around the corner.

Kyle Krogen
Sep 11th, 2003, 08:57:24 PM
Kyle ran after Wei, his legs pumped as he ran

when they reached the temple kyle had only bein a little behind Wei this time, He stoped and panted "that was a good run master."

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 12th, 2003, 12:18:40 PM
"Indeed it was. Let's take this time to teach you one more thing."

Wei sat down and motioned for Kyle to do the same. "Now Force Boosting may allow you to surpass your body's limits, but bear in mind that those limits still exist. Force Boosting for a long time can put a considerable strain on your body if you do it for a long time.

After Force Boosting for a while, and you feel fatigued, you can recuperate your body by imagining the worn out feeling in your body as a liquid. Then using the Force, kind of shunt that liquid out of your body, like water drains out of a sink. Start at your head and let it drain out of your feet. Just let the weariness melt away. Give it a try."

Kyle Krogen
Sep 12th, 2003, 12:53:36 PM
Kyle closed his eyes and constentrated, his frowned this is harder then it seems he thought

after about ten minutes he had finaly started the process of draining away the fatigue

kyle opened his eyes "I feel better already" he said with a smile.

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 16th, 2003, 10:53:05 AM
Wei smiled. "Good. Now Kyle, there is something very important that you need to understand. Just because you have learned how to recuperate with the Force does not give you an excuse not to continue training your body with normal physical exercise. Force Boosting allows us to temporarily exceed our limits, and recuperation helps our bodies to recover, but they cannot replace good old-fashioned exercise. Work out, ok? Because when you exercise, you are pushing your body to reach new limits. Limits that can be surpassed all the more by your Force Boosting. Understand?"

Kyle Krogen
Sep 16th, 2003, 01:00:55 PM
kyle nodded hos head "yes, I understand " he said as he stood up and dusted himself off "I will continue to practice and exercise."

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 17th, 2003, 07:50:08 PM
"Good. Now go get some rest, food, water, shower, whatever will make you feel good right now. You deserve a break. I'll talk to you later, ok?"

Kyle Krogen
Sep 18th, 2003, 12:47:08 PM
Kyle waved as he walked away "I'll see you later Wei" he soon had walked out the door and was on his way to his room.