View Full Version : In Twelve Minutes, There Will Be Casualties

Billy Stone
Aug 27th, 2003, 03:33:43 PM
Stone is a very common last name. For instance, it is the last name of intergalactic terrorist Ellum Stone. And, it is the last name of his seven year old daughter Billy. So you see, anyone can have the last name Stone.

In this case however, it just happened to be a seven year old named Billy.

She had a notion of what her father did. And so when she walked into the Jedi bar, wearing a t-shirt that appropriatly stated 'don't kill the messenger', Billy knew what was going on.

The child walked purposefully over to a booth and scooted in, staring at the occupant. Obviously Jedi. Billy smiled.


Before they could answer, she continued.

"I just want you to know that in twelve minutes my father and his crew are going to come in and kill everybody here."

Yes. It was shocking. But that was what Ellum Stone wanted. He knew about the tight security, and that he didn't stand a chance and would most likely be shot. Ellum Stone, wanted to go out with a bang.

Billy didn't know.

She was after all, a child.

Aug 27th, 2003, 05:17:33 PM
Tie had just managed to get some planetside leave and decided to go to Yog's Bar and Grill since he hadnt been there in a while. He walked in expecting to have a good time. however the moment he walked in e heard words that shocked him.

"I just want you to know that in twelve minutes my father and his crew are going to come in and kill everybody here."

The words came from a little girl over in a booth. Tie ran over to the girl and asked, "Who is your father?" hurriedly. He alsobegan to reach for his comlink to call in the military police.

Billy Stone
Aug 27th, 2003, 05:21:10 PM
Before the person across from her had time to resonde, Billy found herself on the bad end of an interrogation. The child looked at Tie disdainfully before huffing out an answer.

"Ellum Stone."

That oughta give a little scare.

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 27th, 2003, 07:29:20 PM
"Pardon? What did you say?" Wei asked, looking up at the little girl from his lo mein.

Wei had only just now noticed that there was a little girl, and never noticed her saying anything until the pilot ran over to her and demanded she repeat herself.

"Don't kill the messenger? That's an odd shirt for a little girl to wear. And why are you here all alone? Where are your parents?"

Billy Stone
Aug 30th, 2003, 12:18:17 AM
Billy rolled her eyes.

"I said,"

Here she paused to look at the man pointedly, obviously dissapointed that he'd missed her admirable delivery of her message.

"That my father will be here in twelve minutes to kill everybody."

The child shrugged.

"But there's probably not even that much time now. Better hurry."

Billy smirked slightly, making her childish features look far more mature than they were.

"Even though it won't do much good."

Aug 31st, 2003, 07:01:28 PM
Tie swore to himself. He reached for the comlink in his flight suit pocket and pulled it out.

"This is Wing Commander Taichi Yamagi. Get the Military Police down to Yoghurts Bar and Grill now, we have a possible terrorist threat." The voice on the other end acknowledged and in a couple of minutes The MPs were outside the door to the Bar and Grill.

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 1st, 2003, 05:33:24 PM
Wei settled back into his seat, apparently unfazed by Billy's message. "I don't think he will."

Wei motioned to Tie, who was hurriedly talking into his commlink. "The authorities will be here soon. And besides that, there are several Jedi here. I'm afraid that your father is making a grave mistake."

Wei shrugged. "But that's ok. Now, why did your dad bother to send you to tell us that he was coming? Now we'll be ready for him. He might not succeed in his goal."

Billy Stone
Sep 3rd, 2003, 10:37:43 AM
Again she rolled her eyes.

"He always sends a message. That way, he says, people panic an' don't think straight."

Billy pouted, csating a dirty look at Wei.

"Ain't you never heard of my dad? Everybody has."

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 3rd, 2003, 01:59:32 PM
"Afraid I haven't," Wei said. "And he is right. People do panic. Too bad only two people know about what your dad is going to do. Me," Wei said pointing to himself. "And him," Wei said, pointing to Tie.

"So what's your name?" Wei asked Billy.

Billy Stone
Sep 5th, 2003, 02:20:47 PM

Billy twisted her face into a frown.

"An' it's not my fault that you didn't start yellin'. Usually people yell when I tell 'em that my Dad's comin'. Sorta like him."

The child jerked a thumb at Tie, smiling in his direction before turning back to Wei.

"Excuse me, I have to go before my father get's here. Don't wanna get caught in the crostfire."

Billy didn't even catch on to her crossfire blunder. Even if she'd known, crostfire was justso much... perttier.

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 5th, 2003, 02:24:38 PM
Wei frowned. "Well, ok. Go find some place safe, all right? Maybe we will meet again under less...pressing circumstances."

Wei looked over at Tie. "So, are the police coming?"

Sep 5th, 2003, 06:37:33 PM
"Yeah they should be here right about now." Tie replied to Wei. Just then the first members of the New Republic Military Police arrived, weapons at the ready. Tie walked up to the Lieutenant in charge of the MPs.
"Lieutenant, I want you to establish a perimeter outside the Bar and Grill, then immediately start checking this place for bombs. No one gets within 300 feet of this establishment without being searched." Tie ordered.

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 6th, 2003, 08:45:37 AM
Wei sat back with an eyebrow raised. Wei had never seen any sort of military operation before, be it a very big one, or a very small one.

"What about the people in the Bar and Grill already?" Wei asked.

No doubt Tie had already taken the current patrons of the Bar and Grill into account. Wei wanted to know. He was learning.

Sep 6th, 2003, 12:20:15 PM
Tie had indeed taken the patrons of hte bar and grill into account. He ordered the Liuetanant to begin moving the civilians out of the area in small groups as not to institute a panic. As an additional precaution the civilians were screened for hidden weapons. Outside the Bar and Grill the New Republc MPs in the perimeter had their blaster rifles out searching for an enemy they could not see yet.

(OOC Do you know if there is actually going to be an attack or is it a hoax?)

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 6th, 2003, 01:09:51 PM
OOC: Afraid I don't.

IC: Wei watched the goings on with great interest. Everything was so ordered. A little tense for him, though. Everyone had this sense of urgency about them. Wei also stayed alert, but kept himself more relaxed. He would deal with the enemies when they came. But for now, he would choose not to give it anymore thought. Billy's warning had been enough preparation for him.

Sep 6th, 2003, 02:09:22 PM
By now a great deal of the Bar's patrons had been evacuated but there were many more inside. MPs and Jedi were now helping to keep the order. Tie activated his comlink once more, "This is Wing Commander Yamagi to Starfighter Command. I need a squadron of fighters here right now. Have them clear the airspace above the Bar and Grill. No one gets into 10000 meters witout permission anyone passing that line will be shot down." The officer on duty at the nearest air defense base acknowleged. A squadron of X-Wings lifted off and within moments formed a perimeter in he sky above the Bar and Grill.