View Full Version : Timeline project
Aug 27th, 2003, 04:44:17 AM
* From Picture Request III
The question was raised about who might be interested in attempting to document the IC and OOC history of this place. Now, no one person can possibly do it but a collection of people can.
What I was thinking is that a IC and OOC timelines (seperate) can be layed out. The OOC one refers to incidents and remarkable threads or events, the IC one refers to individual characters and interactins in the SW-Fans enviroment.
Who'd be interested in trying to do it?
My suggestion for the OOC time line is that I set out when SW-Fans started and set out a few events before just about any of you turned up, then give it over for anyone else to add dates and links to thingas and events you think could be included. So it becomes a community project.
The IC one...... I'm not sure if that's possible. It might be interesting to do the same, set out a time start and then let people add their own events as they see fit. I think it's resonably accepted the date IC is 54 AE or thereabouts. The actual date has always been flexible but generally most presume 50ishAE. I say 54 AE. Of course, others can and will disagree.
Who'ld want to do it?
Dasquian Belargic
Aug 27th, 2003, 06:06:36 AM
I'd love to help :)
Aug 27th, 2003, 06:46:02 AM
Same here. :)
Ryla Relvinian
Aug 27th, 2003, 10:05:01 AM
Heck yes. If my obsessive nature was not previously established, it sure as heck is now.
So, what level of events are we going to include? Galaxy-wide conflicts, of course, and some Jedi milestones would be nice. We could all figure out our joining dates, and perhaps even when we were promoted? A note for new councils would perhaps be redundant, but what about putting in major decisions (like when the boards split back in... 01 was it? You know, with Nup and all?)
I think this will be most amusing. :D
Aug 27th, 2003, 11:12:19 AM
I personally think the timeline should start at 0. 0 being the first IC moments, negatives being things in back history. IMO :)
James Prent
Aug 27th, 2003, 12:03:48 PM
If you want some help with an IC timeline, I have that frigging huge list of almost all my RPs on my board. There are a few that are important board wise, like Operation Long Knives, etc. Could help you get a handle on a real life three year+ timeline.
Xazor Elessar
Aug 27th, 2003, 02:37:37 PM
I would love to help, but I just don't have the time, honestly.
Marcus Telcontar
Aug 27th, 2003, 04:11:21 PM
Originally posted by ReaperFett
I personally think the timeline should start at 0. 0 being the first IC moments, negatives being things in back history. IMO :)
That will work with a OOC timeline, not sure about IC.
Can try it out tho
Aug 27th, 2003, 05:31:54 PM
I'll throw in what memories and histories I can remember :)
Kelt Simoson
Aug 27th, 2003, 06:01:23 PM
And i'll make the tea :)
Morgan Evanar
Aug 27th, 2003, 08:27:56 PM
Seriously though, what kind of stuff is going to be on there? An IC timeline would be a lot more interesting than an OOC one. Seeing when everyone is born and whatnot.
Lets set it like +150 yrs post ANH, and I think we'd be good to go?
Aug 27th, 2003, 08:51:38 PM
Both IC and OOc would be interesting, tho the IC could be a good resource and reference.
Do you mean 150+ anh as time zero, ie formation of TSC / Original Jedi Council? I've always prwesumed Time base was set 50+ of Endor. Athough that'll only affect long lived races and for such long lived races, that's only a minor problem.
Hmmm guess 150+ ANH also gets us clear of the EU too.
Aug 27th, 2003, 10:20:38 PM
I think I dated the early events for Hart Kenobi pretty specifically at the GJO site. I have quite a unique origin, but it doesn't really have much to do with the GJO as a whole. But I would think I would be one of the earliest submissions on the timeline, other than Yogs. I'd predate AOTC, but would skip over the EU time period, as I was frozen in carbonite for those years.
Btw, Hart Kenobi is still alive and well. He's just living as a hermit on Naboo, having sworn off using the Force ever again.
Aug 27th, 2003, 10:33:26 PM
When I was reserching my character, Milliard told me his character knew Thrawn. I am not sure but 150 + my contradict his characters timelines.
Ryla Relvinian
Aug 27th, 2003, 10:40:23 PM
Well, I'm sure there's gonna be some discrepancies in dates and times and whatnot, but hey, that's the fun part!
So, shall we begin to compile individual timelines with as many events as we can remember and then send them to you?
Aug 27th, 2003, 11:50:59 PM
No, dont send them to me - what I'll do is open a thread and set time zero. Then everyone simply submits and we build the timeline fromt here.
Elessar's story (even after it's clean wipe) still predates TPM a bit if it's 50 AE time base. Hmmmmm, maybe 150 ANH would work better?
first snag - need to agree on a Timebase. Hmm..... welll....... I'lll set time Zero as the creation of the original Jedi group and GJO creation and then people can work it out from there - I wont define an exact date.
