View Full Version : Thy Mercy Comes (KRAKEN)
Nexus Barton
Aug 26th, 2003, 10:21:59 PM
He sat in an imperial bar one he new his victim would enter. This man that was coming had great sin on his soul and it was Nexus job to make him bare it or parish. A vision had come to him several nights ago that told him to be here at this time. Also in this vision was Death, Destruction, Lust and the name Kraken. A description came from the vision to follow so he would get the wrong man.
Kraken would beg for forgiveness or die that was his only options. Judgment had already been sent to Nexus from his goddess. Kraken was a sinner and he needed to pay for his crimes. Repent or Die was his option set forth by thy goddess Kamaria.
Nexus drank his water at the bar waiting for the man to step forth and claim his fate. He was to be here so said the vision and never had a vision been wrong.
Park Kraken
Aug 28th, 2003, 01:40:25 PM
::He walked into the bar, having once again finished another day of long hard work, and looking to unwind with a few swigs of Lomin-Ale. As he walked in, he took a look around the bar. To the left and right he saw various off duty officers, and enlisted men drinking, playing Sabacc, and exchanging storys about their adventures.::
::Kraken takes a seat on a barstool away from everyone else, and places an order for one Lomin-Ale, and some Fried Space Shrimp. He then pulls out a Holo-Vid of the Local News, and began reading.::
Nexus Barton
Aug 28th, 2003, 10:13:22 PM
There was Kraken it was time to make his move. Nexus slipped away from the bar and moved through the shadows and the people in the bar. His unshaven face, cold eyes, and heavy Jacket told everyone in the room he wasn't imperial. He slipped into the seat in front of him. Before Kraken could speak the silent cocking of a slug thrower aimed at Krakens stomach under the table could only be heard only by Kraken and Nexus.
Nexus gave a serious look to Kraken. Through Nexus open jacket kraken could see the white collar of a priest around Nexus neck and the usual black suit that followed. Nexus eyes sparkled with hate or was it disgust at the sight of Kraken.
"You are a sinner Mr. Kraken and you need to repent for those sins or die by my hand. Goddess Kamaria gives you those options only, it is your choice my friend."
Park Kraken
Aug 30th, 2003, 09:11:09 PM
"Repent? For what exactly, if I may ask?" said Admiral Kraken, as he silently took hold of the chair he was sitting on.
Nexus Barton
Sep 2nd, 2003, 01:06:27 AM
"Repent for being a lair, a murderer, and a thief. All those evil things an imperial officer does to try and gain his fame or the loyalty of his men. You know all the evils you have done state them and beg for forgiveness and it shall be granted. Lie about them and pretend your hands are clean and you will die."
Nexus's gun was beginning to be pressed harder against Krakens stomach. Nexus's was beginning to lien in closer his hot breath could be felt by krakens face now. People in the bar where beginning to look but choosing not to interfere.
"Its your choice kkkkkrakkkken."
Nexus's was trying to unravel the man and make him break down to beg for the forgiveness he needed. Nexus hated to kill people but sometimes it needs to be done.
Park Kraken
Sep 2nd, 2003, 04:44:51 AM
"Okay, let me think about this. You want me to repent for all the crimes I've comitted. Hmmm, you must have something to do with Hilari then, maybe one of the leftover Rebels? In any case, the offer is tempting, but I must decline."
::With a sudden movement, Kraken reached his sidearm, and yanked it free of it's holster, and with a quick motion had brought it up to where it pointed straight at his target.::
Nexus Barton
Sep 4th, 2003, 01:34:55 AM
"Now you’re attempting to commit the sin of murder on a priest. Your sins are becoming far graver Kraken."
Nexus stayed calm not afraid of the blaster that was now pointed at him. His goddess would protect him and the blaster would jam. Its how it always happened every time a sinner thought they could get an upper hand they pulled a gun or some other weapon and it failed them. The goddess protected her loyal priest from death in return they did her bidding.
"You will not shot me Kraken or should I say you it won't work when you try to. I'm not from Hilari although I saw the crimes you committed there. Kraken I am a seer and priest of the goddess Kamaria. She is the goddess of Judgment, execution and forgiveness.
If you repent I am to grant you forgiveness, if not I'm to grant you with an execution. My goddess gave me a vision of you and she told me to come her and give you this one chance. I saw are meeting here I know the outcome but as we all know the future can be changed. All you have to do is put your sins out and ask for forgiveness.
