View Full Version : True Pain (open)

Damon the Shade
Aug 26th, 2003, 01:29:58 AM
He sat in a chair in his room wincing at the pain. It Hurt every time he had to change the bandages, his tender Burnt skin never did heal right. He unraveled the bandages and he continued to wince at the pain. It had been months since his arrival here and with in those months he had already had two masters.

Wasn't him and his disfigurement that made him unwanted he wondered. He thought back he was even unwanted way before this when his parents gave him up as a kid. He was an orphan who never had a family until now. Still he wasn't sure if this family wanted him.

He began to undue the Bandages upon his disfigured face. Why must I hide myself he thought shouldn't other be the ones wearing the masks. I did nothing to deserve being blown up but some people where just cruel by nature and they in turn turned me to the evil side of life one bent on revenge. He unwrapped the final strip and as he did he ripped away some skin and began to howl in pain.


It could be heard through out the halls, the howls of a monster. His cave open to those who cared enough or just wanted to gawk at a freak of Nature.