Ryla Relvinian
Aug 27th, 2003, 11:55:30 PM
Ok, sounds like a plan. I'm sure that plenty of the dates will have to be established before most of us can contribute.
Aug 28th, 2003, 12:04:56 AM
first thing I'll do is define 20 years between the formation of the Sir Dizzy Council and GJO. Enough time for Masters to have been skilled up to today. However, well say that you could NOT be a Master before the intitial Council unless you genuinely had that rank then. Like Figriin.
Okay. I'll strat the thread and see what happens
Figrin D'an
Aug 28th, 2003, 01:34:23 AM
Originally posted by Marcus
However, well say that you could NOT be a Master before the intitial Council unless you genuinely had that rank then. Like Figrin.
I'm soooooooo oooooooold...
Ryla Relvinian
Aug 28th, 2003, 03:46:44 PM
Yes, like a fine wine.
Or cheese. :D
Lillian Snow
Aug 28th, 2003, 09:19:19 PM
Um...Logic's birthdate (or manufacture date, as the case may be) is unknown. How should I note that?
Ryla Relvinian
Aug 29th, 2003, 11:09:27 PM
Well, just don't put it down. :)
Or put (manufacture date unknown) next to Logic when he's noted as joining the Jedi with Lil, if you want.
James Prent
Aug 31st, 2003, 03:40:05 AM
Um, GJO has only existed IC for FIVE YEARS?!
Good grief, Jax is three and he wasn't even born a year ago, OOC. At year ...TWO is when LD was 21, and now she's 28ish. I can't make my timeline fit yours. Sorry.
Aug 31st, 2003, 05:22:46 AM
Yeah well that's always been a problem here - everyone steps forward in time differently.
That's why I said I didnt know if the project would work. No one has an agreed point in time, no one steps forward the same, some take time liberties, etc.
Morgan Evanar
Aug 31st, 2003, 06:32:50 PM
I work 1 year per RL season. (3 months = 1 IC yr)
Kelt Simoson
Aug 31st, 2003, 06:46:28 PM
That would make Kelt 28, lol. I think i shall stick to the 1 year OOC 1 year IC thing..makes life a whole lot easier.
Navaria Tarkin
Aug 31st, 2003, 09:06:09 PM
okay i realized I should post here...
if that timeline exists Navaria would be dead o_O
Aug 31st, 2003, 09:19:19 PM
Hey, should we post something similar in the OOC, to give others a chance to contribute their own storylines to this?
Morgan Evanar
Aug 31st, 2003, 10:56:58 PM
Originally posted by Kelt Simoson
That would make Kelt 28, lol. I think i shall stick to the 1 year OOC 1 year IC thing..makes life a whole lot easier. But that makes no sense. Going to a Knight in 3 months IC? Then Master in two years?
Sejah Haversh
Aug 31st, 2003, 11:21:37 PM
Dude, I'm subscribing to the one-to-one theory of years. Because otherwise Sejah has been an entry-level Padawan for five years at least. And that's just wrong.
Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 31st, 2003, 11:31:09 PM
Of course it is. Wrong, that is.
Anbira Hicchoru
Aug 31st, 2003, 11:35:22 PM
Not necessarily, when you consider that most padawans should take a decade or two to progress to knighthood.
Kelt Simoson
Sep 1st, 2003, 06:13:57 AM
But that makes no sense. Going to a Knight in 3 months IC? Then Master in two years?
so basicly in another year (real time) Kelt will be 40 in your eyes?...and Dasquian will be 40 also, while one of Jennys chars who has only years to live through a medical desease will be dead in 6 months (our time) but 2 years in SWfans time, yet hes still walking around?
In 3 years (real time) Kelt will be dead along with half my other characters.
Vega Van-Derveld
Sep 1st, 2003, 06:23:50 AM
We can still play our characters for as long as we want and how old we want. I think this is just giving a few rough ideas of when things happened. I certainly don't play the 3 months = a year deal. More like 6 months for me.
Xazor Elessar
Sep 1st, 2003, 08:49:05 AM
sooooo confuzzling. honestly, i'll have to think through my stuff a lot to make it work with the timeline since i've progressed faster than some people and slower than others. oy....:(
Sep 1st, 2003, 01:38:18 PM
Heh, well, I'm just planning to let Kale age at whatever rate I need him to. He's going to need to be at least 18 or 20 before he becomes a knight, but I don't want to have to wait three to five years OOC unless that's the way the story works out. So, if the timeline works for you, use it; if not, don't, or use the parts that do work. I find it very interesting nonetheless, and I may try to insert a few components myself.
Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 7th, 2003, 03:16:26 AM
How is it that you don't have the break up of TSC into TSO, and also have Operation Long Knives (something I was here for) chronologically in front of the first destruction of the Jedi Temple (something I was not here for) ? It is hurting my head.
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