As for your gun I suggest you put it away you will only hurt yourself with it. I'm protected from death by my goddess you however are not. The gun in my hand is an old slug thrower its bullets are laced with a poison that only other priest of Kamaria know the antidote to. So if I do happen to die here I will make sure the bullet reaches your insides so you will die a slow painful death in your life of sin. So repent for your own safety my friend."
Park Kraken
Sep 4th, 2003, 01:56:28 PM
"You are a really arrogant priest, then aren't you? The funny thing is, you not only know how much trouble you are in, but you seemed to have misjudged me. Why, in case you hadn't noticed, my blaster was set on stun. But okay, if you want me to play along, I will sheath my blaster."
::In a slow fashion, Kraken sheathed the blaster he had drawn, and withdrew a comlink from his belt. He then started to speak into it::
"Security, this is Admiral Kraken, we have a breach in the Lavina Bar. A Rebel Assassin is threatning to kill me. Please come as fast as you can, and escort him away."
::Kraken then put the comlink on the table, and spoke to the priest.::
"Oh, and one other thing that seems to have slipped through your planning stages of this little get-together. I always wear my body armour when I come into places like this. It wouldn't do to have someone shot me in the back. Or in the stomach, in this case." Kraken said with a confident smile.
Nexus Barton
Sep 5th, 2003, 01:49:08 AM
"Arrogant maybe or I could just be very prepared. Just so you know your buddies won't be coming they didn't get your message. I have a com Jammer in my inside coat pocket it has a twenty yard disruption radius. So your call didn't make it sorry.
Also there are these things called armor piercing bullets there all the rage you know for old technology. You under estimated me Kraken I have been at this sort of thing for years now. I know all the tricks."
Nexus called on the force and grabbed krakens gun from its holster and brought it to his hand. Nexus just smiled as he looked over krakens gun slightly but not taking his eyes off kraken.
"Your a stupid man this gun was your only chance. It would seem I hold all the cards. I'm giving you one last chance Beg for forgiveness or die. There both reasonable options personally I would ask for the forgiveness but there are a few who prefer death. Kraken all it takes is for you to admit you’re a sinner and beg for forgiveness."
Park Kraken
Sep 5th, 2003, 09:42:01 AM
"Hmmmm. Obviously you are the one out of options. By now Security would have detected the interference, and would be tracking the source down. Once they know it originates from the bar, they'll descend upon it and you probaly won't know what hit you." Kraken said as he glanced over to his left. Other people in the bar had tried using their comlinks, but to no avail, as he saw from the puzzled look on their faces. Some of the men ran out of the bar in a hurry, obviously worried about a potential threat.
"Oh, and another thing. My armour is of the latest technology, only avilable to high ranking officers in the Empire. As for that blaster being my last chance, I think I have one more chance. Since the cure is only known to the priests of Kamaar, I think I'll cruise over there with my Star Destroyer Fleet, and, Oh I don't know, raze it to the ground maybe? It's your choice whether your world lives or dies." Kraken stated with a evil smile on his face.
Nexus Barton
Sep 5th, 2003, 12:39:32 PM
"No again you are mistaken quite giving yourself the upper hand I grow tired of this. First off your lying about the armor the only armor that could protect, you would have to peal from the sun crusher itself. Plus it’s almost impossible to mold to fit your body. Now if I where using a normal blaster I would agree but I'm holding a slug thrower and that’s a whole new ball game.
Second thing your threat to the Priest is idol. The priests have remained hidden through the imperial purge and conquest of planets. You will have no chance and hell of finding them Kraken.
Third thing is all these men in this bar knew I was disrupting their communication before you even stepped foot in here. I told them I was and I told them I was testing the response time of your so-called Calvary. You really need to get some smarter personal, plus most of them where happy because their bosses couldn't contact them. Those ones who left are just heading back to work or to home. As for your Calvary it will be hours before they find out where the disruption is coming. You will be dead and I will be long gone. So make your choice before I make it for you. The next words out of your mouth better be you begging for forgiveness or you asking for death."
Nexus wasn't smiling now this man was in a life threaten situation and still he tried to wassail out of it. If nexus didn't like what heard next this man would wind up with a bullet in his head.
Park Kraken
Sep 7th, 2003, 10:00:30 AM
::Kraken knew he still had one chance left. Well, maybe two. But he knew it was probaly better to go with the first choice. He had stood up when he last spoke to Nexus, and the man hadn't fired his slugthrower. What's even more, he still had it under the table. Kraken always had a backup blaster that he kept on stun, a forearmed sheathed blaster.::
::With a sudden movement, Kraken leapt clear on top of the table, and had the blaster in his hand, suddenly, and fired a stun shot, point blank range.::
Nexus Barton
Sep 9th, 2003, 11:04:00 PM
Nexus Tried to dodge out of the way but the stun shot caught him in the shoulder knocking him back over his chair. He went into a roll and land in a sitting position on the floor. His arm was numb but thankfully hit had been the arm he wasn't hold the gun in. He reached into the force making the table slides out from underneath Kraken, causing Kraken to fall to the ground face first.
Nexus stood up and walked over the top of kraken put his gun to Krakens forehead. He gave a wicked smile that told Kraken this could be the end.
"Last chance scum."
Park Kraken
Sep 10th, 2003, 08:45:25 PM
::After firing his shot, he suddenly found the table pulled out from under him. As the stars cleared from his head, he looked up to see the slugthrower pointed at his forehead. He knew that there HAD to be a way out of this, somehow. A million questions raced through his mind. How was this man able to penetrate Imperial Security? How had he escaped the notice of the Inquisitors? Was he of Jedi lineage? How do I deal with him? How would he know my repentence to be sincere? How does he know I won't shoot him in the back after I repent?::
::Then, an idea suddenly sprang up in his mind. He had in his possession, a device that would allow him to escape, one way, or another....::
::Kraken reached into his coat, and withdrew a device, a small silver object, roundish shape, with a multitude of red lights blinking in different patterns. Other people in the bar gasped with sudden fear as they saw what the device was.::
"Hey there priest, this is my answer, you can interpret any way you wish to. Point is if my finger releases the deadman switch that it is holding in, everyone in the bar will be vaporized. If I don't touch the small button on the bottom of the detonater in one minute's time, everyone will still be vaporized. Well, what now?"
Nexus Barton
Sep 11th, 2003, 11:54:14 PM
People where finally springing into action allot of frantic people trying to get their coms to work several running from the bar. Some were cowering in fear for they’re sad lives. Still no one-came close to the two knowing that only bad things could come from it. Nexus could pull the trigger and the dead man switch would go off.
"You are bright man Kraken, but then you got to think to yourself am I the hero type? Do I care enough for these people to let your sins go unpunished? The truth is Kraken they are all sinners just like you, there is only one innocent being in this universe and that is a newborn child. Over time that child is corrupted by its parents politics, then by its friends, and then after that by its job.
These people's sins will catch up to them eventually and it only a matter of time before I come hunting for them. So I say to you vaporizes use all, you will be the one to carry their murders on your soul to the afterlife. I am the hand of god there for after death I will receive a higher place in the heavens unlike the place you will be going Kraken."
The one thing about fanatics is they fear death they always believe death is inevitable and that they will be going to some higher place for there deeds. The rule of murder does not apply to them in their mind. When faced by fanatic you usually have two choices do what they want you to do or die. Nexus stared at kraken a smile on his face as he began to whisper a prayer that only him and Kraken could here.
"And shepherds we shall be, for thee my Lord for thee, Power hath descended forth from thy hand, that our feet may swiftly carry out thy command, we shall flow a river forth to thee, and teeming with souls shall it ever be. In nomine patrie, et fili et spiritu sancti."
"Are you ready to die kraken."
Park Kraken
Sep 12th, 2003, 08:58:30 AM
::Kraken took notice of the people running out of the bar. He smiled, knowing that this was his perfect opportunity. He looked back up at Nexus, and started to speak in a confident manner.::
"You see, this isn't a normal frag grenade, or even a normal Thermal Detonator. Watch, and observe as I show you how this is simply my means of escape."
::Kraken released the deadman switch, and the grenade went off with a moderate concussion. Not enough to paralyze a person, but just enough to throw off anyone's aim for a few precious seconds. Then, the second part of the bomb activated. A thick, black cloud of smoke enveloped them at the same time the concussion was spreading throughout the room. When the smoke cleared, Kraken was gone.::
Nexus Barton
Sep 18th, 2003, 05:12:53 PM
Nexus got up from the ground and dusted himself off and walked from the bar. Kraken only got away because Nexus let him, Krakens time in this universe was coming to a crashing halt. Soon his and Nexus paths would cross again. no one could live forever.
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